List of terrorist incidents, July–December 2013

This is a timeline of terrorist incidents which took place from July to December 2013, including attacks by non-state actors for political or other unknown motives. Ongoing military conflicts are listed separately. The list here is incomplete, please add to it to make it better.


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
1 Suicide and other bombings, shootings 55 53 Iraq across Iraq A series of attacks occurred across central and northern Iraq, including a suicide bomb at a religious hall for a Shia funeral in Muqdadiyah that killed 23 people and injured 28 others.[1][2]
2 Suicide bombing, shooting 12 3 Afghanistan Kabul, Afghanistan A team of five assailants staged an attack on an ISAF compound in Kabul, detonating a car bomb that left a crater six meters deeps and 15 meters wide, before assaulting the building and opening fire on the guards. Kabul provincial police chief Mohammad Ayoub Salangi said that two truck drivers working for a foreign logistics company and five security guards were killed. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid e-mailed a statement, claiming responsibility for the attack on "an important foreign base and logistics warehouse."[3] Afghan Taliban
2 Ambush 6 0 India Kathikund, Dumka district, Jharkhand, India An ambush against the Superintendent of Police of neighbouring Pakur district, Amarjit Balihar, resulted in his death, along with five other policemen.[4] Communist Party of India (Maoist)
2 Bombings, shootings 86 234 Iraq across Iraq Five car bombs exploded in predominantly Shia areas of the capital city at about 18:00 in the neighbourhoods of Shuala, Kamiliyah, Shaab and Abu Tcheer. Other shootings in the city also killed four people. At the same time two bombings in Kirkuk and Mosul resulted in one person dead and three others wounded.[1] Other targets included Iraqi Army and Police forces, Sahwa members, as well as government officials.[5]
2 Car bombing, shooting 0 7+ Libya Benghazi/Tripoli, Libya A car bomb exploded at a checkpoint that was being manned by special military forces, injuring four soldiers and at least three civilians. Additionally, in the capital Tripoli, an unnamed armed group attacked the interior ministry's building, resulting in its closure for the day. The armed men surrounded the building and blocked the entrance with sand. An Interior Ministry employee said: "They were calling for the minister to resign because of his dependence on the Supreme Security Committee (SSC)."[6] Militias
2 Mortar bomb 1 0 Philippines Lamitan, Basilan, Mindanao, Philippines Army Colonel Carlito Galvez said that an explosion had killed a militant, Reynald Sapilin, and destroyed his motorcycle in a region that has the active presence of Abu Sayyaf. He said that Sapilin may have sought to detonate the explosice in either Lamitan or nearby Isabela but was hindered in his capacity to move around due to army checkpoints. He added that Sapilin was seen tinkering with the mortar bomb concealed in his backpack as it exploded.[7] Abu Sayyaf
3 Suicide and other bombings, shootings 19 61 Iraq across Iraq Attacks took place around the country, including a suicide car bombing at a wedding in the northern city of Mosul that killed a groom and injured 20 people. Another three suicide bombers targeted army checkpoints in the city, killing six soldiers and injuring 19 other people, including seven civilians.[8][9] A roadside bomb killed seven people in the suburbs of the capital. On the same day, the bodies of three workers were found inside an under construction house in the southeastern Zafaraniyah neighborhood in the capital with close-range gunshot wounds to the head.[10]
4 Suicide and other bombings, shootings 19 53 Iraq across Iraq Attacks were spread out across central and northern Iraq, including a suicide bombing at a soccer game in Tuz Khormato that killed five people and injured 21 others. Roadside bombings, car bomb attacks and shootings also took place in the capital Baghdad, as well as Tikrit, Mosul, Fallujah and several smaller towns.[11]
5 Suicide bombing, bombings 33 74 Iraq Baghdad/Samarra/Kut, Iraq In the capital, Baghdad, a car bomb exploded near Husseiniyah Ali Basha, a Shia religious hall that caused at least 15 deaths and 32 injuries. In the Shia town of Kut, a bomb exploded in Al-Amil square killing one person and wounding 17 others. In the Sunni town of Samarra, a suicide bomber detonated his explosives near Al-Haq square, where anti-government protests occurred.[12]
6 Raid 42 ? Nigeria Mamudo, Yobe State, Nigeria Gunmen attacked the Government Secondary School boarding school in a pre-dawn raid. Most of the victims were students, with the exception of a few staff members and at least one teacher. More than 100 people were reported missing in the aftermath of the attack. Survivors were treated for burn and gunshot wounds, while some of the students were burned alive.[13] Boko Haram
6 Suicide and other bombings, shootings 22 20 Iraq across Iraq A judge survived a bombing targeting his convoy near Tikrit that killed four of his bodyguards and injured him, as well as another passenger. A later blast near a hospital in the city killed five people and injured nine others. Several smaller attacks took place in Mosul and other towns in the country's north and west.[14]
6 Bombing 4 47 Pakistan Lahore, Pakistan A bomb exploded in front of a restaurant near the Anarkali Bazaar. Punjab Finance Minister Mujtaba Shujaur Rehman condemned the attack, while confirming that children were among the dead and wounded.[15]
8 Shooting 1 0 Russia Makhachkala, Dagestan, Russia A journalist, Akhmednabi Akhmednabiyev, who wrote about alleged human rights abuses and had previously received death threats, was shot dead by unknown gunmen who fired on his car.[16] Caucasian Mujahadeen
