List of historical reenactment groups

This is a list of groups engaged in historical reenactment. Because boundaries can be unclear, where there is doubt, groups are listed here by the category into which they place themselves.

Name Real world location Period Earliest year portrayed Latest year portrayed Speciality
Fort McHenry Guard  United States (USA) 1812 1812 1814 Historical portrayal of defenders of Fort McHenry, Baltimore, MD during the battle that inspired the American National Anthem "The Star Spangled Banner"
11th Texas Cavalry  United States (Texas, USA) American Civil War 1861-1865 1861 1865 A living history reenactors club portraying the Confederate cavalry unit organized by William C. Young in Grayson County, Texas in 1861
Clan MacColin[1]  United States (Southern California) 16th-century Scottish Highlands 1572 1572 Living history, crafts, music, dance, combat, presentations, demonstrations, film work
Roaring twenties & beyond[2]  Argentina (Buenos Aires) 1920 1940 1950 1960 1920 1960 Civil reenactment
Ladies and Gentlemen[3]  Argentina (Buenos Aires) 20th century, 19th century 1900 Civil reenactment
Vanguard[4]  United Kingdom (North East England) 13th-century Viking Age Middle Ages 1066 AD 1450 AD Primarily, Vanguard are a combat reenactment group who also do presentations. Over time all aspects of reenactment (such as living history) will develop. Several members have also partaken in film/TV work.
The British Military Intelligence (1940s)[5]  United Kingdom (England) WWII 1940-1945 1940 AD 1945 AD Living history, presentations, film/TV
The Middlemore Guild[6]  United Kingdom (England) Wars of the Roses 1471 AD 1485 AD Living history, presentations, film/TV, arts & crafts, combat reenactment
Tergeste Historica[7]  Trieste (Free Territory of Trieste) World War I, World War II 1914 AD 1945 AD Living history, presentations, combat reenactment, military drill
Regimiento Fijo de Puerto Rico[8]  Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) Spanish Army XVIII 1750 AD 1815 AD Presentations, combat reenactment, military drill, living history
The Vikings of Bjornstad[9]  United States (California) Viking Age 793 AD 1066 AD Living history, education, presentations, film/TV, arts & crafts, combat reenactment, Scandinavian heritage
1st Marine Division Reenactment Group[10]  Poland Modern war 2003 AD 2006 AD Military camp, military drill, combat performance, living history, combat reenactment
ANNO 1700 – Tordenskiolds Reenactment[11]  Norway 1690–1720 AD 17th century 18th century Life in general, spiced with history from the time when the Norwegian-Danish naval hero Peter Wessel Tordenskiold, aka Peter Tordenskjold, sailed the seas; living history
Battlegroup Centre[12]  Ireland World War II 1940 AD 1945 AD Living history, combat reenactment, film work, historic preservation
Bludní rytieri [13]  Slovakia (Trenčín) Late Medieval Kingdom of Hungary 1390 AD 1410 AD Living history, combat reenactment, historic preservation, local history
Fencing and Theater society Argyll[14]  Slovakia (Bratislava) 1175–1200 English and French Normans, Second Jacobite Rising 12th century 18th century Military camp, military drill, combat performance, battles, Bohurt
Aurok Viking Reenactment and Fight Group[15]  Chile (Santiago) Viking Age 8th century 12th century Living history, Viking combat, Iron Age, campment, lifestyle, Chile
Das Geld Fahnlein  USA New England 16th-century Landsknecht 1514 1528 Living history/military camp, military drill, cooking, crafts
Armarium Historiae[16]  Italy Middle Ages 1250 AD 1300 AD Living history display, military camp, cooking and crafts
113ème Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne[17]  Italy Napoleonic Wars, French Revolutionary Wars 1789 AD 1815 AD Living history display, military camp, combat reenactment, military drill
Compagnia Moschettieri di Candia[18]  Italy Gradisca's War, Thirty Years War, Religious War 1615 1648 AD Living history display, military camp, combat reenactment, military drill
Compagnia de Malipiero[19]  Friuli-Venezia Giulia Middle Age and Early Modern Age 1200 AD 1700 AD Living history display, military camp, historical European martial arts
DW Arkona[20]  Poland Viking Age 750 AD 1066 AD Living history, recreating medieval combat techniques, handcrafts, and extensive educational activities
Le Hussard Volant[21]  France French Revolution, 1st Empire 1789 AD 1815 AD Living history display, film extras, historical advisors, Cantinière shop, bivouac
10th Essex Regiment[22]  UK World War I 1914 AD 1918 AD Living history display, arena displays, portrayals of trench and encampment life
Legion VI Victrix[23]  USA 2nd-century Roman Britain under the reign of Emperor Hadrian 120 AD 125 AD Living history. The Legion Six Historical Foundation is a California-based society of living historians dedicated to the recreation of military and civilian life in Roman Britain in the 2nd century AD in Eboracum, a garrison camp near modern York. Living history display, film extras, historical advisors, historic film and television arms, armor, equipment and costuming.
