Marshall Scholarship

The official logo of the Marshall Scholarship is a blended image of the UK and US flags.
A portrait of George C. Marshall, for whom the scholarships are named

The Marshall Scholarship is a postgraduate scholarship available to American students for study at any university in the United Kingdom.[1] It is the most selective graduate Fellowship available to American undergraduates, with 3.2% of 970 university-endorsed applicants ultimately securing the scholarship in 2015, and along with the Fulbright Scholarship it is the only broadly available scholarship available to Americans to study at any University in the United Kingdom.[2] It is widely considered one of the most prestigious scholarships for U.S. citizens.[3][4][5]

Up to 40 scholars are selected each year (32 in 2016 [6]), out of a pool of approximately 1,000 applicants who have been endorsed by their Universities to apply.[2] Currently, there are over 1,900 Marshall Scholar alumni.[2] To date, alumni are or have been prominent CEOs (LinkedIn, Dolby Labs); Supreme Court justices; members of the United States Congress; members of the Presidential Cabinet of the United States; state Governors; the Deans of Yale Law School, Stanford Law School and the Harvard Kennedy School; presidents of seven universities or colleges, including Duke University, Wellesley College, the Cooper Union, and CalTech; and leaders in many academic and professional disciplines, including one Nobel Laureate, four Pulitzer Prize–winning authors, two winners of the John Bates Clark Medal for the best American economist under the age of 40 and the President of the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Managing Editors of TIME and CNN, one Astronaut, two Oscar nominees (for Apollo 13 and The Act of Killing), one winner of the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, and one awardee of the Distinguished Flying Cross for service during the Iraq War.

The scholarship was created by the Parliament of the United Kingdom when the Marshall Aid Commemoration Act was passed in 1953,[7] serving as a living gift to the United States of America in recognition of the post-World War II European Recovery Plan, commonly known as the Marshall Plan, and inspired by the Rhodes Scholarship. The first class of Marshall Scholars, who began academic study in the fall of 1954, consisted of eight men and four women selected from a pool of 700 applicants. In addition to pure academic pursuits, the program aims to provide future leaders of America with insight into the "British ideals and way of life" and to strengthen the "Special Relationship" that exists between the United States and the United Kingdom.


In a letter[8] to the first class of Marshall Scholars, George Marshall echoed his own words in initially presenting his ideas for European recovery by saying,

A close accord between our two countries is essential to the good of mankind in this turbulent world of today, and that is not possible without an intimate understanding of each other. These scholarships point the way to the continuation and growth of the understanding which found its necessity in the terrible struggle of the war years.

The published objectives of the Marshall Scholarships are outlined as follows:

  1. To enable intellectually distinguished young Americans, their country's future leaders, to study in the UK.
  2. To help scholars gain an understanding and appreciation of contemporary Britain.
  3. To contribute to the advancement of knowledge in science, technology, the humanities and social sciences and the creative arts at Britain's centres of academic excellence.
  4. To motivate scholars to act as ambassadors from the USA to the UK and vice versa throughout their lives thus strengthening British American understanding.
  5. To promote the personal and academic fulfilment of each scholar.


Plans to establish "Marshall Scholarships" as a living memorial to George Marshall were announced by British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden on July 31, 1952,[9] and were enacted by the Parliament of the United Kingdom when the Marshall Aid Commemoration Act was passed in 1953. The act's passage was backed by "leaders of all political hues," with British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin describing the scholarship's establishment as "a great opportunity for Europe." From its establishment, the Marshall Scholarship has been open to both men and women, while the Rhodes Scholarship which inspired it only became open to women beginning in 1977 following the passage of the British Sex Discrimination Act in 1975.[3]

In 1959, when Parliament doubled the number of scholars from 12 to 24, British politician Philip Noel-Baker argued that "Marshall, more than perhaps any other man, destroyed isolation in the United States and built up the conception that only collective security through international institutions can save the world...I think the world has never seen an act of greater national generosity than Marshall aid and the other aid which the United States has given to other continents throughout the last 15 years." By 1960, six years after their establishment, the scholarship was "on its way to becoming as well-known and respected as the fellow phrase, "Rhodes [Scholarship]," and both scholarships attracted roughly 500 to 600 applicants.[10]

The number of scholars was increased to 30 in 1973, 40 in 1991, and between 2004-2007 "up to 44". In 2010, the Commission decided to offer a limited number of one year awards.[11] In the early years of the Marshall Scholarship, it was common for new Scholars to travel together to the UK via cruise ship, but now Scholars are usually flown together to London from Washington, D.C. following a welcome program with top US and UK government and diplomatic officials.