9 Bombing 0 5 Somalia Mogadishu, Somalia A bomb concealed in a pick-up truck exploded at the crowded Bakara market as shoppers were preparing for Ramadan. Security forces then fired into the air to disperse the gathering crowd and minimize casualties. Al-Shabaab spokesman, Abdulaziz Abu Musab, said that his group was behind the attack.[17] Al-Shabaab
9 Bombing 0 53 Lebanon Dahiyeh, Beirut, Lebanon A powerful car bomb exploded in the southern suburbs of the capital, a Hezbollah stronghold, suggesting that the attack was a response to the Syrian civil war. As Interior Minister Marwan Charbel visited the site, he was attacked by angry civilians, and the army had to fire in the air to disperse the crowd.[18]
9 Roadside bombing 17 7 Afghanistan Obe District, Herat Province, Afghanistan A three-wheel minivan hit a bomb planted on the side of the road in Afghanistan's western Herat Provincce, resulting in the deaths of 12 women, 4 children and one man. At least seven others were injured in the attack, which locals blamed on Taliban forces.[19] Afghan Taliban
10 Suicide bombing 3 ~12 Pakistan Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari's security chief, Bilal Shaikh, was killed, along with two others, in a suspected suicide bomb attack as his armoured white SUV stopped for him to buy some fruit. His car had a police escort at the time of the incident. Both Zardari and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif have issued separate statements condemning the attack.[20]
12 Bomb 0 4 Bahrain Janabiyah, Bahrain A home-made bomb wounded Bahraini policemen outside the Shiite village, according to the interior ministry. State-media claimed it was "planted by terrorists" near the capital, Manama. Al-Ayam said that the device was "remotely detonated;" police later said that they had arrested "one terrorist" and that others were identified and would be arrested.[21]
13 various 50+ 140 Iraq across Iraq Three roadside bombs near markets in Basra killed at least 28 people with another 98 people injured. A suicide bomb ins a Sunni mosque in Hilla killed 12 people and wounded 15 others. In Nasriya, two car bombs resulted in one death and 12 injured, while a car bomb killed three people and wounded 15 others in Karbala. At least six people were killed in shootings and bombings in Mosul and an equal number were killed in a suicide bomb attack in Baquba.[22]
13 Ambush 4 0 Russia Burshi, Dagestan, Russia The Dagestani Interior Ministry reported its police officers were killed by unidentified gunmen opening fire on them.[23] Caucasian Mujahadeen
14-15 Bombings, shootings 33+ up to 100 Iraq across Iraq On 14 July, at least six people were killed in shootings and bombings in Mosul and an equal number were killed in a suicide bomb attack in Baquba.

On 15 July, a suicide bomber detonated his explosives inside a Sunni mosque in Hilla killing 12 people and wounding 15 others. In Nasriya, two car bombs resulted in one death and 12 injuries, while a car bomb killed three people and wounded 15 others in Karbala. In Kirkuk, a parked car exploded and killed one policemen as part of its targeting of a police patrol, 10 other people were also injured, six of whom were police officers.[24]

15 Bombings Nigeria Abaji, Nigeria Two gasoline-laden trucks were attacks with threats of more action against the national downstream petroleum industry. The attacks happened using military-grade timed magnetic explosives on the trucks that were queued outside a fuel depot operated by the state-owned Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation. MEND spokesman Jomo Gbomo said: "From today, every tanker vehicle we find distributing petroleum products including propane gas has become a legitimate target in our war against injustice, corruption, despotism and oppression;" he also warned the truck drivers that they worked at their own risk and also warned the public to keep a safe distance from such vehicles as "they can explode anytime and anywhere." MEND added that such attacks would continue until Okah, his brother Charles and others jailed or facing trial for a 2010 Independence Day bombing in Abuja are released "unconditionally;" it also called for the resignation of Petroleum Minister Diezani Alison-Madueke.[25] MEND
20-21 Clashes 21 6 Colombia Arauca, Colombia During clashes over two days, 17 Colombian forces died on the first day and four others the next day. At the same time the rebels, believed to be either FARC or ELN, had taken U.S. citizen Kevin Scott Sutay hostage on 20 June. The attacks occurred during peace talks in Cuba between the government and FARC.[26] FARC or ELN
20-21 Bombings, shootings 63+ 19+ Iraq Kirkuk, Taiji, Basmaiya and Baghdad, Iraq Eleven car bombs exploded in Baghdad on the evening of 20 July after the iftar meal: Two morning bomb attacks on the outskirts of the city killed six people, a bomb exploded outside the house of a Sunni leader in Basmaiya that killed two people and wounded four others, a blast outside a market in Taji killed four people and wounded 15 others. A total of 58 people were killed on the day. On 21 July, unknown gunmen attacked a checkpoint manned by the Kurdish Peshmerga near Kirkuk resulting in five Peshmerga deaths.[27]
21 Prison break 50+ 500+ Iraq Abu Ghraib and Taji, Iraq Raids on the Abu Ghraib and Taji prisons resulted in over 500 inmates being set free. The Interior Ministry said that some of the guards had helped in the prison break from Abu Ghraib. More than 50 people, including 26 guards and Iraqi soldiers, were killed in the attack. The ministry's statement read: "There has been a conspiracy between some of the guards of both prisons and the terrorist gangs that attacked the prisons. That was one of the main reasons for the escalation of events which led to these consequences." The Ministry of Justice, meanwhile, said that 260 prisoners escaped from Abu Ghraib; of the 500 original escapees about 150 had been recaptured.[28] Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
