p-adically closed field

In mathematics, a p-adically closed field is a field that enjoys a closure property that is a close analogue for p-adic fields to what real closure is to the real field. They were introduced by James Ax and Simon B. Kochen in 1965.[1]


Let K be the field ℚ of rational numbers and v be its usual p-adic valuation (with v(p)=1). If F is a (not necessarily algebraic) extension field of K, itself equipped with a valuation w, we say that (F,w) is formally p-adic when the following conditions are satisfied:

(Note that the value group of K may be larger than that of F since it may contain infinitely large elements over the latter.)

The formally p-adic fields can be viewed as an analogue of the formally real fields.

For example, the field ℚ(i) of Gaussian rationals, if equipped with the valuation w given by w(2+i)=1 (and w(2-i)=0) is formally 5-adic (the place v=5 of the rationals splits in two places of the Gaussian rationals since X^2+1 factors over the residue field with 5 elements, and w is one of these places). The field of 5-adic numbers (which contains both the rationals and the Gaussian rationals embedded as per the place w) is also formally 5-adic. On the other hand, the field of Gaussian rationals is not formally 3-adic for any valuation, because the only valuation w on it which extends the 3-adic valuation is given by w(3)=1 and its residue field has 9 elements.

When F is formally p-adic but that there does not exist any proper algebraic formally p-adic extension of F, then F is said to be p-adically closed. For example, the field of p-adic numbers is p-adically closed, and so is the algebraic closure of the rationals inside it (the field of p-adic algebraic numbers).

If F is p-adically closed, then:[2]

The first statement is an analogue of the fact that the order of a real-closed field is uniquely determined by the algebraic structure.

The definitions given above can be copied to a more general context: if K is a field equipped with a valuation v such that

(these hypotheses are satisfied for the field of rationals, with q=π=p the prime number having valuation 1) then we can speak of formally v-adic fields (or \mathfrak{p}-adic if \mathfrak{p} is the ideal corresponding to v) and v-adically complete fields.

The Kochen operator

If K is a field equipped with a valuation v satisfying the hypothesis and with the notations introduced in the previous paragraph, define the Kochen operator by:

\gamma(z) = \frac{1}{\pi}\,\frac{z^q-z}{(z^q-z)^2-1}

(when z^q-z \neq \pm 1). It is easy to check that \gamma(z) always has non-negative valuation. The Kochen operator can be thought of as a p-adic (or v-adic) analogue of the square function in the real case.

An extension field F of K is formally v-adic if and only if \frac{1}{\pi} does not belong to the subring generated over the value ring of K by the image of the Kochen operator on F. This is an analogue of the statement (or definition) that a field is formally real when -1 is not a sum of squares.

First-order theory

The first-order theory of p-adically closed fields (here we are restricting ourselves to the p-adic case, i.e., K is the field of rationals and v is the p-adic valuation) is complete and model complete, and if we slightly enrich the language it admits quantifier elimination. Thus, one can define p-adically closed fields as those whose first-order theory is elementarily equivalent to that of \mathbb{Q}_p.



  1. Ax & Kochen (1965)
  2. Jarden & Roquette (1980), lemma 4.1
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