Nonesuch Records discography

This is a Nonesuch Records discography, organized by catalog number.

Catalog number legend

  1. 71xxx = Nonesuch
  2. 72xxx = Explorer Series
  3. 73xxx = Multiple Sets
  4. 7-xx = Special Albums
  5. 78xxx = Silver Series
  6. 79xxx = Digital Series
  7. Following the five-digit 79xxx series, Nonesuch begins a non-sequential, six-digit numbering system



Records for Children

Explorer Series

Multiple sets

HB=2-rec set; HC=3-rec set; HD=4-rec set; HE=5-rec set

Special albums

Silver series

Digital series

Non-Sequential Numbering


  1. "Nonesuch Records Listing". Retrieved 2013-10-08.
  2. "Albums". Nonesuch Records. Retrieved 2013-10-08.

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Sunday, December 06, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.