21 Kidnapping 0 1 Yemen Sana'a, Yemen Unknown armed men seized an employee of the Iranian embassy. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Araqchi said that "one of the administrative staff members of the Iranian Embassy in Yemen has been abducted by an unknown group. This [abducted] person (Nour-Ahmad Nikbakht) is Iranian." The kidnapee was travelling through the diplomatic quarter of southern Sanaa when gunmen blocked the road and forced him to get out of his vehicle. Yemeni security services said that "there are suspicions that al-Qaeda is behind the kidnapping."[29] Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
23 Clashes 5 4 Afghanistan Wardak, Afghanistan A suicide bomber riding a donkey blew his explosives as he passed a convoy carriying Afghan and ISAF soldiers resulting in the death of three ISAF personnel and their interpreter, according to Ataullah Khogyani, a spokesman for the provincial administration.[30]
25 Shooting 0 1 Russia Derbent, Dagestan, Russia 40-year-old Rabbi Ovadia Isakov was attacked late in the day as he left his car and was walking home, according to Rasul Temirbekov, a spokesman for the Dagestan office of the Investigative Committee. He was taken to an intensive care unit at a local hospital, according to Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar. He added that a medical plane with a team of doctors was to arrive from Israel to help treat him. He also said that "we are calling on the law-enforcement agencies to not only track down and punish those who planned and conducted this attack, but also take the necessary legal action to destroy the Jihadi rebels. There can be no compromise with terrorists."[31] He was returning from a kosher slaughter. The Investigative Committee said his Jewish identity could have been a reason for his shooting. He was then flown to Petah Tikva's Beilinson Hospital in a flight chartered by Lazar along with ZAKA, according to Chabad.[32] Dagestan President Magomedsalam Magomedov told Chabad Military Chaplain Rabbi Ahron Gurevitch on 26 July Friday that the shooting was "performed by a member of one of the most extreme Islamic terrorist groups in the Chechnya-Caucasus area. He also "promised to do everything possible to capture the terrorist and ensure the continuation of Jewish life in the district." Lazar added, in statement to Interfax: “There is not and can be no compromise with terrorists: the state is not only entitled to but also obliged to use all means available against them. [The attack was] far from being the first [of its kind in choosing religious figures], several well-known muftis in the Caucasus, who professed moderate Islam and who called for inter-ethnic and inter-religious peace, have died at the hands of such thugs. [Extremists] have put themselves not only outside of any religion but also apart from humankind; their only goal is to kill innocent people, chiefly those who promote eternal values, morals and spirituality, in this world. [I urge law enforcement agencies not only to find and punish those who planned and committed this attack but also to] take all legitimate actions to eliminate the jihadist underworld. The attack on the rabbi, as well as the previous attacks on Muslim figures, have pursued the goal of destabilizing all of society and undermining the noble pillars upon which our country’s unity has been built for centuries."[33]
26 Bomb 8 48 Philippines Cagayan de Oro, Philippines A bomb exploded at a restaurant packed with doctors and pharmaceutical salesmen at the Limketkai Center.[34][35] Khilafah Islamiyah[36][37]
26 and 29 Assassination, car bomb, other bombs 1 1 Libya Benghazi/Tripoli, Libya Following Friday prayers on 26 July, Muslim Brotherhood critic was Abdelsalam al-Mosmary was fatally shot. This led to protests and violence directed at Muslim Brotherhood property in Benghazi and Tripoli and the judiciary buildings in Benghazi. Then on 29 July, a car bomb in Benghazi targeted a navy colonel, who was not killed.[38]
27 Suicide truck bomb 6 9 Somalia Mogadishu, Somalia A suicide bomber drove a truck into the gate of the Turkish embassy.[39] Al Shabaab
27-28 Bombs ? 1,117+ Libya Benghazi, Libya Two loud explosions were reported in eastern Libya's Benghazi in apparent attacks on judicial institutions there. A security source said there within the vicinity of an office of the justice ministry and another was near a court in the south of the city. Another courthouse in the eastern part of the city was also targeted, according to the Associated Press. The attack follows 1,117 prisoners escaping from Kuafiya prison the previous day after a riot and an external attack on the prison.[40]
28 Suicide car bomb 8 9 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu, Iraq A suicide bomber blew up his car beside a three-vehicle convoy of Asayesh personal, according to the Interior Ministry.[41]
29 Car and other bombs 36+ 176 Iraq Baghdad/Basra/Kut/Mahmoudiya, Iraq A wave of 13 car bombs struck mainly Shia areas. A car bomb exploded in a market in the centre of Basra killing at least three people. In Kut, the deadliest car bombing of the day took place near a taxi terminal and result in at least five deaths and 38 injuries. In Mahmoudiya, four others died in an explosion. A magnetic "sticky bomb" also killed a police captain in Anbar province. Other bombings took place across Baghdad's Sadr city, Habibiya, Hurriya, Bayaa, Ur, Shurta, Kadhimiya, Tobji, Shua'ala and Risala neighbourhoods. One of them struck near a place where day labourers wait for work in Sadr City and killed five people and wounded 17 others.[42]