1325 a.d.[24]  Germany Medieval 1320 AD 1330 AD Living history
14Kp. Fallschirmjuager Regiment 6 "The Lions of Carentan"[25]  US (California) World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD WWII German paratroop reenactment unit
14th Louisiana Infantry Regiment, "G" Company[26]  Italy Napoleonic Wars, American Civil War, World War II 1803 AD 1945 AD
18thBtn AIF Living history Group[27]  Australia (Sydney) World War I 1915 AD 1918 AD Living history, film work, combat reenactment
19th Regiment of Foot (Green Howards in the Crimea)[28]  UK Crimean War 1853 AD 1856 AD Drill and firing displays, living history
Veðrar (Vedrar )[29]  Norway Viking Age 750 AD 1066 AD Combat reenactment
Bispeliden[30]  Norway Middle Ages 1250 AD 1300 AD Combat reenactment
vikverir(vikverir)[31]  Norway Early Middle Ages 1035 AD 1103 AD Combat reenactment, living history
The 1st SS Leibstandarte Division[32]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD 1st SS Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
51eme Demi-Brigade de Battaille[33]  Italy Napoleonic Wars 1803 AD 1815 AD Living history, combat reenactment
22e Demi-Brigade de Ligne[34]  Germany,  Italy,  Poland Napoleonic Wars 1803 AD 1815 AD Living history, combat reenactment
22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment[35]  US American Civil War 1861 AD 1864 AD Living history, combat reenactment, historic preservation
26th Yankee Division[36]  US (New England) World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, combat reenactment, educational
trondheim vikinglag[37]  Norway (Trondheim) Dark Ages 750 AD 1060 AD Living history, combat reenactment
28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry[38]  US (New England) American Civil War 1861 AD 1865 AD Irish Brigade, living history, combat reenactment, film work, historic preservation
2\KP Panzer Grenadier Regiment Grossdeutschland[39]  UK World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, film/TV work, combat reenactment
8\KP Grossdeutschland[40]  UK World War II 1939 AD 1943 AD Living history, film/TV work, combat reenactment
Defend Britain WW2 Reenactment Society[41]  UK World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, film/TV work, hobby, historic preservation combat reenactment
2nd Infantry Division, 9th Infantry Regiment, Co. A[42]  US World War I World War II 1940 AD 1945 AD Living history, combat reenactment
3./Pi.Btl.1[43]  Russia World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, portrayal of German combat engineers
307th Medical Company (82nd AAAL)[44]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, portrayal of the US 82nd Airborne
307th Airborne Engineers (82nd AAAL)[44]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, portrayal of the US 82nd Airborne
319th F/A (82nd AAAL)[44]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, portrayal of the US 82nd Airborne
D/325th GIR (82nd AAAL)[44]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, portrayal of the US 82nd Airborne
353rd Infantrie Division[45]  US (Central Illinois) World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, combat reenactment; the world's only WWII German cavalry unit
4th Batt. of Musketeers[46]  Czech Republic World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD
52nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment (reenactment)[47]  US American Civil War 1861 AD 1865 AD 52nd North Carolina Infantry – living history, battle reenactments, not-for-profit education, New York, United States
505th PIR / 325 GIR[44]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD 505th PIR
D/505th PIR (82nd AAAL – NC / SC) 82nd Airborne Legion (82nd AAAL)[44]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, portrayal of the US 82nd Airborne
E/505th PIR (82nd AAAL – Tenn| 82nd Airborne Legion (82nd AAAL)[44]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, portrayal of the US 82nd Airborne
65th Regiment Society[48]  New Zealand Colonial New Zealand Wars 1860 AD 1865 AD Drill display team, living history
68th Society and Display Team[49]  UK 1814 1814 AD 1814 AD Drill display team, living history, reenactment of the history of the Durham Light Infantry
7de Bataljon Infanterie van Linie[50]  Belgium Napoleonic Wars 1815 AD 1815 AD Combat reenactment, living history, reenactment of the Belgian 7th Line Battalion during the Waterloo-Campaign
8th Veteran Reserve Corps[51]  US American Civil War 1861 CE 1865 CE Living history, portrayal of the 8th Regiment of the Veteran Reserve Corps stationed at Camp Douglas (Chicago)
82nd Airborne Legion (82nd AAAL)[44]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, portrayal of the US 82nd Airborne
82nd Airborne Living history Association (82nd LHA)[52]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, portrayal of the US 82nd Airborne
101.Airborne Division Reenactors Group-Hungary[53]  Hungary World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD 101st Airborne Division
8ème Regiment d'Infanterie[54]  UK World War I 1914 AD 1918 AD
90th Infantry Division Preservation Group[55]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD 90th Infantry Division
9th Infantry Division Reenacted[56]  US (California) World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD 9th Infantry Division
9th Infantry Division (Reenacted), 60th Infantry Regiment (Reenacted)[57]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD 9th Infantry Division, 60th Infantry Regiment
9th Massachusetts Battery[58]  US (Massachusetts) American Civil War 1862 AD 1865 AD Living history, combat reenactment
9th SS Panzer Division (Central East Coast)[59]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD 9th SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen
A Battery Queensland Permanent Artillery[60]  Australia Colonial c. 1896 1871 AD 1896 AD Combat reenactment, living history
ACE Mobile Living history Group[61]  UK Cold War 1960 AD 2002 AD Living history specifically portraying the ACE Mobile Force (Land), combat reenactment, not-for-profit educational group
Adrian Empire[62]  US,  Canada Medieval to Early Renaissance (Battle of Hastings to death of Elizabeth I) 1066 AD 1603 AD Combat reenactment, living history, not-for-profit educational group
Albini Household[63][64]  UK Medieval Combat reenactment, living history
American Civil War Association[65]  US (California) American Civil War 1861 AD 1865 AD Living history, combat reenactment
American Civil War Society (UK)[66]  UK American Civil War 1861 AD 1865 AD Living history, battle reenactment
Ancient Arts Fellowship[67]  Australia Dark AgesViking, Saxon, Norman 790 AD 1066 AD Combat reenactment, traditional archery, crafting, costuming, cooking
Ares Anax[68]  Greece Ancient Greece Combat reenactment, living history
Arizona Regency Society[69][70][71]  US (Arizona) British Regency 1811 AD 1820 AD
Armidale New England Colonial Living history Group[72][73][74]  Australia (Armidale, New England, New South Wales) 1680–1760 in the New World 1700 AD 1760 AD 18th-century historical trekking and camping, period living skills and primitive wilderness survival skills.
