List of philosophical concepts
See also: Glossary of philosophy
- A priori and a posteriori
- Absolute
- Absolute time and space
- Abstract object
- Adiaphora
- Aesthetic emotions
- Aesthetic interpretation
- Agathusia and aschimothusia
- Alief
- All men are created equal
- Analytic-synthetic distinction
- Anthropic principle
- Antinomy
- Antinomian
- Apeiron
- Arborescent
- Artha
- Art manifesto
- Atman
- Aufheben
- Autonomy
- Avant-garde
- Avatar
- Avadhuta
- Beauty
- Being
- Belief
- Binary opposition
- Biofact
- Body without organs
- Boredom
- Brahman
- Brahmanda
- Brain in a vat
- Brute fact
- Cambridge change
- Camp
- Cartesian Other
- Cartesian Self
- Categorical imperative
- Categorization
- Category of being
- Causal adequacy principle
- Causality
- Chakra
- Charvaka
- Chaitanya
- Choice
- Civic virtue
- Class consciousness
- Class
- Cogito ergo sum
- Cognitive closure
- Commensurability
- Common good
- Common sense
- Composition of Causes
- Compossibility
- Conatus
- Concept
- Condition of possibility
- Conjecture
- Conscience
- Consent
- Construct
- Creativity
- Crazy wisdom
- Cultural hegemony
- Cultural sensibility
- Cuteness
- Daimonic
- Darshana
- De dicto and de re
- Definition
- Descriptive knowledge
- Desiring-production
- Dharma
- Dhyana
- Diksha
- Disciplinary institution
- Discourse
- Disgust
- Dispositional and occurrent belief
- Distributive justice
- Distrust
- Documentality
- Dogma
- Duty
- Dwelling
- Ecstasy
- Efficient cause
- Elegance
- Embodied cognition
- Emergence
- Empirical method
- Empirical relationship
- Empirical research
- Entertainment
- Entity
- Epistemic virtue
- Epoché
- Eroticism
- Essence
- Eternity
- Ethics of care
- Eudaimonia
- Eupraxis
- Excellence
- Existence
- Existential phenomenology
- Experience
- Fact
- Fidelity
- Final anthropic principle
- Final cause
- Formal cause
- Formal theorem
- Four causes
- Free will
- Half-truth
- Happiness
- Harmony
- Hate speech
- Here is a hand
- Heteronomy
- History and Class Consciousness
- Human rights
- I know that I know nothing
- Idea
- Ideal speech situation
- Identity and change
- Identity
- Ideological repression
- Ideology
- Ignoramus et ignorabimus
- Ignorance
- Immanence
- Immanent critique
- Implicate and explicate order according to David Bohm
- Infallibility
- Inference
- Infinity
- Information
- Injustice
- Innocence
- Instantiation principle
- Institutional cruelty
- Intellectual responsibility
- Intention
- Integral yoga
- Integral philosophy
- Interpellation
- Intrinsic and extrinsic properties
- Intuition
- Ius indigenatus
- Involution
- Laïcité
- Last man
- League of peace
- Logic
- Life imitating art
- Logical consequence
- Logical constant
- Logical form
- Logical implication
- Logical truth
- Logos
- Love
- Loyalty
- Magnificence
- Mansion of Many Apartments
- Mantra
- Marx's theory of alienation
- Marx's theory of human nature
- Master-slave dialectic
- Material cause
- Matter
- Max Scheler's Concept of Ressentiment
- Maya
- Meaning
- Meaning of life
- Mental representation
- Mercy
- Mimesis
- Mind
- Minority
- Moksha
- Molyneux's Problem
- Moral responsibility
- Motion
- Mundane reason
- Name
- Nation
- Natural and legal rights
- Nature
- Necessary and sufficient condition
- Negative capability
- Nonmaleficence
- Norm of reciprocity
- Norm
- Normative science
- Notion
- Panopticon
- Paradox
- Passions
- Pattern
- Peace
- Percept
- Perception
- Peripatetic axiom
- Perpetual peace
- Philosophical analysis
- Philosophy of futility
- Physical body
- Physis
- Pneuma
- Political consciousness
- Polychotomous key
- Possible world
- Posthegemony
- Prakriti
- Purusha
- Pratyabhijna
- Pranava
- Presupposition
- Primum non nocere
- Principle
- Principle of double effect
- Problem of induction
- Problem of other minds
- Prohairesis
- Property
- Propositional attitude
- Rasa
- Rationality
- Real freedom
- Reason
- Reasoning
- Reciprocity
- Reference
- Reform
- Regress argument
- Rajas
- Raja yoga
- Ren
- Right to exist
- Righteousness
- Rights
- Ring of Gyges
- Rule of Rescue
- Satchidananda
- Sattva
- Sahaja
- Samarasa
- Satori
- Sea of Beauty
- Self
- Semantics
- Sense data
- Set
- Shabda
- Shakti
- Shunya
- Simulacrum
- Simulated reality
- Simulation hypothesis
- Sittlichkeit
- Social contract
- Society
- Soku hi
- Sortal
- Speculative reason
- State of nature
- Style
- Subject
- Subjectivation
- Sublime
- Substance theory
- Substantial form
- Substitution
- Suffering
- Supermind
- Superrationality
- Symbol
- Syntax
- Taste
- Tantra
- Telos
- The Golden Rule
- The saying and the said
- Theorem
- Theory of justification
- Thought
- Thrownness
- Thumos
- Tamas
- Ti
- Time
- Transcendent
- Transcendental apperception
- Transworld identity
- Trika
- Triratna
- Triloka
- Trust
- Truth
- Truth value
- Type
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