List of filename extensions (F–L)

This alphabetical list of filename extensions contains standard extensions associated with computer files.



Ext. Description Used by
F Archive FREEZE
F Forth language source code file Forth development systems
F Fortran language source code file (in fixed form) Many Fortran compilers
F01 Fax perfectfax
F03 Fortran language source code file (in free form) Many Fortran compilers
F2R Farandole Linear Module Farandole
F3R Farandole Blocked Linear Module Farandole
F4 Fortran IV source code file
F4A Flash Video F4V with only audio (see also SWF) Adobe Flash
F4B Flash Video F4V audiobook (see also SWF) Adobe Flash
F4P Flash Video F4V with digital rights management (see also SWF) Adobe Flash
F4V A container format for Flash Video that differs from the older FLV file format (see also SWF) Adobe Flash
F77 Fortran language source code file (in fixed form) Many Fortran compilers
F90 Fortran language source code file (in free form) Many Fortran compilers
F95 Fortran language source code file (in free form) Many Fortran compilers
F96 Fax Frecom FAX96
FACE Usenix FACE graphics file
FAL Falcon script source Falcon
FAM Famtasia Famicom image format Famtasia
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions text file
FAR Music format (Farandole Composer Module) Farandole
FAS Macsyma compiled program
FAX Fax (raster graphics in CCITT format) most Fax programs
FB Backup files Fifth Generation Systems FastBack Plus
FBM Fuzzy Bitmap
FBW HP Backup and Recovery Manager HP Backup
FC Spell checking dictionary Harvard Graphics 2.0
FCM Binary file patch file (forward compression)
FCP Final Cut Pro project file Final Cut Pro
FD Declaration file Microsoft Fortran
FD Field offsets for compiler DataFlex
FD Front Door' resource files FD
FDB Font Definition Block Ming library
FDS fwNES Famicom Disk System image fwNES
FDS Headerless Famicom Disk System image
FDW Form F3 Design and Mapping
FDX Screenplay Final Draft
FE Data Surface Evolver 3D surface
FEB Button bar for Figure Editor WordPerfect for Win
FEI Fatal Error Infotable Geoworks
FES File produced when a fileless occurrence in 3D Topicscape is exported to Windows 3D Topicscape
FF Intelligont FIAS format
FF Outline font description Agfa Compugraphics
FFE Front Fareast Famicom image format
FFF Fax defFax
FFI Atech FastFont (AllType)
FFIVW File Format for the Interchange of Virtual Worlds
FFT Dca/FFT Final Form Text text file (DisplayWrite)
FFT DCA/FFT Final Form Text text file DisplayWrite
FH3 Vector graphics Aldus FreeHand 3.x
FH4 Vector graphics Aldus FreeHand 3.x
FI Interface file Microsoft Fortran
FIF Fractal Image Format file
FIG Figure File MATLAB
FIL Table Data Audit Command Language (ACL)
FIL File template Application Generator
FIL Filelist
FIL Files list object file dBASE Application Generator
FIL Mirror. FIL is the name given to the saved FAT by the mirror program included in some versions of DOS and in PCTools MS-DOS -
FIL Overlay WordPerfect
FIL File which was moved to the Virus Vault by AVG
FILE A generic Windows file
FILM Filmkey film file Filmkey Player
FIN Print-formatted text file Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE
FIO Aldus PhotoStyler graphics filter
FIO Image PALS viewer DLL
FIT File Index Table WindowsNT
FIT Fityk Script Fityk
FITS Flexible Image Transport System astronomy software
FIX Patch file
FKY Macro file FoxPro
FLA Source material for Flash applications (see SWF) Adobe Flash
FLAC Audio codec, Audio file format
FLAME Fractal configuration file Apophysis
FLB Format library Papyrus
FLC Animation format FLIC >320x200 AAPlay - Autodesk AniPro
FLD Folder Charisma
FLI Animation format FLIC 320x200 Autodesk Animator
FLI TeX font library EmTeX
FLM Film Roll AutoCAD/AutoShade
FLP Flstudio project file Fruity Loops (FlStudio)
FLP FLP Designer layout file FLP Designer
FLT Data/file conversion filter (or overlay) Alsud, Microsoft Word
