List of law clerks of the Supreme Court of the United States (Chief Justice)

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

Law clerks have assisted Supreme Court Justices in various capacities since the first one was hired by Justice Horace Gray in 1882.[1] By the traditions and rules that have developed around this procedure today Associate Justices on the Supreme Court of the United States have the opportunity to select four law clerks each term of the court. The Chief Justice is allowed five clerks, though Chief Justice Rehnquist usually hired only three.[2]

The following is an incomplete table of Supreme Court law clerks serving the Chief Justice.

This seat was established by the Constitution and organized on September 24, 1789 by the Judiciary Act of 1789 1 Stat. 73.
Morrison Waite March 4, 1874 March 23, 1888

Melville Fuller

October 8, 1888

July 4, 1910
Clerk Started Finished School (year) Previous clerkship
T. H. Fitnam 1888 1889
James S. Harlan 1888 1889 admitted to bar, 1886 none
Clarence M. York 1889 1896 none
Clarence M. York 1897 1905 S. Field / M. W. Fuller
Stephen Albion Day 1905 1907 admitted to bar, 1907 none

Edward Douglass White

December 19, 1910

May 19, 1921
Clerk Started Finished School (year) Previous clerkship
John J. Byrne 1918 1921

William Howard Taft

July 11, 1921

February 3, 1930
Clerk Started Finished School (year) Previous clerkship
John J. Byrne 1921 1924 E. White
Wendell Mischler 1921 1930
C. Dickerman Williams 1924 1925 Yale (1924) none
Reynolds Robertson 1929 1930
Edwin McElwain 1938 1939

Charles Evans Hughes

February 24, 1930

June 30, 1941
Clerk Started Finished School (year) Previous clerkship
Wendell Mischler 1930 1930 Taft
Reynolds Robertson 1930 1934 Taft

Harlan Fiske Stone

July 3, 1941

April 22, 1946
Clerk Started Finished School (year) Previous clerkship
Bennett Boskey 1941 1943 Harvard (1939) S. F. Reed / L. Hand (2d Cir.)
Eugene H. Nickerson 1944 April 1946 Columbia (1943) A. Hand (2d Cir.)
Herbert Prashker 1945 April 1946

Fred M. Vinson

June 24, 1946

September 8, 1953
Clerk Started Finished School (year) Previous clerkship
Francis A. Allen 1946 1948 Northwestern (1946) none
Byron R. White 1946 1947 Yale (1946) none
Lawrence F. Ebb 1947 1948 Harvard (1946)
Arthur R. Seder, Jr. 1947 1948 Northwestern (1947) none
Arthur R. Seder, Jr. 1948 1949 Northwestern (1947) Vinson
Howard J. Trienens 1950 1951 Northwestern (1949) none
Newton N. Minow 1951 1952 Northwestern (1950) none
James C.N. Paul 1951 1952 Penn (1951) none
Howard J. Trienens 1951 1952 Northwestern (1949) Vinson
Carl S. Hawkins 1952 1953 Northwestern none
William W. Oliver 1952 1953 Northwestern (1949) none
James C.N. Paul 1952 1953 Penn (1951) Vinson
Earl E. Pollock 1953 1953 Northwestern (1953) none

