List of historic tropical cyclone names

Tropical cyclones are named for historical reasons and so to avoid confusion when communicating with the public as more than one tropical cyclone can exist at a time. Names are drawn in order from predetermined lists and are usually assigned to tropical cyclones with one-, three- or ten-minute windspeeds of more than 65 km/h (40 mph). However standards vary from basin to basin with some tropical depressions named in the Western Pacific whilst tropical cyclones have to have gale force winds occurring more than halfway around the center within the Australian and Southern Pacific regions.

The official practice of naming tropical cyclones started in 1945 within the Western Pacific. Naming continued through the next few years before in 1950, names also started to be assigned to tropical storms forming in the North Atlantic ocean. In the Atlantic, names were originally taken from the world war two version of the Phonetic Alphabet but this was changed in 1953 to use lists of women names which were drawn up yearly. Around this time naming of tropical cyclones also began within the Southern and Central parts of the Pacific. However naming didn't begin the Eastern Pacific until 1960 with the original naming lists designed to be used year after year in sequence. In 1960, naming also began in the Southwest Indian Ocean before in 1963 the Philippine Meteorological Service, started assigning names to tropical cyclones that moved into or formed in their area of responsibility. Later in 1963 warning centers within the Australian region also commenced naming tropical cyclones. During 2011 and 2015, the Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center started using naming list to name tropical cyclones over the South Atlantic basin.

North Atlantic

By 1950 tropical cyclones that were judged by the US Weather Bureau to have intensified into a tropical storm, started to be assigned names.[1][2] Storms were originally named in alphabetical order using the World War II version of the Phonetic Alphabet.[1] By 1952 a new phonetic alphabet had been developed and this led to confusion as some parties wanted to use the newer phonetic alphabet.[1] In 1953, to alleviate any confusion, forecasters decided to use a set of 23 feminine names.[1][2] After the 1953 Atlantic hurricane season, public reception to the idea seemed favorable, so the same list was adopted for the next year with one change; Gilda for Gail.[1] However after storms like Carol and Hazel got a lot of publicity during the 1953 season, forecasters agreed to develop a new set of names for 1955.[1] However before this could happen, a tropical storm was declared significant on January 2, 1955 and was named as Alice.[1] The new set of names were developed and used in 1955 beginning with Brenda continuing through the alphabet to Zelda.[1] For each season before 1960, a new set of names were developed.[1] In 1960 forecasters decided to begin rotating names in a regular sequence and thus four alphabetical lists were established to be repeated every four years.[3] The sets followed the example of the western Pacific typhoon naming lists and excluded names beginning with the letters Q, U, X, Y and Z.[3] These four lists were used until 1972 when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), replaced them with 9 lists designed to be used from 1972.[3] In 1977, NOAA made the decision to relinquish control over the name selection by allowing a regional committee of the World Meteorological Organization to select the new sets of names which would contain male names and some Spanish and French names in order to reflect all the cultures and languages within the Atlantic Ocean.[2][3] The World Meteorological Organization decided that the new lists of hurricane name would start to be used in 1979.[2][3] Since 1979 the same lists have been used, with names of significant tropical cyclones removed from the lists and replaced with new names.[2] In 2002 Subtropical Cyclones started to be assigned names from the main list of names set up for that year. In 2005 as all the names preselected for the season were exhausted, the contingency plan of using Greek letters for names had to be used.[4] Since then there have been a few attempts to get rid of the Greek names, as they are seen to be inconsistent with the standard naming convention used for tropical cyclones and are considered generally unknown and confusing to the public.[5] However the lists of preselected names for the year, are not expected to be used up frequently enough to warrant any change in the existing naming procedure and thus the Greek Alphabet will be used if the list of pre selected names should ever be used up again.[5][6][7]

Names used between 1950 – 1964

1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964
Able Able Able Alice Alice Alice Anna Audrey Alma Arlene Abby Anna Alma Arlene Abby
Baker Baker Baker Barbara Barbara Brenda Betsy Bertha Becky Beulah Brenda Betsy Becky Beulah Brenda
Charlie Charlie Charlie Carol Carol Connie Carla Carrie Cleo Cindy Cleo Carla Celia Cindy Cleo
Dog Dog Dog Dolly Dolly Diane Dora Debbie Daisy Debra Donna Debbie Daisy Debra Dora
Easy Easy Easy Edna Edna Edith Ethel Esther Ella Edith Ethel Esther Ella Edith Ethel
Fox Fox Fox Florence Florence Flora Flossy Frieda Fifi Flora Florence Frances Flora Florence
George George Gail Gilda Gladys Greta Gerda Gracie Gerda GinnyGladys
How How Hazel Hazel Hilda Helene Hannah Hattie Helena Hilda
Item Item Ione Ilsa Irene Inga Isbell
Jig Jig Janet Janice Judith Jenny
King Katie

Names used between 1965 – 1979

1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
Anna Alma Arlene Abby Anna Alma Arlene Agnes Alice Alma Amy Anna Anita Amelia Ana
Betsy Becky Beulah Brenda Blanche Becky Beth Betty Brenda Becky Blanche Belle Babe Bess Bob
Carol Celia Chloe Candy Camille Celia Chloe Carrie Christine Carmen CarolineCandice Clara Cora Claudette
DebbieDorothyDoriaDollyDebbie Dorothy Doria Dawn Delia Dolly Doris Dottie Dorothy Debra David
Elena Ella Edith Edna Eve Ella Edith EllenElaine Eloise Emmy Evelyn Ella Elena
FaithFernFrancesFrancelia FeliceFern Fran Fifi FayeFrancesFrieda Flossie Frederic
GretaGingerGladysGerda GretaGinger GildaGertrudeGladysGloria GretaGloria
HallieHeidi Holly Heidi HallieHolly HopeHenri
Inez Inga Irene Irma
Judith Jenny Janice Juliet
Kendra Kara Kristy Kendra
Lois Laurie Laura

Names used between 1980 – 1994

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
Allen ArleneAlberto Alicia Arthur Ana AndrewArlene Alberto Allison Arthur Ana Andrew Arlene Alberto
Bonnie Bret Beryl Barry Bertha Bob Bonnie Bret Beryl Barry Bertha Bob Bonnie Bret Beryl
Charley Cindy Chris Chantal Cesar Claudette Charley Cindy Chris Chantal Cesar Claudette Charley Cindy Chris
DanielleDennisDebbyDeanDianaDannyDanielleDennisDebbyDean Diana Danny Danielle Dennis Debby
EarlEmilyErnesto Edouard Elena EarlEmilyErnestoErin Edouard Erika Earl Emily Ernesto
FrancesFloyd FranFabianFrancesFloydFlorenceFelix Fran Fabian Frances Floyd Florence
GeorgesGert Gustav Gloria Gilbert Gabrielle Gustav Grace Gert Gordon
HermineHarvey HortenseHenri Helene Hugo Hortense Harvey
IvanIrene IsidoreIsabel IsaacIris Isidore
JeanneJose JosephineJuan JoanJerry Josephine
Karl Katrina Klaus Kate Keith Karen Klaus
Lili Lili

