Maid of honour

This article discusses the court title. For the ceremonial position in a wedding, see bridesmaid. For the 2008 movie see Made of Honor. For the traditional English dish, see Maids of honour tart.

Maids of honour is a term for the junior attendants of a queen in royal households, especially those of England and later of the United Kingdom. The position was and is junior to the lady-in-waiting.


Traditionally, a queen regnant had eight maids of honour, while a queen consort had four; Queen Anne Boleyn, however, had over 60.

A maid of honour was a maiden, meaning that she was unmarried, and was usually young. Maids of honour were commonly in their sixteenth year or older, although Lady Jane Grey, served as a maid of honour to Queen Catherine Parr in about 1546–48, when Jane was only about ten to twelve years old. Under Mary I and Elizabeth I, maids of honour were at court as a kind of finishing school, with the hope of making a good marriage. Elizabeth Knollys was a maid of the court at the age of nine.

Some of the maids of honour were paid, while others were not. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the term maid of honour in waiting was sometimes used.

The queen mother often also had maids of honour. In 1915, for example, Ivy Gordon-Lennox was appointed a maid of honour to Queen Alexandra.[1]

At her coronation, Queen Elizabeth II had maids of honour who attended to her throughout the ceremony, especially carrying the trains of her robes. The Queen had six Maids of Honour:


The term lady-in-waiting describes a woman who attends a female member of the Royal Family other than the queen regnant or queen consort. An attendant upon one of the latter is a lady of the bedchamber or woman of the bedchamber, and the senior lady-in-waiting is the mistress of the robes. The women of the bedchamber are in regular attendance, but the mistress of the robes and the ladies of the bedchamber are normally only required for ceremonial occasions.

The term maid of honour is the origin of the American English term maid of honor, usually the best friend of a bride who leads her bridal party.


  1. The London Gazette: no. 28570. p. 209. 9 January 1912. Retrieved 2008-07-24.:"Marlborough House, 1st January, 1912. Queen Alexandra has been graciously pleased to appoint Miss Ivy Gordon-Lennox to be one of the Maids of Honour to Her Majesty in the room of the Honourable Blanche Lascelles, resigned."
  2. The Pippas of their day!, Daily Mail, retrieved 6 February 2015
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