Paku Karen Baptist Association

Paku Karen Baptist Association
Established 1856
Location Taungoo, Taungoo, Bago Division, Myanmar

Paku Karen Baptist Association, also known as Paku Kayin Baptist Association, was founded in 1856 by the American Baptist Mission.

With the departure of American Baptist missionaries from Myanmar, the association has been entirely staffed by nationals. After the PKBA reconstituted, the first executive secretary was Rev Letta. Now, PKBA has 150 churches. PKBA headquarters are in Taungoo, Bago Division. There are four regions: Bago Division East, Bago Division West, Karen States and Kayah States.

It had Paku High School, and the first headmaster was Rev Cross (ABM). Today it's No.5 Basic Education High School.

The main purposes of the PKBA are:


To build and To plant

Paku Karen Baptist Association

Member of

Executive secretaries




                                                       Executive Secretary
                                                       Assistant Secretary
                                                  Treasurer-----|------Secretary of M.A
                                                                |-----------------------------Director of Clinic
           |            |           |          |          |        |         |           |                |
        Secretary    Secretary   Director  Director  Director  Director    Director  Principal       4 Regional
          of CE       of Women    of RE     of E&M    of UM    of PCSSDD    of PCC   of PDS          Secretaries
           |            |           |          |                             |         |                  |
           |            |           |          |                             |         |            ___________
           |            |           |          |                             |         |           |           |
      Secretaries    Secretaries Directors  Assistant                      Boarding    |      4 Regions     Pastors
        of four       of four     of four      |                            Master     |      Secretaries   Clergy
        Regions       Regions     Regions   Disciples                         &        |     (CE,Women,RE)  Ministers
         CE           Women        RE                                      Mistress    |                    Churches
                                    |                                                  |
                                  Sunday                                               |
                                  Schools                          Teachers  _________ |__________Band Master & Music Director
                                                                               Master & Mistress



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