Names used between 1995 – 2009

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Allison Arthur Ana Alex Arlene Alberto Allison Arthur Ana Alex Arlene Ophelia Alberto Andrea Arthur Ana
Barry Bertha Bill Bonnie Bret Beryl Barry Bertha Bill Bonnie Bret Philippe Beryl Barry Bertha Bill
Chantal Cesar Claudette Charley Cindy Chris Chantal Cristobal Claudette Charley Cindy Rita Chris Chantal Cristobal Claudette
Dean Dolly Danny Danielle Dennis Debby Dean Dolly Danny Danielle Dennis Stan Debby Dean Dolly Danny
Erin Edouard Erika Earl Emily Ernesto Erin Edouard Erika Earl Emily Tammy Ernesto Erin Edouard Erika
Felix Fran Fabian Frances Floyd Florence Felix Fay Fabian Frances Franklin Vince Florence Felix Fay Fred
Gabrielle Gustav Grace Georges Gert Gordon Gabrielle Gustav Grace Gaston Gert Wilma Gordon Gabrielle Gustav Grace
Humberto Hortense Hermine Harvey Helene Humberto Hanna Henri Hermine Harvey Alpha Helene Humberto Hanna Henri
Iris Isidore Ivan Irene Isaac Iris Isidore Isabel Ivan Irene Beta Isaac Ingrid Ike Ida
Jerry Josephine Jeanne Jose Joyce Jerry Josephine Juan Jeanne Jose Gamma Jerry Josephine
Karen Kyle Karl Katrina Keith Karen Kyle Kate Karl Katrina Delta Karen Kyle
Luis Lili Lisa Lenny Leslie Lorenzo Lili Larry Lisa Lee Epsilon Lorenzo Laura
Marilyn Marco Mitch Michael Michelle Mindy Matthew Maria Zeta Melissa Marco
Noel Nicole Nadine Noel Nicholas Nicole Nate Noel Nana
Opal Olga Odette Otto Olga Omar
Pablo Peter Paloma

Names used between 2010 – 2016

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Alex Arlene Alberto Andrea Arthur Ana Alex
Bonnie Bret Beryl Barry Bertha Bill
Colin Cindy Chris Chantal Cristobal Claudette
Danielle Don Debby Dorian Dolly Danny
Earl Emily Ernesto Erin Edouard Erika
Fiona Franklin Florence Fernand Fay Fred
Gaston Gert Gordon Gabrielle Gonzalo Grace
Hermine Harvey Helene Humberto Hanna Henri
Igor Irene Isaac Ingrid Ida
Julia Jose Joyce Jerry Joaquin
Karl Katia Kirk Karen Kate
Lisa Lee Leslie Lorenzo
Matthew Maria Michael Melissa
Nicole Nate Nadine
Otto Ophelia Oscar
Paula Philippe Patty
Richard Rina Rafael
Shary Sean Sandy
Tomas Tony

Eastern Pacific

Within the Eastern Pacific basin between the western coasts of the Americas and 140°W the naming of tropical cyclones started in 1960, with four lists of female names initially designed to be used consecutively before being repeated.[31][32] In 1965 after two lists of names had been used, it was decided to return to the top of the second list and to start recycling the sets of names on an annual basis.[32][33]

In 1977, after protests by various women's rights groups, NOAA made the decision to relinquish control over the name selection by allowing a regional committee of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to select new sets of names.[3] The WMO selected six lists of names which contained male names and rotated every six years.[3] They also decided that the new lists of hurricane name would start to be used in 1978 which was a year earlier than the Atlantic.[34] Since 1978 the same lists of names have been used, with names of significant tropical cyclones removed from the lists and replaced with new names.[32] As in the Atlantic basin should the names preselected for the season be exhausted, the contingency plan of using Greek letters for names would be used.[32][35] However unlike in the Atlantic basin the contingency plan has never had to be used, although in 1985 to avoid using the contingency plan, the letters X, Y, and Z were added to the lists.[35] Since the contingency plan had to be used in the North Atlantic during 2005 there have been a few attempts to get rid of the Greek names as they are seen to be inconsistent with the standard naming convention used for tropical cyclones and are generally unknown and confusing to the public.[5][6] However none of the attempts have succeeded and thus the Greek letters will be used should the lists be used up.[5][6]

Names used between 1960–1969

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
Annette Kathleen Valerie Emily Natalie Victoria Adele Helga Agatha Jewel Annette Kathleen Ava
Bonny Liza Willa Florence Odessa Wallie Blanca Ione Bridget Katrina Bonny Liza Bernice
Celeste Madeline Ava Glenda Prudence Ava Connie Joyce Carlotta Lily Celeste Madeline Claudia
Diana Naomi Bernice Hazel Roslyn Bernice Dolores Kirsten Denise Monica Diana Naomi Doreen
Estelle Orla Claudia Irah Silvia Claudia Eileen Lorraine Eleanor Nanette Estelle Orla Emily
Fernanda Pauline Doreen Jennifer Tillie Doreen Francesca Maggie Francene Olivia Fernanda Pauline Florence
Gwen Rebbecca Katherine Emily Gretchen Georgette Priscilla Gwen Rebbecca Glenda
Hyacinth Simone Lillian Florence Hilary Ramona Hyacinth Simone Heather
Iva Tara Mona Glenda Ilsa Iva Tara Irah
Joanne Hazel Joanne Jennifer

Names used between 1970–1979

1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
Adele Joyce Agatha Jewel Annette Gwen Ava Glenda Aletta Joyce Agatha Ilsa Annette Hyacinth Ava Aletta John Andres
Blanca Kirsten Bridget Katrina Bonny Hyacinth Bernice Heather Blanca Kirsten Bridget Jewel Bonny Iva Bernice Bud Kristy Blanca
Connie Lorraine Carlotta Lily Celeste Iva Claudia Irah Connie Lorraine Carlotta Katrina Celeste Joanne Claudia Carlotta Lane Carlos
Dolores Maggie Denise Monica Diana Joanne Doreen Jennifer Dolores Maggie Denise Lily Diana Kathleen Doreen Daniel Miriam Dolores
Eileen Norma Eleanor Nanette Estelle Kathleen Emily Katherine Eileen Norma Eleanor Monica Estelle Liza Emily Emilia Norman Enrique
Francesa Orlene Francene Olivia Fernanda Liza Florence Lillian Francesa Orlene Francene Nanette Fernanda Madeline Florence Fico Olivia Fefa
Gretchen Patricia Georgette Priscilla Gretchen Patricia Georgette Olivia Gwen Naomi Glenda Gilma Paul Guillermo
Helga Rosalie Hilary Ramona Helga Rosalie Hilary Priscilla Heather Hector Rosa Hilda
Ione 2 Selma Ilsa Sharon Ione Iva Sergio Ignacio
Ione 1 Jimena

