

Location in Mexico

Coordinates: 15°25′40″N 92°53′54″W / 15.42778°N 92.89833°W / 15.42778; -92.89833Coordinates: 15°25′40″N 92°53′54″W / 15.42778°N 92.89833°W / 15.42778; -92.89833
Country  Mexico
State Chiapas
  Total 419 sq mi (1,085 km2)
Population (2010)
  Total 43,913

Mapastepec (meaning in the "Hill of the Raccoon") is a municipality in the southern state of Chiapas, Mexico.


Mapastepec was founded as a people tributary of the Aztecs in 1486 under the name of Mapachtépec. In the first population census raised by the colonial authorities in 1611 had 265 inhabitants Mapastepec. On July 5, 1955, was upgraded to a villa by decree issued by Ephraim A. Osorio, Governor of the State of Chiapas.

Physical environment


Mapastec city, is located south of Chiapas, between 15 ° 26 '30 "N and 92 ° 53' 30" W, has an area of 1085.6 km ², which represents 1.44% of the state, its boundaries are: west, northwest and north by the municipality of Pijijiapan, La Concordia, on the north and northwest, with Angel Albino Corzo, on the east Siltepec, with Motozintla southeast, with the Acacoyagua and Acapetahua south and the Pacific Ocean to the south, southwest and west. The latitude of the municipal cabecar is 32 m, the average altitude of the municipality is 46 meters

The municipality covers an area of 1085 km².


Mapastepec, like other coastal towns, stretching from the edge of the Pacific Ocean, with its marshes, lakes and swamps to the peaks of the Sierra Madre which covers much of the ecological reserve known as El Triunfo that has a forest of fog holder of the tallest trees in the country and several unique plant species rarity and beauty. The area of the municipality may be distributed as follows: 35% is mountainous terrain, 20% plains, 30% hills, 5% to rough terrain and 10% wetlands. Alluvial soils predominate deep profiles and silt-sandy texture.


Altitudes of temperate and wet down the rivers of the area governing the municipality, among the most important may be considered the Novillero, San Nicolas and Sesecapa. Its waters are used primarily for human service, the livestock and agriculture.


It is considered hot and humid from January to September and as Costal from October to December, its average annual temperature is 26.5 degrees Celsius, the average annual rainfall of 1783 mm, with the heaviest rainfall from June to September.

Natural Resources

Chiapas has a wide variety of natural resources, unfortunately irrational exploitation has devastated large areas of woods and forests, causing loss of species of flora and fauna. Within its territory there are lots of Biosphere Reserves Triumph and The Crossroads, in addition to the Reforestation Area Huizapa-Sesecapa.


The vegetation at this high jungle town on the coast and oak-pine forest in the mountains. Can still be found species of hardwoods such as cedar, spring, hormiguillo, Guanacaste, oak and tepemixtle. Among the fruit we scored avocados, mamey, mango, custard apple, soursop, papausa, cuajinicuil and caspirol, among others. The vegetation is common in tropical climates, shows for example three plant communities: the high evergreen forest with species like the hormiguillo (Cordia alliodora), sapodilla (Manilkara zapota), ceiba or kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra), Guanacaste (Enterolo blum ciclocarpun), cinnamon (Calycophyllum), guava flying (Terminalia oblonga).


In the high mountains can be found to what is considered as the representative of the state bird: the peacock, unfortunately in danger of extinction. Also include: Pava, seven cars, hummingbirds, harpy eagle, hawk, parrot, owl, skylark, chupamiel, mockingbird, rook, buzzard, pigeons, doves, Yellow-throated toucans and a variety of beautiful birds such as the Quetzal. Spider monkey, porcupine, anteater, skunk, deer, puma, jaguar, bobcat, agouti, wild boar, tapir, opossums, rabbits, boa, rattlesnake, coral, false coral, nahuyaca, Chichicua, steep and lots of insects . In the coastal region there are armadillos, egrets, kingfishers, gulls, pelicans, gophers, green and black iguanas, crocodiles, bull frogs, toads and turtles. The aquatic fauna of the sea, rivers and lakes pertenciente the municipality: shark, whale, tilapia, catfish, tacazonte, snapper, lists, white bream, sea bass, shrimp, sardines, crab, pigua, scallops, oysters, clams, trout, octopus abundant zooplankton and an endless list of other reptiles, fish and poultry.

Cultural and tourist attractions

Parties, Dances and Traditions

The most important celebrations are: the San Pedro Apostol, is considered the patron of the city. Also performed the celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe. In the month of March every year holds the Mango Fair, with major exhibitions and visit major musical figures.


The municipality has made woodcuts.


Typical dishes of the municipality are: tamales iguana, armadillo stew and baked chicken, and marshmallow candies, and nuegados chilacayote and coconut water, beer, cocoa and white pozol.


According to information from the Ministry of Tourism, in 2000 the tourism infrastructure of this town I made up five hotels with 53 rooms.

One of its main tourist attractions is The Coaches, place located next to the sea for relaxation and recreation for visitors and locals, as well as its natural beauty and its people. Pampahonda is the most visited by the inhabitants during the holidays to enjoy desemana holy hot weather that characterizes them.


As of 2010, the municipality had a total population of 43,913,[1] up from 39,055 as of 2005.[2]

As of 2010, the city of Mapastepec had a population of 17,931.[1] Other than the city of Mapastepec, the municipality had 769 localities, the largest of which (with 2010 populations in parentheses) were: Sesecapa (2,143) and Nuevo Milenio Valdivia (1,789), classified as rural.[1]

Ethnic Groups

According to the results presented in the Second Census of Population and Housing in 2005, living in the town of 129 people who speak an indigenous language.