29 Car and other bombs 10+ ? Nigeria Kano, Nigeria As the Nigerian government launched an attack on Boko Haram rebels a few weeks, there has been renewed instability. Bombs went off in a Christian area of the city. Kano state Politcs Commissioner Musa Daura said: "We have had some explosions in Sabon Gari [neighbourhood] this evening." A mortuary attendant at Murtala Mohammed Specialists Hospital reported that at least 10 bodies were brought to the hospital. An eyewitness said that at least one explosion appeared to come from a Mercedes Benz car parked beside a kiosk selling alcohol. At the same time there were hundreds of people in the Sabon Gari neighbourhood, some of whom were playing snooker and others table tennis on Enugu Street which has many eateries and bars. The explosions also elicited fear amongst the Muslim population who usually go out in the evenings during Ramadan after iftar.[43]
29 Raid 12 8 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan Late in the day large explosions occurred outside a prison in the city as fighters, armed with mortars and grenades, then detonated small bombs to destroy the prison's perimeter fence and then took part in a firefight with security forces while chanting Allahu Akbar and "Long Live the Taliban." As a result of the raid, about 250 prisoners were freed and the dead included six police. A senior government official, Mushtaq Jadoon, said that "Police and other law enforcing agencies are busy in clearing the jail" and that a curfew was imposed on the city with residents asked to stay at home. The Pakistani military also deployed its forces to respond to the raid.[44] Pakistani Taliban
30 Car bomb 1 Syria Qamishli, Syria A bomb in the northern Kurdish city near the Turkish border killed Kurdish opposition leader Issa Hisso. Though no one claimed responsibility for the attack, the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights and Kurdish member of the Syrian parliament, Omar Ossi, confirmed Hisso's death.[45]
30-31 Suicide bomb and bomb 9 11+ Iraq Baghdad, Iraq On the night of 30 July, a bomb outside a Sunni mosque in the western part of the capital killed two worshippers. The next day, a suicide bomber attacked the Shia Assad Allah mosque in the Hussainya suburb killing seven people and wounding 11 others.[46]


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
2 Ambush and firefight ~38 Afghanistan Sherzad district, Nangarhar, Afghanistan A police and military convoy was ambushed by Taliban fighters after returning from an operation to rescue a politician threatened by the group. Nangarhar deputy police chief Masoom Khan Hashemi said: "It was an intense battle and insurgents used heavy and light weapons to attack the convoy of our security forces in Sherzad district. We lost 22 of our brave policemen, but the militants have been taught a lesson of our strength, their attack was completely repelled and 60 of their fighters were killed." Meanwhile, provincial spokesman Ahmadzia Abdulzai added: "The military and police launched a successful operation in the district killing 16 Taliban. On their way back they were ambushed in which 60 Taliban were killed. Unfortunately 22 policemen were also martyred in the fighting."[47] Taliban/Security forces
3 Bombings, ambush, shootings 18 11 Iraq Adeim,
Baghdad, Iraq
The motorcade of General Abdul-Amir al-Zaidi was ambushed in Adeim, resulting in the deaths of six of his bodyguards and injuries to four others; however, al-Zaidi was not hurt. Gunmen also broke into the house of a former fighter of the anti-al-Qaeda Sahwa militia killing his wife and two daughters near Baqouba while he was absent. Also in the city, gunmen shot dead two other Sahwa fighters who were working on their farm. In Mosul, a drive-by shooting killed an off-duty policeman. In Tikrit, a bomb by the road killed a father and his son. In Baghdad, a bomb exploded near a line of car part stores killed two people and wounding seven others; while in the southeast of the city another blast missed a police patrol but resulted in two dead civilians.[1][48]
3 Suicide bomb 9 22+ Afghanistan Jalalabad, Afghanistan A suicide bomber exploded his vest outside the Indian consulate at about 10:00 with gunfire around the area for about an hour later. Indian Ministry of External Affairs spokesman Syed Akbaruddin said: "Explosion in front of India's Consulate in Jalalabad. All Indians officials safe."[1][49]
4 Bomb 0 3 Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia In retaliation for violence against Myanmar's Muslim Rohingya people by the Buddhist majority, a bomb exploded in the night during prayers attended by hundreds of people at the Ekayana temple.[50] Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali said the perpetrators did not respect the sanctity of Ramadan and could therefore be considered "accursed and barbaric."[51]
4 Shooting 1 Russia Dagestan, Russia Sufi imam Ilyas Ilyasov was killed while in his car.[52]
5 Bomb 3+ 12 Pakistan Toba Tek Singh, Pakistan A bomb in a bathroom of the Shalimar Express from Lahore to Karachi exploded shortly after departure while still in Punjab. The explosion follows several threats in July from the railways authorities and occurred while the train was full carrying passengers during the end of Ramadan.[53]
5 Vehicle bomb 6+ 29 Philippines Cotabato, Philippines A vehicle parked near a hospital and a school exploded on a busy street just before the iftar feast during Ramadan, according to city police chief Senior Superintendent Rolen Balquin. At least four vehicles were damaged and a fire was triggered that engulfed a nearby mortuary and a tyre repair shop. Governor of Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Mujiv Sabbihi Hataman said that the explosion, though 800 metres away, rattled windows and broke the peace before the fasting day ends. Though no one claimed responsibility for the incident, Balquin said that the motive was being investigated. It also followed the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters warning of more attacks against government targets.[34]
