List of MicroWorlds Logo commands
abs number
Stands for absolute. Reports the absolute value of its input.
show abs -33
and true-or-false1 true-or-false2
(and true-or-false1 true-or-false2 true-or-false3...)
Reports true if all its inputs report true. If more than two inputs are used, and's inputs must be enclosed in parentheses. See or and not.
show and 2 = 2 3 = 5
show and pos = [0 0] heading = 0
show (and 2 = 2 5 = 5 6 = 6)
Displays the message in an alert box. Clicking OK closes the box. See question and answer. To reposition the default alert box, use the set command. The position is in turtle coordinates; [0 0] is the middle of the page. The default position is [-200 50]. This is the position of the upper, left corner of the alert box. If the position accidentally places part of the box outside of the screen, use Enter to close the box.
If this variable is changed, you should have a startup procedure to reset it each time you load the project.
announce [You win!!]
Reports the contents of the last answer typed in the question dialog box. Using question and answer, you can pick up the words typed at the keyboard to create an interactive program. If answer reports the empty list ([]), it means that the user has clicked on Cancel; if answer reports the empty word ("), it means that the user has entered nothing and clicked OK.
question [How old are you?]
Type the answer in the dialog box.
show answer
I'm 10 Your answer.
arctan number
Stands for arc tangent. Reports the arc tangent (the inverse function of the tangent) of its input. See tan and cos.
show arctan 1
ascii char
Stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Reports the ASCII number which represents the character. See char.
show ascii "a
ask who instruction-list
Temporarily tells each element in the first input to run the instruction list. The first input can be the name(s) of one or many turtles or text box names. Ask does not change the current turtle or text box. The apostrophe can be used to ask a turtle to report something. Turtles have built-in properties: pos, heading, color, size, pensize and shape. Variables can be assigned to turtles using turtlesown.
There are many turtles on the page.
ask [t1 t2 t3] [fd 50 rt 90 fd 50]
If you have two text boxes on the page and you want to keep Text1 current:
ask "text2 [print "hello]
If t1 is not the current turtle and you want to know its position:
show ask "t1 [pos]
Following are three examples of equivalent instructions:
show ask "t1 [pos]
0 0
show t1's "pos
0 0
t2, setpos ask "t1 [pos]
t2, setpos t1's "pos
show ask "t1 [gravity]
show t1's "gravity
back (bk) number Moves the turtle backwards. Examples:
pd bk 20 rt 90 pu bk 50 pd bk 10
bg Stands for background. Reports a number representing the color of the background. The background color is 0 (white) when MicroWorlds starts up. See setbg. Example:
setbg 10 repeat 9 [setbg bg + 1]
turtlesown "gravity
t1, setgravity 10
Puts the cursor (insertion point), in the current text box, at the end of the text. Try using this command in a button so that you can see the effect on the cursor. See top, sol, eol, and eot?. Example:
text1, repeat 5 [print "hello] top pr "say bottom pr "there
butfirst (bf) word-or-listŠ±
Reports all but the first component of a word or list. See butlast, first, and last.
show butfirst [0 1 2 3]
1 2 3
show butfirst [hello there]
butlast (bl) word-or-list
Reports all but the last component of a word or list. See butfirst, first, and last.
show butlast [0 1 2 3]
0 1 2
show butlast "welcome
cancel instruction-list
Stops the process given as input. The process must have been launched using launch, when, forever, buttons, and clickable turtles. Corresponds to choosing Cancel from the Edit menu. The input must be exactly the same instruction list that started the process.
forever [fd 1]
forever [rt 1]
cancel [rt 1]
cancel [fd 1]
carefully word-or-list-to-run1 word-or-list-to-run2
Runs the first list of instructions. If the first list contains an error, carefully runs the second list of instructions and sets errormessage to the error that occurred. If there is no error in the first list, the second list is ignored. Since errors caught by carefully will not be accessible by the Help menu item, Last Message, use this command with caution.
carefully [fd 50]
[announce [No turtle!]]
If you try this with a turtle on the page, it will go forward. If you try it without a turtle on the page, the message will be displayed in an alert box.
Stands for cursor back. Moves the cursor (insertion point), in the current text box, to the previous character. Try using this command in a button so that you can see the effect on the cursor. See cf, cd, and cu.
ct insert "HELLO
repeat 5 [cb insert "x cb] fd50 rt90 cs ct
cc Stands for clear the Command Center. Clears the text in the Command Center.
Stands for cursor down. Moves the cursor (insertion point), in the current text box, to the next physical line. Try using this command in a button so that you can see the effect on the cursor. See cu, cf, and cb.
repeat 5 [print "hello]
repeat 5 [cd pr "there!]
Stands for cursor forward. Moves the cursor (insertion point), in the current text box, to the next character. Try using this command in a button so that you can see the effect on the cursor. See cb, cd, and cu.
insert "hello
repeat 4 [cf insert "x]
Output: hellxo
cg Stands for clear graphics. Clears the graphics on the page and returns the current turtle to its home position, facing up. See clean. Example:
pd fd 50 rt 90 stamp fd 50 cg
char number
Stands for character. Reports the character represented by the ASCII number given as input. The number must be between 32 and 255. An exception is char 9, the tab character. See ascii and print.
show char 97
show char 65
Use the command:
print "
to insert a carriage return and line feed sequence.
chdir path
Stands for change directory. Changes the current drive and/or subdirectory name to path. To return to the desktop, use the volume name alone as input to chdir. Backslashes are used to separate the names of directories. See currentdir and directories.
show directories
Media My Work Projects
chdir "Media
If one of the elements of the path has spaces, vertical bars must enclose the whole path.
chdir "|C:\MicroWorlds\My Work|
Some special inputs can be used with chdir. Chdir ".. returns to the parent directory. Chdir "a: (or any valid drive name) sets the current directory to the designated drive.
show currentdir
C:\MicroWorlds\My Work
chdir "..
show currentdir
chdir "a:
show currentdir
Clears the graphics without changing any turtle's position. See cg and freezebg. Example:
pd setsh 12 setc "red fd 50 clean
clearname word
Clears a global variable from memory. See clearnames, names, make, and name.
make "speed 5
make "direction "right
clearname "speed
show :speed
speed has no value
Clears all the global variables from memory. MicroWorlds doesn't clear the variables when you open or create a new project. Therefore, it is recommended to use clearnames each time you start a new project. See names, clearname, make, and name.
make "speed 5
make "direction "right
show :direction
direction has no value
cleartext (ct) Clears the text in the current text box. Example:
text1, print "hello cleartext
Simulates a mouse click on the current turtle, turning it off if it was on. This command will only have an effect if the turtle is programmed to react to a mouse click. See clickon, listen, and Synchronizing Processes in MicroWorlds Help Topics for advanced features. Note: If you used a list as input to talkto before running clickoff, clickoff will display an error message. Example:
Type an instruction in the turtle's dialog box and set it to Many Times. Click on the turtle to make it run its instruction, then type in the Command Center:
clickon Simulates a mouse click on the current turtle, turning it on if it was off. This command will have an effect if the turtle is programmed to react to a mouse click. If used in a button's dialog box, it will change the current turtle. See clickoff and listen, and Synchronizing Processes in MicroWorlds Help Topics for advanced features. Note: If you used a list as input to talkto before running clickon, clickon will display an error message.
