Path space fibration

In algebraic topology, the path space fibration over a based space (X, *)[1] is a fibration of the form

\Omega X \hookrightarrow PX \overset{\chi \mapsto \chi(1)}\to X


The space X^I consists of all maps from I to X that may not preserve the base points; it is called the free path space of X and the fibration X^I \to X given by, say, \chi \mapsto \chi(1), is called the free path space fibration.

Mapping path space

If ƒ:XY is any map, then the mapping path space Pƒ of ƒ is the pullback of Y^I \to Y, \, \chi \mapsto \chi(1) along ƒ. Since a fibration pullbacks to a fibration, if Y is based, one has the fibration

F_f \hookrightarrow P_f \overset{p}\to Y

where p(x, \chi) = \chi(0) and F_f is the homotopy fiber, the pullback of PY \overset{\chi \mapsto \chi(1)}\to Y along ƒ.

Note also ƒ is the composition

X \overset{\phi}\to P_f \overset{p}\to Y

where the first map φ sends x to (x, c_{f(x)}), c_{f(x)} the constant path with value ƒ(x). Clearly, φ is a homotopy equivalence; thus, the above decomposition says that any map is a fibration up to homotopy equivalence.

If ƒ is a fibration to begin with, then \phi: X \to P_f is a fiber-homotopy equivalence and, consequently,[2] the fibers of f over the path-component of the base point are homotopy equivalent to the homotopy fiber F_f of ƒ.

Moore's path space

By definition, a path in a space X is a map from the unit interval I to X. Again by definition, the product of two paths α, β such that α(1) = β(0) is the path β · α: IX given by:

(\beta \cdot \alpha)(t)=
\alpha(2t) & \text{if } 0 \le t \le 1/2 \\
\beta(2t-1) & \text{if } 1/2 \le t \le 1 \\

This product, in general, fails to be associative on the nose: (γ · β) · αγ · (β · α), as seen directly. One solution to this failure is to pass to homotopy classes: one has [(γ · β) · α ] = [γ · (β · α)]. Another solution is to work with paths of arbitrary length, leading to the notions of Moore's path space and Moore's path space fibration.[3]

Given a based space (X, *), we let

P' X = \{ f: [0, r] \to X | r \ge 0, f(0) = * \}.

An element f of this set has the unique extension \widetilde{f} to the interval [0, \infty) such that \widetilde{f}(t) = f(r),\, t \ge r. Thus, the set can be identified as a subspace of \operatorname{Map}([0, \infty), X). The resulting space is called Moore's path space of X. Then, just as before, there is a fibration, Moore's path space fibration:

\Omega' X \hookrightarrow P'X \overset{p}\to X

where p sends each f: [0, r] → X to f(r) and \Omega' X = p^{-1}(*) is the fiber. It turns out that \Omega X and \Omega' X are homotopy equivalent.

Now, we define the product map:

\mu: P' X \times \Omega' X \to P' X

by: for f: [0, r] \to X and g: [0, s] \to X,

\mu(g, f)(t)=
f(t) & \text{if } 0 \le t \le r \\
g(t-r) & \text{if } r \le t \le s + r \\

This product is manifestly associative. In particular, with μ restricted to Ω'X × Ω'X, we have that Ω'X is a topological monoid (in the category of all spaces). Moreover, this monoid Ω'X acts on P'X through the original μ. In fact, p: P'X \to X is an Ω'X-fibration.[4]


  1. Throughout the article, spaces are objects of the category of "reasonable" spaces; e.g., the category of compactly generated weak Haudsorff spaces.
  2. using the change of fiber
  3. Whitehead 1979, Ch. III, § 2.
  4. Let G = Ω'X and P = P'X. That G preserves the fibers is clear. To see, for each γ in P, the map G \to p^{-1}(p(\gamma)),\, g \mapsto \gamma g is a weak equivalence, we can use the following lemma:
    Lemma  Let p: DB, q: EB be fibrations over an unbased space B, f: DE a map over B. If B is path-connected, then the following are equivalent:
    • f is a weak equivalence.
    • f: p^{-1}(b) \to q^{-1}(b) is a weak equivalence for some b in B.
    • f: p^{-1}(b) \to q^{-1}(b) is a weak equivalence for every b in B.
    We apply the lemma with B = I, D = I \times G, E = I \times_X P, f(t, g) = (t, \alpha(t) g) where α is a path in P and IX is t → the end-point of α(t). Since p^{-1}(p(\gamma)) = G if γ is the constant path, the claim follows from the lemma. (In a nutshell, the lemma follows from the long exact homotopy sequence and the five lemma.)


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