Nora Roberts bibliography

The list of works by Nora Roberts includes all of the novels and novellas published by author Nora Roberts. The list is in order by year, and within each year it is in alphabetical order. It includes books published under the names Nora Roberts, J.D. Robb, and Jill March. The complete listing of J.D. Robb novels, in series order, can also be found at In Death.

The years listed below are the years the novels or novellas were originally issued. Many of those novels have been, or will be, reissued, especially in compilations. Such reissues are marked in this list with the year of original publication. To avoid confusion, all of Roberts's new releases include a logo that is a circle with the initials "NR" inside, indicating that the book has never been published before.[1]







  1. Memmott, Carol (July 12, 2005), "Prolific Nora Roberts publishes 159th novel", USAToday, p. 04D.

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