Ask Alemanni[75]  Germany Historical Alemannic Reenactment in Agri Decumates, Southern Germany, from Late Antiquity to Charlemagne 284 AD 768 AD Living history, historical fencing, combat reenactment, education
Asociacion Recreacionista Medieval Escandinava (A.R.M.E.)[76][77]  Argentina,  Chile,  Brazil Vendel, Vikings, Varangians, Normans c. 400 to c. 1200 400 AD 1200 AD Combat reenactment, living history, educational visits, Viking Age reenactment
Ausreenact[78]  Australia (New South Wales) World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Autumn 44[79]  UK World War II 1944 AD 1944 AD Living history, Essex Regiment
The Australian Medieval Guild[80]  Australia Ancient to Renaissance 1500 BC 1650 AD
Barcino Oriens[81]  Spain (Catalonia) Ancient Rome 1st century BC 1st century AD Living history, Roman religion, Roman army training
Bay Area English Regency Society[82]  US (California) Early Modern 1795 AD 1836 AD
The Beaufort Companye[83]  UK Wars of the Roses Group 1455 AD 1558 AD Living history, combat reenactment, member of Wars of the Roses Federation, film work
Birkbeck's Battery[84][85]  UK Mid to Late 1700 Artillery 1745 AD 1789 AD Combat reenactment, living history, drill display team, education and research
Black Hawk War Society[86]  US (Illinois, Wisconsin) Black Hawk War 1832 AD 1832 AD Combat reenactment, living history, 1832 period impressions of militia, U.S. Regular Army, Indians, and civilians
The Brigade of the American Revolution (BAR)[87]  US,  Canada American Revolutionary War 1775 AD 1783 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Britannia[88]  UK 400 – 600, 1st-century gladiatorial combat 1st century AD 600 AD Combat reenactment, living history
The British Brigade[89]  US American Revolutionary War 1775 AD 1783 AD Combat reenactment, living history
British Plate Armour Society (BPAS)[90]  UK Medieval Combat reenactment
The BSU[91]  UK Medieval England from the Norman invasion to the Signing of the Magna Carta 1066 AD 1215 AD Combat reenactment, living history; disbanded in 2008; formed Historia Normannis
Buckinghams Retinue[92]  UK Medieval, Wars of the Roses and Early Tudor Group 1455 AD 1558 AD Living history, combat reenactment, member of Wars of the Roses Federation and livery and maintenance
Burning of the Valleys Military Association[93]  US American Revolutionary War 1775 AD 1783 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Byzantium Novum[94]  US  Canada  Europe  Turkey  Australia  Russia  Philippines Medieval, Ancient 330 AD 1453 AD Combat reenactment, living history, religion and culture of the Byzantine Empire
Caent Herrod[95]  UK Dark Ages Living history, combat reenactment, educational visits
California Historical Group Living history Association (CHG)[96]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD
Canebrake Rifles, Co. "D" 4th Alabama Infantry[97]  Italy American Civil War 1861 AD 1865 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Captain Stewart's Company: British Legion[98]  US (South Carolina) American Revolutionary War 1780 AD 1780 AD Combat reenactment, living history, education
Carolina Rifles Military Reenactors Association[99]  US (South Carolina) South Carolina Martial History, War Between the States, 1860 AD 1973 AD World War I, Spanish–American War, Mexican–American War
Císařsko-královský zeměbranecký pěší pluk č. 8 [100]  Czech Republic, (Prague) World War I, Austro-Hungarian Landwehr regiments of Bohemia 1914 AD 1917 AD Combat reenactment, living history, local history
Claymore Re-enactment Group  UK Jacobite Rebellion 1688 AD 1746 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Colonial Living history Alliance (CLHA)[101]  US English American Colonial Life 1700 1775 Non-military living history focused on civilian colonists
Colonel Edward Montagu's Regiment of Foote[102]  UK English Civil War 1642 AD 1649 AD Combat reenactment, living history, civilian reenactment
Comitatus[103]  UK 306 – 866 AD Late and Sub-Roman Britain and Early Middle Ages 306 AD 866 AD Living history, combat reenactment
Compagnia d'Arme Malleus[104]  Italy Venetian Condottieri 1490 AD 1620 AD Ancient fighting techniques of the most famous Italian masters, life of Venetian soldiers of the 15th and 16th centuries
Companions of the Crow[105]  UK 1066 to 1485 1066 AD 1485 AD Combat reenactment, living history encampment
Company Ecorcheur[106]  UK Wars of the Roses 1455 AD 1487 AD Combat reenactment, living history
The Company of Saynt George[107]  Europe Late 15th century, in the age of Charles the Bold 1467 AD 1477 AD Living history, medieval artillery
The Company of the Dragon[108]  New Zealand 1250 to 1450 1250 AD 1450 AD Combat reenactment
Company of the Wolf[109]  Australia Middle Ages 1250 AD 1490 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Company of the Wolfe Argent, 1471–1477[110]  US Wars of the Roses 1468 AD 1477 AD Living history, combat reenactment, Burgundy, 15th century, Charles the Bold, Philip the Good
Ye Compaynye of Cheualrye (The Company of Chivalry) 1370[111]  UK (Somerset) 100 Years War, 1370, Thomas Hungerford, 14th century, Edward III 1301 AD 1453 AD Living history, combat reenactment
Conquest[112]  UK (national) 1066 to 1307 1066 AD 1307 AD Combat reenactment, living history, TV and film work, education work, research
Conroi De Vey[113]  UK (Nottinghamshire) 850 to 1100 850 AD 1100 AD Combat reenactment, living history
The Continental Line[114]  US American Revolutionary War 1775 AD 1783 AD Combat reenactment, living history