Earl Warren

October 5, 1953

June 23, 1969
Clerk Started Finished School (year) Previous clerkship
Richard J. Flynn 1953 1954
William W. Oliver 1953 1954 Northwestern (1949) Vinson
Earl E. Pollock 1953 1955 Northwestern (1953) Vinson
Gerald Gunther 1954 1955 Harvard (1953) L. Hand (2d Cir.)
Payson R. Wolff 1954 1955 Yale (1954) none
Jerome A. Cohen 1955 1956 Yale (1955) none
Graham Moody 1955 1956
Samuel A. Stern 1955 1956 Harvard (1952) Magruder (1st Cir.)
William H. Allen 1956 1957 Stanford (1956) none
Curtis R. Reitz 1956 1957 Penn (1956) none
Martin F. Richman 1956 1957 Harvard (1953) Magruder (1st Cir.)
Jon O. Newman 1957 1958 Yale (1956) G. T. Washington (D.C. Cir.)
Dallin H. Oaks 1957 1958 Chicago (1957) none
Marc A. Franklin 1958 1959 Cornell (1956) Hincks (2d Cir.)
Ira Michael Heyman 1958 1959 Yale (1956) C. E. Clark (2d Cir.)
Murray H. Bring 1959 1960 NYU (1959)
William H. Dempsey 1959 1960 Yale (1955) Fahy (D.C. Cir.)
Ralph J. Moore, Jr. 1959 1960 Berkeley (1959) none
R. Markham Ball (shared with Reed and Burton) 1960 1961 Harvard (1960) none
Murray H. Bring 1960 1961 NYU (1959) Warren
Jesse H. Choper 1960 1961 Penn (1960) none
Peter D. Ehrenhaft 1961 1962 Columbia (1957)
Timothy B. Dyk 1962 1963 Harvard (1961) S. F. Reed / Burton
John D. Niles 1962 1963 Berkeley (1962)
Peter R. Taft 1962 1963 Yale (1961) Rives (5th Cir.)
Francis X. Beytagh 1963 1964 Michigan (1963) none
Theodore R. Boehm 1963 1964 Harvard (1963) none
James K. Hoenig 1963 1964 Stanford (1963) none
Peter Low 1963 1964 Virginia (1963) none
John Hart Ely 1964 1965 Yale (1963) none
James C. Gaither 1964 1965 Stanford (1964) none
James T. Hale[3] 1965 1966 Minnesota (1965) none
Michael E. Smith 1965 1966 Michigan (1964) Waterman (2d Cir.)
Kenneth Ziffren 1965 1966 UCLA (1965) none
Phillip E. Johnson 1966 1967 Chicago (1965) Traynor (Cal.)
C. Douglas Kranwinkle 1966 1967 Michigan (1965)
Benno C. Schmidt, Jr. 1966 1967 Yale (1966)
Tyrone Brown 1967 1968 Cornell (1967) none
J. Larry Nichols 1967 1968 Michigan (1967)
Larry Simon 1967 1968 Yale Weinfeld (S.D.N.Y.)
Scott Bice 1968 1969 USC (1968) none
Earl C. Dudley, Jr. 1968 1969 Virginia (1967) none
C. Boyden Gray 1968 1969 North Carolina (1968) none
Paul J. Meyer 1968 1969 Notre Dame
John W. Keker 1970 1971 Yale (1970) none