5 Ambush 6 0 India Poonch district, India Late in the night an alleged ambush by Pakistani troops in India's Jammu and Kashmir resulted in the deaths of Indian soldiers. The Indian government stated it was carried out by Pakistani troops. Defence Minister A. K. Antony later said that the perpetrators were "20 heavily-armed terrorists, along with persons in Pakistani army uniform" creating confusion. He added that "a strong protest" was lodged with the Pakistani government. Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah wrote on Twitter: "Was briefed early this morning about news that 5 of our soldiers had been killed on the LOC. My heartfelt condolences to their next of kin." In return, Pakistan's Foreign Ministry dismissed the allegations as "baseless and unfounded," it denied the exchange of fire took place and added that it was committed to the 2003 ceasefire in Kashmir.[54]
8 Bomb 10 3 Afghanistan Nangarhar, Afghanistan A bomb exploded at a graveyard on Eid al-Fitr while a group of mostly women were visiting the grave of a relative from the security forces who was killed last year. Nangarhar police spokesman Hazrat Hussain Mashriqiwal said that all the dead were women and the injuries included women and a child.[55]
8 Car bombs 32+ 78 Iraq Baghdad, Iraq Six car bombs exploded in the capital. Four of the bombs exploded in the eastern and southern districts and two other bombs exploded in markets in the Husseiniya and Shaab neighourhoods in the north of the city. Most of the attacks were in Shia neighbourhoods.[56]
8 Suicide bomb 37+ 50 Pakistan Quetta, Pakistan A suicide bomber exploded his vest packed with ball bearings and shrapnel outside a mosque at the funeral of station house officer Mohibullah killing several senior police officers, including Fayyaz Sumbal, a deputy inspector-general, and Shamsuddin, deputy superintendent of police headquarters.[57]
9 Raid/shooting 10+ 30 Pakistan Quetta/Islamabad, Pakistan Hours after Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ordered an increase in security for the Eid holidays, four gunmen opened fire on people coming out of a Sunni mosque in Quetta after Eid Friday prayers. According to police, former Pakistan Peoples Party provincial minister Ali Madad Jatak may have been targeted. In another incident in the national capital, Islamabad, a guard shot dead a would-be suicide bomber who was trying to get into a mosque.[57]
10 Bombings, shootings, suicide bomb 91+ 300+ Iraq Babil, Nineveh, Baghdad, Tuz Khurmatu, Kirkuk, Nasiriyah, Iraq During Eid al-Fitr festivities, attacks occurred across the country. Seventeen car bombs and a series of shooting took place. The targets included public markets, cafes, restaurants and mosques. Early in the day, violence resulted in two deaths in Baghdad. At Baghdad's Al-Kindi hospital, medics treated a man, apparently a soldier, whose face, chest and arms were covered in blood. A suicide bomber detonated an explosives-rigged vehicle near a police checkpoint in Tuz Khurmatu killing nine people. A car bomb in Kirkuk killed an engineer. Two car bombs in Nasiriyah killed four people, while another car bomb in Karbala left five others dead. In attacks in Babil and Nineveh provinces attacks left three people dead and five others wounded.[58] Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant[59]
10 Raid 9 Egypt Sheikh Zuwaid, Sinai, Egypt The military said that it was continuing operations against fighters it claimed were plotting attacks against the country. During such an assault, Apache helicopters launched an attack resulting in the deaths.[60] Egyptian Armed Forces
11 Shooting 2 1 Lebanon Labweh, Lebanon Following a spillover of the Syrian civil war into the country, Sunni Mayor of Arsal Ali Hujeiri, who was returning from having negotiated an hostage exchange with a Shia clan, was shot in the Shia town by a rival Shia clan. He was then transferred to an hospital where doctors said his wounds were not life-threatening.[61]
10-11 Shootings 56+ Nigeria Konduga/Ngom, Nigeria On Saturday night, Ngom village was raided by gunmen with killing 12 people. In another raid, after dawn prayers on Sunday at a mosque in nearby Konduga, gunmen opened fire and killed at least 44 worshippers with reports of the deaths emerging the next day.[62] Boko Haram
10-11 Missile 0 Israel Eilat, Israel In retaliation for a drone bombing that killed members of the Mujahideen Shura Council, a Grad rocket was fired from Egypt's Sinai across the border with Israel at 1:00. The group said that it launched the attack as "a quick response to the last crime by the Jews after one of their drones bombed the Sinai peninsula killing four mujahideen." However, an IDF army spokeswoman said that the rocket was intercepted by its Iron Dome defence system.[63] Mujahideen Shura Council
14 Car bombings 14+ 26 Iraq Baquba, Iraq As the country launched the ""Avenge the Martyrs" campaign following mass jailbreaks in the previous month, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said that over 800 suspects had been arrested and large amount of explosives and weapons were seized. He also said that he would hunt down those behind the Ramadan attacks. The same day, two car bombs exploded at a cafe in the centre of the city and at an ice-cream shop on a commercial street.[64]
14 Firefight 2+ 0 Nigeria Mubi, Adamawa state, Nigeria According to the Nigerian Armed Forces, its troops were escorted by detained Boko Haram members, Mohammad Bama and Abubakar Zakariya Yau, who also had bounties on their head, to a hideout. In the ensuing four-hour gun battle the two died along with several others, as reported by Mubi Army Chief Beyidi Marcus Martins. However, the reports were not independently verified, while the Nigerian Armed Forces had previously been accused by human rights groups for carrying out extrajudicial killings.[65] Nigerian Armed Forces
