Open Web Platform

Open Web Platform
Year started 2010
Base standards HTML5, CSS3, SVG, MathML3
Domain Web 3.0
Abbreviation OWP

The Open Web Platform (OWP) is a collection of Web technologies developed by the World Wide Web Consortium and other Web standardization bodies such as the Unicode Consortium, the Internet Engineering Task Force, and Ecma International.[1] It is the umbrella term introduced by the World Wide Web Consortium, and in 2011 it was defined as "a platform for innovation, consolidation and cost efficiencies" by W3C CEO Jeff Jaffe.[2]

OWP covers Web standards such as HTML5, CSS 2.1, CSS3 (including the Selectors, Media Queries, Text, Backgrounds and Borders, Colors, 2D Transformations, 3D Transformations, Transitions, Animations, and Multi-Columns modules), CSS Namespaces, SVG 1.1,[3] MathML 3,[4] WAI-ARIA 1.0, ECMAScript 5, 2D Context, WebGL, Web Storage, Indexed Database API, Web Workers, WebSocket Protocol/API, Geolocation API, Server-Sent Events, Element Traversal, DOM Level 3 Events, Media Fragments, XMLHttpRequest, Selectors API, CSSOM View Module, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, File API, RDFa, WOFF, HTTP 1.1 (part 1-7), TLS 1.2, and IRI.[5][6]

The standards of the Open Web Platform are at different maturity levels, and the development of most standards is still in progress.

The primary goal of the Open Web Platform is to create advanced, open Web standards. Internet Society supports these efforts of the World Wide Web Consortium.[7]

See also


  1. "100 Specifications for the Open Web Platform and Counting". W3C. 2011-01-29.
  2. Henry S. Thompson (2011-03-28). "The future of applications: W3C TAG perspectives". W3C.
  3. "HTML5: The jewel in the Open Web Platform". W3C. 2010-10-08.
  4. "W3C Integrates Math on the Web with MathML 3 Standard". W3C. 2010-10-21.
  5. "The Next Open Web Platform - Short list". W3C. 2011-01-29.
  6. "WG Decision to publish HTML Microdata as a WG Note". W3C. 2013-10-02. No one has volunteered to edit the HTML Microdata specification as per the call for volunteers … Therefore, the HTML WG hereby resolves that the HTML WG cannot productively carry this work any further
  7. "Internet Society Reconfirms Support for World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) with $1 Million Donation". W3C. 2010-11-17.
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