Warren E. Burger

June 23, 1969

September 26, 1986
Clerk Started Finished School (year) Previous clerkship
Robert Fabrikant 1969 1970 Georgetown (1968) Burger (D.C. Cir)
Charles F. Lettow 1969 1970 Stanford (1968) Duniway (9th Cir.)
Harry A. Rissetto 1969 1970 Georgetown (1968) Sirica (D.D.C.)
Michael D. Zimmerman 1969 1970 Utah (1969)
James R. Atwood 1970 1971 Stanford (1969) Hufstedler (9th Cir.)
David O. Bickart 1970 1971 NYU (1969) Wyatt (S.D.N.Y.)
Theodore L. Garrett 1970 1971 Columbia (1968) J. J. Smith (2d Cir.)
William B. Elmore, Jr. 1971 1972
C. Douglas Floyd 1971 1972 Stanford (1967)
John H. Korns 1971 1972 Harvard (1970) Wisdom (5th Cir.)
Richard W. Skillman 1971 1972 NYU (1970) J. J. Gibbons (3d Cir.)
G. Edward White 1971 1972 Harvard (1970)
Lee C. Bollinger 1972 1973 Columbia (1971) Feinberg (2d Cir.)
Daniel R. Coquillette 1972 1973 Harvard (1971) Braucher (Mass.)
Richard D. Diamond 1972 1973 Yale (1971) Weigel (N.D. Cal.)
Jack M. Weiss 1972 1973 Harvard (1971) Wisdom (5th Cir.)
Arthur F. Fergenson 1973 1974 Yale (1972) Griesa (S.D.N.Y.)
Kenneth F. Ripple 1973 1974 Virginia (1968) none
Joseph C. Zengerle 1973 1974 Michigan (1971) McGowan (D.C. Cir)
Stephen B. Burbank 1974 1975 Harvard (1973) Braucher (Mass.)
Timothy D. Kelly[3] 1974 1975 Minnesota (1973) Neville (D. Minn.)[4]
Kenneth F. Ripple 1974 1975 Virginia (1968) Burger
Stephen Walters 1974 1975 Stanford (1972) Duniway (9th Cir.)
Candace S. Kovacic 1975 1976 Northeastern (1974) Oakes (2d Cir.)
Kenneth W. Starr 1975 1976 Duke (1973) Burger / Dyer (5th Cir.)
W. Wayne Drinkwater, Jr. 1976 1977 Mississippi (1974) Keady (N.D. Miss.)
Alex Kozinski 1976 1977 UCLA (1975) Kennedy (9th Cir.)
Paul J. Ondrasik, Jr. 1976 1977 Virginia (1975) Seitz (3d Cir.)
Henry L. Parr, Jr. 1977 1978 Virginia (1976) Haynsworth (4th Cir.)
Monte N. Stewart 1977 1978 BYU (1976) J. C. Wallace (9th Cir.)
Stewart Jay 1977 1978 Harvard (1976)
Robinson B. Lacy 1978 1979 Harvard (1977) M. Pollack (S.D.N.Y.)
Carter G. Phillips 1978 1979 Northwestern (1977) Sprecher (7th Cir.)
Walter "Jack" F. Pratt 1978 1979 Yale (1977) C. Clark (5th Cir.)