15 Car bombing 20+ 200+ Lebanon Beirut, Lebanon The explosion occurred near a complex used by Hezbollah between the Bir el-Abed and Roueiss neighbourhoods. As a result of the blast, buildings and cars were on fire and a column of black smoke was seen over the densely populated area. Al-Manar showed firemen helpind resident trapped in their homes to escape the flames and showed a crowd of people in panic and rage at the site of the explosion. A presenter on the channel said: "Terrorism has struck the southern suburbs again," and that Hezbollah was "paying the price for its position". Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati declared the next day as a national day of mourning and called on the Higher Defence Council to hold a meeting. Responsibility for the bombing was taken by an unknown Syrian group, indicated spillover from the Syrian civil war.[66] Interior Minister Marwan Charbel said officials were investigating if the van believed to be carrying the explosives had been driven by a suicide bomber. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah blamed Sunni radicals for the incident and said: "I will go myself to Syria if it is necessary in the battle against the takfiris ."[67] As a result of the incident, checkpoints in the southern suburbs, where Hezbollah is in control, were no manned by the group's own personnel.[68] Aisha Umm-al Mouemeneen
16-17 Shooting, bomb 18 3 Afghanistan Karukh district/Helmand province, Lebanon On 17 August, an IED exploded killing three women in Helman province. The next day, Deputy Public Works Minister Ahmad Shah Wahid said that nine construction workers and a policeman were killed in a shooting outside their camp after midnight with rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons. The workers were under the employ of the government-owned road construction company. On the same day, a roadside bomb also killed five civilians, including a woman and three children, while wounded three others in the morning. The Helmand governor's spokesman said that they were headed to "Lashkar Gah, the provincial capital, for shopping."[69]
17 Bomb 0 0 Libya Benghazi, Libya As dozens of protesters were at the Egyptian consulate agitating against the government crackdown three days earlier in Egypt, unknown assailants threw an explosive device at the building resulting in damages to the windows and of nearby buildings, according to security spokesman Abdallah al-Zayedi. It also caused part of the outer wall to the compound to collapse. Police then cordoned off the area.[70]
19 Ambush 24+ 3 Egypt near Rafah, Sinai, Egypt Two military vehicles were ambushed by suspected fighters as they drove by a village. The incident comes at a time of heightened instability in Egypt following deadly army raids in Cairo.[71]
20-21 Car bombings, bombings 10 81 Iraq Iskandariya,
Fatha, Iraq
Multiple attacks occurred over two days. On 20 August, in Amara, two car bombings exploded within an interval of 10 minutes killing at least four civilians and wounding 42 others; in Iskanadariyah, two car bombs exploded in a parking lot killing three people and wounding 18 others; and in Nasiriyah a car bomb exploded at a power plant killing three civilians and wounding 21 others.[72] On 21 August, bombs attacked two section of a pipeline from Kirkuk to Ceyhan in Turkey. One bomb attack took place at around 1:00 near Hadhar in Nineveh Province and the other occurred near Fatha, between Kirkuk and the northern city of Baiji.[73]
21 Chemical attack 281-1,729 3,600 Syria Ghouta, Syria A series of chemical attacks were conducted in the Ghouta region of Syria. Syrian Arab Army / Syrian rebels (suspected)


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
7 Car Bombing, suicide-bombing 30 50 Somalia Mogadishu, Somalia An explosive-laden car parked near The Village, a popular restaurant in Mogadishu, exploded causing collateral damage and attracted passers-by who went to the scene to help. A suicide bomber then went to the scene of the first blast causing further casualties.[74] al-Shabab
9-28 Clashes, arson and hostage-taking 220 ~254 Philippines Zamboanga City, Philippines Moro National Liberation Front and Government forces clashes in Zamboanga City Moro National Liberation Front
12-13 Clashes Philippines Lamitan, Basilan, Philippines Multiple groups combined forces to attack on 12 September. They then conducted another attack the next day. Philippine security forces were able to repel the attack and managed the situation. Abu Sayaf
Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters
Moro National Liberation Front
13 Truck bomb, shooting 2 20 Afghanistan Herat, Afghanistan A group of seven Taliban militants attacked the U.S. consulate using truck bombs, assault rifles, and rocket-propelled grenades Taliban
19 Ambush, Shooting 1 2 Kosovo Zvecan, Kosovo At approximately 7:30, two vehicles carrying six EULEX staff members came under fire in the vicinity of Zvecan town resulting in one dead customs officer from Lithuania. EULEX issued a statement condemning the attack, which it called an "act of cowardly violence and mindless terrorism against its staff members." [75]
20 Car bombing, suicide-bombing, clashes 38 Yemen Shabwa, Yemen A suicide car bomber drove his explosive-laden vehicle into a barracks in al-Mayfaa. Clashes between militants and Yemeni troops also occurred on another site in al-Mayfaa. A car bomb exploded prematurely outside the gates of the camp in al-Ain. Clashes followed the explosions. The militants seized six soldiers and some military vehicles.[76] al-Qaeda
21 Shooting 68 ~100 Kenya Nairobi, Kenya A group of around 10 men entered the Westgate Shopping Mall, an exclusive shopping centre in the capital of Kenya, Nairobi. 20 deaths have been confirmed and 10 injuries have been confirmed. Grenades and shooting were reported in the mall. al-Shabab
23 Clashes, hostage-taking 10 Philippines Midsayap, North Cotabato, Philippines About 150 militants launched an offensive against government troops. Fifteen teachers and farmers were initially reported to have been used as human shields, although they were later released. However, the Philippine National Police Public Information Office later issued a statement that read the 15 teachers and 50 student were not taken hostage but trapped during the clash between the militants and government security forces. BIFF spokesperson Abu Missry Mama claimed responsibility for the attacks.[77] In addition to earlier casualty reports, another farmer was reported to have been beheaded by suspected members of the militant group while another civilian was shot dead.[78] Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters
24 Suicide bombings 85 100 Pakistan Peshawar, Pakistan Two Suicide bombers from a faction of the Taliban attacked the All Saints' church in Peshawar. The attacks was described to be the worst attacks on Christians in Pakistan. The Taliban's opposition to continued drone operations by the United States were cited to be the motive for the attack.Jundullah branch of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for the attacks.[79] Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan - Jundullah branch


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
2-3 Hostage-taking 24 5 Nigeria Gajiram village and Bulabulin-Nngabura village, Nigeria In Gajiram village, 15 people were killed when suspected Boko Haram members raided a local market. Early the next day, it staged a highway attack at Bulabulin-Ngabura village, near Gajiram, killing nine people and kidnapping a family of five who were travelling their country home in Biu.[80]
17-20 Hostage-taking 0 80+ Libya Ajdabiya, Libya In retaliation for Libyan detainees in Egypt, and in calling for their release, gunman starting kidnapping Egyptian truck drivers. on 19 October, Egypt held "intense" negotiations for their release, which was achieved the next day, according to Egypt's ambassador Mohamed Abu Bakr.[81] Militias
20 Suicide bombings, bombings 50+ 75+ Iraq Baghdad, Tikrit and Rawa, Iraq At least six civilians were killed and 10 others were after a roadside bomb and a car bomb, targeting the house of the chief of police, exploded in Tikrit. Later, at least eight people were killed and 20 others were injured after eight suicide bombers targeted police stations and the local council, a police station and an army checkpoint in Rawa. According to the police, two suicide bombers were on foot and another was driving a vehicle rigged with explosives when they attacked the police headquarters in the area; another bomber drove a vehicle at an army checkpoint at the town's entrance killing the head of the local council, two council members and five policemen.[82] A suicide bomber rammed his explosive-laden car into a cafe in the capital, Baghdad's, Amil neighbourhood in the night. As a result, the cafe and nearby shops were damaged and at least 36 people died and 45 others were wounded.[83]
20 Suicide bombing 43+ 30 Syria Hama, Syria A suicide bomber blew up a truck laden with explosives at an army checkpoint on a busy road on the outskirts of the city that is controlled by the government. According to the partisan Syrian Observatory of Human Rights, at least 31 deaths were that of soldiers. State-news agency SANA said that as a result of the explosion the blaze also struck a petrol truck nearby increasing the damage and casualties.[84]
20 Shooting 3 9 Egypt Cairo, Egypt According to the interior ministry, two men on a motobike drove by the Church of the Virgin in the working-class neighbourhood of al-Warrak. As one of them opened fire, an eight-year-old girl, a man and a women were killed, however it was unknown if the victims were Copts. Prime Minister Hazem Beblawi condemned the attack as a "despicable criminal act. Such terrible acts will not succeed in dividing Muslims and Christians." The police were on the hunt for the gunman.[85]
21 Suicide bombing 6 30 Russia Volgograd, Volgograd Oblast, Russia A bus carrying 40 people was blown up by "an unspecified explosive device" in the afternoon, according to the Emergency Situations Ministry and the National Anti-Terrorism Committee. The latter's investigators suspected that the perpetrator was a female suicide bomber. Interfax quoted a source in the regional Investigative Committee office that said identity documents belonging to the suspected bomber were found near the site and that she was believed to have been the wife of a Muslim fighter. Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin said that the she was 30-year-old Naida Asiyalova from Dagestan. The Dagestani branch of the Investigative Committee's spokesman Rasul Temirbekov said that she had a fatal bone illness and was married to an ethnic Russian, Dmitry Sokolov, whom she had encouraged to become a rebel and who also became an explosives expert.


Black widow
20 Bombing 7 10+ Pakistan Notal, Balochistan, Pakistan A bomb on a railway track derailed two coaches of a Quetta-bound train. The toll could rise due to the ongoing rescue work; while two trains were sent from Sukkur and Sibi for both relief work and to fix the tracks. Home Secretary Asad Gilani said that the train was the target and then he then traveled from Rawalpindi to Quetta.[87]
22 Shooting, suicide bombing 28 26 Iraq Rutba and Ramadi, Anbar province, Iraq Two attacks occurred in the evening between 22:00 and midnight. In the first, a suicide bomber detonated a tanker truck into a federal police checkpoint at the entrance of the city resulting in the deaths of four policemen and five other injuries. Half an hour later, gunmen attacked three other checkpoints killing four policemen and nine other injuries. A curfew was then declared in the town[88] Another bomber detonated a vehicle at another police checkpoint. Another suicide bomber blew up a tanker truch on a bridge resulting in three civilian deaths. In all the attacks killed 18 police and wounded 25 others. In Ramadi. gunmen attacked a police checkpoint killing three police and wounding another, while gunmen also attacked a checkpoint killing four more police.[89]
20 and 23 Kidnapping ? 2 Nigeria off Brass, Nigeria On 20 October, pirates attacked a Nigerian security boat killing an unknown number of Joint Task Force personnel.