The Cowboy Posse and Cowboy Posse Productions[115]  US Kentucky and Indiana Wild West Gunfights 1865 1895 Performers of Wild West reenactments and Old West gunfights
Crusade[116]  UK The Crusades, Napoleonic Wars 1066 AD 1815 AD Combat reenactment, living history, exhibition drill
Cuervos de Odin Viking Reenactment Group[117]  Chile (Viña del Mar) Viking Age 9th century 11th century Historic reenactment, Viking Age cuisine, Viking combat, archery
The Dark Ages Society aka the DAS (estb 1973)[118]  UK Reign of King Alfred the Great ≈872 AD ≈900 AD Private living history, combat reenactment, roleplay, banquets, occasional public displays, living history
Deise Medieval[119]  Ireland Medieval – Viking and Norman, primarily based around the history of Waterford City, Ireland 800 1250 Combat reenactment, living history
der Erste Zug[120] World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD
Diu Minnezît[121]  Germany Medieval 1250 AD 1475 AD Living history, historical fencing, combat reenactment
The Dogs of War[122]  UK 13th to 14th centuries 13th century 14th century Combat reenactment
Domini Scepusii – Páni Spiša [123]  Slovakia, (Spišské Podhradie) Medieval history, early modern history, history of the Spiš Spearmen, historical yheatre early 15th century AD late 17th century AD Combat reenactment, living history, local history
Earthly Delights[124]  Australia British Regency 1795 AD 1836 AD Regency reenactment, dance instructions, dance classes and balls
Easy Company, 101st Airborne Division (reenacted)[125]  US (North-East through Mid-Atlantic) World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Easy Company 101st Abn Div
Edenton Bell Battery[126]  US (North Carolina) American Civil War 1861 AD 1865 AD Combat reenactment, living history
The Elegant Arts Society[127]  US British Regency 1795 AD 1836 AD Teaching actual Regency Era steps
The Empire of Medieval Pursuits[128]  US Middle Ages 500 AD 1600 AD Medieval and early history, arts and combat
The English Civil War Society[129]  UK English Civil War 1642 AD 1651 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Early Medieval Alliance[130]  UK 1130 to 1400 1130 AD 1400 AD Umbrella group for combat reenactment
Essex Militia[131]  UK James I to James II (1603 to 1703), English Civil War, English Restoration, Stuart Period 1603 AD 1746 AD Living history, exhibition drill
Etulinja – Elävää historiaa 1939–1945[132]  Finland World War II 1939 1945 Combat reenactment, education, living history, film/TV work
Feudal Archers[133]  UK 1193 1135 AD 1216 AD Living history
Fire and Steel Dark Age Re-Enactment Society[134]  Australia 600 to 1100 600 AD 1100 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Forces of Montcalm and Wolfe[135]  US French and Indian War 1754 AD 1763 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Formosa Reenact Committee[136]  Taiwan World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Freier Haufe zu Coeln e.V.[137]  Germany 7th to 14th centuries 7th century 14th century Combat reenactment
Freie Ritterschaft von Bram e.V. ("Free Knights of Bram")[138]  Germany 11th to 12th centuries 11th century 12th century Living history
Friends of the English Regency[139]  UK British Regency 1811 AD 1820 AD
Fronthistoriska Föreningen (FHF)[140]  Sweden World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, combat reenactment, tactical events
Furor[141]  Belgium Celtic Iron Age 850 BC 52 BC Combat reenactment, living history, education, open-air museam, Gallic Wars
The Gemina Project[142]  Netherlands Ancient Rome Combat reenactment, living history
Gesellschaft des Elefanten[143] 1386–1406 Tyrol, Austrian Empire 1386 AD 1406 AD Combat reenactment, living history, historical fencing
Gesellschaft für Hessische Militär- und Zivilgeschichte[144]  US,  Germany Seven Years' War, American Revolutionary War, Napoleonic Wars 1754 AD 1815 AD Combat reenactment, living history
GhostRiders Living history (aka GhostRiders Stunt Co.)[145]  US (Oklahoma) American Old West 1840 AD 1920 AD Combat reenactment, living history
The Glencoe Medieval Reenactment Group[146]  Australia Late Dark Ages and Middle Ages 900 AD 1599 AD Medieval reenactment, living history, Medieval metal weapons combat reenactment, Medieval life studies, period arts and sciences, not-for-profit educational group
The Great Northwood Bowmen[147]  UK (London) 1337 AD 1545 AD Medieval reenactment, longbow reenactment
The Great War Association[148]  US World War I 1914 AD 1918 AD Combat reenactment, living history
The Great War Society[149]  UK World War I 1914 AD 1918 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Green Ginger[150]  UK British Regency 1811 AD 1820 AD
The Grey Company[151]  Australia Dark Ages 400 AD 1000 AD Living history
The Grey Funnel Line[152]  UK British Royal Navy 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history
Griffen  Denmark Medieval 400 AD 1400 AD
Grossdeutschland[153]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Grupa Rekonstrukcji Historycznej Gorlice 1915 [154][155]  Poland, (Nowy Sacz) World War I, Austro-Hungarian Landwehr regiments of Galicia 1914 AD 1917 AD Combat reenactment, living history, local history
Grupa Rekonstrukcji Historycznych – Podkarpacie[156]  Poland (Przemyśl) World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Grupa Rekonstrukcji Historycznej "San" z Sanoka  Poland (Sanok) World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Grupo de recreación medieval Pendragon  Colombia (Bogota) Middle Ages 500 1500 Combat reenactment, living history, Medieval combat, Medieval reenactment