W. Neil Eggleston 1979 1980 Northwestern (1978) Hunter (3d Cir.)
Paul L. Shechtman 1979 1980 Harvard (1979) L. Pollak (E.D. Pa.)
Michael J. Wahoske 1979 1980 Notre Dame (1979)
John C. Ale 1980 1981 Virginia (1979) Tamm (D.C. Cir)
John M. Coleman 1980 1981 Chicago (1979)
John E. Sexton 1980 1981 Harvard (1979) Bazelon (D.C. Cir) / Leventhal (D.C. Cir)
James L. Volling 1980 1981 GW (1979) R. Robb (D.C. Cir)
James D. Holzhauer 1981 1982 Michigan (1980) Ainsworth (5th Cir.)
Judith A. McMorrow 1981 1982 Notre Dame (1980) Merritt (6th Cir.)
Christopher J. Wright 1981 1982 Stanford (1980) Sneed (9th Cir.)
Rochelle C. Dreyfuss 1982 1983 Columbia (1981) Feinberg (2d Cir.)
Thomas B. Green 1982 1983 Utah
Mark B. Helm 1983 1984 Harvard (1982) McGowan (D.C. Cir)
Rebecca Hurley 1983 1984 SMU (1982) I. Goldberg (5th Cir.)
Peter M. Lieb 1983 1984 Michigan (1982) Kearse (2d Cir.)
J. Michael Luttig 1983 1984 Virginia (1981) Scalia (D.C. Cir.)
Ray W. Campbell 1984 1985 Virginia (1983) Wilkey (D.C. Cir)
Michael R. Lazerwitz 1984 1985 Chicago (1983) Friendly (2d Cir.)
Wallace K. Lightsey 1984 1985 Harvard (1983) Wisdom (5th Cir.)
Paul G. Cassell 1985 1986 Stanford (1984) Scalia (D.C. Cir.)
Karl S. Coplan 1985 1986 Columbia (1984) Garth (3d Cir.)
Timothy E. Flanigan 1985 1986 Virginia (1981) none
Matthew M. Neumeier 1985 1986 Harvard (1984) J. C. Wallace (9th Cir.)
Gene C. Schaerr (shared with Scalia) 1986 1987 Yale (1985) Starr (D.C. Cir)
Bruce P. Brown 1986 1987 Georgia (1984) Tamm (D.C. Cir)
Gregory S. Dovel (shared with Scalia) 1987 1988 Harvard (1986) J. C. Wallace (9th Cir.)
William K. Kelley (shared with Scalia) 1988 1989 Harvard (1987) Starr (D.C. Cir)
Von G. Keetch (shared with Scalia) 1989 1990 BYU (1987) G. Pratt (2d Cir.)
Ashby D Boyle 2d (shared with O'Connor) 1990 1991 Emmanuel College, Cambridge (1985) None
John E. Barry (shared with Kennedy) 1991 1992 Columbia (1985) L. Campbell (1st Cir.)
Karl M. Tilleman (shared with Thomas) 1992 1993 BYU (1990) J. Noonan (9th Cir.)
James E. Gauch (shared with Thomas) 1993 1994 Chicago (1989) D. A. Nelson (6th Cir.)
Eric A. Grant (shared with Thomas) 1994 1995 Berkeley (1990) E. Jones (5th Cir.)

