Mauricio Garcés

This is an Arabic name; the family name is Feres.

Mauricio Féres Yázbek (Garcés) (December 16, 1926 in Tampico – February 27, 1989 in Tamaulipas, México) was a Mexican actor.

Personal Life and Career

Garcés is of Lebanese[1] descent and was born in the Mexican port of Tampico, Tamaulipas.

With the support of another uncle, the producer Jose Yázbek, he was included in the production of La muerte enamorada (the enamored death) (1950) a comedy starring Miroslava and Fernando Fernandez. From that film, Mauricio adopted the artistic last name "Garcés" believing the letter "G" would bring good luck and turn him into a star at the level of his idols Clark Gable, Gary Cooper and Cary Grant.

His famous image as elegant, worldly, and gallant arose thanks to the vision from the producer Angelica Ortiz, mother of the actress Angélica María, who hired Mauricio to star in Don Juan 67 (1966), the first of a series of films in which he played his alter-ego "Mauricio Galán". El matrimonio es como el demonio (Marriage is like the devil) (1967), Click, fotógrafo de modelos (Click, photographer of models) (1968), El criado malcriado (The bad servant) (1968), Departamento de soltero (Bachelor's Apartment) (1969), Fray Don Juan (1969) and Modisto de señoras (Ladies' Fashion Designer) (1969) are some of the most popular films of the extensive filmography of the "zorro plateado" (The Silver Fox).


Year Film English title Notes
1950 La Muerte Enamorada Death in Love
El Señor Gobernador Mr. Governor
1951 Por Querer a una Mujer For Loving a Woman
Radio Patrulla Radio Patrol
1956 Comicos de la Legua Comics of the Variety Stage
1957 Préstame tu cuerpo Loan Me Your Body
1958 Cuando Viva Villa! Es La Muerte When Viva Villa is Death
Mientras el Cuerpo Aguante While the Body Can Stand It
El Joven del Carrito The Young Man with the Cart
La Estrella Vacía The Empty Star
1959 Los Hermanos Diablo The Diablo Brothers
El Renegado Blanco The White Renegade
Venganza Apache Apache Vengeance
Una Bala es Mi Testigo A Bullet is My Witness
La Llorona The Crying Woman
Los Resbalosos The Slippery Ones
1960 Los Fanfarrones The Braggarts
Mujeres Engañadas Deceived Women
Donde Estás, Corazón? Where Are You, Heart
El Mundo de los Vampiros The World of the Vampires
Amorcito Corazón
El Bronco Reynosa Reynosa the Untamed
El Jinete Negro The Black Rider
1961 Casi Casados Almost Married
La Cabeza Viviente The Living Head
Estoy Casado, Ja! Ja! I'm Married, Ha, Ha!
Lástima de Ropa Old Clothes
El Barón del Terror The Baron of Terror
1963 De Color Moreno Of Dark Color Mex-Spanish co-prod
Mexico de mi Corazón Mexico of my Heart
Napoleoncito Little Napoleon
1964 Perdóname Mi Vida Forgive Me, My Life
1965 Cuernavaca en Primavera Cuernavaca in Springtime
1966 Lanza Tus Penas al Viento Toss Your Troubles to the Wind
Sólo Para Ti Only for You
Despedida de Casada Farewell to Marriage Mex-Span co-prod
Don Juan 67
Bromas, S.A. Jokes, Inc. Mex-Peruvian co-prod
1967 El Amor y Esas Cosas Love and Those Things
El Día de la Boda The Day of the Wedding
El Matrimonio es Como el Demonio Marriage is Like the Devil
Mujeres, Mujeres, Mujeres Women, Women, Women
Un Nuevo Modo de Amar A New Way of Love
1968 La Cama The Bed Mex-Arg co-prod
Click, Fotógrafo de Modelos Click, Photographer of Models
Despedida de casada
El Criado Malcriado The Ill-bred Servant
El Cuerpazo del Delito The Big Body of the Crime
Las Fieras The Beasts
24 Horas de Placer 24 Hours of Pleasure Mex-Ecuadorian co-prod
El Aviso Inoportuno The Unwanted Help Wanted Ad cameo
1969 Departamento de Soltero Bachelor Apartment
Espérame en Siberia, Vida Mia Wait for Me in Siberia, My Life
Fray Don Juan Friar Don Juan
Modisto de Señoras Ladies' Designer
Tápame Contigo Cover Up With Me
1970 El Dinero Tiene Miedo The Money is Afraid Spanish film
1971 La Otra Mujer The Other Woman
El Sinvergüenza The Shameless One
Todos Los Pecados del Mundo All the Sins of the World Mex-Arg co-prod
Las Tres Perfectas Casadas The 3 Perfect Marriages Mex-Span co-prod
Vidita Negra
Hay angeles sin alas There Are Angels Without Wings cameo
1972 Con amor de muerte With Love of Death cameo
1977 No Tiene la Culpa el Indio The Indian is not to Blame
1980 El Sátiro The Satyr
1985 Mi Fantasma y Yo Mi fantasma y yo


Books about Mauricio Garcés

External links

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