Names used between 1980–1989

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
Agatha Adrian Aletta Kristy Adolph Lorena Alma Julio Andres Linda Agatha Javier Adrian Jova Aletta Hector Adolph Juliette
Blas Beatriz Bud Lane Barbara Manuel Boris Kenna Blanca Marty Blas Kay Beatriz Knut Bud Iva Barbara Kiko
Celia Calvin Carlotta Miriam Cosme Narda Cristina Lowell Carlos Nora Celia Lester Calvin Lidia Carlotta John Cosme Lorena
Darby Dora Daniel Norman Dalilia Octave Douglas Marie Dolores Olaf Darby Madeline Dora Max Daniel Kristy Dalilia Manuel
Estelle Eugene Emilia Olivia Erick Priscilla Elida Norbert Enrique Pauline Estelle Newton Eugene Norma Emilia Lane Erick Narda
Frank Fernanda Fabio Paul Flossie Raymond Fausto Odile Fefa Rick Frank Orlene Fernanda Otis Fabio Miriam Flossie Octave
Georgette Greg Gilma Rosa Gil Sonia Genevieve Polo Guillermo Sandra Georgette Paine Greg Pilar Gilma Gil Pricsilla
Howard Hilary Hector Sergio Henriette Tico Hernan Rachel Hilda Terry Howard Roslyn Hilary Ramon Henriette Raymond
Isis Irwin Iva Tara Ismael Velma Iselle Simon Ignacio Vivian Isis Irwin Selma Ismael
Javier Jova John Juliette Winnie Jimena Waldo
Kay Knut Kiko Kevin Xina
Lester Lidia
Madeline Max
Newton Norma

Names used between 1990–1999

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Alma Kenna Andres Hilda Agatha Madeline Adrian Hilary Aletta John Adolph Alma Andres Jimena Agatha Howard Adrian
Boris Lowell Blanca Ignacio Blas Newton Beatriz Irwin Bud Kristy Barbara Boris Blanca Kevin Blas Isis Beatriz
Cristina Marie Carlos Jimena Celia Orlene Calvin Jova Carlotta Lane Cosme Cristina Carlos Linda Celia Javier Calvin
Douglas Norbert Dolores Kevin Darby Paine Dora Kenneth Daniel Miriam Dalila Douglas Dolores Marty Darby Kay Dora
Elida Odile Enrique Linda Estelle Roslyn Eugene Lidia Emilia Norman Erick Elida Enrique Nora Estelle Lester Eugene
Fausto Polo Fefa Marty Frank Seymour Fernanda Max Fabio Olivia Flossie Fausto Felicia Olaf Frank Madeline Fernanda
Genevieve Rachel Guillermo Nora Georgette Tina Greg Norma Gilma Paul Gil Genevieve Guillermo Pauline Georgette Greg
Hernan Simon Howard Virgil Hector Rosa Henriette Hernan Hilda Rick Hilary
Iselle Trudy Isis Winifred Ileana Ismael Ignacio Irwin
Julio Vance Javier Xavier Juliette
Kay Yolanda
Lester Zeke

Names used between 2000–2009

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Aletta John Adolph Ivo Alma Andres Ignacio Agatha Adrian Irwin Aletta John Alvin Alma Iselle Andres Jimena
Bud Kristy Barbara Juliette Boris Blanca Jimena Blas Beatriz Jova Bud Kristy Barbara Boris Julio Blanca Kevin
Carlotta Lane Cosme Kiko Cristina Carlos Kevin Celia Calvin Kenneth Carlotta Lane Cosme Cristina Karina Carlos Linda
Daniel Miriam Dalila Lorena Douglas Dolores Linda Darby Dora Lidia Daniel Miriam Dalila Douglas Lowell Dolores Marty
Emilia Norman Erick Manuel Elida Enrique Marty Estelle Eugene Max Emilia Norman Erick Elida Marie Enrique Nora
Fabio Olivia Flossie Narda Fausto Felicia Nora Frank Fernanda Norma Fabio Olivia Flossie Fausto Norbert Felicia Olaf
Gilma Paul Gil Octave Genevieve Guillermo Olaf Georgette Greg Otis Gilma Paul Gil Genevieve Odile Guillermo Patricia
Hector Rosa Henriette Hernan Hilda Patricia Howard Hilary Hector Rosa Henriette Hernan Polo Hilda Rick
Ileana Iselle Isis Ileana Sergio Ivo Ignacio
Julio Javier Juliette
Kenna Kay Kiko
Lowell Lester

Names used and scheduled between 2010–2015

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Agatha Adrian Aletta John Alvin Juliette Amanda Marie Andres Kevin
Blas Beatriz Bud Kristy Barbara Kiko Boris Norbert Blanca Linda
Celia Calvin Carlotta Lane Cosme Lorena Cristina Odile Carlos Marty
Darby Dora Daniel Miriam Dalila Manuel Douglas Polo Dolores Nora
Estelle Eugene Emilia Norman Erick Narda Elida Rachel Enrique Olaf
Frank Fernanda Fabio Olivia Flossie Octave Fausto Simon Felicia Patricia
Georgette Greg Gilma Paul Gil Priscilla Genevieve Trudy Guillermo Rick
Hilary Hector Rosa Henriette Raymond Hernan Vance Hilda Sandra
Irwin Ileana Ivo Sonia Iselle Ignacio
Jova Julio Jimena
Kenneth Karina

Central North Pacific (Date line to 140W)

In 1950 a tropical cyclone that affected Hawaii was named Able, after a tropical cyclone had not affected Hawaii for a number of years.[38][39] The system was also named Salome by the Air Weather Service Office in Guam, before it became widely known as Hurricane Hiki, since Hiki is Hawaiian for Able.[38][39][40] Typhoons Olive and Della of 1952 and 1957 developed within the Central Pacific, but were not named until they had crossed the International Dateline and moved into the Western Pacific basin.[38][41] During 1957, two other tropical cyclones developed in the Central Pacific and were named Kanoa and Nina, by the Hawaiian military meteorological offices.[41] It was subsequently decided that future tropical cyclones, would be named by borrowing names from the Western Pacific naming lists.[41] Hawaiian names were reinstated for the lists during 1979, with 5 sets of names drafted using only the 12 letters of the Hawaiian alphabet, with the intent being to use the sets of names on an annual rotation basis.[33][42] However, after no storms had developed in this region between 1979 and 1981, the annual lists were scrapped and replaced with four sets of names and designed to be used consecutively.[33] Ahead of the 2007 hurricane season, the Central Pacific Hurricane Center (CPHC) introduced a revised set of Hawaiian names for the Central Pacific, after they had worked with the University of Hawaii Hawaiian Studies Department to ensure the correct meaning and appropriate historical and cultural use of the names.[43]

Salome (1950)
Kanoa (1957) Nina (1957) Akoni (1982) Ema (1982) Hana (1982) Iwa (1982) Keli (1984) Lala (1984) Moke (1984)
Nele (1985) Oka (1987) Peke (1987) Uleki (1988) Wila (1988) Aka (1990) Ekeka (1992) Hali (1992) Iniki (1992) Keoni (1993)
Li (1994) Mele (1994) Nona (1994) Oliwa (1997) Paka (1997) Upana (2000) Wene (2000) Alika (2002) Ele (2002) Huko (2002)
Ioke (2006) Kika (2008) Lana (2009) Maka (2009) Neki (2009) Omeka (2010) Pewa (2013) Unala (2013) Wali (2014) Ana (2014)
Ela (2015) Halola (2015) Iune (2015) Kilo (2015) Loke (2015) Malia (2015) Niala (2015) Oho (2015) Pali (2016)

Western North Pacific

In the Western North Pacific ocean, there are two sets of names generally used. The first are the international names assigned to a tropical cyclone by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) or the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC). The second set of names are local names assigned to a tropical cyclone by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration. This system often ends up with a tropical cyclone being assigned two names, should a tropical storm threaten the Philippines.

