Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO

Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO
Active Since 1952
Country NATO
Location Naples, Italy (1952–2012)
Oeiras, Portugal (2012–present)
Motto Tailored, Scalable Capability....from the sea
Commander Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO Vice Admiral Philip S. Davidson, USN

Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO) is NATO’s premier Maritime Battlestaff and the Alliance’s primary link for integrating US Maritime Forces into NATO operations. Managed by a Memorandum of Understanding among eleven nations, STRIKFORNATO is a rapidly deployable, Maritime Headquarters that provides scalable command and control across the full spectrum of Alliance fundamental security tasks.

The command's official stated vision is "Within an evolving strategic context, STRIKFORNATO remains ready to deploy rapidly with optimized capabilities to plan, command, and control maritime operations across the full spectrum of Alliance missions and act as a joint commander for maritime / expeditionary operations for smaller joint operations. We will develop, sustain and advance a mature relationship with US Navy and Marine Corps to ensure our agility to integrate US maritime forcs into Alliance operations."

Eleven states are party to the command's Memorandum of Understanding. They are France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.


The STRIKFORNATO Shield is the Trident with a star. The blue section represents the sea, the green section represents the land. The Trident is recognized as the symbol of sea power and the three prongs in his hand represent the different forms of STRIKFORNATO's power projection ashore. The NATO Star represents the NATO Command of STRIKFORNATO. The gauntlet hand represents the strength of all nations working together at STRIKFORNATO.


Provide a rapidly deployable Joint but predominantly Maritime headquarters to plan, command, and control maritime operations across the full spectrum of Alliance Fundamental Security Tasks, including maritime Expanded Task Force operations and maritime-heavy Smaller Joint Operations within the Euro-Atlantic region or at strategic reach.

Assist in the enhancement of Alliance and Partner nations’ maritime capabilities and joint interoperability through training and cooperative action.

Contribute effectively to the deterrence of aggression against Alliance members and if deterrence fails, contribute towards the setting of conditions for a favorable outcome of the crisis.


Vice Admiral Philip S. Davidson is the Commander, Sixth Fleet; Commander, Striking and Support Forces NATO; Deputy Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe; Deputy Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Africa; and Joint Force Maritime Component Commander Europe. He assumed those duties on 11 October 2013.



At the onset of the Libya crisis, STRIKFORNATO provided planning support to JFC Naples as they developed draft operational plans in preparation for the possibility of a NATO-led operation in Libya. STRIKFORNATO personnel, under national authorities, also augmented the Joint Task Force and the US led Joint Force Maritime Component Commander (JFMCC) staff for Operation ODYSSEY DAWN; including positions as Deputy Commander JFMCC, Liaison Officers to France and the UK, targeting and intelligence experts.

Throughout the NATO Libya operation, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Unified Protector (OUP) up to 60% of the STRIKFORNATO staff fulfilled key appointments until its successful termination by NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen on 31 October 2012.

STRIKFORNATO provided the bulk of the Current Operations Battle Watch Captains, maritime and air watch officers, formed and led the 1-Star Ground Effects Cell (GEC) to provide the Commander and staff with ground situational awareness, staffed national intelligence cells, the Joint Synchronisation and Execution Cell and provided the Deputy Directors for Targeting, GEC, Support, and Operations as well as the Political Advisor and the Deputy Commander OUP.

In November the reconstituted STRIKFORNATO staff successfully executed Exercise Steadfast Juncture as the 2-Star Maritime Component Commander, to become accredited for NATO Response Forces duties in 2012.

Successfully served as the Joint Task Force Commander for the US-hosted multilateral exercise BALTOPS 12 between 31 May and 16 June.

As a part of the NATO Command Structure Reform, STRIKFORNATO relocated its Headquarters from Naples, Italy to Oeiras, Portugal in Summer 2012. STRIKFORNATO became fully operational in Oeiras as of 1 August 2012.


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