Comprehensive Peace Agreement

This article is about 2005 Sudanese Comprehensive Peace Agreement. For the 2003 Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement, see Second Liberian Civil War. For the 2006 Nepal agreement, see Comprehensive Peace Accord.
  North Sudan
  Abyei (scheduled in CPA to hold referendum in 2011, postponed indefinitely as of May 2011)
  States to hold "popular consultations" in 2011: South Kurdufan (process suspended) and Blue Nile (status unclear)

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA, Arabic: اتفاقية السلام الشامل, Ittifāqiyat al-Sālāam aš-Šaāmil), also known as the Naivasha Agreement, was a set of agreements culminating in January 2005 that were signed between the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the Government of Sudan. The CPA was meant to end the Second Sudanese Civil War, develop democratic governance countrywide, and share oil revenues. It further set a timetable by which Southern Sudan had a referendum on its independence.

The peace process was encouraged by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), as well as IGAD-Partners, a consortium of donor countries.


The process resulted in the following agreements (also referred to as protocols):

The final, comprehensive agreement was signed on 9 January 2005 and marked the commencement of implementation activities.


2007 Southern withdrawal

Dancers in Kapoeta at an awareness building rally for the peace agreement, 2006

On 11 October 2007, the SPLM withdrew from the government of national unity (GoNU), accusing the central government of violating the terms of the CPA. In particular, the SPLM states that the Khartoum-based government, which is dominated by the National Congress Party, has failed to withdraw over 15,000 troops from southern oilfields and failed to implement the Protocol on Abyei. The SPLM stated that it was not returning to war, while analysts noted that the agreement had been disintegrating for some time, notably because of international focus on the conflict in nearby Darfur.[1]

The SPLM announced that it was rejoining the government on 13 December 2007, following an agreement. The agreement states that the seat of government will rotate between Juba and Khartoum every three months, though it appears that this will be largely symbolic, as well as funding for a census (vital for the referendum) and a timetable for the withdrawal of troops across the border.[2]

Northern Sudanese troops finally left Southern Sudan on 8 January 2008.[3]

South Sudan Independence

A referendum was held from 9 to 15 January 2011 to determine if South Sudan should declare its independence from Sudan, with 98.83% of the population voting for independence. It became independent as the Republic of South Sudan on 9 July 2011.

Popular Consultations

Popular consultations for Blue Nile and South Kordofan have been suspended as part of the ongoing conflict in those regions between the northern wing of the SPLA and the Justice and Equality Movement against the central government.

See also

References and notes

External links

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