List of churches in Finnmark

Map of the church deaneries in Finnmark county:
  Alta deanery
  Hammerfest deanery
  Inner Finnmark deanery
  Varanger deanery

This list of churches in Finnmark is a list of the Church of Norway churches in Finnmark county, Norway. The churches are all part of the Diocese of Nord-Hålogaland along with the churches in Troms county. The diocese is based at the Tromsø Cathedral in the city of Tromsø.

The list is divided into four sections, one for each Deanery (prosti) in the diocese. Administratively within each deanery, the churches are divided by municipalities which have their own church council (fellesråd). Each municipal church council may be made up of more than one parish (sokn), each of which may have their own council (soknerådet). Each parish may have one or more congregations in it.[1]

Alta deanery

This deanery covers three municipalities in western part of Finnmark county. The deanery is headquartered in the town of Alta in Alta municipality.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Alta AltaAlta ChurchAlta1858
Elvebakken ChurchAlta1964
Kåfjord ChurchKåfjord1837
Northern Lights CathedralAlta2013
Rafsbotn ChapelRafsbotn1989
TalvikKomagfjord ChurchKomagfjord1960
Langfjord ChurchLangfjord1891
Leirbotn ChurchLeirbotn1993
Talvik ChurchTalvik1883
Hasvik HasvikBreivikbotn ChapelBreivikbotn1959
Dønnesfjord ChurchDønnesfjord1888
Hasvik ChurchHasvik1955
Sørvær ChapelSørvær1968
Loppa LoppaBergsfjord ChurchBergsfjord1951
Loppa ChurchLoppa1953
Nuvsvåg ChapelNuvsvåg1961
Sandland ChapelSandland1971
Øksfjord ChurchØksfjord1954

Hammerfest deanery

This deanery covers six municipalities in northern part of Finnmark county. The deanery is headquartered in the town of Hammerfest in Hammerfest municipality.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Gamvik GamvikGamvik ChurchGamvik1958
Hop ChurchSkjånes1977
Mehamn ChapelMehamn1965
Hammerfest HammerfestHammerfest ChurchHammerfest1961
Kvalsund KvalsundKvalsund ChurchKvalsund1936
Sennalandet ChapelÁisaroaivi1961
KokelvKokelv ChurchKokelv1960
Lebesby KjøllefjordKjøllefjord ChurchKjøllefjord1951
LebesbyLebesby ChurchLebesby1962
Kunes ChapelKunes
Måsøy MåsøyGunnarnes ChapelRolvsøya1986
Havøysund ChurchHavøysund1961
Ingøy ChurchIngøy1957
Måsøy ChurchMåsøya1953
Slotten ChapelSlåtten1965
Nordkapp NordkappGjesvær ChapelGjesvær1960
Honningsvåg ChurchHonningsvåg1885
Repvåg ChurchRepvåg1967
Skarsvåg ChurchSkarsvåg1961

Inner Finnmark deanery

This deanery (also called Sis-Finnmárkku proavássuohkan in the Northern Sami language) covers five municipalities in the southern part of Finnmark county. The deanery is headquartered in the village of Karasjok in Karasjok municipality. This is the largest deanery in Norway by size (25,520.2 square kilometres or 9,853.4 square miles). This deanery is also the only deanery in Norway with a majority of members being Sami people, which is why the Northern Sami language is the administrative language for the deanery. Services are held in both Norwegian and Sami languages. This deanery was established on 1 April 1991 when parts of the three existing deaneries were transferred to this new Sami-majority deanery.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Karasjok KarasjokKarasjok ChurchKarasjok1974
Old Karasjok ChurchKarasjok1807
Suosjavrre ChapelŠuoššjávri1968
Valjok ChurchVáljohka1932
Kautokeino KautokeinoKautokeino ChurchKautokeino1958
Láhpoluoppal ChapelLáhpoluoppal1967
Masi ChurchMasi1965
Nesseby NessebyNesseby ChurchNesseby1858
Porsanger PorsangerBrenna ChapelBrenna1971
Børselv ChurchBørselv1958
Kistrand ChurchKistrand1856
Lakselv ChurchLakselv1963
Skoganvarre ChapelSkoganvarre1963
Tana TanaAustertana ChapelAustertana1958
Tana ChurchRustefjelbma1964
PolmakPolmak ChurchPolmak1853

Varanger deanery

This deanery covers five municipalities in the eastern part of Finnmark county. The deanery is headquartered in the town of Vadsø in Vadsø municipality.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Berlevåg BerlevågBerlevåg ChurchBerlevåg1960
Båtsfjord BåtsfjordBåtsfjord ChurchBåtsfjord1971
Hamningberg ChapelHamningberg1949
Syltefjord ChapelNordfjord1934
Sør-Varanger Sør-VarangerBugøynes ChapelBugøynes1989
Kirkenes ChurchKirkenes1959
King Oscar II ChapelGrense Jakobselv1869
Neiden ChapelNeiden1902
Svanvik ChurchSvanvik (in the
Pasvikdalen valley)
Vadsø VadsøSkallelv ChurchSkallelv1961
Vadsø ChurchVadsø1958
Vestre Jakobselv ChurchVestre Jakobselv1940
Vardø VardøVardø ChurchVardø1958
Vardø ChapelVardø1908


  1. "Nord-Hålogaland bispedøme" (in Norwegian). Den Norske Kirke. Retrieved 2012-12-27.

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