List of early spring flowers

A snowdrop carpet at Bank Hall, Bretheton in February 2009
Blossom of Lesser celandine

These are some of the plants that come into flower in early spring:

Plant Region
Anemone ranunculoides
Anemone nemorosa Europe
Bluet (Houstonia caerulea) Eastern North America
Bloodroot Eastern North America
  • Europe
  • Mediterranean
Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)
Dutch Crocus (ornamental)
Dewberry Northern Hemisphere
Dog's Mercury Europe
Early Star-of-Bethlehem
  • Europe
  • Mediterranean
Eastern Redbud Eastern North America
Harbringer of Spring (Erigenia bulbosa) North America
Helianthemum apenninum Europe
Hyacinth (ornamental)
Iris (ornamental)
Lasthenia conjugens San Francisco Bay Area
Lesser celandine
Luzula campestris
Puschkinia Western Asia
Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) Eastern North America
Sterculia colorata
Winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) Europe
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