Selection, Selectivity, and Academic Destinations

Prospective applicants must first be endorsed by their universities to apply. The selection process is then coordinated through the eight major British embassy/consulate regions in the United States (Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.). Selection committees in each region, consisting of former Scholars and other distinguished individuals, receive university-endorsed applications (including personal statements and essays) which are used to select a short list of candidates for interviews. Each committee then interviews each of the regional finalists prior to making the final decisions on the year's awards. In 2014, 16% of university-endorsed applicants received an interview.[2]

Although most of the responsibility for selecting the recipients is in the hands of the committees, a few formal guidelines have been outlined in the official selection criteria, most notably:[12]

As future leaders, with a lasting understanding of British society, Marshall Scholars will strengthen the enduring relationship between the British and American peoples, their governments and their institutions. Marshall Scholars are talented, independent and wide-ranging in their interests, and their time as Scholars will enhance their intellectual and personal growth. Their direct engagement with Britain through its best academic programmes will contribute to their ultimate personal success. In appointing Scholars the selectors will look for distinction of intellect and character as evidenced both by their scholastic attainments and by their other activities and achievements. Preference will be given to candidates who display a potential to make a significant contribution to their own society. Selectors will also look for strong motivation and seriousness of purpose, including the presentation of a specific and realistic academic programme.


Between 900 and 1000 students typically apply for the Marshall Scholarship annually, with 979 applying in 2014[2] (compared to 857 for the Rhodes Scholarship[13]), of whom 3.4% were ultimately selected. In 2015, 3.2% of university-endorsed applicants to the Marshall Scholarship were elected.[2]

The Marshall selection committees place a strong emphasis on academic achievement and potential, and as such the application requires a minimum GPA of 3.7. Successful applicants, however, typically have much higher GPAs: more than half of applicants have perfect academic records.[14] Winners from the University of Chicago and Harvard University have had average GPAs of 3.92,[15][16] and Stanford University recommends that applicants have a GPA of 3.8 or above.[17] In comparison, winners of the Rhodes Scholarship from Harvard have had an average GPA of 3.8.[16]

Between 1954 and 2013, 239 of 1818 scholars received their undergraduate degrees from Harvard University (13%), 126 from Princeton, 108 from Yale, 83 from Stanford, and 60 from MIT. The most successful public university is the US Military Academy at West Point, with 34 scholars, followed by the University of California at Berkeley, with 28 scholars. Of the 548 scholars elected between 2000 and 2013, 30 were from Harvard and Stanford (5%), 26 from Princeton, 21 from Yale, and 17 from MIT, the US Military Academy at West Point, and the US Naval Academy.[2]

Academic Destinations

The majority of Scholars choose to attend either Oxford, Cambridge, University College London (UCL), Imperial College London, London School of Economics, King's College London, or one of the other major London institutions,[2] but Scholars have attended a wide range of universities throughout the UK, many of which are ranked[18][19] among the best in the world. In 2013, there were 73 Marshall Scholars in residence at British universities[20] including those who were selected for the classes of 2010, 2011, and 2012. During this time, there were 24 Scholars at University of Oxford, 23 at the University of London (including 7 at the London School of Economics and 6 at University College London), 12 at the University of Cambridge, and 6 at Imperial College London. Of these scholars, 53 were studying Arts and Social Sciences while 20 were studying Science, Engineering or Mathematics.[21]

Comparison to other American Post-Graduate Scholarships

The Marshall Scholarship is more selective than the Harry S. Truman Scholarship, Gates Cambridge Scholarship, and Mitchell Scholarship and is marginally more selective than the Rhodes Scholarship.