Guarderobe[157]  UK Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, Tudor, 17th century, Victorian, World War I (British and German), World War II (British, German, and Russian), 1950s 43 AD 1950 AD Combat reenactment, living history
The Guild of St. Isidore[158]  US (Upper Midwest) Early reign of Henry VIII 1509 1520 Living history, archery
Guilde of Sainte Marie[159]  US European Renaissance, Francis I of France, Henry III of France, Henry VIII of England, Elizabeth I of England, James I of England 1509 AD 1603 AD Living history, noble/courtier/royal lifestyle
Gunfighters for Hire[160]  UK,  US (Pioneertown, CA) Post American Civil War 1860 AD 1900 AD Western reenactment, preserving Western heritage
Hampton's Legion, Co. "G" – The Claremont Rifles[161]  US (California) American Civil War 1861 AD 1865 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Harlech Medieval Society[162]  UK 12th to 13th centuries 12th century 13th century Combat reenactment
Harmaasudet[163]  Finland Dark Ages 400 AD 1600 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Hednir – Viking Reenactment Project[164]  Brazil Viking Age 800 AD 1100 AD Living history, combat reenactment, live steel
Heathcliff Heroics  UK Roman, Saxon, Medieval and Tudor Professional historical interpretation and living history/drama, archery/longbow
Historia Normannis[165]  UK  France  USA 12th to 13th centuries 1100 1215 Combat reenactment, living history
Historical Maritime Society[166]  UK Modern 1805 AD 1945 AD Naval combat reenactment, naval living history
The Historical Timekeepers[167]  US (Wisconsin) American Civil War 1861 1865 Civilian reenactment, living history
Historical Trekking[168]  US American Frontier 1600 AD 1840 AD Living history, historical (or period) trekking, experimental archeology, experiential learning, and anthropology
The History Re-enactment Workshop (HRW)[169]  UK Tudor and Stuart 1536 AD 1706 AD Living history, turning houses into homes
HMS Diadem Landing Party (Artillery) & Royal Marines  Argentina Napoleonic Wars, Río de la Plata British invasion 1800 AD 1815 AD Living history, combat reenactment
Holmgers Hird[170]  Åland Viking Age 793 AD 1066 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Hoplitikon[171]  Australia Ancient Greece Combat reenactment, living history
Hungerford Household[172]  UK Tudor and Medieval Living history
Huskarlarna[173]  Sweden Viking Age 793 AD 1066 AD Combat reenactment, living history
IG Wolf e.V.[174]  Germany High Middle Ages 1193 AD 1193 AD Noble court, living history, education, open-air museum, 12th century
IG Menschen im Mittelalter[175]  Germany Early 14th century (Middle Ages) 1301 AD 1350 AD Living history
The Illinois Regiment – Virginia State Forces[176]  US (Midwest) American Revolutionary War 1778 AD 1784 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Insel Soldaten  UK (Jersey, Channel Islands) World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, educational displays, works with the German Garrison in the Channel Islands
Kampfgruppe Haase[177]  Canada World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD 2nd Panzer Grenadier Division, 1.SS Division, Fallschirmjaeger
King's Own Scottish Borderers and CBI Reenactment Association[178]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD King's Own Scottish Borderers
Klub vojenskej histórie Čapajev [179]  Slovakia, (Prešov) World War II 1940 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Klub vojenskej histórie Karpaty Snina [180]  Slovakia, (Snina) World War I, World War II 1914 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history, local history
Knightly Fighting OrdersKnights Hospitaller, Knights Templar, and Teutonic Knights[181]  Greece Medieval 1080 AD 1525 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Knights Order of Lion Rampant[182]  Australia Middle Ages 1375 AD 1400 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Kompanie 1[183]  UK World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Kompania Wolontarska[184][185]  Poland 1590 to 1690 in Poland, Cossacks War, The Deluge 1590 AD 1690 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Kongshirden anno 1308[186]  Norway Middle Ages (1299–1319), Norway 1299 AD 1319 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Lacewars Group[187]  UK Jacobite Rebellion 1688 AD 1746 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Ladies of the Bower and Lords of the Tower[188]  UK (London) Medieval Nobility / Neville-Plantagenet 1460 AD 1480 AD Archery, living history
Lances le Trèfle[189]  France 15th century 1400 AD 1425 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Legia – forum for Iron Age Study[190]  Belgium Iron Age / Hallstatt culture-La Tène culture, 8th century BC 1st century BC Experimental archaeology, living history, artisan, exposition
Legio Burgundiae[191][192]  Belgium Burgundy, Charles the Bold 1467 AD 1477 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Legion of the Stags[193]  UK Middle Ages Combat reenactment
Leongatha Medieval Society[194]  Australia Medieval 1346 AD 1400 AD Living history