Example: Type an instruction in the turtle's dialog box. Then type in the Command Center:
Type the following instruction in a button's dialog box:
t2, clickon
Hatch the t2 turtle. Then type in the Command Center:
t1, fd 45
Click the button with the clickon instruction for t2. Running fd 45 in the Command Center now moves t2.
Reports the contents of the text Clipboard. The Clipboard contains the last text that has been cut or copied using the cut or copy command, or the equivalent Edit menu items. The Clear menu item and the Delete key do not affect the Clipboard. See also select and paste.
If you have copied or cut the words "My friend Kim":
show clipboard
My friend Kim
Reports the turtle's color as a number. Color reports a number, even if a name was used as input for setc. Examples:
setc "red show color 15 setc color + 1 show color 16
Reports the color under the current turtle as a number. The portion of a turtle that recognizes a color is its center. Colorunder reports the background color as well as all the drawings.
t1, show colorunder
In a stop rule, always use the color number, not its name, to check the color under the turtle:
if colorunder = 15
[announce [You win!]]
Colorunder reports not only integers but also decimal numbers. Note that when MicroWorlds reports decimal numbers, it may report a slightly different number than the one expected. This is due to the recalculation of the RGB color.
setc 105.6
show colorunder
setc 17.2
show colorunder
Puts a copy of the selected text in the Clipboard. It unselects the current selection.
If you have selected the words "My friend Kim" in the text box:
paste paste My friend Kim is pasted twice in the text box.
cos number
Stands for cosine. Reports the cosine of its input. See sin and tan.
show cos 60
count word-or-list
Reports the number of components in the word or the list. See item and textcount.
show count "hello
show count [this is a list]
createprojectvar word
Stands for create project variable. Creates a project variable represented by a command and a reporter. For example, if the project variable "amount" is created, the command setamount sets its value, and amount reports its value. Project variables are saved with your project. See projectvars, make, remove, and name.
createprojectvar "amount
setamount 22
show amount
Stands for cursor up. Moves the cursor (insertion point), in the current text box, to the previous physical line. Try using this command in a button so that you can see the effect on the cursor. See cd, cb, and cf.
repeat 5 [print "there!]
repeat 5 [cu pr "hello cu]
Stands for current directory. Reports the current directory that was set. See chdir.
show currentdir
Deletes the text selection in the current text box and puts a copy in the Clipboard. See select, copy, and paste.
If you have selected the words "My friend Kim" in the text box:
paste paste My friend Kim is pasted twice in the text box.
delete Deletes the character to the right of the insertion point, in the current text box. Example: Type some text into a text box and put the cursor in the middle of the text: text1, print [Hello.] delete Text1 now shows "ello."
difference number1 number2 Reports the result of subtracting number2 from number1. See - and minus. Example:
show difference 7 3 4
Reports a list of subdirectory names. To change directories through a command, use chdir.
A name made up of more than one word will look like two words in the list. Use item to find the actual name. In this example, My Work is the name of one directory.
show directories
Media My Work Projects
distance turtle-name
Reports the distance between the current turtle and the turtle indicated. See towards.
In this example, there are two turtles on the page.
show distance "t2
122 Your answer will be different.
towards "t2
fd distance "t2 T1 meets t2.
Set t1 to go Many Times and define the go procedure as follows. T1 will be "trapped" around t2:
to go
fd 1
if 100 < distance "t2 [towards "t2]
dolist range instruction-list
Runs the instruction list for each item in a list. The first input, range, is a list with a temporary variable name and a list of items. The second input is a list of instructions that uses the variable name included in the first input. In the following example, the instruction remove :i is run for each item of the first list. "I" successively takes the value t1, t2, and t3.
If there are three turtles on the page, the following instruction removes all three turtles.
dolist [i [t1 t2 t3]] [remove :i]
The following example displays a, b, c, and d in the Command Center.
dolist [i [a b c d]] [show :i]
done? instruction-list
Reports true if the process indicated is completed. The process must have been launched using launch or forever. The input must be an exact copy of the instruction list that started the process. Done? can be used as an input to waituntil in order to synchronize events.
Circle and square are procedures, and there are two turtles on the page.
to circle
repeat 36 [fd 10 rt 36]
to square
repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 90]
In the following procedure, t1 makes a circle at the same time t2 makes a square. It takes longer to draw a circle, but MicroWorlds will wait for both shapes to be finished before telling the turtles to go elsewhere on the page to draw more circles and squares.
to sq-circ
t1, launch [circle]
t2, launch [square]
waituntil [done? [circle]]
t1, rt random 360 fd random 50
t2, rt random 360 fd random 50
dotimes range instruction-list
Runs the instruction list for each value specified in the range. The first input is a list with a temporary variable name and a maximum number. The second input is a list of instructions that uses the variable name included in the first input. In the following example, the instruction setc sets the turtle color for each value of i, from 0 to 7.
dotimes [i 8] [setc :i wait 5]
The following example displays 0, 1, 2, 3, ... to 9 in the Command Center.
dotimes [i 10] [show :i]
Note: The name of the variable that you choose for dotimes is bound to this primitive. A change in its value (for example: make "i :i + 1) in the instruction list won't have an effect.
empty? word-or-list
Reports true if the input is an empty word or empty list.
show empty? []
show empty? text1
This procedure can be used to get an answer to a question dialog box:
to insist
question [Your name please...]
if empty? answer [insist]
Stands for end of line. Brings the cursor (insertion point), in the current text box, to the end of the current logical line. Try using this command in a button so that you can see the effect on the cursor. See sol.
pr "hello
insert "!
Stands for end of text. Reports true if the cursor (insertion point), in the current text box, is at the end of the text. See bottom.
show eot?