FLT Filter file Micrografx Picture Publisher
FLT MultiGen Flight
FLT Support file - graphics filter Asymetrix ToolBook
FLX Animation format
FLX Compiled binary DataFlex
FLV A container format for Flash Video (see also SWF) Adobe Flash
FM Database FileMaker Pro
FM1 Spreadsheet format overlay Lotus 1-2-3 release 2.x
FM3 Device driver Harvard Graphics 3.0
FM3 Spreadsheet Lotus 1-2-3 release 3.x
FMB File Manager Button bar WordPerfect for Win
FMF Font or icon file IBM LinkWay
FMK Makefile Fortran PowerStation
FMO Compiled format file dBASE IV
FMT Format file dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper 5 - dBFast
FMT Gate3 format file
FMT Style sheet Sprint
FMV Full Motion Video file
FN3 Font file Harvard Graphics 3.0
FND Files searching properties Win95
FNI FileNet Native Document FileNet
FNK FunkTracker music module AWAVE, FunkTracker
FNM Fannie Mae Residential Loan Data (RLD) format for mortgage submission to DO/DU Desktop Originator
Fnn DOS screen text font - height nn pixels
FNT Font file many
FNX Inactive font Exact
FO1 Font file Borland Turbo C
FO2 Font file Borland Turbo C
FOG Fontographer Database File Fontographer3.5
FOL Folder of saved messages 1st Reader
FON Log of all calls Procomm Plus
FON Terminate phonebook Terminate - Terminator - Telix
FON Windows bitmapped font file Win
FONT Font data unix
FOP Freedom of the Press graphic file
FOR Form WindowBase
FOR Fortran language source file many
FOT Installed Truetype font Windows Font Installer
FOX Foxbase executable (precompiled .prg) FoxBase
FP Final Page file FoxPro for DOS
FP Tiff file TIFF/IT P1
FP Video file DVICO/TVIX MPEG1 video file
FP3 Database FileMaker Pro
FP4 Database FileMaker Pro
FP5 Database FileMaker Pro
FP7 Database FileMaker Pro
FPC Catalog FoxPro
FPD TMT Pascal compiled unit TMT Pascal
FPM Configuration file FoxPro for MacIntosh
FPT Foxpro memo field tables FoxPro
FPU Configuration file FoxPro for Unix
FPW Floorplan drawing FloorPLAN plus for Windows
FPW Configuration file Visual FoxPro
FPX FlashPix Bitmap Image File FlashPix
FR? Packed mail FTN software
FR3 Renamed dBASE III+ form file dBASE IV
FRF FontMonger Database file FontMonger
FRG Uncompiled report file dBASE IV
FRL GP-Forth library GP-Forth
FRM Registration or other form
FRM Report file dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast
FRM Visual Basic Form Visual Basic
FRO Compiled report file dBASE IV
FRP Form PerForm PRO Plus - FormFlow
FRS Screen Font Resource WordPerfect for Win
FRT Additional (FPT) report description file FoxPro
FRT GP-Forth source file GP-Forth
FRX Main (DBF) report description file Visual FoxPro
FRX Visual Basic binary program file Visual Basic
FSA Applied Biosystems Genetic Analysis data file GeneScan
FSIM Simulation File Format Loudsoft
FSL Form Paradox for Windows
FSM Farandole Composer WaveSample Farandole
FSPROJ Habanero Firestarter project Habanero Firestarter
FST Linkable program dBFast
FST Temporal database file GTKWave data file
FSTICK Temporal database file Flash Joystick
FSX Data Lotus 1-2-3
FTD Falcon dynamic template Falcon
FTM Font file Micrografx
FTXT text Cloanto text document
FTP Configuration FTP Software PC/TCP
FUK Map File Postal 2
FW Database FrameWork
FW2 Database Framework II
FW3 Database Framework III
FWEB Fortran WEB
FX On-line guide FastLynx
FXD Phonebook FAXit
FXP Foxpro executable (precompiled .prg) Visual FoxPro
FXS FAX Transmit Format graphics file WinFax
FYF FileLoc FyTek, Inc.


Ext. Description Used by
G Data chart APPLAUSE
G16 GoldED for DOS compiled config GOLDED.EXE
G3 Group 3 Fax Netpbm,ImageMagick,XnView
G3D Glest model file G3D viewer
G3P data Grand Prix 3 car physics Grand Pix 3
G8 Raw graphics file (one byte per pixel) plane three PicLab - Cubicomb Picturemaker
GAF Globa Game Engine audio format Globa Game Engine
GAM Fax GammaFax
GAMEPROJ Gamesalad game project format GameSalad
GB Game Boy ROM Nintendo
GB1 Game Maker backup file (can also be GB2, GB3, etc.)