The Liberty Rifles[195]  US, (Mid-Atlantic) American Civil War 1861 AD 1865 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Livery & Maintenance[196]  UK Wars of the Roses 1450 AD 1487 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Living history Reenactment Association[197]  US All eras 500 BC 2013 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Lobo Blanco  Chile Dark Ages 8th century 12th century Combat reenactment, living history
Lord Grey's Retinue[198]  US Wars of the Roses 1455 AD 1487 AD Living history, combat reenactment
Lothene Combat School[199]  UK (Scotland) Viking Age and 16th century (heaviest concentration) 400 AD 1500 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Lupus Tempus[200]  Denmark Early and Late Middle Ages 1450 AD 1480 AD Combat reenactment, living history, medieval medicine
MacDas (Macquaire University Dark Ages Society)[201]  Australia Dark Ages 400 AD 1066 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Manitoba Living history Society[202]  Canada (Manitoba) Early Modern 1730 AD 1900 AD Living history
Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia[203]  US (Mid-Atlantic) Medieval 400 AD 1400 AD Combat reenactment, combat sport, living history, historical fencing, educational display
Marobud[204]  Czech Republic (Prague, Vsetín) 10th- and 11th-century Norwegians 900 AD 1100 AD Combat reenactment, living history, historical fencing, historical crafts, educational display
The Marquess of Winchester's Regiment[205]  UK English Civil War 1642 AD 1651 AD Combat reenactment, living history
MCC (Medieval Combat & Culture)[206]  Australia Focus on 13th C Crusades 1200 CE 1500 CE Combat reenactment, living history, NSW
Mediaeval Combat Society[207]  UK 14th century 14th century 14th century Combat reenactment, living history, dance, archery
Britannia XIV[208]  UK 14th century 1296 1348 Combat reenactment, living history, archery, heritage crafts
Medieval Rose[209]  Greece Medieval 400 AD 1400 AD Medieval festival
The Medieval Siege Society[210]  UK Wars of the Roses 1350 AD 1490 AD The largest Wars of the Roses reenactment group in the UK
Military Reenactment Society of New Zealand[211]  New Zealand World War II, Vietnam War 1939 AD 1972 AD Combat reenactment, living history
New Varangian Guard[212]  Australia Dark Ages/Byzantine Empire 900 AD 1300 AD Combat reenactment, living history
The Napoleonic Association[213]  UK Early modern 1795 AD 1836 AD Regency combat and civilian reenactment, research and wargaming
National Civil War Association[214]  US (California) American Civil War 1861 AD 1865 AD Combat reenactment, living history
PA 69th Irish Volunteers[215]  US American Civil War 1861 1865 Part of the United States Volunteers
Nederland 1940–1945[216]  Netherlands World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history
The Neville Companye[217]  US Wars of the Roses 1455 AD 1487 AD Living history, combat reenactment
New England Medieval Arts Society[218]  Australia (Armidale, NSW) Medieval (main focus Dark Ages) 9th century BC 13th century AD Living history and reenactment group
Norde Gard[219]  Hungary 1st- and 2nd-century Germanic tribes, 5th- and 6th-century Germanic peoples, 10th- and 11th-century Vikings 1st century AD 11th century AD Living history, combat reenactment
North/South Alliance[220]  US American Civil War 1861 AD 1865 AD Western Theater of Operations
The Northwest Territory Alliance (NWTA)[221]  US (Midwest) American Revolutionary War 1775 AD 1783 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Normandy44[222]  UK World War II 1941 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Northern Forties[223]  UK World War II 1940 AD 1945 AD Living history
NWW2A – Northern World War Two Association[224]  UK World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history, battle reenactment, film work
Nova Roma[225]  US,  Canada,  Mexico,  Brazil,  Argentina,  Italy,  France,  Spain,  Portugal,  UK,  Germany,  Hungary,  Romania,  Finland, and  Sweden Ancient Rome Education, Roman religion, living history
Offizier-Verein der Deutschen Armeekorps 1914[226]  Germany German Empire pre-1914 1890 AD 1914 AD Prussian and German Army in the Blue Tunic ("Bunter Rock")
The Oregon Regency Society[227]  US British Regency 1795 AD 1836 AD Regency reenactment, dance classes, fine regency events, balls, and costume resources
Ordo Sancti Viti[228]  Croatia Late Middle Age Period 1450 AD 1480 AD Condottieri, living history display, military camp life, medieval dance, medieval food, late medieval music, poleaxe and sword combat, arbalestry and archery
Ortus Phoenix[229]  Belgium Burgundy, 15th century 1430 AD 1477 AD Duchy of Burgundy, gastronomy, artisans, combat reenactment, experimental archaeology, living history, education
Paratroopers and Glidermen of the 82nd Airborne Division[52]  US (California) World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD US 82nd Airborne Division
Pax Romana[230]  Netherlands Ancient Rome 28 AD 320 AD Cohors XV, Classis Germanica, Batavian civilians, gladiator combat reenactment, Roman cavalry, Late Roman army, living history, education, film and TV work
Pedes Inflati[231]  Germany High Middle Ages 1100 AD 1200 AD Living history, Medieval Marketplace
The Period Events & Entertainments Re-Creation Society, Inc. (PEERS)[232]  US (San Francisco Bay Area, California) Multiple historical periods Living history, performing arts, and literature
The Pike and Musket Society[233]  Australia 1642 1642 AD 1642 AD Living history, portraying the members and families of the Green Regiment of the London Trained Band at the Battle of Turnham Green in particular and the English Civil Wars (1642-1651) in general.