The following procedures can be used to number the lines in a text box. Eot? is generally used to stop a procedure that processes information in a text box using cursor (insertion point) commands like cd, eol, etc.
to numberlines
countup 1
to countup :n
if eot? [stop]
insert :n
insert char 32
sol cd
countup :n + 1
equal? word-or-list1 word-or-list2
Reports true if the two inputs are equal. The inputs may be words, numbers, or lists. See identical? and =.
show equal? "a "A
show equal? "hello text1
show equal? [ ] "
erfile path
Stands for erase file. Erases any type of file if it is not locked. The input must be the name of a file in the current directory or a full path. A full path starts with the name of the drive. Backslashes are used to separate the names of directories, subdirectories, and files. The deleted file is not moved to the Recycle Bin.
erfile "farm
erfile "C:\projects\farm
When there is more than one file with the same name (e.g. quake.mw2 and quake.jpg), you need to add the extension.
erfile "quake.mw2
Otherwise, MicroWorlds will display the following error message:
There's more than one file named quake
If one of the elements of the path has spaces, vertical bars must enclose the whole path:
erfile "|C:\My projects\farm|
Reports the last error message trapped by carefully. If errormessage reports an empty word, it means that the last operation using carefully did not report an error.
There is no turtle on the page.
carefully [fd 50]
[show errormessage]
No turtle found for forward
The following procedure asks a question and tries to play the answer. If the sound doesn't exist, the procedure displays a message and continues to the next instruction. Without carefully, an error message would be displayed and the procedure would stop.
to safe-play
question [What sound do you want?]
if empty? answer [stop]
carefully [run (list answer)] [announce [I don't have it.]] safe-play end
everyone list-of-instructions
Makes all the turtles on the current page run the instruction, one after the other. See ask and talkto . Examples: Create many turtles on a page.
everyone [setsh 12] everyone [repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 90]] everyone [forever [fd 5]]
exp number
Stands for exponential. Reports the number to the power of the constant e.
show exp 1
files filetype
Outputs a list of files of the given filetype.
show files "TXT
report summary
Fills a closed shape or the whole screen with the turtle's color. Fill will work regardless of the turtle's pen state (up or down). See setc. Example:
pd repeat 5 [fd 50 rt 72]
Drag the turtle inside the area.
setc "blue fill
first word-or-list
Reports the first component of the word or list. See butfirst, butlast, and last. Examples:
show first "hello h show first [this is a list] this
Reports the font size used at the insertion point in the current text box. If text that has more than one font size is selected, fontsize reports the first one.
show fontsize
The next instructions select all the text in the text box and double its size.
setfontsize fontsize * 2
forever word-or-list-to-run
Runs the input repeatedly as an independent parallel process. Use cancel, the Cancel menu item, the Stop All menu item, or Ctrl+Break to stop the process. See also launch.
forever [rt 1]
forever [fd 1]
cancel [rt 1]
forward (fd) number
Moves the turtle forward. Examples:
pd fd 20 rt 90 pu fd 50 pd fd 10
Reports true if the last search instruction was successful.
The following procedure will replace all occurrences of a word by another word in the current text box. Make sure you place the cursor at the top of the text box before running the procedure:
to replaceall :this :bythat
search :this
if not found? [stop]
insert :bythat
replaceall :this :bythat
fput word-or-list list
Stands for first put. Reports the list created by adding the first input at the beginning of the second input. The second input has to be a list. See lput.
show fput "a [b c d e f]
a b c d e f
show fput "a [bcdef]
a bcdef
freeze word-or-list
freeze page-name
Freezes objects so that they cannot be moved, resized, or removed with the mouse. The input is the name of an object on the page, or a list containing many names. A page name can also be used as input to freeze all the elements contained in that page.
For example, if you have "frozen" a text box, you can't move it or resize it. You can open its dialog box, type text in it, or use primitives such as get and set to make changes. If a turtle is frozen, you cannot use the mouse to change its shape, its size, stamp it, or remove it. Unfreeze undoes the effect of freeze.
freeze "t1
freeze [text2 text3 text4]
freeze "page1
Stands for freeze background. Freezes the background graphics in their current state. You can still draw over the background and erase the new drawings, but the background that was present before freezing won't be erased. See unfreezebg. Example:
pd rt 11 fd 5000 freezebg lt 22 fd 5000 cg
get object property
Reports a property of an object in the current project. The first input is the name of an object, a color, or a page. The second input is a property name.
Following is a list of the properties each object can have:
Page: turtles, texts, buttons, sliders, melodies, sounds,
music, videos, audiocds, colordemons
Turtle: visible?, rule, on?, own Button: pos, size, rule, on? Slider: pos, showname?, limits, value Text: visible?, pos, size, transparent?, showname?, text Color: turtlerule, turtlemode, mouseclick Melody:visible?, pos, on?, showname?, instrument,
volume, tempo
Sound: visible?, pos, on?, showname? Music: visible?, pos, on?, showname? Video: visible?, pos, on?, showname? AudioCD: visible?, pos, on?, showname? announce: pos question: pos
Note: Melody objects are those created by using the Melody Editor while music objects are those created by importing music in MIDI format.
The following examples assume that the objects are in the project.
show get "t1 "rule
forever [fd 1]
show get "t1 "on?
show get "button1 "rule
launch [page1]
show get "text1 "size
160 100
show get "t1 "own
speed 12
show get "question "pos
354 132
getpage page-name
Displays the page. The input must be the name of a page in the current project. Typing the page name alone has the same effect.
Menu is a page in the current project and this page is not currently showing.
getpage "menu
getproject project-name
Gets the project indicated in the same window (the current project is not saved). The input must be the name of a project in the current directory. See saveproject.
getproject "sunset
glide distance speed
Makes the turtle glide over the distance indicated. The second input tells how fast the turtle will glide. The maximum speed for glide is 99. Examples:
glide 100 1 glide 100 10
greater? number1 number2
Reports true if the first input is greater than the second input. See less? and >.
show greater? 4 3
show greater? 3 slider1
Reports the current turtle's heading in degrees. The degrees correspond to those of a compass; 0 degrees is due North, 90 is East, 180 is South, and 270 is West. See seth. Examples:
cg show heading 0 seth 180 show heading 180
Hides the current text box. You cannot type in a hidden text box, but primitives such as print, insert, and ct still work. See showtext. Example: If you have a text box on the page, this instruction flashes the text box.
repeat 10 [hidetext wait 5
showtext wait 5]
Text boxes can become invisible and visible through their dialog boxes. Use the eye tool to open the dialog box of a hidden text box.