William Rehnquist

September 26, 1986

September 3, 2005
Clerk Started Finished School (year) Previous clerkship
David G. Leitch 1986 1987 Virginia (1985) Wilkinson (4th Cir.)
William R. Lindsay 1986 1987 Berkeley (1985) McGowan (D.C. Cir)
Laura E. Little 1986 1987 Temple (1985) Hunter (3d Cir.)
J. Anthony Downs 1987 1988 Chicago (1986) Oakes (2d Cir.)
R. Charles Miller 1987 1988 Penn (1985) S. Robinson (D.C. Cir)
William L. Taylor 1987 1988 Yale (1986) Wisdom (5th Cir.)
Lindley J. Brenza 1988 1989 Chicago (1987) Easterbrook (7th Cir.)
Robert J. Giuffra 1988 1989 Yale (1987) R. Winter (2d Cir.)
Melissa L. Saunders 1988 1989 Virginia (1987) J. D. Phillips (4th Cir.)
Steven M. Colloton 1989 1990 Yale (1988) Silberman (D.C. Cir.)
Barry P. McDonald 1989 1990 Northwestern (1988) Logan (10th Cir.)
James K. Vines 1989 1990 Washington & Lee (1988) Merhige (E.D. Va.)
Jeffrey L. Bleich 1990 1991 Berkeley (1989) Mikva (D.C. Cir.)
Bruce R. Braun 1990 1991 Virginia (1989) Flaum (7th Cir.)
Monica J. Wahl (Shaffer) 1990 1991 Chicago P. Higginbotham (5th Cir.)
Audrey J. Anderson 1991 1992 Michigan (1990) H. Greene (D.D.C.)
Eric F. Scheuermann 1991 1992 Harvard (1990) J. C. Wallace (9th Cir.)
Ronald J. Tenpas 1991 1992 Virginia (1990) L. Pollak (E.D. Pa.)
Gregory G. Garre 1992 1993 GW (1991) Scirica (3d Cir.)
Richard C. Pepperman II 1992 1993 Penn (1990) Becker (3d Cir.)
Celestine J. Richards (McConville) 1992 1993 Georgetown (1991) C. Hall (9th Cir.) / Nugent (N.D. Ohio)
Landis C. Best 1993 1994 Duke Tilley (M.D.N.C.)
Brian M. Morris 1993 1994 Stanford (1992) J. Noonan (9th Cir.)
James E. Ryan 1993 1994 Virginia (1992) J. C. Wallace (9th Cir.)
Jody A. Manier (Kris) 1994 1995 Chicago (1993) S. Williams (D.C. Cir.)
Stephen M. Sargent 1994 1995 BYU (1993) Tacha (10th Cir.)
Paul J. Zidlicky 1994 1995 GW (1993) F. Magill (8th Cir.)
Eric R. Claeys 1995 1996 USC (1994) Brunetti (9th Cir.)
Shawn F. Fagan 1995 1996 Harvard (1994) D. Ginsburg (D.C. Cir.)
Courtney Simmons (Elwood) 1995 1996 Yale (1994) Luttig (4th Cir.)
R. Ted Cruz 1996 1997 Harvard (1995) Luttig (4th Cir.)
Richard W. Garnett 1996 1997 Yale (1995) R. Arnold (8th Cir.)
David H. Hoffman 1996 1997 Chicago (1995) Jacobs (2d Cir.)
John P. Kelsh 1997 1998 Northwestern (1996) Sentelle (D.C. Cir.)
Matthew T. Martens 1997 1998 North Carolina (1996) Sentelle (D.C. Cir.)
Sarah O. Newland (Jorgensen) 1997 1998 Harvard (1995) Silberman (D.C. Cir.)
Christopher P. Bowers 1998 1999 Chicago (1997) Rymer (9th Cir.)
Neil M. Richards 1998 1999 Virginia (1997) Niemeyer (4th Cir.)
Robert G. Schaffer 1998 1999 Duke (1996) Tacha (10th Cir.)
Kevin R. Boyle 1999 2000 Arizona (1997) Brunetti (9th Cir.)
Jay T. Jorgensen 1999 2000 BYU (1997) Alito (3d Cir.)
Rosemarie K. Nixon (Blase) 1999 2000 Notre Dame (1998) Loken (8th Cir.)
Luke A. Sobota 2000 2001 Chicago (1999) Rymer (9th Cir.)
Mark T. Stancil 2000 2001 Virginia (1999) Ebel (10th Cir.)
Jocelyn E. Strauber 2000 2001 Duke (1998) Randolph (D.C. Cir)
Gregg Costa 2001 2002 Texas (1999) Randolph (D.C. Cir)
Heidi C. Doerhoff 2001 2002 Missouri (2000) Gibson (8th Cir.)
Brett H. McGurk 2001 2002 Columbia (1999) Jacobs (2d Cir.) / G. Lynch (S.D.N.Y.)
Leah O. Brannon 2002 2003 Harvard (1999) D. Ginsburg (D.C. Cir.)
Andrew R. DeVooght 2002 2003 Illinois (2000) Kanne (7th Cir.)
Robert K. Hur 2002 2003 Stanford (2001) Kozinski (9th Cir.)
Leon F. DeJulius 2003 2004 Notre Dame (2002) O'Scannlain (9th Cir.)
Courtney C. Gilligan 2003 2004 GW (2002) F. Magill (8th Cir.)
Aaron M. Streett 2003 2004 Texas (2002) Sentelle (D.C. Cir.)
Jeffrey L. Oldham 2004 2005 Northwestern (2003) Wilkinson (4th Cir.)
Julius N. Richardson 2004 2005 Chicago (2003) Posner (7th Cir.)
Ryan A. Shores 2004 2005 Virginia (2003) Ripple (7th Cir.)
Mark W. Mosier 2005 September 3, 2005 Chicago (2004) Tacha (10th Cir.)
Ann E. O'Connell 2005 September 3, 2005 GW (2004) F. Magill (8th Cir.)
Michael S. Passaportis 2005 September 3, 2005 Virginia (2004) Wilkinson (4th Cir.)