Three days later, a US-flagged oil platform's 200-feet supply ship, owned by the Louisiana-based Edison Chouest Offshore C-Retriever, was attacked by pirates early in the day. The captain and the chief engineer were said to have been kidnapped. The Associated Press reported two days later that MEND rebels claimed to have been in contact with the kidnappers and that they could help ensure hostages' safety. The U.S. State Department said that it was "closely monitoring" reports of the incident, according to deputy spokesperson Marie Harf; another law enforcement official said that the FBI was involved in the investigation and that it believed this was an isolated incident. Nigeria's navy was also looking for the hostages.[90]
23 Suicide bombing 3+ Mali Tessalit, Mali An unnamed military personnel said that four suicide bombers, including one who was in an explosives laden vehicle, died when the Chadian troops as part of MINUSMA. Additionally, two Chadian troops and a civilian died.[91]
24 Assassination 1 0 Libya Benghazi, Libya Gunmen shot air force Colonel Adel al-Tawahi from Beninah air as he left his home in his chest and head, which kiiled him instantly. He was known for sending the initial airplanes that targeted Muammar Gaddafi's convoy in August 2011, as it left for the latter's hometown of Sirte.[92]
25 Car bomb 20+ 24+ Syria Damascus, Syria A car bomb exploded outside the Osama BIn Zeid mosque in the rebel-controlled suburbs of the capital. the U.K.-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights' director Rami Abdel Rahman claimed that "at least three of the dead were children," said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman on Friday.[93]
26 Ambush 1 10 Mozambique Muxungue, Sofala, Mozambique An attack occurred against three civilian vehicles early in the morning which President Armando Guebuza's office blamed on Renamo. However Renamo spokesman Fernando Mazanga said: Renamo distances itself from the attack in Muxungue. We carried out our investigations and came to the conclusion that it was not carried out by Renamo."[94]
27 Car bombs 51+ 120+ Iraq various places in Baghdad, Iraq Ten car bombs, possibly coordinated, exploded in the province around the national capital in Shia-majority areas. One of the worst hit areas was Shaab, where two car bombs exploded in a commercial area killing at least five people and wounding at least 17 others. Other target areas were Bayaa, Baladiyat, Mashtal, Hurriyah and Dura in Baghdad and Saba al-Bur near Baghdad.[95]
27 Bombs 5 66 India Patna, Bihar, India Eight bombs exploded in the city just before BJP opposition prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi was due to speak in the lead-up to the Indian general election, 2014 Indian Mujahideen
28 Car attack 5 38 China Beijing, China An SUV truck drove off the road at north of Tianamen Square, passed the barriers and was suspected to caught fire almost directly in frot of the main entrance Monday the sport utility vehicle veered off the road at the north of the square and crossed the barriers. The vehicle was suspected to caught fire almost directly in front of the portrait of Mao Zedong, founder of the People's Republic of China, at the main entrance of the Forbidden City. The incident took the lives of all three occupants of the vehicle, who were suspected to be Uighurs and two tourists, one Filipina and one Chinese. The incident was suspected to be a suicide attack perpetrated by Uighur separatists.[96] East Turkestan Islamic Movement


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
13 Ambush 2 1 Philippines Matnog, Sorsogon, Philippines The New People's army attempted to ambush a relief convoy of the Philippine Army and Red Cross en route to Tacloban to deliver relief goods to the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. The suspected communist rebels suffered two casualties and one injury. There were no casualties from the side of the government forces.[97] New People's Army
15 Murder, Kidnapping 1 Malaysia Pom Pom, Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia Taiwanese Chang An Wei was kidnapped in the resort island of Pom Pom in Sabah while his husband Hsu Li Min was killed after being shot twice on scene. Al-Qaeda linked Philippine-based Abu Sayyaf is suspected to be behind the incident.[98][99] Abu Sayyaf (suspected)


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
2 Assault ? ? Nigeria Maiduguri, Borno, Nigeria Boko Haram made a large coordinated attack in Maiduguri targeting several areas including some army bases and an air force base. The militants has managed to "incapacitate" two helicopters and three aircraft at the air force base which were later decommissioned. The attack caused "serious casualties" although no verificable information on the number of casualties has been released.[100][101] Boko Haram
4 Hostage taking, suicide car bombing and shooting 10 75 Iraq Kirkuk, Iraq A suicide car bomber detonated his vehicle outside the police intelligence office in Kirkuk which was followed by an attempted seizure of the office building by two masked men. The masked men were forced to detonated themselves after they were fired at by the office building guards. The other militants who were at the scene had a gunfight with security forces outside the building. After apparently failing to seize the building at least three militants held 11 people hostage inside the Jawahir Mall for at least 10 hours. A Counter terroris special force stationed in Sulaimaniyah went to the scene to put an end to the hostage crisis. Gunfight between security forces and the militants continued for about 12 hours which left the militants killed although it also left the building partly destroyed and burned.[102]
5 Suicide car bombing 56 200+ Yemen Sana'a, Yemen A suicide bomber drove an explosive-laden car towards the western entrance of the Defense Ministry complex. The suicide car bombing was followed by a coordinated attack by militants in another car. The attack saw at least 25 casualties, six of them were doctors and four were patients from a hospital within the complex. Another coordinated attack and gunfight outside the complex late afternoon was reported to have taken place.[103] al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula(Suspected)
5 Suicide car bombing 8 37 Somalia Bossaso, Puntland, Somalia A suicide car bomber rammed his explosive-laden vehicle into a convoy of government security forces. The attack took place in a market area near the Masjid Rowda in Bossaso. Puntland's government condemned the attacks and blamed Al Shabaab for the fatal attack.[104][105]
17 Bombing 1 9 India Dibrugarh, Assam, India Suspected militants detonated a crude bomb planted below an electric pole in Dibrugarh, Assam killing one teenage girl and wounding nine others.[106]
25 Car bombings 8 37 Iraq Baghdad, Iraq On 25 December 2013, three separate bombings in Baghdad, Iraq targeted Christians, killing 38 people and wounding 70 others.[107]
27 Car bombing 8 70 Lebanon Beirut, Lebanon At approximately 9:40am,[108] a car bomb struck the convoy of Mohamad Chatah, a former Lebanese minister of finance and ambassador to the United States.[107][109] The bombing killed a total of eight people, among them Chatah, and injured seventy others.[110]


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