Moves the turtle to the center of the page coordinates [0 0], pointing up. Example:
cg pd fd 50 rt 90 fd 50 home
Stands for hide turtle. Hides the current turtle. See st. Example:
repeat 10 [ht wait 5 st wait 5]
identical? word-or-list1 word-or-list2
Reports true if both inputs are identical. A word and a list containing the same word are not identical. Corresponding characters of each input must match in terms of uppercase and lowercase letters. (Style, font, and text color are ignored.) See equal?.
show identical? "a "A
show identical? "hello [hello]
if true-or-false list-to-run
Runs the instruction list only if the condition (first input) reports true. See ifelse.
if colorunder = 15 [bk 50]
question [Are you ready?]
if answer = "yes [glide 100 5]
ifelse true-or-false instruction-list1 instruction-list2
Runs the first instruction list if the condition is true. Runs the second instruction list if the condition is false. See if.
ifelse colorunder = 15
[fd 50]
[bk 50]
This instruction can be used to get an answer to a question dialog box. If the answer is not empty, it is displayed in a text box.
to insist
question [Your name please...]
ifelse empty? answer [insist] [settext1 answer] end
insert word-or-list
Prints the input at the cursor position, in the current text box. See print.
insert "hi
insert char 32 Leaves a space.
pr "there
int number
Stands for integer. Reports the integer portion of its input. See round. Examples:
show int 9.9999 9 show int 2.5 2
item number word-or-list
Reports the specified element of a word or a list. The first input must be between 1 and the number of elements in the word or the list.
show item 2 "hello
show item 3 [this is a list]
Reports true if a key is being pressed on the keyboard. You must click on the background of the page (outside of a text box, the Command Center, or Procedures page) for key? to work. Use readchar to reset key? to false.
First run the instruction and press a key after MicroWorlds starts displaying the word false.
repeat 10 [show key? wait 5]
Click on the page.
true You pressed a key.
last word-or-list
Reports the last component of the word or list. See first and butlast. Examples:
show last "hello o show last text1 m show last parse text1 Kim
launch word-or-list-to-run
Runs the input as an independent parallel process. If the process is launched from the Command Center, the cursor reappears immediately. Use cancel, the Cancel menu item, the Stop All menu item, or Ctrl+Break to stop the process. See also forever.
launch [glide 1000 1]
Type the next instructions while the turtle is gliding.
rt 90
lt 90
left (lt) number
Turns the turtle to the left. Example:
repeat 10 [fd 40 bk 20 lt 36]
less? number1 number2
Reports true if the first number is less than the second number. See greater? and <.
show less? 22 22.5
let list-of-names-and-values
Creates one or many temporary variables. The variables will exist only while the procedure containing the let instruction and procedures called by this procedure are running. The input is a list of paired variable names and values. Let can only be used in a procedure. See local.
to move
let [dist 100 head 90 delay 300]
right :head
wait :delay
fd :dist
Try the procedure in the Command Center. The turtle will move. When the procedure is over, check the value of the variables. Variables have lost their values. They don't even exist.
show :dist
dist has no value
The instruction let [dist 100 head 90 delay 300] is equivalent to:
local [dist head delay]
make "dist 100
make "head 90
make "delay 300
list word-or-list1 word-or-list2
(list word-or-list1 word-or-list2 word-or-list3....)
Reports one list made by combining the inputs (words or lists). If more than two inputs are used, list
and its inputs must be enclosed in parentheses. See sentence.
show list 2 3
2 3
show list "a [b]
a [b]
show (list "a "b "c "d)
a b c d
make "x 10 make "y 20
setpos list :x :y
list? word-or-list
Reports true if the input is a list. See word?.
show list? [Hello there]
Sets the global "turtle who" (the turtle obeying instructions from the Command Center). This command allows you to change the global "turtle who" within a process that has been launched (e.g., from a button). For detailed information on how MicroWorlds handles processes, see Local and Global Who in MicroWorlds Help Topics. See also talkto and ask.
Note: If you used a list as input to talkto before running listen, listen will display an error message.
Create 2 turtles: t1 and t2. Click on t2 to make it active. Test that t2 is active:
fd 50
show who
t1, listen
fd 50
t1 moves forward 50.
ln number
Stands for natural logarithm. Reports the natural logarithm (the logarithm in base e) of the number. Inverse of exp. See also log.
show ln 1
loadpict path
Stands for load picture. Loads the picture on the current page. The input must be the name of a picture file that MicroWorlds supports in the current directory or a full or relative path. A full path starts with the name of the drive. Backslashes are used to separate the names of directories, subdirectories, and files. MicroWorlds supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG (extension jpg), PCX, and Targa (extension TGA). See savepict and Importing Pictures in MicroWorlds Help Topics.
loadpict "scene loadpict "c:\projects\scene loadpict "media\tornado1
If one of the elements of the path has spaces, vertical bars must enclose the whole path:
loadpict "|c:\projects\my scene|
loadshape file shape-number
Loads the specified picture file into that shape. The picture file name will become the name of the shape if there is no other shape with that name in the project.
The file must be the name of a picture file that MicroWorlds supports in the current directory or a full or relative path. A full path starts with the name of the drive. Backslashes are used to separate the names of directories, subdirectories, and files. MicroWorlds supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG (extension jpg), PCX, and Targa (extension TGA). The shape-number can be any number from 1 to 64. See savepict and Importing Shapes in MicroWorlds Help Topics.
loadshape "volcano 20
Loads the volcano picture into shape 20. The shape will be named volcano.
loadtext path
Loads the text file in the current text box or on the Procedures page. The input must be the name of a text file in the current directory or a full or relative path. A full path starts with the name of the drive. Backslashes are used to separate the names of directories, subdirectories, and files. See savetext and Importing Text in MicroWorlds Help Topics.
loadtext "story
loadtext "c:\projects\story
loadtext "media\quake-Italy
If one of the elements of the path has spaces, vertical bars must enclose the whole path:
loadtext "|c:\My projects\story|
Loadtext can load both TXT and RTF formats. The default is TXT. Note that text saved with TXT format will be plain (font, style, color, for example, will not be saved) while text saved under RTF will keep the current text font, style, and color. It can load the binary of any other document as well.
loadtext "NiceText.rtf
local word-or-list
Makes the specified variable local to the procedure where local is used. Local can only be used in a procedure. See let, make, and name.
to move
local "dist
make "dist 100
fd :dist
Try the procedure in the Command Center. The turtle will move. When the procedure is over, check the value of the variables. Variables have lost their values. They don't even exist.
show :dist
dist has no value
log number
Stands for logarithm. Reports the logarithm of the number. See ln and exp.
show log 100
lput word-or-list list
Stands for last put. Reports the list created by adding the first input at the end of the second. See fput.
show lput "f [a b c d e]
a b c d e f
show lput "s [language]
language s
make word word-or-list
Creates a variable and gives it the value word-or-list. These variables keep their values as long as you don't clear them or quit MicroWorlds. They are not saved with your project. If you want your variables to have specific values each time the project is loaded, you should have a startup procedure. See Startup Procedure in MicroWorlds Help Topics, name, thing, clearname, names, and createprojectvar.
make "class [Peter Dennis Geni]
show :class
Peter Dennis Geni
Here is an example of a startup procedure that resets the global variables in a project.