In structure and selection criteria, the Scholarship is most similar to the American Rhodes Scholarship and Fulbright Program. Like the Fulbright available for study in the United Kingdom, Marshall Scholars can study at any university in the UK. However, under the Fulbright, applicants compete in separate pools for 43 specified universities, except for two awards tenable at any university.[22]

In structure, the Marshall Scholarship is more flexible than the American Rhodes Scholarship, in that Marshall Scholars can study at any British university,[3] and can also attend a different university each year during a Scholar's tenure. In addition, a limited number of one-year Marshall scholarships are available. Unlike Rhodes Scholars, Marshall Scholars must be American citizens (in comparison, approximately 80 Rhodes Scholarships are given annually to citizens of over a dozen countries). In process, the Marshall Scholarship is marginally more selective than the American Rhodes Scholarship, electing 3.4% of university-endorsed applicants in 2014,[2] compared to 3.7% for the Rhodes.[13] In addition, the selection processes differ in the difficulty with which it is to secure a final round interview: in 2014, 15.9% of university-endorsed applicants for the Marshall Scholarship received a finalist interview,[2] compared to 24% of Rhodes applicants.[13]

While the selection committees continues to emphasize academic potential, over time "the Marshall program has become more Rhodes-like, stating that it is seeking persons who also demonstrate leadership potential." In general, "nearly all Rhodes Scholars are willing to admit that, by and large, the Marshalls are superior if one looks just at grade point averages and other signs of academic achievement," but this is a point of both "admiration" and "disdain."[23]:293 Walter Isaacson, describing Rhodes Scholars as "fairly intelligent, well-rounded, honest people who could be counted on to be upstanding citizens," has said that "the real geniuses...were the Marshall Scholars," perhaps because of the expectation that Rhodes Scholars be "all-rounders." In practice, the Marshall and Rhodes have engaged an "informal rivalry," but in career trajectory after the completion of their fellowships, "the line between [the fellowships] is not so evident," with scholars pursuing similar fields with similar success. In general, a higher percentage of Marshall Scholars "go on to careers in academe and research, whereas Rhodes Scholars are more evenly scattered through the full range of professional occupations."[23]:357

Notable Marshall Scholars

To date, Marshall Scholar alumni are or have been prominent CEOs (LinkedIn, Dolby Labs); Supreme Court justices; members of the United States Congress; members of the Presidential Cabinet of the United States; state Governors; the Deans of Yale Law School and Stanford Law School; presidents of six universities or colleges, including Duke University, Wellesley College, the Cooper Union, and CalTech; and leaders in many academic and professional disciplines, including four Pulitzer Prize–winning authors, two winners of the John Bates Clark Medal for the best American economist under the age of 40 and the President of the National Bureau of Economic Research, one Nobel Laureate, the Managing Editors of TIME and CNN, one Astronaut, one Oscar nominee, and one winner of the National Medal of Technology and Innovation.

As part of the celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of the Marshall Scholarships,[24] Marshall Medals were awarded to a group of distinguished Americans in recognition of their contributions to US-UK relations, including Justice Stephen Breyer (1959 Marshall Scholar), Dr. Ray Dolby (1957 Marshall Scholar), Thomas L. Friedman (1975 Marshall Scholar), and former President of Duke University Nannerl Keohane (1961 Marshall Scholar).