GBA Game Boy Advance ROM Nintendo
GBC Game Boy Color ROM Nintendo
GBL Genesis Bitmap Layout Genesis Bitmap
GBL Global definitions VAXTPU editor
GBL Global module in Basic programs Basic
GBP Genesis Bitmap Pattern Genesis Bitmap
GBS GBS meta data Generic Build Support (GBS)
GBR Gerber format PCB CAD/CAM
GBR GIMP brush
GC Savegame Star Wars: Battlefront II Galactic Conquest save file
GC1 Lisp source code Golden Common Lisp 1.1
GC3 Lisp source code Golden Common Lisp 1.3
GCD General content descriptor Wireless devices
GCD Generic Cadd drawing Generic Cadd, Visual Cadd
GCF Game cache file Steam content delivery system
GCH GNU preprocessed C++ header file GNU C++ compiler
GCI Nintendo GameCube save file Nintendo GameCube
GCX Graph file Mac OS X Grapher
GD3 Game Doctor Super NES ROM image
GDF General Data Format for Biomedical Signals Biomedical signal processing, Brain Computer Interfaces
GDF Dictionary file GEOS
GDF Geographical Data Format Various mapping software
GDF IBM Graphics Data Format Legacy IBM systems
GDL Data ArchiCAD model
GDS McDonnell-Douglas Things
GDT Gerätedatentransfer, an xDT application Healthcare providers in Germany
GE GEcho config file GEcho
GED GEDCOM Genealogy data exchange
GED Native format for all A&L products since 1983 Arts & Letters
GED GoldED for DOS compiled config file GOLDED.EXE
GED Graphics editor file EnerGraphics
GED Game Editor Data / project file Game Editor
GEM Vector graphics file GEM - Ventura Publisher
GEN Compiled template dBASE Application Generator
GEN Generated text Ventura Publisher
GEO Geode Geoworks
GEO GEOS specific file (application) GEOS
GEO GoldED for OS/2 compiled config file GED2.EXE
GEX GEcho config file GEcho
GFB Compressed GIF image created by GIFBLAST gifblast.exe
GFO SGI Radiosity
GFT Font NeoPaint
GFT GEM-translator font file
GFX Instant Artist graphics Files Instant Artist
GFX PCBoard @X-coded colorful text GFX2COM - GFX2EXE
GHO Norton Ghost File (first file) Symantec
GHS Norton Ghost File (split file) Symantec
GHW GHDL Wave file GHDL/GTKWave data file
GIB Chart Graph-in-the-Box
GIB GIMP animated brush
GID Help index windows 95 help
GIF Compuserves' Graphics Interchange Format (bitmapped graphics) QPeg - Display - CompuShow
GIW Presentation Graph-in-the-Box for Windows
GKH Ensoniq Disk Image (VFX, SD, EPS, ASR, TS) Ensoniq
GKS Graphics Kernel System
GL Animation format grasprt.exe, PV
GL Animation GRASP GRAphical System for Presentation
GLB Global module in Basic programs
GLM Datafile, KernelCAD model Glim, KernelCAD
GLO Global module in Basic programs
GLS Datafile Across
GLY Winword Glossary Microsoft Word
GM6 GameMaker Editable file as of version 6.x Game Maker
GM81 GameMaker Editable file as of version 8.1.x Game Maker
GMD GameMaker Editable file up to version 5.x Game Maker
GMF CGM graphics file APPLAUSE
GMK GameMaker Editable file as of version 7.x or 8.x Game Maker
GML GameMaker GML script file Game Maker
GML Geography Markup Language File Geography Markup Language
GMOD Data Golgotha 3D model
GMP Geomorph tile map SPX
GMS Ghost Mouse Script
GMS Gesture and Motion File Formats
GMT Gene Matrix Transposed
GMT data RFactor car physics
GMX GameMaker:Studio Editable File as of 1.x Game Maker
GO Go source code file Golang
GOC Goc source code file Geoworks
GOE GOES graphic file
GOH Goc header file Geoworks
GP Geode parameter file Geoworks Glue
GP4 data Grand Prix 4 car physics
GP5 Guitar Pro 5 song Guitar Pro 5
GPH Graph Lotus 1-2-3/G
GPK Omnigo program package
GPX GPS eXchange Format
GR2 Screen driver Windows 3.x
GRA Datafile SigmaPlot
GrADS Metafile
GRAFFLE OmniGraffle graph file
GRASP Graphical System for Presentation
GRB T-FLEX CAD file Top Systems
GRB MS-DOS Shell Monitor file MS-DOS 5
GRD Drivers for GRX (graphics library) GRX (c) Free Soft. Found.
