Nuclear energy in Myanmar

On 15 May 2007, Burma and Russia signed an agreement to construct a nuclear research center in Burma. The center will comprise a 10 MWt light water reactor working on 20%-enriched U-235, an activation analysis laboratory, a medical isotope production laboratory, silicon doping system, nuclear waste treatment and burial facilities.[1]

The Jakarta Post has relayed concerns from the Indonesian Institution for Strategic Studies that such technology may pose possible security threats, noting that Greenpeace claims that the nuclear plants in the ASEAN region could collectively hypothetically produce material for multiple warheads. Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, as well as Burma (Myanmar) itself. [2] These activities are not incompatible with Myanmar's obligations under the NPT, and are consistent with Article IV.


  1. "Russia to construct research reactor in Myanmar". World Nuclear News. 2007-05-16. Retrieved 2008-01-06.
  2. Budianto, Lilian (2009-06-02). "Will Myanmar follow North Korea's way?". The Jakarta Post. Retrieved 2010-06-20.
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