Name US University UK University Year Awarded Notability
A. Benjamin Spencer Morehouse CollegeLondon School of Economics1996 Professor at University of Virginia School Of Law
Adam Cohen Harvard University Cambridge University 2001 Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Physics at Harvard University
Alfred Guzzetti Harvard UniversityUniversity of London1964 Experimental and Documentary Filmmaker, and Harvard University Professor
Amy Finkelstein Harvard UniversityOxford University1995Professor at MIT, Winner of the Clark Medal For Economics in 2012
Anne Applebaum Yale UniversityLondon School of Economics1986 Pulitzer Prize. Columnist for the Washington Post and Slate, former member of the Washington Post Editorial Board.
Anne McClain U.S. Military Academy at West PointUniversity of Bath and University of Bristol2002Major, U.S. Army. NASA Astronaut.
Anthony C. E. QuaintonPrinceton UniversityOxford University1955 Former Ambassador To Nicaragua, Kuwait, Peru, And Central African Empire, Director General of the Foreign Service
Arthur Jaffe Princeton University Cambridge University 1959 L.T. Clay Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Science, Harvard University
Benjamin M. Friedman Harvard UniversityCambridge University1966 American Political Economist
Bill Buford University of California at BerkeleyCambridge University Founding Editor Of Granta, European Correspondent for the New Yorker
Bruce Babbitt University of Notre DameNewcastle University1960 Former Governor Of Arizona And U.S. Secretary Of The Interior For President Bill Clinton
Byron AugusteYale UniversityOxford University1989Deputy Director, National Economic Council and Director of McKinsey’s Global Social Sector Office
Charles King University of ArkansasOxford University Georgetown University Professor and Author
Cindy Sughrue Boston UniversityUniversity of Sheffield1985CEO of Scottish Ballet
Collin O'Mara Dartmouth CollegeOxford University2003President of National Wildlife Federation; Former Delaware Secretary Of Natural Resources And Environmental Control
Daniel Benjamin Harvard UniversityOxford University1983Coordinator For Counterterrorism and Ambassador at Large, State Department
Daniel Klein Cornell University Oxford University 1998 Professor of Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley
Daniel Yergin Yale UniversityCambridge University1968Pulitzer Prize-Winning American Author, Speaker. Co-Founder And Chairman Of Cambridge Energy Research Associates.
David Laibson Harvard UniversityLondon School of Economics1988 Professor Of Economics, Harvard University
Derek Kilmer Princeton UniversityOxford University1996 U.S. Representative for Washington's 6th Congressional District
Douglas A. Melton University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignCambridge University1975 Professor and Chair Of The Harvard University Department Of Stem Cell And Regenerative Biology
Drew Daniel University of California at BerkeleyOxford University1993 Member of Matmos And Professor at Johns Hopkins University
E. Sterl Phinney California Institute of Technology Cambridge University 1980 Professor of Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of Technology
Ed Victor Dartmouth CollegeCambridge University1961 Journalist and Literary Agent
Edward Hundert Yale UniversityOxford University1978 Educator, Psychiatrist, and Medical Ethicist
George Marcus Yale University1968 Anthropologist At The University Of California, Irvine And Rice University
Graham Allison Harvard UniversityOxford University1962 Foreign Policy Expert And Founding Dean Of Harvard University's Kennedy School Of Government; Former Undersecretary Of Defense
Harold Koh Harvard UniversityOxford University1975 Legal Adviser Of The Department Of State; Former Dean Of The Yale Law School
James F. Gilliam Columbia UniversityOxford University Biologist and ISI Highly Cited Researcher
James K. Galbraith Harvard UniversityCambridge University1974 Economist and Journalist
Jason Bordoff Brown UniversityOxford University1995Former Special Assistant To The President, National Security Council
Jeff Modisett University of California, Los AngelesOxford University1978 Former Attorney General of Indiana
Jeffrey Gettleman Cornell UniversityOxford University1994Pulitzer Prize Winning Author, East Africa Bureau Chief for the New York Times
Jeffrey Rosen Harvard UniversityOxford University Author, Law Professor, and Legal Affairs Editor At The New Republic
Jeffrey Rosensweig Yale UniversityOxford University Author, Director Of Global Perspectives at the Goizueta School Of Business Of Emory University
Jennifer Daskal Brown UniversityCambridge University1994Former Counsel, National Security Division, Department Of Justice
Jenny Harrison University of AlabamaUniversity of Warwick1971 Mathematician And Professor, University Of California, Berkeley
John Jay Iselin Harvard UniversityCambridge University1959 Former President Of Cooper Union, Former President Of Wnet
John Spratt Davidson CollegeOxford University1964 Congressman for South Carolina's 5th Congressional District (1983-2011), Chairman of the United States House Committee on the Budget (2007-2011)
Jonathan Orszag Princeton UniversityOxford University1996 Senior Managing Director of Compass Lexecon, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, former Clinton Administration Economic Advisor
Joshua Oppenheimer Harvard UniversityUniversity of the Arts London1997Award-Winning Documentary Film Director, Director of The Act of Killing, MacArthur "Genius" Award 2014
Kannon Shanmugam Harvard UniversityOxford University1993 Supreme Court Litigator
Kathleen Sullivan Cornell UniversityOxford University1976 Professor and Former Dean of Stanford Law School
Katie Beirne Fallon University of Notre DameQueens University Belfast; London School of Economics1998Legislative Affairs Director, White House
Kelly Grovier University of California, Los Angeles Oxford University1992 Poet and Literary Critic for the Observer and the Times Literary Supplement
Kim Campbell United States Air Force AcademyImperial College, London1997USAF Pilot, awarded Distinguished Flying Cross for service during the Iraq War
Kris Kobach Harvard UniversityOxford University1988 Secretary of State of Kansas (2011), Chairman of the Kansas Republican Party, National Rowing Champion
Kurt M. Campbell University of California, San DiegoOxford University1980 Assistant Secretary Of State For East Asian And Pacific Affairs
Lael Brainard Wesleyan UniversityN/A1983 Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
Lewis Sargentich Occidental CollegeSussex University Professor At Harvard Law School
Linn Hobbs Northwestern University Oxford University 1966 Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and Nuclear Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mark Filip University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignOxford University1988 United States Deputy Attorney General
Mark R Bell Senior Fellow at Emory University's Center For Alternative Investments And Investor
Mark Whitaker Harvard UniversityOxford University1979 Managing Editor of CNN Worldwide, Former Senior Vice President Of NBC News, Editor Of Newsweek