GRDNT Image format used in the core of some very obscure customized operating systems to represent gradients; see also SCTOR
GRE data Grenoble Thermal ellipsoids Plot Program
GRF Graph file Graph Plus, DPlot, and Charisma
GRFT Graph definition text file SELDM Postprocessor
GRIB Gridded Binary
GRN Drivers for GRX (graphics library) GRX (c) Free Soft. Found.
GRP Group file Windows 3.x - Papyrus
GRP Pictures group PixBase
GRY Graphics format (RAW GREYz)
GS Script written in Google Apps Script, used for automating tasks across online Google products Google Apps Script
GS1 Presentation GraphShow
GS3 data GameStarter
GSA data Microsoft Office Groove Space Archive
GSD Vector graphics Professional Draw
GSM Raw GSM 6.10 audio stream AWAVE
GSP Geometer's Sketchpad
GSW Worksheet GraphShow
GTA data Microsoft Office Groove Tool Archive
GUP PopMail
GV GrandView outline file
GVO Data GFXFX Vector Object
GWI Groupwise File Local saved Email
GXL Graphics library Genus
GXK Secure Data encryption Format Galaxkey
GZ Archive GNU zip - WinZipNT
GZR data GunZ action replay


Ext. Description Used by
H! On-line help file Flambeaux Help! Display Engine
H! Pertext database HELP.EXE
H-- C—language header Sphinx C--
H Header file (usually C language) Watcom C/C++
H++ Header file C++
HA Archive HA
HAL Data file Hyper Access Lite OS/2
HAM Disk Drivers NPA Novell NetWare
HAM Hold And Modify Deluxe Paint image file
HAP Archive HAP3
HBC Compressed Archive File (Shrink Algorithm) Hyperbac
HBC Compressed Archive File (Shrink Fast Algorithm) Hyperbac
HBE Compressed, Encrypted Archive File (Shrink & AES256-bit Encryption) Hyperbac
HBK MathCAD handbook MathCAD
HC Header file
HCG Document HCLab
HCGS Document HCLab
HDD data disk image
HDD HotDisc Designer label
HDF Amiga Hard Disk Image
HDF Help file Help Development Kit
HDF Hierarchical Data File graphics file SDSC Image Tools
HDL Alternate download file listing Procomm Plus
HDMP heap dumpfile
HDR Datafile Egret
HDR Message header text Procomm Plus - 1st Reader
HDR PC-File+ Database header
HDR SPOT image file
HDS Hierarchical Data System
HDW Vector graphics Harvard Draw
HDX Help index AutoCAD - Zortech C++
HDZ Amiga Zip compressed Hard Disk Image
HEP Novell Help Librarian Data File Novell NetWare
HEX Hex dump
HFI HP Font Info file GEM
HGL Highlight groups definitions DN
HGL HP Graphics Language graphics file
HH C++ header file
HHH Precompiled header file Power C
HHP Help information for remote users Procomm Plus
HI Game high scores table
HIN Molecule HyperChem
HIS History of executing/viewing/editing DN
HIS Yard Information File FYM
<span id="HKM">HKM Stores sound in a bitmapped graphics file
HLB Help library VAX
HLP Help file WinHelp, Help Explorer Viewer
HLX Multi Edit help file MultiEdit 5.0
HLZ Multi Edit packed help file MultiEdit
HMI Music format (MIDI)
HMM Alternate Mail Read option menu Procomm Plus
HMP Music format (MIDI)
HMP Hump Setup File - Obsolete as of version 2.4 (See SET and SWT files) FYM
HNC CNC program files Heidenhain (?) dialog
HOF Hall Of Fame (game scores)
HOM CAD Software Data File PLXHOME
HP Printout file for HP printers/plotters (HP/GL)
HP8 ASCII text HP Roman8 character set NewWave Write
HPF HP LaserJet fonts PageMaker
HPGL Plotter file vector graphics (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language) AutoCad - Harvard Graphics
HPI Font information file GEM
HPJ Help project Microsoft Help Compiler for Windows - HC.EXE
HPM Alternate Main menu for privileged users Procomm Plus
HPM EMM text HP NewWave
HPM High Performance Map Quaestor 1.x
HPP C++ header file Zortech C++ - Watcom C/C++
HPPCL Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language
HRF Graphics file (Hitachi Raster Format)
HRM Alternate Main menu for limited/normal users Procomm Plus
HRZ Graphics format SSTV
HS2 Monochrome image Postering
HSC 2-op FM music HSC tracker - hscplay.exe
HSH Disk image hash file DriveSnapshot
HSI Handmade Software Inc. graphics file almost JPEG Image Alchemy