On January 1, 2000 the Japan Meteorological Agency as the official Regional Specialized Meteorological Center took over the naming of Tropical storms. The names selected by the World Meteorological Organization's Typhoon Committee were from a pool of names submitted by the various countries that make up the Typhoon Committee.

Names used between 1945 – 1959

1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
Ann Barbara Anna Karen Carmen Doris Georgia Charlotte Irma Elsie Violet Sarah Rose Ophelia Ruby Marge
Betty Charlotte Berneda Lana Della Elsie Hope Dinah Judy Flossie Wilda Thelma Shirley Phyllis Sally Nora
Connie Dolly Carol Mabel Elaine Flossie Iris Emma Kit Grace Anita Vera Trix Rita Tilda Opal
Doris Elinor Donna Nadine Faye Grace Joan Freda Lola Helen Billie Wanda Virginia Susan Violet Patsy
Nancy Ginny Eileen Ophelia Gloria Helene Kate Gilda Mamie Ida Clara Amy Wendy Tess Wilda Ruth
Opal Ingrid Faith Pearl Hester Ida Louise Harriet Nina June Dot Babs Agnes Viola Anita Sarah
Peggy Janie Gwen Rose Irma Jane Marge Ivy Ophelia Kathy Ellen Charlotte Bess Winnie Billie Thelma
Edna Lilly Helena Annabell Judith Kezia Nora Jeanne Phyllis Lorna Fran Dinah Carmen Alice Clara Vera
Eva Maggie Inez Bertha Kitty Lucretia Ora Karen Rita Marie Georgia Emma Della Betty Dot Wanda
Queenie Opal Joyce Chris Lise Missatha Pat Lois Susan Nancy Hope Freda Elaine Cora Ellen Amy
Frances Priscilla Kathleen Dolores Madeline Nancy Ruth Mary Tess Olga Iris Gilda Faye Doris Fran Babs
Grace Querida Laura Eunice Nelly Ossia Sarah Nona Viola Pamela Joan Harriet Gloria Elsie Georgia Charlotte
Ruth Alma Mildred Flo Omelia Petie Thelma Olive Winnie Ruby Kate Ivy Hester Flossie Hope Dinah
Susan Betty Nanette Gestrude Patricia Ruby Vera Polly Alice Sally Louise Jean Irma Grace Iris Emma
Tess Dianne Olive Hazel Rena Anita Wanda Rose Betty Tilda Marge Karen Judy Helen Joan Freda
Helen Pauline Ione Allyn Billie Amy Shirley Cora Nora Lucille Kit Ida Kate Gilda
Ursula Rosalind Jackie Betty Clara Babs Trix Doris Opal Mary Lola June Louise Harriet
Ida Alice Kit Camilla Delilah Vae Patsy Nadine Mamie Kathy
Verna Beatrice Libby Ellen Wilma Ruth Olive Nina Lorna
Wanda Cathy Martha Fran Agnes Polly Marie
Jean Dora Norma Bess Nancy
Kate Elnora Olga Carmen Olga
Louise Flora Pat Della Pamela
Marge Gladys Rita Elaine
Yvonne Hannah Agnes Faye
Nora Irene Beverly Gloria
Jean Hester

Names used between 1960 – 1974

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
Ivy Rita Fran Olive Tess Patsy Hester Ruby Jean Phyllis Nancy Sarah Kit Wilda Wanda
Jean Susan Georgia Polly Viola Ruth Irma Sally Kim Rita Olga Thelma Lola Anita Amy
Karen Tess Hope Rose Winnie Sarah Judy Therese Lucy Susan Pamela Vera Mamie Billie Babe
Lucille Viola Iris Shirley Alice Thelma Kit Violet Mary Tess Ruby Wanda Nina Clara Carla
Mary Winnie Joan Trix Betty Vera Lola Wilda Nadine Viola Sally Amy Ora Dot Dinah
Nadine Alice Kate Virginia Cora Wanda Mamie Anita Olive Winnie Therese Babe Phyllis Ellen Emma
Olive Betty Louise Wendy Doris Amy Nina Billie Polly Alice Violet Carla Rita Fran Freda
Polly Cora Marge Agnes Elsie Babe Ora Clara Rose Betty Wilda Dinah Susan Georgia Gilda
Rose Doris Nora Bess Flossie Carla Phyllis Dot Shirley Cora Anita Emma Tess Hope Harriet
Shirley Elsie Opal Carmen Grace Dinah Rita Ellen Trix Doris Billie Freda Viola Iris Ivy
Trix Flossie Patsy Della Helen Emma Susan Fran Virginia Elsie Clara Gilda Winnie Joan Jean
Virginia Grace Ruth Elaine Ida Freda Tess Georgia Wendy Flossie Dot Harriet Alice Kate Kim
Wendy Helen Sarah Faye June Gilda Viola Hope Agnes Grace Ellen Ivy Betty Louise Lucy
Agnes Ida Thelma Gloria Kathy Harriet Winnie Iris Bonnie Helen Fran Jean Cora Marge Mary
Bess June Vera Hester Lorna Ivy Alice Joan Carmen Ida Georgia Kim Doris Nora Nadine
Carmen Kathy Wanda Irma Marie Jean Betty Kate Della June Hope Lucy Elsie Opal Olive
Della Lorna Amy Judy Nancy Kim Cora Louise Elaine Kathy Iris Mary Flossie Patsy Polly
Elaine Marie Babe Kit Olga Lucy Doris Marge Faye Lorna Joan Nadine Grace Ruth Rose
Faye Nancy Carla Lola Pamela Mary Elsie Nora Gloria Marie Kate Olive Helen Sarah Shirley
Gloria Olga Dinah Mamie Ruby Nadine Flossie Opal Hester Louise Polly Ida Thelma Trix
Hester Pamela Emma Nina Sally Olive Grace Patsy Irma Marge Rose June Vera Virginia
Irma Ruby Freda Ora Tilda Polly Helen Ruth Judy Nora Shirley Kathy Wendy
Judy Sally Gilda Phyllis Violet Rose Ida Sarah Kit Opal Trix Lorna Agnes
Kit Tilda Harriet Rita Wilda Shirley June Thelma Lola Patsy Virginia Marie Bess
Lola Violet Ivy Susan Anita Trix Kathy Vera Mamie Ruth Wendy Nancy Carmen
Mamie Wilda Jean Billie Virginia Lorna Wanda Nina Agnes Olga Della
Nina Anita Karen Clara Wendy Marie Amy Ora Bess Pamela Elaine
Ophelia Billie Lucy Dot Agnes Nancy Babe Carmen Ruby Faye
Phyllis Clara Mary Ellen Bess Olga Carla Della Sally Gloria
Dot Nadine Fran Carmen Pamela Dinah Elaine Therese Hester
Ellen Georgia Della Emma Faye Violet Irma
Hope Elaine Freda Gloria Judy
Iris Faye Gilda Hester Kit
Joan Gloria Harriet Irma
Kate Ivy Judy

