List of major-party United States presidential candidates who lost their home or resident state

The following is a list of major party U.S. presidential candidates who lost their birth or resident states. While many successful candidates have won the presidency without winning their birth state, only three (James K. Polk, Woodrow Wilson and Richard Nixon) have won election despite losing their state of residence. (Nixon, a lifelong Californian, had taken residence in New York after his failed run for the California governor's office.) Polk is the only man to win the presidency but lose both states of birth and residence.

Presidents who won the election

Name Election Year Party Birth State Resident State
James K. Polk 1844 Democrat Lost North Carolina Lost Tennessee
Zachary Taylor 1848 Whig Lost Virginia Won Louisiana
Abraham Lincoln 1860 Republican Lost Kentucky Won Illinois
Abraham Lincoln 1864 Republican Lost Kentucky Won Illinois
Woodrow Wilson 1916 Democratic Won Virginia Lost New Jersey
Richard Nixon 1968 Republican Won California Lost New York
George H. W. Bush 1988 Republican Lost Massachusetts Won Texas
George W. Bush 2000 Republican Lost Connecticut Won Texas
George W. Bush 2004 Republican Lost Connecticut Won Texas

Candidates who lost the election

Name Election Year Party Birth State Resident State
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney 1804 Federalist Lost South Carolina Lost South Carolina
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney 1808 Federalist Lost South Carolina Lost South Carolina
Rufus King 1816 Federalist Won Massachusetts Lost New York
Henry Clay 1824 Democratic-Republican Lost Virginia Won Kentucky
Henry Clay 1832 National Republican Lost Virginia Won Kentucky
William Wirt 1832 Anti-Masonic Lost Maryland Lost Maryland
William Henry Harrison 1836 Whig Lost Virginia Won Ohio
Hugh Lawson White 1836 Whig Lost North Carolina Won Tennessee
Daniel Webster 1836 Whig Lost New Hampshire Won Massachusetts
Willie Person Mangum 1836 Whig Lost North Carolina Lost North Carolina
Martin Van Buren 1840 Democrat Lost New York Lost New York
Henry Clay 1844 Whig Lost Virginia Won Kentucky
Winfield Scott 1852 Whig Lost Virginia Lost New Jersey
John C. Frémont 1856 Republican Lost Georgia Lost California
Millard Fillmore 1856 Know-Nothing Lost New York Lost New York
Stephen A. Douglas 1860 Democrat Lost Vermont Lost Illinois
John C. Breckinridge 1860 Southern Democrat Lost Kentucky Lost Kentucky
George B. McClellan 1864 Democrat Lost Pennsylvania Won New Jersey
Horace Greeley 1872 Liberal Republican
Lost New Hampshire Lost New York
Winfield Scott Hancock 1880 Democrat Lost Pennsylvania Lost Pennsylvania
Grover Cleveland 1888 Democrat Won New Jersey Lost New York
Benjamin Harrison 1892 Republican Won Ohio Lost Indiana
James B. Weaver 1892 Populist Lost Ohio Lost Iowa
William Jennings Bryan 1896 Democrat-Populist Lost Illinois Won Nebraska
William Jennings Bryan 1900 Democrat-Populist Lost Illinois Lost Nebraska
Alton B. Parker 1904 Democrat Lost New York Lost New York
William Jennings Bryan 1908 Democrat Lost Illinois Won Nebraska
Theodore Roosevelt 1912 Progressive Lost New York Lost New York
William Howard Taft 1912 Republican Lost Ohio Lost Ohio
James M. Cox 1920 Democrat Lost Ohio Lost Ohio
John W. Davis 1924 Democrat Lost West Virginia Lost New York
Al Smith 1928 Democrat Lost New York Lost New York
Herbert Hoover 1932 Republican Lost Iowa Lost California
Alf Landon 1936 Republican Lost Pennsylvania Lost Kansas
Thomas E. Dewey 1944 Republican Lost Michigan Lost New York
Adlai Stevenson 1952 Democrat Lost California Lost Illinois
Adlai Stevenson 1956 Democrat Lost California Lost Illinois
Hubert Humphrey 1968 Democrat Lost South Dakota Won Minnesota
George McGovern 1972 Democrat Lost South Dakota Lost South Dakota
George H. W. Bush 1992 Republican Lost Massachusetts Won Texas
Al Gore 2000 Democrat Won District of Columbia Lost Tennessee
John Kerry 2004 Democrat Lost Colorado Won Massachusetts
Mitt Romney 2012 Republican Lost Michigan Lost Massachusetts

See also

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