Problem book

Problem books are textbooks, usually at advanced undergraduate or post-graduate level, in which the material is organized as a series of problems, each with a complete solution given. Problem books are distinct from workbooks in that the problems are designed as a primary means of teaching, not merely for practice on material learned elsewhere. Problem books are found most often in the mathematical and physical sciences; they have a strong tradition within the Russian educational system.[1]

At some American universities, problem books are associated with departmental preliminary or candidacy examinations for the Ph.D. degree. Such books may exemplify decades of actual examinations and, when published, are studied by graduate students at many other institutions.[1] Other problem books are specific to individual fields of graduate study. While many problem books are collected, written, or edited by worthy, but unknown, toilers, some have been authored by famous figures in their respective fields.

Notable problem books in mathematics

Notable problem books in physics

Notable problem books in physics based on candidacy examinations


  1. 1 2 Sidney B. Cahn and Boris E. Nadgorny (1994) A Guide to Physics Problems, Plenum, vol. 2, p. vii (Preface)
  2. "Illustrated solutions to select problems from "Problem-Solving Strategies"".

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