to startup
make "count 0
make "list []
Math Operators
number1 - number2
Reports the result of number1 minus number2. See difference. Example:
show 3 - 3 0
number1 * number2
Reports the product of number1 multiplied by number2. See product. Example:
show 3 * 3 9
number1 / number2
Reports the result of number1 divided by number2. See quotient. Example:
show 3 / 3 1
number1 + number2
Reports the sum of number1 and number2. See sum. Example:
show 3 + 3 6
number1 < number2
Reports true if number1 is less than number2. See less?. Example:
show 2.9 < 3 true
word-or-list1 = word-or-list2
Reports true if word-or-list1 is equal to word-or-list2. See equal? and identical?. Example:
show 3 = 3 true
number1 > number2
Reports true if number1 is greater than number2. See greater?. Examples:
show 3.1 > 3 true show 5 > 6 false
member? word-or-list1 word-or-list2
Reports true if the first input is a component of the second.
show member? "a [a b c]
show member? "Lucy text1
merge project-name word-or-list-of-types
Copies pages, procedures, or shapes from another project into the current project. The first input must be the name of a project in the current folder. This is the project you want to copy from. To set the current folder, choose Save As from the File menu, find the directory that contains the source project, and click on Cancel instead of saving. You can also use chdir.
The second input can be the name of a specific page, a list of page names, the word procedures (to import the procedures and project variables), pages (to import all the pages), or shapes (to import the shapes that have been modified in the source project). If there are names in the new project that are the same as those in the current project, the new names will be renamed with a number.
Warning: There is a limit for the amount of pages that you can import. Pages take up a lot of memory space especially if they have many objects or complex drawings. Always save before using merge.
merge "clocks "procedures
Imports the procedures and project variables.
merge "clocks "pages
Imports all the pages.
merge "clocks [page1 page3]
Imports individual pages.
merge "clocks "shapes
Imports all modified shapes.
minus number
Reports the additive inverse of its input. Minus must be used to report the additive inverse of a variable (minus :num instead of -:num). See - and difference.
show -5
show minus 5
show -ycor
I don't know how to -ycor
show minus ycor
Stands for mouse position. Reports the page coordinates representing the current mouse position on the screen. See setpos.
show mousepos
60 63
show first mousepos
If there is a turtle on the page, the turtle will follow the mouse.
forever [setpos mousepos]
Choose the Cancel menu item, the Stop All menu item, or Ctrl+Break to stop this process.
name word-or-list word
Creates a variable and gives it the value word-or-list. These variables keep their values as long as you don't clear them or quit MicroWorlds. They are not saved with your project. See names, clearnames, make, and createprojectvar.
name [Peter Anne Geni] "class
show :class
Peter Anne Geni
show first :class
name? word
Reports true if the input is the name of a variable. See make and name.
make "age 10
show name? "age
namepage (np) page-name
Names the page being displayed with the input. Namepage corresponds to the Name Page item in the Pages menu.
namepage "presentation
Reports the names of all the variables with their values.
make "friends [Joanne Lea]
make "age 12
show names
make "friends [Joanne Lea]
make "age 12
If you have a text box on the page:
pr names
will print the above list in a text box.
An interesting use of names in regard to files is the following:
make "filelist projectlist
pr names
will print all the file names with the vertical bars showing when a name is more than one word.
newbutton name [x y] instruction-list
Creates a new button with the name and instruction specified, at the position [x y] indicated. The name cannot be more than 32 characters (including spaces). The position [x y] is the top, left corner of the button. The button is created in the Once mode. It will be sized to fit the instruction-list.
See set to change the settings of the button.
newbutton "button1 [50 50] [fd 1]
Opens a new page called Pagex (x is the next available number).
newprojectsize list-of-numbers
Sets the page size on the computer screen for new projects. The input is a list of two numbers: the width and the height of the page in turtle steps. Before using newprojectsize, there must be an empty project on the screen. The page size of a project is saved with the project. The minimum size is 300 by 300 and the maximum size is determined by the current display setting in the Control Panel. The standard project size is 744 by 426 when the display setting (in the Control Panel) is 800 x 600. The standard project size is 592 by 322 when the display setting (in the Control Panel) is 640 x 480. See projectsize.
Note: If you create a project that is smaller than the minimum size, there will be a black border around it to keep the menu display intact. See the Read Me file in the MicroWorlds Web Player on the LCSI web site.
Choose New Project from the File menu so there is a perfectly empty project on the screen.
newprojectsize [300 300]
newprojectsize "standard Resets the project size to the default size.
newslider name [x y] [min max current]
Creates a new slider using the specified name at the position indicated. The position [x y] is the top, left corner of the slider. The last input is a list of three numbers representing the minimum, maximum, and current value of the slider. The minimum and maximum values are -9999 and 9999 respectively. See set to change the slider's settings.
newslider "step [100 100] [0 8 3]
show step
setstep 5 Sets the slider's value to 5. setstep [10 20 15] Sets the slider to a minimum 10, a maximum 20, and a current value of 15.
newtext name [x y] [xsize ysize]
Creates a new text box using the name and size specified at the position [x y] indicated. The position is the top, left corner of the box. The maximum [xsize ysize] is the size of the page in the project. See set to change the text box's properties.
newtext "info [100 100] [50 50]
setinfo [Click on Next]
newturtle name
Creates a new turtle with the name indicated. The new turtle appears at the position [0 0] and is hidden. Use st to make it visible.
newturtle "Shelly
glide 100 2
not true-or-false
Reports the logical inverse of its input. See and or.
show empty? []
show not empty? []
note number duration
Plays a note using the current instrument. The first input is the MIDI note number and the second is the duration in tenths of a second. Middle C is 60. The maximum number for note is 127; the maximum duration is 255. Following is a list of MIDI values. Each line corresponds to one interval.
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
note 60 2 Plays middle C. note 64 5
number? word-or-list
Reports true if the input is a number.
show number? 3.1416
Note that the decimal symbol can be a point or a comma depending on the configuration of your Windows computer. A user can change the symbol using Regional Settings of Number in the Control Panel. If the user intends to run a project with different regional settings (such as through the Internet), it is suggested using fractions instead of decimal numbers.
opaque text-box-name
Makes the designated text box opaque. This is equivalent to unchecking Transparent in the text box's dialog box. See transparent.
transparent "text1
opaque "text1
or true-or-false1 true-or-false2
(or true-or-false1 true-or-false2 true-or-false3...)