HST History file Procomm Plus
HTML Hypertext Markup Language (WWW) Netscape - Mosaic - many
HTX Hypertext file
HUS Husqvarna Viking Embroidery Format Embroidermodder
HVE Hive file[1] Microsoft
HWA Hollywood applet Hollywood
HWD Presentation Hollywood Designer
HWP Hangul Word Processor Document Hangul (word processor)
HWS Hollywood script Hollywood
HXM Alternate Protocol Selection menu for all users Procomm Plus
HXS Microsoft Help 2 compiled help file Microsoft Windows, Help Explorer Viewer
HXX C++ header file
HY1 Hyphenation algorithms Ventura Publisher
HY2 Hyphenation algorithms Ventura Publisher
HYC Data WordPerfect
HYD Hyphenation dictionary WordPerfect for Win


Ext. Description Used by
I Preprocessor output file Borland C Preprocessor
I SWIG interface file SWIG
IAK Internet Access Kit OS/2
IAM Assembly file Autodesk Inventor
IAX Bitmap graphics (IBM Image Access eXecutive)
IAX data InstallAnywhere.NET project
IBG PDS graphic file
IBM Archive (Internal IBM only) ARCHDOS
IBRO Robot save file Incredibots 2
ICA Bitmap graphics (Image Object Content Architecture)
ICB Bitmap graphics
ICC ICC configuration
ICE LHA Archive Cracked LHA (old LHA), Total Commander
ICFE IceFormula Equation Workspace Penguin George
ICFM IceFormula Math Workspace Penguin George
ICM ICC configuration
ICN ICON source code file
ICO Icon file ICONEDIT.EXE; Microsoft Windows
ID Disk identification file
IDB IDA database IDA
IDB VC++ Minimum Rebuild Dependency File Visual C++
IDC IDA C language source IDA
IDE Borland C++ 4.x IDE project BCW.EXE
IDF MIDI instrument description
IDS IDA imported names format IDA
IDW Vector graphics IntelliDraw
IDW Drawing file Autodesk Inventor
IDX Index many - FoxPro; also unrelated Quicken file format
IFD Form JetForm Design
IFF Interchange Format File (IFF) EA Software - Convert (C) Villena - Amiga
IFF Sun TAAC Image File Format SDSC Image Tool
IFP Script KnowledgeMan
IFS Fractal image compressed file Yuvpak
IFS Iterated fractal system file IFS Creation Kit, Apophysis
IFS Installable file system OS/2
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
IGF Inset Systems GCGW
IGC Flight tracks downloaded from GPS devices in the International Gliding Commission's prescribed format
IHP Watcom help file whelp.exe
IHS Inbound History Bink/+
IIW Power Point Image Importer Wizard
IL hDC Designer Icon Lin dll format
ILB Data Scream Tracker
ILG data LaTeX Index Generation log
ILK Outline of program's format Microsoft ILink incremental linker
IM Auran Jet indexed mesh file Trainz
IM8 Sun Raster graphics file
IMA Mirage vector graphics EGO - Chart - Autumn
IMA Disk image WinImage
IMG ADEX graphic file
IMG Disk Image NC 5.0
IMG GEM bitmapped graphics file Ventura
IMG Image for Windows/Image for DOS Disk image TeraByte, Inc. dba TeraByte Unlimited
IMG Vivid IMG file
IMI image Magellan Meridian map
IMI image Magellan eXplorist map
IMP Spreadsheet Lotus Improv
IMQ Image presentation ImageQ
IMZ Disk image WinImage
IN Design II for Windows INput file
IN autoconf INput file
IN$ Installation file HP NewWave
IN3 Input device driver Harvard Graphics 3.0
INB Test script Vermont HighTest
INC Include file several programming languages
IND Data Index dBASE IV
INDD InDesign Document Adobe InDesign
INF Information text file (ASCII)
INF Install script
INF OS/2 hypertext help system file VIEW.EXE
INF Type 1 LaserJet font information file soft font installers
INFO GNU info reader (output from Texinfo) info (Unix)
INFO Icon Data (Amiga)
INGR Intergraph Raster File Format
INI Initialization file
INK Pantone reference fills file CorelDRAW
INS Data WordPerfect
INS Ensoniq Instrument File Ensoniq
INS Installation script 1st Reader
INS Instrument music file (Adlib)
INT Borland Interface Units
INT Program saved in Internal (semi-compiled) format Signature
INT Source of Borland interface module
INX Index Foxbase
IO Archive CPIO
IOB 3d graphics database in TDDD format Imagine
IOC Organizational chart Instant ORGcharting!
