Name | Description |
Arcadia (utopia) | A vision of pastoralism and harmony with nature, derived from the Greek province of the same name which dates to antiquity. |
Agartha | A legendary city at the Earth's core. |
Alfheim | Land of elves in Norse mythology. |
Annwn | The "otherworld" of Welsh mythology. |
Asgard | The high placed city of the gods, built by Odin, chief god of the Norse pantheon. |
Asphodel Meadows | In Greek mythology, the section of the underworld where ordinary souls were sent to live after death. |
Atlantis | The legendary (and almost archetypal) lost continent that was supposed to have sunk into the Atlantic Ocean. |
Avalon | Legendary Island of Apples, believed by some to be the final resting place of King Arthur. |
Axis Mundi | The center of the world or the connection between Heaven and Earth in various religions and mythologies. |
Ayotha Amirtha Gangai | An important river in Ayyavazhi mythology. |
Aztlán | Legendary original homeland of the Mexica people in Mexica/Aztec mythology. |
Baltia | An island of amber somewhere in northern Europe. |
Barzakh | The barrier between the physical and spiritual worlds according to Islamic eschatology. |
Biarmaland | A mighty kingdom described in Norse sagas which lies to the north of Russia. |
Brahmapura | The abode of Brahma, the Hindu god of creation. |
Brasil or Hy-Brasil | A mythical island to the west of Ireland. |
Brittia | A mythical island off the coast of Austrasia. |
Camelot | The city in which King Arthur reigned. |
City of the Caesars | A city between a mountain of gold and another of diamonds supposed to be situated in Patagonia. |
Cloud cuckoo land | A perfect city between the clouds in the play The Birds by Aristophanes. |
Cockaigne | In medieval mythology, it is a land of plenty where want does not exist. |
Dinas Affaraon/Ffaraon | Legendary home to a branch of the Druids called the Pheryllt, who worked as metallurgists and alchemists. Also known as “The City of Higher Powers,” or the “Ambrosial City”, its rumored location is Snowdonia and is said to be the original placename of Dinas Emrys.[1] |
El Dorado | Rumored city of gold in South America. |
Elysian Fields | In Greek mythology, the final resting place of the souls of the heroic and the virtuous. |
Garden of the Hesperides | In Greek mythology, the sacred garden of Hera from where the gods got their immortality. |
Garden of Eden | The garden of God, described in the Book of Genesis. |
Gorias, Finias, Murias, and Falias | In Irish Mythology the Tuatha Dé Danann get their four magical treasures from four legendary cities: Gorias in the east; Finias, in the south; Murias in the west; and Falias in the north. |
Hawaiki | The ancestral island of the Polynesians, particularly the Māori. |
Heaven | The realm in Abrahamic religions, in which pious people who have died continue to exist in an afterlife. |
Hel | Underworld in Norse mythology |
Hell | The underworld in Abrahamic religions, in which evil or unrepentant people are punished after death. |
Hyperborea | A land to the north in Greek mythology. |
Irkalla | The underworld from which there is no return in Babylonian mythology. |
Islands of the Blessed | In Greek mythology, a paradise reserved for the souls of the great heroes. |
Jotunheim | Land of the giants in Norse mythology. |
Kingdom of Reynes | A country mentioned in the Middle English romance King Horn. |
Kingdom of Saguenay | According to the French, an Iroquoian story of a kingdom of blonde men rich in gold and fur that existed in northern Canada prior to French colonization. |
Kolob | An astronomical body (star or planet) said to be near the throne of God in Mormon cosmology. |
Kvenland | Land next to Sweden at the northern shores of Baltic sea, probably ancient Finland or some of its parts. |
Kyöpelinvuori | (Finnish for ghosts' mountain), in Finnish mythology, is the place which dead women haunt. |
La Ciudad Blanca | "The White city", a legendary city of Honduras |
Laestrygon | Home to a tribe of giant cannibals that Odysseus encountered on his way back home from the Trojan War. |
Lake Parime | An enormous lake in northeastern South America, supposedly the site of El Dorado |
Lemuria | A hypothetical "lost land" variously located in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. |
Lyonesse | A country in Arthurian legend, which is said to border Cornwall in England. |
Mag Mell or Tir na nÓg | The afterworld of Irish mythology. |
Meropis | A gigantic island created purely as a parody of Plato's Atlantis. |
Mictlan | The afterworld of the Mexica. |
Mount Olympus | In Greek mythology the mountain is referred to as "home of the gods", specifically the Twelve Olympians. |
Mu | A hypothetical continent that allegedly disappeared at the dawn of human history. |
Muspelheim | Land of fire in Norse mythology. |
Nibiru | A mythological planet described by the Babylonians. |
Niflheim | World of cold in Norse mythology. |
Niflhel | Cold underworld in Norse mythology. |
Norumbega | A legendary settlement in northeastern North America, connected with attempts to demonstrate Viking incursions in New England. |
Nysa | A beautiful valley full of nymphs in Greek mythology. |
Paititi | A legendary Inca lost city or utopian rich land said to lie east of the Andes. |
Pandæmonium | The capital of Hell in John Milton's Paradise Lost |
Purgatory | In some Abrahamic religions, a place where impure souls of those who die are made ready for Heaven. |
Quivira and Cíbola | Two of the legendary Seven Cities of Gold supposed by Spanish conquistadors to have existed in the Americas. |
Scholomance | A legendary school of black magic run by the Devil himself, located in Hermannstadt (now: Sibiu, Romania). Located in the mountains,south of the city Sibiu, near an unnamed lake. |
Sierra de la Plata | (Spanish: Silver Mountains), was a legendary treasury of silver that was believed to be located in South America. |
Shambhala | In Tibetan Buddhist tradition, a kingdom hidden somewhere in the Himalayas; Theosophists regard it as the home on the etheric plane of the governing deity of our planet Sanat Kumara. |
Shangri-La | A mystical, harmonious valley enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains. |
Sodom and Gomorrah | Cities mentioned in the Bible which were destroyed by God because their people did not obey him. |
Suddene | A country found in the Middle English romance King Horn. |
Summerland | The name given by Theosophists, Wiccans and some earth-based contemporary pagan religions to their conceptualization of an (mostly pastoral) afterlife. |
Svartálfaheimr | The land of the Dark Elves in Norse mythology. |
Tartarus | in Greek mythology, a pit in the underworld for condemned souls. |
Takama-ga-hara | The dwelling place of the Shinto kami. |
Themiscyra | the capital city of the Amazons in Greek mythology. |
Thule | An island somewhere in the belt of Scandinavia, northern Great Britain, Iceland, and Greenland. |
Thuvaraiyam Pathi | In Ayyavazhi mythology, it was a sunken island some 150 miles off the south coast of India. |
Valhalla | (from Old Norse Valhöll "hall of the slain") is a majestic, enormous hall located in Asgard, ruled over by the god Odin. |
Westernesse | A country found in the Middle English romance King Horn. |
Xibalba | The underworld in Mayan mythology. |
Yomi | The land of the dead according to Shinto mythology, as related in the Kojiki. |
Ys | A city located in Brittany, France that was supposedly built below sea level, and destroyed when the Devil destroyed the dam protecting it. |
Zion | A place name often used as a synonym for Jerusalem, and Olam Haba ("the After world", ״העולם הבא״). |