Infrastructure Canada
Infrastructure Canada leads federal efforts to ensure that Canadians benefit from world-class, modern public infrastructure. The department is a key funding partner, working with provinces, territories, municipalities, the private sector and non-profit organizations, along with other federal departments and agencies to help build and revitalize the infrastructure Canadians need and use every day.
The Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs is responsible for the department. The current Minister is the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi.
About Infrastructure Canada
Infrastructure Canada is the lead federal department responsible for infrastructure policy development and program delivery. Investments address local and regional infrastructure needs, while advancing national priorities. Funds help make the water Canadians drink and the air they breathe cleaner, keep people and goods on the move, and make Canada's economy stronger.
In Budget 2007,[1] Infrastructure Canada launched the seven-year $33 billion Building Canada Plan addressing local and regional infrastructure needs, while advancing national priorities that are important to all Canadians: a stronger economy, a cleaner environment, and better communities. This plan covers infrastructure investments in water, wastewater, public transit, and other key national priorities and will continue to run to 2014.
In Budget 2009,[2] the Government of Canada announced that it would be delivering short-term stimulus programs as part of its Economic Action Plan to fight the effects of the global recession. The Economic Action Plan infrastructure programs that were delivered by Infrastructure Canada helped communities across the country by funding projects that were ready to start quickly. This funding enabled communities to repair roads and bridges, build public spaces, invest in community facilities and improve drinking water facilities.
Through the Government of Canada's Economic Action Plan, Infrastructure Canada supported about 6,400 projects.
In Budget 2011,[3] the Government of Canada committed to working with partners and stakeholders to develop a long-term plan for public infrastructure that will continue after the Building Canada Plan winds down in 2014.
In Budget 2013,[4] the Government of Canada introduced a new 10-year funding commitment to provincial, territorial and municipal infrastructure, starting in 2014-2015. This commitment will see $53 billion, including over $47 billion in new funding, spent on Infrastructure related investments over the next 10 years.
The department is made up of four branches:[5]
- The Policy and Communications Branch
- The Program Operations Branch
- The Corporate Services Branch
- The Audit and Evaluation Branch
Infrastructure Programs
InfrastructureCanada delivers a broad range of infrastructure programs, providing flexibleand effective funding support to provincial, territorial, municipal, privatesector and not-for-profit infrastructure projects.
Building Canada Plan
The seven-year,$33 billion Building Canada Plan will continue to run to 2014. As part of the Building Canada Plan, Infrastructure Canada is contributing to projects through both the Building Canada Fund and the Provincial-Territorial Base Fund, which will continue to create jobs and result in long-term benefits for Canadians.
As part of the Building Canada Plan, the Gas Tax Fund also delivers $2 billion per year. These investments provide predictable, long-term funding for municipal infrastructure that contributes to cleaner air, cleaner water and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Through legislation, the Government of Canada has made the Gas TaxFund permanent at $2 billion per year beyond its current expiry in 2014.
The New Building Canada Plan
Budget 2013 delivered a new Building Canada plan to build roads, bridges, subways, commuter rail, and other public infrastructure in cooperation with provinces, territories, and municipalities.
The new Building Canada plan includes:
- The Gas Tax Fund ($23.8 billion)
- which will now be indexed; and
- which will now give municipalities greater flexibility to spend federal funding on a broader range of infrastructure priorities.
- An incremental Goods and Services Tax Rebate for Municipalities ($10.4 billion).
- A new Building Canada Fund with two components:
- A $4-billion, merit-based, National Infrastructure Component to support investments in projects of national significance, particularly those that support job creation, economic growth and productivity.
- A $10-billion Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component that will support projects of national, regional and local significance across the country in a broader range of categories. This component will include base funding for each province and territory.
- An additional $1.25 billion in funding for P3 Canada, which will continue to be administered by PPP Canada Inc.[6]
In addition to these initiatives, Infrastructure Canada continues to manage or has managed other infrastructure programs over the years. The following programs are no longer accepting applications and are scheduled to wind down over the next few years.
- Infrastructure Stimulus Fund[7] (2009-2010 to 2011-2012)
- Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund[8] (2004-2005 to 2013-2014)
- Border Infrastructure Fund[9] (2003-2004 to 2013-2014)
- Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund[10] (2003-2004 to 2012-2013)
- G8 Legacy Fund[11] (2009-2010 to 2010-2011)
- Infrastructure Canada Program[12] (2000-2001 to 2010-2011)
- National Recreational Trails[13] (2009-2010)
- Public Transit Fund[14] (2005-2006)
- ↑ "Archived - Budget 2007: A Stronger, Safer, Better Canada".
- ↑ "Budget 2009 - Home page".
- ↑ "Budget 2011 - Home Page".
- ↑ "Budget 2013".
- ↑ "Infrastructure Canada - Organizational Structure".
- ↑ "PPP Canada".
- ↑ "Infrastructure Canada - Other Programs".
- ↑ "Infrastructure Canada - Other Programs".
- ↑ "Infrastructure Canada - Other Programs".
- ↑ "Infrastructure Canada - Other Programs".
- ↑ "Infrastructure Canada - Other Programs".
- ↑ "Infrastructure Canada - Other Programs".
- ↑ "Infrastructure Canada - Other Programs".
- ↑ "Infrastructure Canada - Other Programs".