ION 4DOS DESCRIPT.ION file (file descriptions like long filenames, comments, or extended attributes) 4DOS, NDOS, 4OS2, 4NT, TC, TCC, VC, DN, ODN, NDN, Windows Commander, Total Commander, XnView, ACDSee, Newsbin Pro, V, as well as some CUI LIB-based applications
IP Immortal Player file Immortal Player
IPA Apple iOS Application iPhone, iPod touch, iPad
IPC Intellitec Program Configuration - used to configure vehicle electronics Intellitec
IPF Interchangeable Preservation Format SoftPres
IPG iPod game file iTunes and iPod
IPH Hi-Res Image InterPaint
IPL Pantone Spot reference palette file CorelDRAW
IPN Intecplan project Intecplan Business Plan Software
IPS IPS Patching Format (International Patching System) Rom hacking community
IPSW iOS firmware file iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Apple TV
IPT Part file Autodesk Inventor
IPT MultiColor Image InterPaint
IRRMESH static irrMesh files
IRS Resource (WordPerfect) standard.irs WordPerfect
IRT Data IRIT 3D model
IRTR Graphicon-2000 Interactive Real-Time PHIGS
ISD Spelling Checker dictionary RapidFile
ISH Archive ISH
ISMA Output Video file Islam Abusa'a Software
ISO ISO-9660 table see: List of ISO image software
IST Digitrakker Instrument File AWAVE
IT Impulse Tracker music file Impulse Tracker
IT Settings intalk
ITF Technical indicator, trading system or market scan source code file ProRealTime
ITF Interface file JPI TopSpeed Pascal
ITL iTunes music library
ITN Itinerary file TomTom PNDs
ITT IconTweaker Theme
IV SGI Inventor
IV-VRML Inventor VRML Format
IVE OpenSceneGraph 3D model
IVI Image file ImmerVision
IVL Lensflare file ImmerVision
IVP Panorama file ImmerVision
IVU User Interface file ImmerVision
IW Presentation flowchart IconAuthor - HSC InterActive
IWA Text file IBM Writing Assistant
IWB Information WorkBench Prodeo
IWD Call of Duty Map - Game Data Archive Activision, Inc.