Names used between 1975 – 1989

1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
Lola Kathy Patsy Nadine Alice Carmen Freda Mamie Sarah Vernon Elsie Judy Orchid Roy Winona
Mamie Lorna Ruth Olive Bess Dom Gerald Nelson Tip Wynn Fabian Ken Percy Susan Andy
Nina Marie Sarah Polly Cecil Ellen Holly Odessa Vera Alex Gay Lola Ruth Thad Brenda
Ora Nancy Thelma Rose Dot Forrest Ike Pat Wayne Betty Hal Mac Sperry Vanessa Cecil
Phyllis Olga Vera Shirley Ellis Georgia June Ruby Abby Cary Irma Nancy Thelma Warren Dot
Rita Pamela Wanda Trix Faye Herbert Kelly Skip Ben Dinah Jeff Owen Vernon Agnes Ellis
Susan Ruby Amy Virginia Gordon Ida Lynn Tess Carmen Ed Kit Peggy Wynne Bill Faye
Tess Sally Babe Wendy Hope Joe Maury Val Dom Freda Lee Roger Alex Clara Gordon
Viola Therese Carla Agnes Irving Kim Nina Winona Ellen Gerald Mamie Sarah Betty Doyle Hope
Winnie Violet Dinah Bonnie Judy Lex Ogden Andy Forrest Holly Nelson Tip Cary Elsie Irving
Alice Wilda Emma Carmen Ken Marge Phyllis Bess Georgia Ike Odessa Vera Dinah Fabian Judy
Betty Anita Freda Della Lola Norris Roy Cecil Herbert June Pat Wayne Ed Gay Ken
Cora Billie Gilda Elaine Mac Orchid Susan Dot Ida Kelly Ruby Abby Freda Hal Lola
Doris Clara Harriet Faye Nancy Percy Thad Ellis Joe Lynn Skip Ben Gerald Irma Mac
Elsie Dot Ivy Gloria Owen Ruth Vanessa Faye Kim Maury Tess Carmen Holly Jeff Nancy
Flossie Ellen Jean Hester Pamela Sperry Warren Gordon Lex Nina Val Dom Ian Kit Owen
Grace Fran Kim Irma Roger Thelma Agnes Hope Marge Ogden Winona Ellen June Lee Peggy
Helen Georgia Lucy Judy Sarah Vernon Bill Irving Norris Phyllis Andy Forrest Kelly Mamie Roger
Ida Hope Mary Kit Tip Wynne Clara Judy Orchid Roy Brenda Georgia Lynn Nelson Sarah
June Iris Lola Vera Alex Doyle Ken Percy Susan Cecil Herbert Maury Odessa Tip
Joan Mamie Wayne Betty Elsie Lola Ruth Thad Dot Ida Nina Pat Vera
Kate Nina Abby Cary Fabian Mac Sperry Vanessa Ellis Joe Ogden Ruby Wayne
Louise Ora Ben Dinah Gay Nancy Thelma Warren Faye Kim Phyllis Skip Angela
Marge Phyllis Ed Hazen Owen Agnes Gordon Lex Tess Brian
Nora Rita Irma Pamela Bill Hope Marge Val Colleen
Opal Susan Jeff Roger Clara Irving Norris Dan
Tess Kit Doyle Elsie
Viola Lee Forrest
Winnie Gay

Names used between 1990 – 2004

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
HattieOrchidWardFloLukeZackWillieElla EveBebincaHaiyanBaviLupitMeari
IraPatYvetteGeneMelissaAngelaYatesFritz FrankieRumbiaPodulMaysakMa-on
JeanaRuthZackHattieNatBrianZaneGinger GloriaSoulikLinglingHaishenTokage
KyleSethAngelaIraOrchidColleenAbelHank KajikiPongsona Nock-ten
LolaThelmaBrianJeanaPatDanBethIvan Faxai Muifa
MikeVerneColleenKyleRuth CarloJoan Vamei Merbok
NellWildaDanLolaSeth DaleKeith Nanmadol
OwenYuriElsieMannyTeresa ErnieLinda Talas
PageZeldaForrestNellVerne FernMort Noru
Russ Gay Wilda Greg
Hunt Yuri

Names used between 2005 – 2015

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Kulap Chanchu Kong-rey Neoguri Kujira Omais Aere Pakhar Sonamu Lingling Mekkhala
Roke Jelawat Yutu Rammasun Chan-hom Conson Songda Sanvu Shanshan Kajiki Higos
Sonca Ewiniar Toraji Matmo Linfa Chanthu Sarika Mawar Yagi Faxai Bavi
Nesat Bilis Man-yi Halong Nangka Dianmu Haima Guchol Leepi Peipah Maysak
Haitang Kaemi Usagi Nakri Soudelor Mindulle Meari Talim Bebinca Tapah Haishen
Nalgae Prapiroon Pabuk Fengshen Molave Lionrock Ma-on Doksuri Rumbia Mitag Noul
Banyan Maria Wutip Kalmaegi Goni Kompasu Tokage Khanun Soulik Hagibis Dolphin
Washi Saomai Sepat Fung-wong Morakot Namtheun Nock-ten Vicente Cimaron Neoguri Kujira
Matsa Bopha Fitow Kammuri Etau Malou Muifa Saola Jebi Rammasun Chan-hom
Sanvu Wukong Danas Phanfone Vamco Meranti Merbok Damrey Mangkhut Matmo Linfa
Mawar Sonamu Nari Vongfong Krovanh Fanapi Nanmadol Haikui Utor Halong Nangka
Guchol Shanshan Wipha Nuri Dujuan Malakas Talas Kirogi Trami Nakri Soudelor
Talim Yagi Francisco Sinlaku Mujigae Megi Noru Kai-tak Kong-rey Fengshen Molave
Nabi Xangsane Lekima Hagupit Koppu Chaba Kulap Tembin Yutu Kalmaegi Goni
Khanun Bebinca Krosa Jangmi Choi-wan Roke Bolaven Toraji Fung-wong Atsani
Vicente Rumbia Haiyan Mekkhala Ketsana Sonca Sanba Man-yi Kammuri Etau
Saola Soulik Podul Higos Parma Nesat Jelawat Usagi Phanfone Vamco
Damrey Cimaron Lingling Bavi Melor Haitang Ewiniar Pabuk Vongfong Krovanh
Longwang Chebi Kajiki Maysak Nepartak Nalgae Maliksi Wutip Nuri Dujuan
Kirogi Durian Faxai Haishen Lupit Banyan Gaemi Sepat Sinlaku Mujigae
Kai-tak Utor Peipah Noul Mirinae Washi Prapiroon Fitow Hagupit Choi-wan
Tembin Trami Tapah Dolphin Nida Maria Danas Jangmi Koppu
Bolaven Mitag Son-Tinh Nari Champi
Hagibis Bopha Wipha In-fa
Wukong Francisco Melor


