Nobuyuki Tanaka

Canna discolor var. discolor (Lindl.) Nb.Tanaka

Nobuyuki Tanaka is an economic botanist at the Tokyo Metropolitan University, the Makino Botanical Garden in Kōchi prefecture, Japan .

Tanaka is an expert on the family Cannaceae, and in 2001 published a revision of the family Cannaceae in the New World and Asia.[1] Another contribution by Dr. Tanaka is to revise the Flora of Myanmar.[2]



  1. Tanaka, N. 2001. Taxonomic revision of the family Cannaceae in the New World and Asia. Makinoa New Ser. 1: 1–75
  2. Tanaka Nb. 2005. Plant inventory research: contributions to the flora of Myanmar. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 56: 1–26.
  3. "Author Query for 'Nob.Tanaka'". International Plant Names Index.

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