Marty Kaplan Harvard UniversityCambridge University Associate Dean For Programs And Planning Of The Usc Annenberg School For Communication And Director Of The Norman Lear Center For The Study Of Entertainment
Mary E. Edgerton Surgical Pathologist And Director Of Biorepository Informatics at The University Of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Matthew Palamountain Cambridge RUFC, USA Rugby, Acre Education
Matthew Spence Stanford UniversityOxford University2000Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense For Middle East Policy, Department Of Defense
Melissa Lane Harvard UniversityCambridge University1988 Professor of Political Theory At Princeton University
Michael Klarman University of PennsylvaniaOxford University Bancroft Prize Winner and Constitutional Law Scholar at Harvard Law School
Michael Otsuka Yale UniversityOxford University1986 Professor Of Philosophy, London School of Economics and Political Science
Nancy Gibbs Yale UniversityOxford University1982 Managing Editor Of Time
Nancy Lublin Brown UniversityOxford University1993 Creator And Founder, Dress For Success, and CEO, Do Something
Nannerl Keohane Wellesley CollegeOxford University1961Former President Of Both Duke University (1993–2004) and Wellesley College (1981–1993)
Neil Gorsuch University of California, Los AngelesOxford University1992 Federal Judge on The United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.
Nicole Krauss Stanford UniversityOxford University1996 Novelist, History Of Love
Odaline de la Martinez Tulane UniversityRoyal Academy of Music1972Cuban-American Composer And First Woman To Ever Direct A Bbc Prom
Patrick M. Byrne Dartmouth CollegeCambridge University1988 Chairman Of The Board And President Of Overstock.Com
Peter Kramer Harvard UniversityUniversity College, London1970 Author of Listening To Prozac (1993)
Peter Orszag Princeton UniversityLondon School of Economics1991 Director, Office of Management and Budget. Former Director, Congressional Budget Office
Ray Dolby Stanford UniversityCambridge University1957 Inventor Of Dolby Sound And Chairman Of Dolby Laboratories
Reid Hoffman Stanford UniversityOxford University1990 Founder Of Linkedin
Richard Cordray Michigan State UniversityOxford University1981 Directory Of The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Robert Oden Harvard UniversityCambridge University Former President of Carleton College, former President of Kenyon College
Roger Tsien Harvard UniversityCambridge University Winner Of Nobel Prize In Chemistry, 2008
Rosa Brooks Harvard UniversityOxford University1991 Counselor To The Under Secretary For Policy, U.S. Department Of Defense; Los Angeles Times Columnist And Georgetown Law Professor
Samuel Rascoff Professor At NYU School Of Law
Sandra E. Shumway Research Professor, University Of Connecticut; Marine Scientist
Sanjoy Mahajan Stanford University Oxford University 1990 Associate Professor of Applied Science and Engineering at Olin College of Engineering; Author of Street-Fighting Mathematics
Scott MacIntyre Arizona State UniversityRoyal Holloway, University of London and the Royal College of Music2005 Musician and American Idol Season 8 Contestant
Seth Lloyd Harvard UniversityCambridge University1982 Quantum Information Scientist
Stephen Breyer Stanford UniversityOxford University1959 Associate Justice Of The U.S. Supreme Court Since 1994
Stephen Brusatte University of ChicagoUniversity of Bristol2006 Paleontologist, Co-Creator Of Taxonsearch And Discoverer Of Carcharodontosaurus Iguidensis
Stephen Jennings Dartmouth College University of Oxford1983 Co-CEO, Monitor Group (now Monitor Deloitte)
Stephen Quake Stanford University Oxford University 1991 Professor of Bioengineering at Stanford University, Inventor, and Entrepreneur
Steven Strogatz Princeton UniversityCambridge University1980 Applied Mathematician (Complex Networks)
Stuart Kauffman Dartmouth College Oxford University 1963 Founder of the Elizabeth Kauffman Institute for Transforming Medicine, Complex Systems Researcher, Medical Doctor, And Author
Ted Conover Amherst CollegeCambridge University Author, Essayist And Journalist
Thomas Babe Harvard UniversityCambridge University1963 Playwright
Thomas Carothers Harvard UniversityLondon School of Economics Vice President For Studies At The Carnegie Endowment For International Peace
Thomas Eugene Everhart Harvard UniversityCambridge University1955 Physicist. Former President of the California Institute of Technology. Former Chancellor of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Inventor of the Everhart-Thornley Detector.
Thomas Friedman Brandeis UniversityOxford University1975 Multiple Pulitzer Prize
Warwick Sabin University of ArkansasOxford University1998 Member of the Arkansas House of Representatives
William Broyles, Jr. Rice UniversityOxford University1966 American Screenwriter known for work on Apollo 13 (film), Cast Away, and The Polar Express (film).
William Joseph Burns La Salle UniversityOxford University1978 U.S. Deputy Secretary Of State; Former Undersecretary Of State; Former United States Ambassador To Russia
Zachary D. Kaufman Yale UniversityOxford University2000 Legal Academic And Social Entrepreneur
Sewell Chan Harvard UniversityOxford University1998American Journalist; Deputy Opinion Page Editor of the New York Times
Sheryll D. Cashin Vanderbilt UniversityOxford University1984Law Professor, Georgetown University
Jerry A. Hausman Brown UniversityOxford University1968Professor of Economics, MIT. Frisch Medal (1980). John Bates Clark Medal (1985)
Mark Hersam University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignCambridge University1996Professor of Chemistry, Northwestern University. MacArthur "Genius" Award (2014)
Nancy Cox Iowa State UniversityCambridge University1970Virologist. Director of the Influenza Division at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and director of CDC’s World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Control of Influenza
Bruce Allen Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridge University1980Director of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Robert Lane Greene Tulane UniversityOxford University1997Journalist for the Economist, the New Republic, the New York Times, Slate
William H. Janeway Princeton UniversityCambridge University1965Venture capitalist (former Vice Chairman of Warburg Pincus) and Economist
Jef McAllister Yale UniversityOxford University1977Former London Bureau Chief of TIME
James M. Poterba Harvard UniversityOxford University1980Professor of Economics at MIT, President and CEO of NBER
Josh West Yale UniversityCambridge University1999Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California. Rower in the 2008 Beijing Olympics for Great Britain.
Arthur L. Haywood III Morehouse College London School of Economics 1979 Pennsylvania State Senator for the 4th District.
Jonathan Galassi Harvard College Cambridge University 1971 President of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Honorary Chairman of Academy of American Poets