Since 1963, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), have assigned their own names to typhoons that pass through its area of responsibility.[45] Unlike the World Meteorological Organization's standard of assigning names to tropical cyclones when they reach wind-speeds of 65 km/h, (40 mph), PAGASA assigns a name to a tropical depression when they either form or move into their area of responsibility.[45][46] Four sets of tropical cyclone names are rotated annually with typhoon names stricken from the list should they do more than 1 billion Pesos worth of damage to the Philippines and/or cause 300 or more deaths.[47][48] Should the list of names for a given year prove insufficient, names are taken from an auxiliary list.[47]

Names used between 1963–1977

1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977

Names used between 1978–1992

1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992
AtangAuringAsiangAtringAkang AuringAsiangAtringAkangAuringAsiangAtringAkang[50]AuringAsiang
BisingBebengBiringBiningBising BebengBiringBiningBisingBebengBiringBining Bising[51]BebengBiring
KlaringKatringKonsingKuringKlaring KatringKonsingKuringKlaringKatringKonsingKuring[52] Klaring[53]KaringKonsing
DelingDidingDitangDalingDeling DidingDitangDalingDelingDidingDitangDalingDidingDidingDitang
EmangEtangEdengElangEmang EtangEdengElangEmangEtangEdengElang[54]EmangEtangEdeng
GadingGeningGloringGoringGading GeningGloringGoringGadingGeningGloringGoring[50]GadingGeningGloring
HelingHermingHuaningHulingHeling HermingHuaningHulingHelingHermingHuaningHulingHeling[55]HelmingHuaning
IliangIsingIsangIbiangIliang IsingIsangIbiangIlingIsingIsangIbiangIlang[55]IsingIsang
LolengLudingLusingLumingLoleng LudingLusingLumingLolengLudingLusingLumingLoleng[55]LusdingLusing
MidingMamengMaringMillingMiding MamengMaringMillingMidingMamengMaringMiling[56]MidingMamengMaring
NormingNenengNitangNarsingNorming NenengNitangNarsingNormingNenengNingningNarsingNorming[53]NanengNingning
OyangOniangOsangOpengOyang OniangOpengOyangOniangOsangOpeng[50]OyangOniangOsang
PasingPepangParingPiningPasing PepangParingPiningPasingPepangParingPiningPasingPepangParing
RupingRosingRemingRubingRuping RosingRemingRubingRubingRosing Reming Rubing[50] Ruping Rosing Reming
SusangSisangSeniangSalingSusang SisangSeniangSalingSusangSisangSeniangSaling Susang Sendang Seniang
TeringTriningToyangTasingTering TriningToyangTasingTeringTriningToyangTasing[50] Trining
UdingUringUndangUnsingUding UringUndangUnsingUding UnsangUnsing Uring
WelingWarlingWelpringWaldingWeling WarlingWelpring Weling WelpringWalding Warling
YaningYayangYoningYeyengYaning YayangYoning Yaning YoningYeyeng
AningAdingAringAndingAning AdingAring Aning Apiang
BidangBarangBasiangBinangBidang Barang Bidang
KadingKrisingKayangKadiang Krising
DelangDorangDinang Dadang

Names used between 1993–2006

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
AtringWaldingAkangRitangAuringAsiangAtringAkangAuringAsiangAuringAgaton Amang Niña Ambo Nina Auring Agaton
BiningYeyengBisingSusangBebengBiringBiningBisingBebengBiringBarokBasyang Batibot Onyok Butchoy Ofel Bising Basyang
KuringAndingKlaringTeringKaringKonsingKuringKlaringKaringKonsingCrisingCaloy Chedeng Pogi Cosme Pablo Crising Caloy
DalingBinangDelingUdingDidingDitangDalingDelingDidingDitangDarnaDagul Dodong Quiel Dindo Quinta Dante Domeng
ElangKadiangEmangWelingEtangEdengElangEmangEtangEdengEmong Espada Egay Roskas Enteng Rolly Emong Ester
GoringDinangGadingYaningGeningGloringGoringGadingGeningGloringFeriaFlorita Falcon Sikat Frank Siony Feria Florita
HulingEpangHelingAningHelmingHuaningHulingHelingHelmingHuaningGorioGloria Gilas Tisoy Gener Tonyo Gorio Glenda
IbiangGundangIliangBidangIsingIsangIbiangIliangIsingIsangHuaning Hambalos Harurot Ursula Helen Unding Huaning Henry
LumingHusingLolengKatringLudingLusingLumingLolengLudingLusingIsangInday Ineng Viring Igme Violeta Isang Inday
MilingIndangMidingDelangMamengMaringMilingMidingMamengMaringJolinaJuan JuaningWengJulianWinnie JolinaJuan
NarsingLuringNormingEsangNanengNingningNarsingNormingNanengNingningKikoKaka Kabayan Yoyoy Karen Yoyong KikoKatring
OpengMonangOyangGardingOniangOsangOpeng Oniang Osang Labuyo Lagalag Lakay Zigzag Lawin Zosimo Labuyo Luis
PiningNaningPasingPepangParingPiningPepangParingMaringMilenyo Manang Marce Maring Milenyo
RubingOningRosingRemingRubingReningRemingNanang NandoNeneng
SalingPuringSendangSeniangSendangSeniangOndoy OndoyOmpong
TasingTriningToyangTriningToyangPabling PepengPaeng
UnsingUlpiangUlpiangQuedan QuedanQueenie
Welpring Reming

Names used and scheduled between 2007–2015

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Amang Ambo Auring Agaton Amang Ambo Auring Nando Agaton Amang
Bebeng Butchoy Bising Basyang Bebeng Butchoy Bising Odette Basyang Betty
Chedeng Cosme Crising Caloy Chedeng Carina Crising Paolo Caloy Chedeng
Dodong Dindo Dante Domeng Dodong Dindo Dante Quedan Domeng Dodong
Egay Enteng Emong Ester Egay Enteng Emong Ramil Ester Egay
Falcon Frank Feria Florita Falcon Ferdie Fabian Santi Florita Falcon
Goring Gener Gorio Glenda Goring Gener Gorio Tino Glenda Goring
Hanna Helen Huaning Henry Hanna Helen Huaning Urduja Henry Hanna
Ineng Igme Isang Inday Ineng Igme Isang Vinta Inday Ineng
Juaning Julian Jolina Juan Juaning Julian Jolina Wilma Jose Jenny
Kabayan Karen Kiko Katring Kabayan Karen Kiko Yolanda Karding Kabayan
Lando Lawin Labuyo Lando Lawin Labuyo Zoraida Luis Lando
Mina Marce Maring Mina Marce Maring Mario Marilyn
Nina Nando Nonoy Nina Neneng Nona
Ofel Ondoy Onyok Ofel Ompong Onyok
Pablo Pepeng Pedring Pablo Paeng
Quinta Quedan Quiel Quinta Queenie
Rolly Ramil Ramon Ruby
Siony Santi Sendong Seniang
Tonyo Tino
Ulysses Urduja

