List of Ohio area codes

517 734 226 / 519 260 765 812 859 606 304 / 681 814 724 419 / 567 440 216 440 234 / 330 937 513 614 740Area codes OH.svg
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This is a list of area codes in the State of Ohio with establishment dates.


When the first area code plan was introduced in 1947, the state was given area codes 216, 419, 513, and 614. In 1996, 330 and 937 were added as splits. In 1998, 440 and 740 were added as splits. Later, in 2000, 234 and 567 were added as overlays. In 2015, area code 740 will be overlaid with 220, relieving its rapid depletion.

Area code 380 will cover the Columbus/Central Ohio area, and 283 will cover the Cincinnati region when 513 is depleted.</ref>

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