See also


  1. "Marshall Scholarships 2012 Competition Statistical Report" (PDF). Marshall Scholarships.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  3. 1 2 3 "Other Roads". The New York Times. 12 January 2003.
  4. "10 Most Prestigious Scholarships In America". 26 January 2011.
  5. "Ambassador Names Marshall Scholars". The New York Times. 15 December 1996.
  6. "Winners".
  7. "Marshall Aid Commemoration Act 1953".
  8. "Message from General George Marshall".
  9. Britain to Set Up 12 Scholarships for U.S. Students. The Washington Post, August 1, 1952
  10. Stanford, Neal. Marshall Scholars: Terms Compared. The Christian Science Monitor, January 18, 1960.
  12. "Who is eligible".
  13. 1 2 3 Jenna Johnson (26 November 2013). "Meet the 2014 Rhodes Scholars". Washington Post.
  14. "The Marshall Scholarship | Writing Personal Statements Online". Retrieved 2015-12-26.
  15. "Now a Marshall Scholar, medical ethicist looks to Oxford". The Chicago Maroon. Retrieved 2015-12-26.
  16. 1 2 Missing or empty |title= (help)
  20. "Annual Reports".
  22. "Countries". Retrieved 2015-12-26.
  23. 1 2 Schaeper, Thomas and Kathleen Schaeper. "Rhodes Scholars: Oxford, and the Creation of an American Elite," 2010. Berghahn Books: New York
  24. "HRH presents Marshall Medals at Senate House, London".

External links

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