Noradrenergic cell group A5

Noradrenergic cell group A5
Latin cellulae noradrenergicae pontis caudalis lateralis [A5]
TA A14.1.09.606
FMA 71966

Anatomical terminology

Noradrenergic cell group A5 is a group of cells in the vicinity of the superior olivary complex in the pontine tegmentum that label for norepinephine in primates,[1] rodents[2] and other mammals.[3]


  1. Felten DL; Sladek JR Jr. (1983). "Monoamine distribution in primate brain V. Monoaminergic nuclei: anatomy, pathways and local organization". Brain Research Bulletin. 10(2): 171–284. PMID 6839182.
  2. Dahlstrom A; Fuxe K (1964). "Evidence for the existence of monoamine-containing neurons in the central nervous system". Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 62: 1–55. PMID 14229500.
  3. Kitahama K; Nagatsu I; Pearson J (1994). Catecholamine systems in mammalian midbrain and hindbrain: theme and variations. Chapter 8 in Phylogeny and Development of Catecholamine Systems in the CNS of Vertebrates, Smeets WJAJ and Reiner A (eds). Cambridge, England: University Press.

External links

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