North Indian Ocean

During its annual session in 2000 the WMO/ESCAP Panel on North Indian tropical cyclones, agreed in principle to start assigning names to Cyclonic Storms that developed within the North Indian Ocean.[61][62] As a result the panel requested that each member country submit a list of ten names to a rapporteur by the end of the year 2000.[62] At the 2001 session of the Panel, the rapporteur reported that seven of the eight countries had submitted their names.[62] However, India had refused to submit a list of names, as it had some reservations about assigning names to tropical cyclones, due to the regional, cultural and linguistic diverstiy of the panel members.[62] The panel subsequently studied the names and felt that some of the names would not be appealing to the public or the media, and requested that members submit new lists of names.[62] At the following years session the rapporteur reported that there had been a poor response by member countries in resubmitting their lists of names.[62] In response the panel felt that it was important that the work continued and urged the members to copperate and submit their names to the rapporteur.[62] The names were subsequently submitted in time for the 2004 session, however, India had still not submitted their names, despite promising to do so.[62] The rapporteur presented the 4 lists of names that would be used with a gap left for India's names and recommended that the India Meteorological Department's Regional Specialised Meteorological Centre in New Delhi name the systems.[62] The rapporteur also recommended that the naming lists were used on an experimental basis during the season, starting in May or June 2004 and that the lists should only be used until 2009 when a new list would be drawn up for the following ten years.[62] The naming lists were then completed in May 2004, after India submitted their names, however the lists were not used until September 2004 when the first tropical cyclone was named Onil by India Meteorological Department.[61][63]

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Onil Hibaru Mala Akash Nargis Bijli Laila Keila Murjan Viyaru Nanauk Ashobaa
Agni Pyarr Mukda Gonu Rashmi Aila Bandu Thane Nilam Phailin Hudhud Komen
Baaz Ogni Yemyin Khai-Muk Phyan Phet Helen Nilofar Chapala
Fanoos Sidr Nisha Ward Giri Lehar Megh
Jal Madi

South-West Indian Ocean

In January 1960, a formal naming scheme was introduced for the South-West Indian Ocean between Africa and 80°E, by the Mauritius and Madagascan Weather Services with the first cyclone being named Alix.[64][65][66] Over the next few years the names were selected in various ways including by the meteorological services of the region for several years at a time, before it was turned over to the WMO's South West Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclone Committee at the start of the 2000-01 season.[67]

Names used between January 1960 – July 1975

1959–60 1960–61 1961–62 1962–63 1963–64 1964–65 1965–66 1966–67 1967–68 1968–69 1969–70 1970–71 1971–72 1972–73 1973–74
Brigette Barbara Beryl Bertha Betty Bessie Kathleen Brenda Bella Belinda Berthe Blanche Betsy Belle Beatrice Bernadette
Carol Clara Chantal Cecile Christine Connie Lesley Claude Collete Carmen Claine Corrine Claudine Caroline Charlotte Christiane
Doris DaisyDeliaDanielleDoreenMaurenDeniseDaphneDebbyDanyDelphineDominiqueDollyDorotheaDalida
Eva EmilyEmmaEileenEdnaNancyEvelynElisaElspethEveElianneEdithEugenieEmmanuelleEsmeralda

Names used between August 1974 – July 1989

1974–75 1975–76 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89

Names used between August 1989 – June 2004

1989–90 1990–91 1991–92 1992–93 1993–94 1994–95 1995–96 1996–97 1997–98 1998–99 1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04

Names used and scheduled between July 2004 – June 2016

2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
JulietJayaJokweJadeJoëlJoniJamala Joalane

Australian Region

Tropical cyclones in the Australian region are named by one of five tropical cyclone warning centers that each have the right to name tropical cyclones.[124] The naming of cyclones officially started during the 1963–64 tropical cyclone season, with the first name being assigned on January 6, 1964 to Cyclone Bessie.[125][126] Female names were used exclusively until the current convention of alternating male and female names commenced in 1975.[125] Names that cause significant damage within the Australian region are retired by the Bureau of Meteorology (Australia) with new names selected at the bi-annual meeting of the World Meteorological Organization's RA V Tropical Cyclone Committee.[124][125] In 2008, the lists used by the three TCWC centres were combined to form a single list of names.[127]

Names used between July 1963 – June 1978

1963–64 1964–65 1965–66 1966–67 1967–68 1968–69 1969–70 1970–71 1971–72 1972–73 1973–74 1974–75 1975–76 1976–77 1977–78
Bessie Rita Amanda Beryl Betsy Adele Blossom Andrea Kitty Jean Ines Marcia Ray Harry Tom
Dora Flora Carol Delliah Bertha Amber Diane Carmen Sally KerryAnne Norah Joan Ted Sam
Eva Una Joy Edith Doreen Beatie Ada Beverly Althea AdelineBeryl Penny Kim Irene Trudy
Carmen Judy Lisa Elise Dixie Cheri Glynis Eva Bronwyn MaudNatalie Selma Sue June Vern
Hazel Annie Betty Gwen Ella Bettina Harriet Janet Carlotta KirstyCecily Tracy Vanessa Keith Gwen
Gertie Marie Connie Elaine Gina Bridget Dolly Loris Wendy LeahUna Flora Alan Lilly Winnie
Katie Dolly Martha Cynthia Bonnie Gladys Ingrid Myrtle Daisy MadgeDeidre Robyn Beth Miles Alby
Joan Nancy Laura Audery Judy Polly Tessie BellaErica Gloria Wally Nancy Brenda
Mavis Sandra Nellie Leoine Dawn Rita Vicky Paula Fiona Shirley Colin Jack Hal
Ruth Shirley Esther Florence Shelia Angela Marcelle Gwenda Trixie Alice Karen
Alice Cindy Aggie Belinda Vera Wilma Dawn Otto
Gisele Kathy Dora Emily Wendy Vida Watorea Leo
Isa Gertie Carol Yvonne Beverley Carol Verna
Lulu Ida Faith Helen Amelia Hope
Fiona Gail Zoe Clara Linda
Yvonne Hannah Isobel Denise
Maggie Ida Jessie
Lena Jenny
Mavis Alice

Names used between July 1978 – June 1993

1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89 1989–90 1990–91 1991–92 1992–93
Peter Viola Alice Bessi Jane Oscar Harvey Emma Nicholas Connie Agi Ilona Pedro Lawrence Mark Ken
Greta Wilf Bert Amelia Des Pearl Bobby Frank Ophelia Irma Frederic Delilah Felicity Joy Betsy Nina
Rosa Paul Carol Chris ElinorQuenton Ingrid Monica Pancho Damien Gwenda John Rosita Chris Harriet Lena
Hazel Amy Dan Bruno Ken Esther Chloe Nigel Hector Jason Charlie Kirrily Sam Daphne Ian Oliver
Ivan Brian Edna Daphne Lena Fritz Ferdinand Odette Vernon Elise Herbie Harry Greg Kelvin Neville Polly
Jane Clara Felix Errol Monty Tim Jim Gertie Winifred Kay Marcia Vincent Elma Jane Roger
Stan Dean Mabel Abigail Naomi Grace Daryl Hubert Rhonda Blanche Ned Walter Errol Monty
Kevin Ruth Eddie Graham Vivien Kathy Isobel Selwyn Aivu Marion Adel
Enid Neil Carol Willy Lance Jacob Tiffany Orson Fifi
Fred Freda Harriet Annette Pierre Alfred Meena Lisa
Simon Max Ian Rebecca Victor Eric
Doris Olga Bernie Kirsty Alison Hilda
Gloria Paddy Dominic Lindsay Manu Ivor
Claudia Sandy Billy Alex
Tanya Namu Bessi
Margot Tina

