Monster by Mistake
Monster By Mistake is a Canadian CGI-animated series that aired on YTV from 1996, to 2006. The series was created by Mark Mayerson of Catapult Productions, and co-produced with CCI Entertainment (formerly Cambium) in Toronto, Canada. The two companies partnered in Studio 345, a computer animation facility for the production of the show, which was made using Houdini software.
- Warren Patterson (voiced by Julie Lemieux and voiced by Corey Sevier in the pilot episode) is the protagonist of the show.
- Tracy Patterson (voiced by Hillary Goldhar) is Warren's older sister.
- Johnny B. Dead (voiced by William Colgate) is a ghost who lives in the Pattersons' attic.
Recurring characters
- Mrs. Roz Patterson and Mr. Tom Patterson (Voiced by Sally Cahill and Tony Rosato) are the parents of Warren and Tracy.
- Aunt Dolores (Voiced by Jayne Eastwood) is a police officer and the older sister of Tom Patterson.
- Billy Castleman (Voiced by Daniel DeSanto) is overweight mean school bully.
- Gorgool (Voiced by Len Carlson) is a sorcerer and the would-be ruler of Fenrath.
- The Servant (Voiced by Howard Jerome) is the dim-witted servant of Gorgool.
- The first episode aired on Oct 31, 1996. And the last episode aired on Jan 01, 2006. To date, there has been 52 episodes that have been produced in 4 Seasons.
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