Reports true if any of its inputs report true. If more than two inputs are used, or and its inputs must be enclosed in parentheses. See and not.
show or (2 = 2) (3 = 5)
show or (2 * 4) = 8 pos = [0 0]
show (or (2 = 2) (3 = 5) (8 = 9))
output (op) word-or-list
Stops the procedure and reports a word or list.
to firstnumber :word
if empty? :word [output "none]
if number? first :word
[output first :word]
output firstnumber bf :word
show firstnumber "abcde5fgh
Reports a list containing the names of all the pages in the current project. The first name reported by pagelist is always the current page.
show pagelist
menu page2 practice
show member? "menu pagelist
parse word
Turns character strings into plain lists. Spaces and carriage returns, and line feed sequences contained in the character string become separators in the list. Parse can be used to turn the long word (a sequence of characters including spaces) reported by text boxes into lists of words.
show text1
Hi out there
show count text1
12 A word of 12 characters, including spaces.
show count parse text1
3 A list of three words.
Pastes a copy of the Clipboard in the current text box. The Clipboard contains the last text that has been cut or copied using the cut or copy command, or the equivalent Edit menu items. See also select.
Select some text and choose Copy from the Edit menu. Then go to the Command Center and type:
Stands for pen down. Puts down the pen of the current turtle. The turtle will then leave a trace when it moves, but not when it is dragged. See pu. Example:
repeat 10 [pu fd 10 pd fd 10]
Reports a number representing the pen size in pixels of the current turtle. The original pen size is 1. The maximum is 100. See setpensize. Example:
t1, setpensize 10 setc "pink pd fd 50 show pensize 10
Reports the constant pi. Example:
show pi 3.14159265359
pick word-or-list
Reports an element chosen randomly from the word or the list. Picking from a word reports a character, picking from a list reports an element of the list (a word or a list). See textpick.
show pick "hello
show pick [to all my friends]
Stands for picture list. Reports a list containing the names of picture files in the current directory. Only the files with picture formats that MicroWorlds supports (created using savepict or other applications) are shown. See textlist, projectlist, and files.
show pictlist
mybackground.bmp logo.gif
A file name made up of more than one word will look like two files in the list. Use item to find the actual name. In this example, autumn scene is the name of one file.
show pictlist
mybackground.bmp autumn scene.gif
show item 2 pictlist
autumn scene.gif
placepict pict-file-name position size
Stands for place picture. Imports a picture file, places it at the designated position, and adjusts its size to fit the size indicated. The first input is the file name in the current directory or a full or relative path; the second input is the position for the top, left corner of the picture, and the third input is the size of the image on the page, in x and y turtle steps.
placepict "balloon [0 0] [100 100]
Stands for position. Reports the position of the turtle. The result is a list of two numbers. [0 0] is the position at the center of the page. See setpos. Example:
show pos 50 50
power number1 number2
Reports number1 raised to the power of number2.
show power 2 10
Hides the Command Center, Tool Palette, the project's title bar, and MicroWorlds' menus. The project is centered on the screen and the background is filled in. Presentationmode is used to display completed projects. To return to MicroWorlds' regular mode, use presentationmode again or click outside the MicroWorlds project window. This command corresponds to the Presentation Mode item in the Gadgets menu.
print (pr) word-or-list
Prints a word or list in the current text box. The text is followed by a carriage return and line feed sequence. See insert. Example:
repeat 5 [print "hello]
Prints out, on the printer, the contents of the current text box or the Procedures page, depending on what is currently showing. All text is printed, even text that's not visible. Printtext opens the printing dialog box. Example: Try this with a text box showing or with the Procedures page showing.
procedures Opens the Procedures page. This is equivalent to selecting the Procedures item from the Pages menu. Note: Each page name in the current project can also be used as a command. Example:
procedures Opens the Procedures page. printext page1
product number1 number2
(product number1 number2 number3...)
Reports the result of multiplying its inputs. If more than two inputs are used, product and its inputs must be enclosed in parentheses. See *.
show product 3 3
show (product 3 3 3)
show product 1000000 1000000
Reports a list containing the names of MicroWorlds projects in the directory. See textlist, pictlist, and files.
show projectlist
maze myadventure
A project name made up of more than one word will look like two projects in the list. Use item to find the actual name. In this example, my adventure is the name of one project.
show projectlist
maze my adventure
show item 2 projectlist
my adventure
Reports the current project size, in turtle steps. See newprojectsize.
show projectsize
744 426
Stands for project variables. Reports the list of currently defined project variables. See createprojectvar.
show projectvars
amount speed inventory
Stands for pen up. Lifts up the pen of the current turtle. The turtle will not leave a trace when it moves. See pd. Example:
repeat 10 [pu fd 10 pd fd 10]
question word-or-list
Opens a dialog box displaying the question and an area to type the answer. Answer reports what was typed in the dialog box. If you write a very long question, only the part that fits will be displayed.
To reposition the default alert box, use the set command. The position is in turtle coordinates: the default position is [-200 50]. This is the position of the upper, left corner of the alert box. If the position accidentally places part of the box outside of the screen, use Enter or Esc to close the box.
If this variable is changed, you should have a startup procedure to reset it each time you load the project. See get and set.
question [How old are you?]
Type the answer in the dialog box. In the Command Center, type:
show answer
I'm 10 Your answer.
This procedure can be used to verify that the user has actually answered a question dialog box:
to insist
question [Your name please...]
if empty? answer [insist]
quotient number1 number2
Reports the result of dividing number1 by number2. See /.
show quotient 3 3
random number
Reports a random non-negative integer less than number.
show random 100
This procedure will simulate the roll of a die:
to die
show 1 + random 6
Pauses the execution and waits for a character to be typed on the keyboard. You must click on the background of the page (outside of a text box, the Command Center, or Procedures page) for readchar to recognize the character typed. See key?.
to getchoice
show [Type your choice, A, B, or C]
make "answer readchar
show :answer
Frees up unused Logo memory space. See space.
show space recycle show space
251036 Your results will differ.
remainder number1 number2
Reports the remainder after number1 is divided by number2. The remainder of a negative number will be negative. If number1 and number2 are non-integers, they are rounded to the nearest integers.
show remainder 100 3
remove name
Deletes an object, page, project variable created with createprojectvar, or a turtle variable created with turtlesown. If the named object is not on the current page, MicroWorlds will look for it on other pages in the project. If the input to remove is procedures, the Procedures page in the current project will be cleared. If you remove the only page of a project, a new page called Page1 will be created.
remove "text
remove "t1
remove "page1
repeat number list-to-run
Runs the list of instructions the specified number of times. See dotimes and dolist for more advanced features. Example:
repeat 10 [setsh "bird1 wait 5 setsh "bird2 wait 5]
Reproduces the same sequence of numbers generated by random. After running rerandom, random with the same input generates the same sequence of numbers the next time.
repeat 2 [show random 10]
repeat 2 [show random 10]
Stands for reset timer. Resets the timer to 0. The timer starts when you start up MicroWorlds. See timer.
