Papyrus 4

Papyrus 4

New Testament manuscript

Luke 6:4-16
Sign \mathfrak{P}4
Text Luke 1-6 (extensive parts of,)
Date Late 2nd/3rd century
Script Greek
Found Coptos, Egypt
Now at Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Suppl. Gr. 1120
Type Alexandrian text-type
Category I

Papyrus 4 (\mathfrak{P}4, part of Suppl. Gr. 1120) is an early New Testament papyrus of the Gospel of Luke in Greek. It is dated as being a late 2nd/early 3rd century manuscript.


Fragment of a flyleaf with the title of the Gospel of Matthew, ευαγγελιον κ̣ατ̣α μαθ᾽θαιον (euangelion kata Maththaion). Dated to late 2nd or early 3rd century, it is the earliest manuscript title for Matthew and one of the earliest manuscript titles for any gospel (alongside with John's \mathfrak{P}66 and \mathfrak{P}75).

It is one of the earliest manuscripts (along with \mathfrak{P}75)[1] of the Gospel of Luke and contains extensive sections of its first six chapters.[2] It is currently housed in the Bibliothèque nationale de France (Suppl. Gr. 1120) in Paris.

It contains texts of Luke: 1:58-59; 1:62-2:1; 2:6-7; 3:8-4:2; 4:29-32, 34-35; 5:3-8; 5:30-6:16

The Greek text-type of this codex is a representative of the Alexandrian. Aland placed it in Category I.[3] There is agreement with \mathfrak{P}75 in 93%.[4]

Notable readings

In Luke 6:2 — οὐκ ἔξεστιν (not lawful) for οὐκ ἔξεστιν ποιεῖν (not lawful to do); the reading is supported only by Codex Vaticanus Graecus 1209, (Codex Bezae), Codex Nitriensis, 700, lat, copsa, copbo, arm, geo;[5]

\mathfrak{P}4 was used as stuffing for the binding of "a codex of Philo, written in the later third century and found in a jar which had been walled up in a house at Coptos [in 250]."[6]

Philip Comfort and David Barret in their book Text of the Earliest NT Greek Manuscripts argue that \mathfrak{P}4 came from the same codex as \mathfrak{P}64+67, the Magdalen papyrus, and date the texts to 150-175.[7] Willker tentatively agrees stating 'The [3rd century] dating given is that of NA. Some date it into the 2nd CE (e.g. Roberts and Comfort). This is quite probable considering the use as binding material for a 3rd CE codex'.[2] Comfort and Barret also show that \mathfrak{P}4 and \mathfrak{P}64+67 have affinities with a number of late 2nd century papyri.[8] Roberts (1979), Skeat (1997),[9] Willker[2] and Stanton[10] also date the text to the late 2nd century, leading Gregory to conclude that '[t]here is good reason to believe that \mathfrak{P}4 ... may have been written late in the 2nd century...'.[9] Most recently Charlesworth has concluded 'that \mathfrak{P}64+67 and \mathfrak{P}4, though written by the same scribe, are not from the same ... codex.'[11]

See also


  1. Gregory (2003) p.28
  2. 1 2 3 Willker
  3. Aland, Kurt; Aland, Barbara (1995). The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism. Erroll F. Rhodes (trans.). Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. p. 96. ISBN 978-0-8028-4098-1.
  4. Philip W. Comfort, David P. Barrett, The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton 1999, s. 43.
  5. NA26, p. 170.
  6. Roberts (1979) p. 8
  7. Comfort (2001) pp. 50-53, see also Comfort (1999)
  8. i.e. P. Oxy. 224, 661, 2334, 2404 2750, P. Ryl. 16, 547, and P. Vindob G 29784
  9. 1 2 Gregory (2003), p.30
  10. Stanton (1997) p. 327
  11. Charlesworth (2007), p.604


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