
National Organization of Students of Planning
Abbreviation NOSPlan
Established August, 2008
Type Student Association
Website Official website - National Organization of Students of Planning, India

NOSPlan (National Organization of Students of Planning) is an Indian registered society, registered under the Societies Registration Act of XXI, 1860.[2] It is a platform for planning students of India to share their thoughts and ideas about the planning profession and its practices among themselves, related bodies and planning professionals.


The origin of NOSPlan[3] goes back to the early 1970s when Annual Conventions were organized by SPA Delhi, IIT Kharagpur and CEPT, Ahmedabad. Further details are not known about the extent and activities of the organization during that time.

The organization later went into a dormant mode until 1993, when it was revived by SPA Delhi again. Since then, Annual Conventions have been held regularly at SPA Delhi, CEPT Ahmadabad, GNDU Amritsar, JNAFAU Hyderabad (earlier SPA, JNTU) and most recently at College of Engineering, Pune in 2015.[4]

From a small number of 2-3 member colleges in the 1970s, today the organization has over 8-9 permanent members with the Annual Convention being attended by more than 250-300 students each year. The organization got registered under the Registrar of Societies Act, 1860 in August 2008. The organization is presently expanding its horizon and scope beyond hosting the Annual Conventions through various channels.

Objectives of NOSPlan

The main objectives of the organization are to help towards advancement, dissemination, and application of the knowledge of planning, through the education system; to promote interactions among planning students, faculty, professionals and educational institutes engaged in planning and related subjects; to promote and encourage academic research by students in planning and related subjects and; to undertake and execute all acts which shall promote all or any of the aims and objectives of the society.

Member Colleges

All ITPI recognized colleges/ schools/ institutes of planning are members of NOSPlan.:[5]

College/ School/ Institute Status
CEPT, Ahemdabad Dormant
GNDU Amritsar Active
JNFAU, Hyderabad Active
MANIT, Bhopal Active
Manipal University, Jaipur Active
SPA Bhopal Active
SPA Delhi Active
SPA Vijayawada Active
VNIT, Nagpur Active
Bengal Engg. & Science University, Shibpur Dormant
Arvind Bhai Patel Institute of Env. Design Active
IIT Roorkee Dormant
IIT Kharagpur Dormant
SAP Chennai Dormant
College of Engineering Pune Active
Lovely School of Architecture, Planning and Design Active
Institute of Development Studies, Mysore Active


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