Demographic Trends

The total population of the municipality is 39.055 inhabitants, representing 5.88% of the regional and 1.00% of the state, the 50.48% 49.52% were men and women. Its structure is predominantly young, 67% of the population are under 30 years and the median age is 18 years. the period from 1990 to 2000 saw an average annual growth rate (TMAC) of 1.16%, the indicator in the regional and state level was 1.41% and 2.06% respectively.


The 65.68% of the population is Catholic, Protestant 14.77%, 4.81% non-evangelical biblical and 13.07% professes no religion. At regional level the behavior is: 58.98% Catholic, Protestant 13.79%, 6.47% non-evangelical biblical and 19.60% professes no religion. While the state sector is 63.83%, 13.92%, 7.96% and 13.07% respectively.


The most popular sport in the town's football, being at the top four football fields, which are the field November 20, Santa Cruz, Olimpia and Anahuac. It is also regularly engages in basketball, baseball, volleyball, cycling, swimming and charrería, of course, is a national sport.

Economic Activity

Its economy is based on: Agriculture (maize, beans, sorghum, oil palm, coffee, cacao, papaya, banana, watermelon and cantaloupe and mango production in its many varieties); The extensive and intensive livestock farming included the big export scale cattle, which generate substantial revenue to the municipality; Industry processing of milk (cream cheese, mediacrema cheese, cheese snacks, cheese, cream cheese, Cotija cheese and cream) of which has approximately 20 major cheese; extraction industry palm oil, the construction industry, industry of wood processing (sawmills) Fishery production in the coast, rivers, marshes and fish ponds, Trade, Service providers (mechanics, carpentry, upholstery, private schools, etc.). Of course, the growing number of qualified professionals also generate substantial income. Can be highlighted: Civil engineers, industrial electricians, computer systems, agronomy, business administration graduates in law and informatics; Doctors surgeons and animal scientists, teachers, accountants and biologists. It has a bank, two automated teller machines and several lenders


The agricultural sector is the largest in the state. It produces corn, oil palm, banana, watermelon, cantaloupe, tomatoes, coffee, cocoa, rice, beans and sesame, mango, watermelon, orange, avocado, fodder and vegetables. Thanks to the plateau of about 50 percent of its surface (which makes it more suitable for extensive agriculture), it has a significant mechanization, with the vast amount of agricultural tractors to facilitate and speed up field work Mapaneco. The huge underground soil moisture and allow the opening and use of deep and shallow wells with vast amounts of water available for this purpose.


In Mapastepec there is great variety of mangoes. Here is a good income for the township because of the large production, but there is a great enemy for this fruit, the strong current, wind, and sometimes leads to heavy losses for producers.

Here are some of the types of mangoes available in Mapastepec:


Livestock rearing beef and dairy cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and poultry.


The Pan American Railway reported that since 1908 the towns of the coast of Chiapas and Soconusco the border of Guatemala and the Tehuantepec Railroad. In 1907 they lay 394 kilometers of track between San Jeronimo and Huehuetán, from where the station is located Mapastepec. In 1911 the Departments of Tonala and Soconusco, located in southern Chiapas, reaching the enormous benefits of being connected with a railway to the rest of the nation. It was the so-called Pan-American Railway, which penetrated the State at kilometer 132 on station José Mora, and ended in 458, the marshal station, and on the border with Guatemala and the Tehuantepec Railroad. Currently, the train service is not a function since the 2005 floods washed away roads and has not been repaired.


The highlight, ecological reserves: that of "The Crossroads" south of town, near the Pacific Ocean, which contains the beautiful mangroves with its abundant flora and fauna of the "Idol" to the north, admitted to the closed forest of fog, over 2000 meters above sea level which houses the most diverse flora and fauna of the world, as it has the largest number of species of plants and animals gathered in a single protected area. In the offices of the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (CONANP) located opposite the central park of the municipal seat can make reservations for guided tours to discover the stunning beauty of these ecological reserves. The beaches can not go unnoticed, are of incomparable beauty, tourists can stay in touch with nature, it has many avenues of access road to their different itineraries.


The town has a variety of commercial establishments such as its gas stations, newsagents, two public markets, liquor stores, shoe stores, grocers, boutiques, chemists, tortilerías, many cheese factories, which are sold in various dairy products, ice cream store, bakeries, spare parts, construction materials, shopping mall etc. The purchase of coffee, corn, and cattle. The radio stations in the municipal play an important role in the commercial life of Mapastepec.


It has most of the services that any city could want: Hotels, motels, lodging, restaurants, public transport, local and foreign, gas stations, hospitals, clinics, doctors' offices, garages, car washing, etc.

"The community has a hospital belonging to the IMSS-Oportunidades Program is located in the northern part of town, has core specialties such as Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetrics, General Surgery, Anesthesiology and services such as Adult and Pediatric Hospital , Theatre, Toco surgery, emergency, family medicine, social work, clinical laboratory, Ray. The labor intensive area it serves is the coast area and state soconusco as all the services offered are completely free. It is noteworthy that has been the host of important health fairs, among which we mention the following: Health Gynecologic Reconstructive Surgery, Traumatology and Orthopaedics which has benefited many families of low economic resources and who do not have a Security System Social. "


  1. 1 2 3 "Mapastepec". Catálogo de Localidades. Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (SEDESOL). Retrieved 23 April 2014.
  2. "Mapastepec". Enciclopedia de los Municipios de México. Instituto Nacional para el Federalismo y el Desarrollo Municipal Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas. Retrieved July 25, 2008.
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