Radical 106
Radical 106 meaning "white" is 1 of 23 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals total) composed of 5 strokes.
In the Kangxi Dictionary there are 109 characters (out of 49,030) to be found under this radical.
Characters with Radical 106
strokes | character |
without additional strokes | 白 |
1 additional stroke | 百 癿 |
2 additional strokes | 皀 皁 皂 皃 |
3 additional strokes | 的 |
4 additional strokes | 皅 皆 皇 皈 |
5 additional strokes | 皉 皊 皋 皌 皍 |
6 additional strokes | 皎 皏 皐 皑 |
7 additional strokes | 皒 皓 皔 皕 皖 皗 皘 |
8 additional strokes | 皙 |
10 additional strokes | 皚 皛 皜 皝 皞 |
11 additional strokes | 皟 皠 皡 |
12 additional strokes | 皢 皣 皤 皥 |
13 additional strokes | 皦 皧 皨 |
14 additional strokes | 皩 |
15 additional strokes | 皪 皫 |
16 additional strokes | 皬 |
18 additional strokes | 皭 |
- Fazzioli, Edoardo (1987). Chinese calligraphy : from pictograph to ideogram : the history of 214 essential Chinese/Japanese characters. calligraphy by Rebecca Hon Ko. New York, 1987: Abbeville Press. ISBN 0-89659-774-1.
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