IWP Text file Wang
IX data dtSearch index
IZT Izl binary token file IZL


Ext. Description Used by
J2C JPEG 2000 image
JAM Jam messagebase FTN software
JAM Jam music score Jam
JAR Java archive JAR, Java Games and Applications
JASC Graphics format (JASC)
JAVA Java source code file
JBD Datafile SigmaScan
JBIG Joint Bilevel Image Group
JBX Project file Project Scheduler 4
JCN JobClock.Net Synch File
JEF Janome Embroidery Format Embroidermodder
JET Fax Hybrid JetFax
JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format
JMS Music format (JMusic file) UltraForce
JNLP Java Network Launching Protocol Java Web Start
JOB Gravostyle engraving pattern file Gravostyle/Gravograph
JOB QUEUE output file RT-11
JOR Journal file SQL
JOU Journal backup VAX Edt editor
JP2 JPEG 2000 image
JPC Graphics Japan PIC
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group graphics file format QPeg - FullView - Display
JPS backup of startup files (AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, 4DOS.INI) by installation of 4DOS (JP Software) 4DOS
JRE Java Runtime Environment Java
JRN JMP journal JMP
JS JavaScript file script in HTML pages
JSON JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Ajax
JSONLD JSON-LD, a JSON-based Serialization for Linked Data
JSP JavaServer Pages Dynamic pages running Web servers using Java technology
JTF Fax Hayes JT Fax
JTF Graphics (TIFF file with JPEG compression)
JVX Data JavaView object
JW Text document JustWrite
JWL Library JustWrite
JZZ Spreadsheet Jazz


Ext. Description Used by
K2A Data Prince of Persia 3D object
K3D Description of macro language 3DS 3DS
KAP Map Info Sea Chart
KAR Music format (Karaoke) ITune 1000.Corp
KAR Precompiled .prg for KARAT Rus. FOX+ 2.0
KB Keyboard script Borland C++ 4.5
KB Program source Knowledge Pro
KB K-Brief in XML format TCC's Set-Based Thinking™ Tools
KBA K-Brief Attachment TCC's Set-Based Thinking™ Tools
KBASIC Source KBasic
KBD Keyboard mapping LocoScript - Signature - Procomm Plus
KBM Keyboard mapping Reflection 4.0
KBS K-Brief in Encrypted format TCC's Set-Based Thinking™ Tools
KBZ K-Brief in Compressed format TCC's Set-Based Thinking™ Tools
KCL Lisp source code Kyoto Common Lisp
KD Koara Document Koara
KDB KeePass 1.x database file KeePass
KDBX KeePass 2.x database file KeePass
KDC Kodak Digital Camera (graphics) PhotoEnhancer by PictureWorks
KEP (unknown) (unknown)
KEX Kedit Macro File Kedit
KEY Datafile Forecast Pro
KEY Keynote presentation file Keynote (Apple iWork '08)
KEY Keyboard macros
KEY OS/2 archive .key-file (i.e. OS2.KEY) OS/2
KEY Security file e.g. Shareware Registration info
KEY Keynote iOS devices, Macintosh
KFN complex music format|[2] Karafun Karaoke(R)
KFX Kofax Group GCGW
KIT Power Chords drum kit file Power Chord
KMC KatzReview's MegaCrammer
KML Kedit Macro Library
Keyhole Markup Language
Google Earth
KMY data KMyMoney
KMZ Keyhole Markup Language (Zip compressed) Google Earth
Knn Database key file Clarion
KNO Personal Knowbase data file Personal Knowbase
KO linux kernel object file linux kernel
KODU Kodu game save file Kodu Game Lab
KPL source code Phrogram
KPP Toolpad SmartPad
KPS IBM KIPS bitmap graphics
KR1 Kurzweil 2000 sample file AWAVE
KR2 Kurzweil 2000 sample file AWAVE
KRZ Kurzweil K2000 File Kurzweil
KS Source code KonsolScript Document
KS3 Data 3D Forgastest Editor object
KSM Pfaff Embroidery Format Embroidermodder
KTU Know The Unknown Online Service Packs Unknownsoft
KWB Knowledge WorkBench Prodeo
KYB Keyboard mapping FTP Software PC/TCP


Ext. Description Used by
L LEX source code file
L Linker directive file WATCOM wlink
L LISP source code file
LA0 Datafile SCUMM index file
LAB Datafile NCSS - SOLO
LAB Mailing labels Q+E for Microsoft Excel
LAN Erdas image file
LAN LAN Drivers Novell NetWare
LANG Language file Minecraft, Skype
LAS Lasso File Lasso Programming Language File
LASSO Lasso File Lasso Programming Language File
LAY Word chart layout APPLAUSE
LBG Label generator data dBASE IV
LBL Label dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast
LBM Graphics format (Amiga) Pic-view - Deluxe Paint
LBM Linear bitmap graphics XLib
LBO Compiled label dBASE IV
LBR .LBR Archive for CP/M and MS-DOS using the LU program
LBR Display driver Lotus 1-2-3
LBT Additional (FPT) label description file FoxPro