Philippine Scouts Heritage Society[234]  Philippines World War II 1942 AD 1942 AD Combat reenactment, living history
The Plankhouse Crew[235]  US Golden Age of Piracy 1650 AD 1750 AD Pirate reenactment, local history
Pułk piechoty obrony krajowej Nr. 32 [236]  Poland, (Gorlice) World War I, Austro-Hungarian Landwehr regiments of Galicia 1914 AD 1917 AD Combat reenactment, living history, local history
Porta Vitae  Germany 1350 1350 AD 1350 AD Living history
Przemyskie Stowarzyszenie Rekonstrukcji Historycznej „X.D.O.K.”[237]  Poland (Przemyśl) World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Sierra Nevada Guns for Hire[238]  United States Old West 1870 AD 1890 AD Old West reenactment, Old West performances, Wild West reenactment, Old West gunfighters
Queen's Royal Regiment Living History Group[239]  UK World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history
The Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment Reenactment Society[240]  UK Victorian 1881 AD 1901 AD Military drill and living history
Quintains & Coronals[241]  UK Roman, Vikings, Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, Tudor, pirates, 17th century, Victorian, World War I, 1920s, World War II, 1950s 43 AD 1950 AD Living history, talks, workshops, film/TV
Redcoats and Revolutionaries[242]  UK Georgian, American War of Independence 1775 AD 1783 AD Living history, military camp, combat reenactment, archery, film work
Red Cuvara grada Zagreba (Guardians of Zagreb)[243]  Croatia High-Late Middle Age Period 1100AD 1400 AD Living history display, military camp, Medieval field hospital, Medieval dance and music, heraldry and calligraphy, combat reenactment, archery, educational visits, European medieval martial arts
Reenactors' Guild of DuPage[244]  US French and Indian War, American Revolutionary War, War of 1812, World War II 1755 CE 1945 CE Living history
The Regency Society of America[70]  US English Regency, 1812, Napoleonic Wars, etc. 1780 AD 1830 AD Living history and reenactment group
Regia Anglorum[245]  UK,  US,  Canada 850 to 1100 850 AD 1100 AD Combat reenactment, living history, archery
Relegatus  Czech Republic Medieval
Renaissance Footnotes[246]  UK Late Mediaeval to English Civil War including Henry VIII of England, Elizabeth I of England 1450 AD 1650 AD Living history, court reenactment, music and dance
Ridder Martin  Denmark Medieval
Roovers van t'Ravenhorst[247]  Netherlands Late Medieval 1375 AD Living history, combat reenactment, Robber Knights of Gelderland based on historical facts
Rurskaja Drugina Reenactmentgroup from NRW[248]  Germany 10th century 950 AD 1000 AD Living history in Early Russia/Viking; Huscarl fighting
The Sealed Knot[249]  UK, (links with  Germany and  Czech Republic) English Civil War, Monmouth Rebellion 1642 AD 1685 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Second Battle Group[250]  UK World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Living history
Shogun[251]  UK Japan: where East meets West 1543 AD 1640 AD Living history, Medieval
Sir John Savile’s Household| [252]  UK Wars of the Roses 1455 AD 1500 AD Living history, combat reenactment, pyrotechnics, member of Wars of the Roses Federation, film work
The Siege Group[253][254]  UK English Civil War 1642 AD 1651 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Single Action Shooting Society (SASS)[255]  US American Old West Cowboy action shooting, living history
Sir William Harrington's Companye[256]  UK Wars of the Roses 1450 AD 1490 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Skald – Recreación Histórica Vikinga  Colombia (Medellin) Viking Age 793 AD 1066 AD Viking reenactment, living history, combat reenactment
Sunnan – Recreación y Esgrima Histórica [257]  Chile (Santiago) Viking Age 850 AD 1017 AD Viking reenactment, living history, Medieval combat, archery, Viking Age cuisine, Viking household
JAGO [258]  Slovakia, (Spišská Nová Ves) Early modern history, historical theatre 16th century AD late 17th century AD Combat reenactment, fencing, living history, local history
Skt. Martin Kompagniet  Denmark Medieval
Society for the Preservation of the Golden Era[259]  US 1920s to 1950s – the Golden Era 1920 AD 1950 AD Preserving Golden Era history though public and private events
Sociedad Victoriana Augusta Argentina [260]  Argentina XIX-principles XX centuries 1800 AD 1914 AD Historical civil reenactment in Argentina
South African Defence Force Living history Group (SADF LHG)[261]  UK South African Border War 1966 AD 1989 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Society for Creative Anachronism[262]  US,  Canada,  Australia,  New Zealand,  Europe,  Israel,  South Africa,  Japan,  South Korea,  Thailand Early Medieval to Early Renaissance pre-17th century culture 1600 AD Combat recreation, period arts and sciences, living history, not-for-profit educational group
Southern Nevada Living History Association[263]  US (Las Vegas, Nevada) Roman Empire through World War II 60 BC 1945 AD Battle re-enacting and living history non-profit educational group
Sparta Mora[264]  UK Ancient Greece, Persian Wars c. 500 BC c. 400 BC Living history, reenactment
Spartan Phalanx  Greece (Sparta) Ancient Greece Ancient Greece
Spartiatikes Mores[265]  Greece Ancient Greece Combat reenactment, living history
Spartan War Band[266]  US Ancient Greece 650 BC 362 BC Combat reenactment, living history
Spanish-American War Reenactment and Living History Groups[267]  US Spanish–American War 1898 AD 1898 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Stowarzyszenie Rekonstrukcji Historycznej "Silesia"[268]  Poland Prehistory, Early Medieval (Slavic Tribes and Piast Dynasty), WWII, PRL 167 AD 1989 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Super Sixth Reenactment Group[269]  The Netherlands World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history, 6th Armored Division (United States)
Tapestry Regency Dance[270][271]  US Early Modern 1795 AD 1836 AD
Templer Komthurey Lünen[272][273]  Germany 1230 1230 AD 1230 AD Display fighting, living history
Templer Komturey Braunschweig[274]  Germany 1187 AD 1187 AD 1187 AD Living history, combat reenactment