Names used between July 1993 – June 2008

1993–94 1994–95 1995–96 1996–97 1997–98 1998–99 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08
Naomi Annette Daryl Lindsay Sid Zelia Ilsa Sam Alex Fiona Jana Phoebe Bertie Isobel Lee
Oscar Bobby Emma Melanie Selwyn Alison John Terri Bessi Graham Debbie Raymond Clare Nelson Guba
Pearl Violet Frank Nicholas Katrina Billy Kirrily Winsome Bernie Harriet Ken Sally Daryl Odette Melanie
Quenton Warren Gertie Ophelia Tiffany Thelma Leon Vincent Chris Craig Linda Tim Jim George Helen
Sadie Chloe Barry Fergus Les Cathy Marcia Wylva Claudia Erica Fritz Harvey Kate Jacob Nicholas
Theodore Agnes Hubert Phil Victor Olinda Steve Abigail Des Inigo Monty Vivienne Emma Kara Ophelia
Sharon Celeste Rachel May Damien Norman Walter Dianne Epi Evan Ingrid Larry Pierre Pancho
Tim Jacob Pancho Nathan Pete Olga Alistair Bonnie Nicky Willy Floyd Rosie
Vivenne Isobel Gillian Rona Tessi Errol Fay Adeline Glenda Durga
Willy Dennis Ita Vance Vaughan Upia Grace Hubert
Violet Kirsty Justin Elaine Paul Oscar Monica
Ethel Rhonda Frederic Rosita
Olivia Harold Gwenda

Names used between July 2008 – June 2016

2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014-15 2015–16
Anika Laurence Anggrek Fina Mitchell Alessia Bakung Stan
Billy Magda Tasha Grant Narelle Bruce Kate Tatiana
Charlotte Neville Vince Heidi Oswald Christine Lam Uriah
Dominic Olga Zelia Iggy Peta Dylan Marcia
Ellie Paul Anthony Jasmine Rusty Edna Nathan
Freddy Robyn Bianca Koji Sandra Fletcher Olwyn
Gabrielle Sean Carlos Lua Tim Gillian Quang
Hamish Dianne Victoria Hadi Raquel
Ilsa Errol Zane Ita
Jasper Jack

South Pacific

Tropical Cyclones started to be named within the South Pacific, by the New Caledonia Meteorological Office during the 1958–59 season.[148][149] The Fiji Office of the New Zealand Meteorological Service subsequently started to also name cyclones during the 1969–70 season with Alice being the first name to be used.[148]

Names used between 1958 – 1970

1958–59 1959–60 1960–61 1961–62 1962–63 1963–64 1964–65 1965–66 1966–67 1967–68 1968–69 1969–70
Aurelia Gabrielle Amanda Barbarine Audrey Judy Connie Angela Annie Becky Alice
Beatrice Honorine Brigitte Catherine Bertha Lucie Dinah Brenda Colleen Dolly
Charlotte Ida Corine Isis Edith Olga Agnes Florence Hortense Emma
Dorothee Bertha Delilah Gertie Barbara Gisele Irene Gillian
Eulalie Connie Erika Henrietta Glenda Esther Helen
Florence Flora Isa

Names used between July 1970 – June 1985

1970–71 1971–72 1972–73 1973–74 1974–75 1975–76 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85
Odile Ursula Bebe Lottie Val David Kim Steve Fay Ofa Arthur Gyan Joti Rewa Atu Drena
Priscilla Vivienne Collette Monica Alison Elsa Laurie Tessa Gordon Peni Betsy Hettie Saba Kina Beti Eric
Rosie Wendy Diana Nessie Betty Frances Marion Anne Henry Rae Cliff Isaac Lisa Sarah Cyril Freda
Dora Yolande Elenore Pam Hope Norman Bob Kerry Sina Daman Mark Tomasi Gavin
Ida Agatha Felicity Tina Jan Pat Charles Leslie Tia Esau Nano Veena Hina
Lena Glenda Robert Diana Meli Val Fran
Henrietta Ernie Wally Oscar William
Juliette Prema

Names used between July 1985 – June 2000

1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89 1989–90 1990–91 1991–92 1992–93 1993–94 1994–95 1995–96 1996–97 1997–98 1998–99 1999–00
Ima Osea Anne Eseta Nancy Sina Tia Esau Joni Rewa Vania Yasi Cyril Lusi Ursula Cora Iris
June Patsy Bola Fili Ofa Val Fran Kina Sarah William Zaka Drena Martin Veli Dani Jo
Keli Raja Cilla Gina Peni Wasa-Arthur Lin Tomas Atu Evan Nute Wes Ella Kim
Lusi Sally Dovi Harry Rae Betsy Gene Mick Usha Beti Freda Osea Yali Frank Leo
Martin Tusi Ivy Cliff Hettie Nisha Gavin Pam Zuman Gita Mona
Namu Uma Judy Daman Innis Oli Hina Ron Alan Hali Neil
Veli Kerry Prema Ian Susan Bart
Wini Lili June Tui
Yali Meena Keli
Zuman Hinano

Names used between July 2000 – June 2016

2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014-15 2015–16
Oma Trina Yolande Heta Judy Tam Xavier Daman Hettie Mick Vania Cyril Evan Ian Niko Tuni
Paula Vicky Zoe Ivy Kerry Urmil Yani Elisa Innis Nisha Wilma Daphne Freda June Ola Ula
Rita Waka Ami Lola Vaianu Zita Funa Joni Oli Yasi Garry Kofi Pam Victor
Sose Beni Meena Wati Arthur Gene Ken Pat Zaka Haley Lusi Reuben Winston
Cilla Nancy Becky Lin Rene Atu Mike Solo
Dovi Olaf Cliff Sarah Bune
Eseta Percy Tomas
Fili Rae Ului
Gina Sheila

South Atlantic

During March 2004, a rare tropical cyclone developed within the Southern Atlantic, about 1,010 km (630 mi) to the east-southeast of Florianópolis in southern Brazil.[156] As the system was threatening the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina, a newspaper used the headline "Furacão Catarina," which was presumed to mean "furacão (hurricane) threatening (Santa) Catarina (the state)".[156] However, when the international press started monitoring the system, it was assumed that "Furacão Catarina" meant "Cyclone Catarina" and that it had been formally named in the usual way.[156] During March 12, 2010, public and private weather services in Southern Brazil, decided to name a tropical storm Anita in order to avoid confusion in future references.[157] A naming list was subsequently set up by the Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center with the names Arani, Bapo and Cari subsequently taken from that list during 2011 and 2015.[119][123][158]

Catarina (2004) Anita (2010) Arani (2011) Bapo (2015) Cari (2015)

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Padgett, Gary. July 2007 (Monthly Global Tropical Cyclone Summary). Retrieved May 28, 2014.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 McAdie, Colin J; Landsea, Christopher; Neumann, Charles; David, Joan; Blake, Eric S; Hammer, Gregory (August 20, 2009). Tropical Cyclones of the North Atlantic Ocean, 1851 – 2006 (PDF) (6 ed.). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. p. 18. Retrieved May 28, 2014.
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