LBX Main (DBF) label description file FoxPro
LCF Linker Control File Norton Guides compiler
LCH Chart IBM Works for OS/2
LCK Lockfile Paradox
LCL Data (FTP Software PC/TCP)
LCL Data FTP Software PC/TCP
LCN Lection WordPerfect
LCS Datafile ACT! History Files
LCW Spreadsheet Lucid 3-D
LD Long Distance codes file Telix
LDA Absolute binary file (load image) PDP-11, RT-11
LD1 Overlay file dBASE
LDB Data filer database IBM Works for OS/2
LDB Overlay file Microsoft Access
LDF Data filer form IBM Works for OS/2
LDF Library definition file Geoworks Glue
LDT Labordatenträger, an xDT application Healthcare providers in Germany
LE DOS/4GW executable image DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender
LES Lesson (check *.cbt)
LEV Level file NetHack 3.x
LEX Dictionary Microsoft Word - Lexicon
LFL LucasArts resource file
LFD LucasArts resource file LucasArts games
LFT Laser printer font ChiWriter
LG Logo procedure definitions LSRHS Logo
LGO Logo for header and footer SuperFax
LGO Startup logo code Windows 3.x
LHA LHA Archive LHA/LHARC, Total Commander
LHW Amiga archive LHWARP
LIB Library file several programming languages
LIC License file used by some programs to put their license on disk
LIF Archive
LIF CA Clipper packed file CA Clipper installer
LIF Logical Interchange Format data file Hewlett-Packard
LIN Line types AutoCAD
LIS Listing VAX
LIT Microsoft E-book file Microsoft Reader
LIT Web3D File Web3D
LIX Log file (history) Audit Command Language (ACL)
LJ Text file for HP LJ II printer
LL LLVM Assembly Language llvm
LL3 LapLink III related file (document) LapLink III
LM Auran Jet LOD mesh table (text file to control LODs) Trainz
LMP Doom lump (data file, commonly "demo" recordings) Doom - Doom2
LNG Language definition file
LNK Linker response file .RTLink
LNK Linker script
LNK Windows 95 shortcut Windows 95
LNK Windows XP shortcut Windows XP
LOD Load file
LOG Log file Numerous systems
LOM 3D Model Lock On: Modern Air Combat
LPC Printer driver TEKO
LRC Lyrics data
LRF Linker response file Microsoft C/C++
LRF Unencrypted BroadBand eBook file Sony Librie eBook reader
LRP Report IBM Works for OS/2
LRS Language Resource File WordPerfect for Win
LRX Encrypted BroadBand eBook file Sony Librie eBook reader
LSA Lightscape Technologies ASCII
LSB Lightscape Technologies Binary
LSC Leostream Connect file Leostream Corporation
LSP LISP source code file Xlisp, AutoLISP
LSS Spreadsheet Legato - IBM Works for OS/2
LSS SYSLINUX Splash Screen Graphic SYSLINUX, XnView
LST Aus. BOM Hourly weather Data
LST Filelist FRQView
LST Keyboard macro 1st Reader
LST List file (archive index - compiler listfile)
LST Listing (e.g. source code)
LST Map list Holux - Alan
LST Spool file Oracle
LST SLP output file RT-11
LTA Data LithTech ASCII 3D object
LTM Form (Lotus Forms) Lotus
LUA Lua script file Microsoft Visual C++, Notepad++
LUW label data file Labels Unlimited for Windows
LUX 2D and 3D graphics data file Foliomap and Spectramap
LUZ 3D graphics data file Spectramap CUDA
LWD Text document LotusWorks
LWO Lightwave Object Format
LWP Word processor IBM Works for OS/2, Lotus Wordpro
LXF Lego Exchange Format Lego Digital Designer data file
LXO Luxology scene modo3D software
LXT Temporal database file GTKWave data file
LY LilyPond Notation File LilyPond
LYR Lyrics (ASCII)
LYT Document Layout file Adminsoft Accounts
LZ Archive Lzip
LZD Difference file for binaries LDiff 1.20
LZH LHA Archive LHA/LHARC, Total Commander
LZS LHA Archive LARC, Total Commander
LZX Amiga Archive LZX



See also


  1. "EMC NetWorker Release 7.5 and Service Packs Release Notes Rev A19". Learning Ace. EMC Corporation. 2010-07-14. p. 8. Retrieved 2014-07-28. The files syscache.hve, syscache.hve.LOG1 [...] located in the %systemdrive%\system volume information folder, will be skipped during backup. These hive files are used for maintaining extended data for executable files on the system, such as SRP (Software Restriction Policies) and Applocker. Microsoft recommends not restoring these files. These files are created from derived data and will be rebuilt over time.
  2. "karafun fileformats @ developer`s homepage". Retrieved 2012-06-19.

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Saturday, February 06, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.