Tercio de Montañeses de Buenos Ayres[275]  Argentina Napoleonic Wars 1803 AD 1815 AD Living history, combat reenactment
The Basic Elements[276]  Netherlands 14th and 15th centuries 1350 AD 1450 AD Living history, Medieval crafts, combat reenactment
Three Shires Medieval Society[277]  UK Medieval Combat reenactment
Terra Dacica Aeterna Association[278]  Romania Roman Wars in Dacia 101 AD 106 AD Reconstruction of this era, experimental archaeology, practical reenactment of production, military equipment, fighting techniques
Time Bandits[279]  UK Roman, Medieval, Early Modern, Modern 55 BC 1945 AD Professional historical interpretation and living history/drama from first person recounting to skirmishes and battle reenactments
Torch Bearers for Christ[280]  US (Arizona) 18th-century American clergy 1740 AD 1794 AD Educational and inspirational messages, monologues and lectures in the characters of George Whitefield, John Witherspoon
Towarzystwo Jazdy Dawnej[281]  Poland 17th century 17th century 17th century Combat reenactment, living history
Utgardas[282]  Lithuania Dark Ages 9th century 12th century Combat reenactment, living history, dance
Sons of Yotva[283]  Lithuania 9th to 13th centuries 10th century 14th century Combat reenactment, living history
Varmesjord Combate Vikingo[284]  Chile Dark Ages 8th century 10th century Combat reenactment, living history
Veritas Vincit[285]  Scotland,  Canada 13th to 18th centuries 13th century 1715 Combat reenactment, education, living history, TV and film work, stunt work
Via Cassa [286]  Slovakia, (Košice) Medieval history, early modern history, history of Košice town militias and defences, historical theatre early 15th century AD late 17th century AD Combat reenactment, living history, local history
Vicus[287]  UK 1st century AD Rome 43 AD 84 AD Combat reenactment education, Roman religion, living history, gladiators
The Vikings[288][289]  UK,  US,  Canada,  Netherlands,  Ireland,  Italy Vikings – 790 to 1066 790 AD 1066 AD Combat reenactment, living history, educational visits, film and TV work
Vikings! Of Middle England[290]  UK Early Middle Ages, Viking Age, Dark Ages 787 AD 1100 AD Combat reenactment, living history, education, special effects, film and TV work
The Virginia Renaissance Faire (Out of The Woodwork Productions, Inc.)[291]  USA (Virginia) Renaissance, Elizabethan Reenactment 1558 AD 1603 AD Living history, educational display, living history
The Hellenic Warriors[292]  US Ancient Greece, Persian Wars, Peloponnesian Wars 490 BC 404 BC Combat reenactment, research, educational display, living history
Warwik[293]  Denmark Late Middle Ages, 1430–1480 1430 AD 1480 AD Combat reenactment, living history, Medieval medicine
Washington Civil War Association (WCWA)[294]  US (Washington) American Civil War 1861 AD 1865 AD Combat reenactment, living history
We'll Remember, POPS[295]  Belgium World War I & II 1914 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, experimental archaeology, living history, battlefield guides, Ardenne Hunter, Brigade Piron
Weorod – Early Medieval Historical Re-Enactment and Living history[296]  UK Dark Ages 532 AD 682 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Westralian Great War Living history Association[297]  Australia World War I 1914 AD 1918 AD Military drill and living history
Wolfguard[298]  UK Viking and Dark Ages Reenactment 800 AD 1066 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Wolfshead Bowmen[299]  UK Medieval Archery 11th century 13th century Longbow reenactment
Woodland Confederacy[300]  US,  Canada 17th to 18th centuries 17th century 18th century Living history
WWII Historical Reenactment Society (HRS)[301]  US World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history
WWII Re-enactment South West[302]  UK, (South West regions and South Wales) World War II 1939 AD 1945 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Wychwood Warriors[303]  UK, (Oxfordshire) Dark Ages 800 AD 1066 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Lobos Negros  Spain,(España, Reino de Aragón) Gladiators, Middle Ages, modern ages, romans, pirates from XVIII, renaissance 300 BC 1750 AD Historical reenactment, scenic fight, speech and exhibition
36th Texas Dismounted Cavalry  US (Dallas, Texas and surrounding area) American Civil War 1861 AD 1865 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Living history Reenactors, Inc. [304]  US (St. Louis, Missouri and surrounding area) The French and Indian War to the close of the fur trade era 1760 AD 1840 AD Living history
Barossa Light Horse Association[305]  Australia World War I 1914 AD 1918 AD Mounted and dismounted drills applicable to the light horse units, equipment restoration[305]
Orden de los Caballeros de la Cruz  Argentina Middle Ages 11th century 13th century Crusades Reenactment, Military Orders, combat reenactment, living history
WW2 Greek Army 1940-41 Reenacting Team  Greece World War II 1940 1941 The team aims to make historic revival (reenactment). It attempts to simulate the conditions experienced by Greek soldiers. It gives the opportunity to participate to commemorations as an alternative method of dissemination of the history of the WW2 1940 Greek Army, to rescue materials of the era, to convey the image of a Greek soldier of this time, both in Greece and abroad, in order to highlight the contribution of the Greek Army in the early years and in the general evolution of WW II.
Steel Beech[306]  Ukraine (Chernivtsi) 6th - 15th centuries: Slavic tribes, Kievan Rus', Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia, Mongol Empire, Medieval 6th century 15th century Living history, Medieval crafts, combat reenactment
Familia Gladiatoria Pannonica[307]  Hungary Ancient Rome Early 1st century Late 1st century Gladiator combat reenactment; the first gladiator group founded in the modern age
Maryland Loyalist Battalion [308]  US American Revolutionary War 1775 AD 1783 AD Combat reenactment, living history
Living History Chile[309]  Chile (Santiago Multi-period reenactment; focuses on Napoleonic wars and WWII 1812 1945 Combat reenactment, living history, presentations, demonstrations


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