John Roberts

September 29, 2005

Clerk Started Finished School (year) Previous clerkship
Daniel P. Kearney, Jr. September 29, 2005 2006 Yale (2004) J. Roberts (D.C. Cir.)
Mark W. Mosier September 29, 2005 2006 Chicago (2004) Rehnquist / Tacha (10th Cir.)
Ann E. O'Connell September 29, 2005 2006 GW (2004) Rehnquist / F. Magill (8th Cir.)
Michael S. Passaportis September 29, 2005 2006 Virginia (2004) Rehnquist / Wilkinson (4th Cir.)
Kosta Stojilkovic September 29, 2005 2006 Virginia (2004) J. Roberts (D.C. Cir.)
Felicia H. Ellsworth 2006 2007 Chicago (2005) Boudin (1st Cir.)
George W. Hicks, Jr. 2006 2007 Harvard (2005) Janice R. Brown (D.C. Cir.)
Keenan D. Kmiec 2006 2007 Berkeley (2004) Sentelle (D.C. Cir.) / Alito (3d Cir.)
Paul J. Nathanson 2006 2007 Harvard (2004) Silberman (D.C. Cir.) / Niemeyer (4th Cir.)
Jason T. Burnette 2007 2008 Georgia (2006) R. L. Anderson (11th Cir.)
Joshua Hawley 2007 2008 Yale (2006) McConnell (10th Cir.)
Anton Metlitsky 2007 2008 Harvard (2005) Garland (D.C. Cir.)
Erin Morrow Hawley 2007 2008 Yale (2005) Wilkinson (4th Cir.)
William Baude 2008 2009 Yale (2007) McConnell (10th Cir.)
Jeffrey Harris 2008 2009 Harvard (2006) Sentelle (D.C. Cir.) / Silberman (D.C. Cir.)
Erin Murphy 2008 2009 Georgetown (2006) Sykes (7th Cir.)
Porter Wilkinson 2008 2009 Virginia (2007) Kavanaugh (D.C. Cir.)
Roman Martinez 2009 2010 Yale (2008) Kavanaugh (D.C. Cir.)
James McDonald 2009 2010 Virginia (2007) Sutton (6th Cir.)
Stephen Sachs 2009 2010 Yale (2007) S. Williams (D.C. Cir.)
Erik R. Zimmerman 2009 2010 Stanford (2007) Wilkinson (4th Cir.)
Paul Crane 2010 2011 Virginia (2007) Wilkinson (4th Cir.)
Kate Heinzelman 2010 2011 Yale (2009) Garland (D.C. Cir.)
Kathryn Tarbert 2010 2011 Vanderbilt (2005) D. Ginsburg (D.C. Cir.)
Zac Hudson 2010 2011 Yale (2009) Kavanaugh (D.C. Cir.)
Christoper DiPompeo 2011 2012 Penn (2009) Niemeyer (4th Cir.)
Frederick Liu 2011 2012 Yale (2008) O'Scannlain (9th Cir.) / Colloton (8th Cir.)
Colleen Roh 2011 2012 Harvard (2010) Garland (D.C. Cir.)
Hagan Scotten 2011 2012 Harvard (2010) Kavanaugh (D.C. Cir.)
Caroline Edsall 2012 2013 Yale (2010) Kavanaugh (D.C. Cir.) / Brody (E.D. Pa.)
Jonathan Ellis 2012 2013 Penn (2010) Randolph (D.C. Cir.)
Sina Kian 2012 2013 Stanford (2010) Tatel (D.C. Cir.) / Griffith (D.C. Cir.)
Benjamin Snyder 2012 2013 Harvard (2011) Sutton (6th Cir.)
Morgan Goodspeed 2013 2014 Harvard (2012) Kavanaugh (D.C. Cir.)
Michael Huston 2013 2014 Michigan (2011) Kethledge (6th Cir.)
Judson O. Littleton 2013 2014 Texas (2008) Randolph (D.C. Cir)
Matthew Shapiro 2013 2014 Yale (2012) Wilkinson (4th Cir.)
Kathryn Cherry 2014 2015 Yale (2013) Kavanaugh (D.C. Cir.)
Chris Michel 2014 2015 Yale (2013) Kavanaugh (D.C. Cir.)
Graham Phillips 2014 2015 Harvard (2013) Griffith (D.C. Cir.)
Ryan Snyder 2014 2015 Notre Dame (2012) Kethledge (6th Cir.)
Jake Brege 2015 Michigan (2012) Sentelle (D.C. Cir.)/Boasberg (D.D.C.)
Daniel Feith 2015 Yale (2012) Griffith (D.C. Cir.)/Sullivan (S.D.N.Y.)
Ben Tyson 2015 Virginia (2014) Srinivasan (D.C. Cir.)
Katherine Wellington Booth 2015 Harvard (2013) Kavanaugh (D.C. Cir.)


  1. Peppers, Todd C. (2006). Courtiers of the Marble Palace: The Rise and Influence of the Supreme Court Law Clerk. Stanford University Press. p. 1.
  2. Peppers, Todd C. (2006). Courtiers of the Marble Palace: The Rise and Influence of the Supreme Court Law Clerk. Stanford University Press. p. 195.
  3. 1 2 "Law Review Honors Its First Distinguished Alumni" (PDF). Minnesota Law Review. Fall 2005. Retrieved September 25, 2014.
  4. "Timothy D. Kelly". Dykema. Retrieved September 25, 2014.
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