resett show timer
The next procedure displays a question just after resetting the timer. If you got the right answer, it tells you how fast you were at typing it. The time is in tenths of a second.
to reflex
let [num1 1 + random 10
num2 1 + random 10]
question (se [What is] :num1 [times] :num2 [?])
ifelse answer = :num1 * :num2
[announce se timer / 10 "sec]
[announce [Wrong answer]]
resetvideo word
Resets the video to the beginning.
resetvideo "Video1
rest duration
Inserts a rest in a sequence of notes. The duration is in tenths of a second, and has a maximum of 255. See note.
note 60 5 note 62 5 note 64 5
rest 5 note 60 5 note 62 5
Or, as a procedure:
to song
note 60 5
note 62 5
note 64 5
rest 5
note 60 5
note 62 5
Restores the background to the way it was the last time a snapshot command was issued. The turtle's position does not change. Everything else remains intact.
fd 50 rt 90
You can use restore to "transport" an image to another page or to another project. Just use snapshot on the page that you want to keep a copy, then go to another page or open another project and use restore.
right (rt) number
Turns the turtle to the right. Example:
pd repeat 10 [fd 40 bk 20 rt 36]
round number
Reports the number given as input rounded to the nearest integer. Numbers ending with .5 are rounded to the higher integer. Examples:
show round 3.3333 3 show round 2.5 3 show round 3.5 4
run word-or-list-to-run
Runs a word or an instruction list.
The next instruction runs the contents of a text box.
run text1
savehtml directory
Saves the current project as a series of HTML pages in a new directory created in the current folder.
This primitive saves your project into a Web page (or pages) with limited functionality. You must use buttons or turtles to change pages in the project. Each page is a snapshot of the screen: animation, text, video, sound, and music icons are part of the background and do not react to clicks. For further information about this feature, see Creating Web Pages in MicroWorlds Help Topics.
Suppose you have a project with two pages named Room and Lake:
savehtml "Champlain
On the desktop, go to the current folder. You should now have a directory named Champlain with twice the number of files as pages. In this example, you will have the following files:
If you have a procedure called links on the Procedures page of your project, you can link to other Web pages outside of your project. You can make as many links as you like inside the links procedure. Here is an example of a links procedure:
to links
make "lcsi "
One of the pages in your project should have a button or turtle running the instruction lcsi to link to the Web site.
For more information about how to test your Web pages locally (running from your computer and not from the server), see Creating Web Pages in MicroWorlds Help Topics.
savepict path
Stands for save picture. Saves the background of the current page as a picture file. MicroWorlds supports the following picture formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG (extension jpg), PCX, and Targa (extension TGA). The default is BMP.
When you use the savepict command, the turtles, buttons, text boxes, and other objects are not part of the background. Stamped images and stamped text are part of the background. Type in the Command Center:
savepict "mypict Use a file name of your choice. By default it will save it in BMP format. If you want to save it in a different format (that MicroWorlds supports), add the appropriate extension to the file name: savepict "mypict.jpg Use a file name of your choice. You can also include the full or relative path when you want to save that picture in a directory other than the current one. Backslashes are used to separate the names of directories, subdirectories, and files. A file name cannot be longer than 32 characters including spaces. See Exporting Pictures in MicroWorlds Help Topics.
savepict "scene
savepict "media\mytornado
savepict "C:\projects\scene
savepict "scene.jpg
savepict "C:\projects\scene.jpg
If one of the elements of the path has spaces, vertical bars must enclose the whole path:
savepict "|C:\My projects\scene|
Saves the current project without closing it. The project must have a name in order for this command to work. This is equivalent to the Save item in the File menu. Use this primitive if you want to save your project before getting another project with getproject.
Name the current project first. Add some turtles.
saveshape file-name number
Saves the specified shape as a picture file.
saveshape "moon 1
By default it will save it in BMP format. If you want to save it in a different format (that MicroWorlds supports), add the appropriate extension to the file name:
saveshape "moon.jpg 1 Use a file name of your choice.
savetext path
Saves the text found in the current text box or on the Procedures page in a text file format. MicroWorlds supports TXT and RTF (Rich Text Format) formats. The default is TXT. Note that text saved under TXT format will save plain text (font, style, color, for example, will not be saved) while text saved under RTF will keep the current text font, style, and color.
savetext "story Will save in TXT format. savetext "C:\proj\story Will save in TXT format.
savetext "story.rtf Will save in RTF format.
savetext "C:\proj\story.rtf Will save in RTF format.
The text can be loaded with loadtext. The input can be a file name with or without an extension (and the file will be saved in the current directory) or it can be a full or relative path. Backslashes are used to separate the names of directories, subdirectories, and files. See Exporting Text in MicroWorlds Help Topics.
savetext "story
savetext "projects\story
savetext "C:\projects\story.rtf
If one of the elements of the path has spaces, vertical bars must enclose the whole path:
savetext "|C:\My projects\story|
savetext "|C:\My projects\story.rtf|
search word
Tells MicroWorlds to search and select (highlight) the word in the current text box. Nothing happens if the word is not found. Search starts searching at the insertion point. Use unselect to undo the highlighting effect of search. See also found?.
The following procedure will replace all occurrences of a word by another word in the current text box. Make sure you place the cursor at the top of the text box before trying the procedure:
to replaceall :this :bythat
search :this
if not found? [stop]
insert :bythat
replaceall :this :bythat
Tells MicroWorlds to start selecting text in the current text box. Any cursor motion (top, bottom, cu , cd, cf, and cb) will select text.
paste paste
Reports as a word a copy of the characters in the block of selected text in the active text box. If no block of characters is selected, the empty word is reported. Use parse to convert the block of characters into a list.
text1, print [Hello there]
repeat 6 [cf]
repeat 5 [cf]
show selected
sentence (se) word-or-list1 word-or-list2
(sentence word-or-list1 word-or-list2 word-or-list3...)
Reports a list which is made up of its inputs (words or lists). Sentence can take more than 2 inputs when sentence and the inputs are enclosed in parentheses. See list.
show sentence "a "b
a b
make "name "Bill
show (sentence [hi there] :name)
hi there Bill
set object property value
Sets a property for an object to the specified value. The first input is the name of an object. The second input is a property name and the last one is the value.
