Noor Mohammad Nooruddin

Mausoleum Syedna Nooruddin,Mandvi

Syedna Noor Mohammad Nooruddin (Arabic: نور محمد نور الدين) was 37th Dai-al-Mutlaq (vicegerent) of the Dawoodi Bohra Community, a subsect of Shia Islam. His mausoleum is located at Mandvi, India and known as Mazar-e-Noorani . People of Dawoodi Bohra Community come here in large numbers for Ziyarat (a kind of paying tribute).[1][2]

Syedna Noor - Mohammad Nooruddin was born in Jamnagar in the era of his great-grandfather, the 34th Dai Syedna Ismail Badruddin bin Mulla Raj.

Syedna Nooruddin served his father, Syedna Kalimuddin, with devotion, and aided him in conducting the Dawat. Syedna Kalimuddin entrusted him with executing all the affairs of Dawat, appointed him in the rutba of Mazoon, and made him also his Mansoos.

When Syedna Kalimuddin died in 1122H/1710 AD, Syedna Nooruddin became Da'i al-Mutlaq.[3] His period of Dawat was 1122-1130 AH/ 1710-1719 AD (Death: 4 Rajab 1130). He left behind three young children under the age of eight.

His dawat office was Mandvi, India and his associates were:

Mawazeen: Syedi Qasimkhan bin Syedi Hamzabhai, Syedna Ismail Badruddin bin Sheikh Adam

Mukaserin: Syedi Abdul Qadir Hakimuddin bin Bawa Mulla Khan, Syedi Esamkhan, Sheikh Dawoodbhai


See also

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