
Activity period July 7–13
Activity maximum July 9
Radiant position
of the activity maximum
RA: 22h 40m
DE: +15°
Population index r 3,0
geocentric speed 70 km/s

The meteor shower of the Pegasids occurs between the 7 and 13 July. It is a weak meteor shower that has its maximum around July 9 having a ZHR of only 3 meteors per hour. The meteors have, however, an atmosphere entry speed of about 70 km/s.

The Radiant of the Pegasids is in the constellation of Pegasus, around 5 degrees to the west of the star α Pegasi. The origin of this meteor shower is probably the comet C/1979 Y1 (Bradfield).[2] C/1979 Y1 has an orbital period of 300 years.[3]

For Central Europe, the best time to watch them is the second half of the night, as the radiant reaches at that time a sufficient height over the horizon.


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