Minamitama District, Tokyo

Administrative divisions in the three Western Tama counties in 1889, Minamitama in colours:

1. is the county seat, the town of Hachiōji. 2. to 20. represent the 19 villages.

Different colours indicate present-day municipalities:

purple – Hachiōji-shi, red – Machida-shi, orange – Hino-shi, blue – Tama (15.) and Inagi (16.) exist without merger since 1889.

Minamitama (南多摩郡, Minamitama-gun, South Tama) was a district or county (gun) of Tokyo (Metropolis/{refecture), Japan. It was created in the early Meiji era when the old Tama District of Musashi Province was divided into four parts and split between Kanagawa and Tokyo. It lost its status as an administrative unit in the 1920s when county governments and councils were abolished across the country. As a geographical unit, it ceased to exist in 1971 when its last two remaining municipalities were promoted to independent cities.


Electoral district

An electoral district for the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly is named Minamitama to the day. As of 2013, it still consists of the cities of Tama and Inagi and sends two members to the prefectural legislature. Inagi is also the last municipality in mainland Tokyo that maintains its own municipal fire department, Tama gave up its own fire department in 1975 and transferred the responsibility for fire protection to the Tokyo Fire Department.

External links

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