Following is a list of the properties for each object that can be modified by set:
Turtle: rule, on? Button: pos, size, rule, on? Slider: pos, showname?, limits, value Text: visible?, pos, size, transparent?, showname?, text Color: turtlerule, turtlemode, mouseclick Melody: visible?, pos, on?, showname? Music: visible?, pos, on?, showname? Sound: visible?, pos, on?, showname? Video: visible?, pos, on?, showname? AudioCD: visible?, pos, on?, showname? announce: pos question: pos
Note: Melody objects are those created by using the Melody Editor while music objects are those created by importing music in MIDI format.
set "text1 "visible? "false
set "t1 "rule [launch [seth random 360 fd 50]]
set "slider1 "showname? "true
set "red "turtlerule [silly-sound]
set "red "mouseclick [announce [You win!]]
set "announce "pos [0 0]
setbg name-or-number Stands for set background. Sets the background color for the page. The input can be the name of a color or a number. If the input is a name, a quotation mark must precede it. Use setbg 0 or setbg "white to reset the original background color to white. You can't use setbg on a frozen background. See bg, unfreeze, and loadpict.
Note: If you set the background color to the same color as portions of your drawings, the drawings will be integrated with the background (and lost). Examples:
setbg "red setbg 22 setbg 0 Resets the original background color.
setc name-or-number
Stands for set color. Sets the color of the turtle's pen. If the turtle has its original shape, it will change color to show the pen color. The input can be the name of a color or a number. If the input is a name, a quotation mark must precede it. The original pen color is black, or color number 9. The input can be an integer or a one place decimal. See color. Examples:
setc "red setc 12
When using decimal numbers, MicroWorlds tries to find the best color match. For example:
setc 19.9
You may assume that this should be a very dark red. Yet it becomes black.
Try this example in 16 bit color mode:
seth 45 pd repeat 100 [setc color + 0.1 fd 20]
setfont word
Sets the font for the selected text in the current text box. If no text is selected, setfont sets the cursor to use that font for typing. The input must be the name of a font in your system. You can also set the text font by choosing Font from the Text menu. We recommend using "True Type Fonts" (those with the symbol in the font dialog box). True type fonts allow many font sizes and style settings. See settc, setfontsize, and setstyle.
setfont "Arial
print [Hello there]
The next instructions select all the text in the text box and set its font.
setfont "Impact
If the name of the font has spaces, vertical bars must enclose the whole name:
setfont "|Times New Roman|
setfontsize number
Sets the font size for the current text box. If no text is selected, setfontsize sets the cursor to use that font size for typing. The maximum number for font size is 1638. You can also set the text size by choosing Font from the Text menu. We recommend using "True Type Fonts" (those with the symbol in the font dialog box). True type fonts allow many font sizes. See setfont, settc, and setstyle.
setfontsize 12
pr [To be or not to be]
The next instructions select all the text in the text box and double its size.
setfontsize fontsize * 2
setfooter word-or-list
Sets the contents of the footer on printouts. Use the empty list as input if you do not want a footer. The default footer is: MicroWorlds from LCSI. Examples:
setfooter [Logo Lovers, Grade 4] setfooter []
seth number
Stands for set heading. Sets the turtle's heading to the specified direction (in degrees). The degrees correspond to those of a compass: 0 degrees is due North, 90 is East, 180 is South, and 270 is West. Right and left turn a turtle a number of degrees from its current heading. Seth makes a turtle point to a specific direction, regardless of its previous heading. See heading. Examples:
seth 0 seth 90
setinstruction instruction-list
Sets the instruction for the current turtle. This is equivalent to typing the instructions in the turtle's dialog box. If the list includes the word forever or launch, the instruction's mode is set to Many Times or Once accordingly. If these words are not included, the mode is unchanged.
Note: If you used a list as input to talkto before running setinstruction, setinstruction will display an error message.
setinstruction [fd 50]
setinstruction [forever [fd 1]]
setinstrument name-or-number
Sets the instrument for the next note commands. There are 7 instrument names: piano, harpsichord vibraphone, guitar, violin, clarinet, and kalimba. You can also use any number from 1 to 128.
setinstrument "violin
note 65 10
setinstrument 116
note 65 10
setpensize number
Sets the turtle's pen size which determines the thickness of the lines it will draw. The pen size can also be set by picking a pen size and the pencil in the Drawing Center and clicking on a turtle. The original pen size is 1. The maximum pen size is 100. Examples:
pd setpensize 20 fd 50 setpensize 30 fd 50
setpos [x y]
Stands for set position. Moves the turtle to the designated x y coordinates. The center of the page is [0 0]. The maximum number for x and y is 9999. Note that if a turtle lands on a programmed color after a setpos command, the color won't react: only fd and bk activate programmed colors. See pos. Example:
setpos [50 50]
setshape (setsh) name-or-number setshape (setsh) list-of-names-or-numbers
Gives a shape to the turtle. If the input is a name, a quotation mark must precede it. The maximum number for setshape is 64. When a list of shape names or numbers is given as input, each fd and bk command makes the turtle cycle through the list of shapes (the maximum number of items in the list is 64). The shape can also be set by picking a shape from the Shapes Center and clicking on a turtle. See shape and Animation Techniques in MicroWorlds Help Topics.
setshape 12 setshape "moon repeat 25 [setsh "bird1 fd 2 setsh "bird2 fd 2] setsh [dog1 dog2] repeat 10 [fd 5] glide 100 5
setstyle word-or-list
Sets the font style in the current text box. The input must be the name of a style (regular, bold, italic, underline). If no text is selected, setstyle sets the cursor to use that style for typing. Multiple styles can be applied by inserting styles in a list. You can also set the text style by choosing Font from the Text menu. We recommend using "True Type Fonts" (those with the symbol in the font dialog box). True type fonts allow many style settings. See setfont, setfontsize, and settc.
setfont "Courier
setstyle "bold
insert "tic
setstyle "italic
insert "tac
setstyle [bold italic]
print "toe
settc name-or-number
Stands for set text color. Sets the color of the text in the current text box. The input can be the name of a color or a number. If the input is a name, a quotation mark must precede it. The original text color is black, or color number 9. If no text is selected, settc sets the text color for the next characters typed. You can also set the text color by choosing Color from the Text menu. See setfont, setfontsize, and setstyle.
settc "red insert "O settc 104 print "K
setx number
Sets the x coordinate of the current turtle. The y coordinate remains unchanged. Examples:
setx 100 setx -100 setx xcor - 10
sety number
Sets the y coordinate of the current turtle. The x coordinate remains unchanged. Examples:
sety 100 sety -100 sety ycor - 10
Reports the shape name or number, or a list of shape names or numbers of the current turtle. See setshape. Examples:
t1, setsh "heart show shape heart setsh 6 setsh shape + 1
show word-or-list
Prints a word or a list in the Command Center. Examples:
show "hello hello show [hello there] hello there
Makes the current text box visible. See hidetext. Example: If you have a text box on the page, this instruction flashes the text box.
repeat 10 [hidetext wait 5 showtext wait 5]
sin number
Stands for sine. Reports the sine of number degrees. See cos.
show sin 90
Reports the size of the current turtle. See setsize. Example:
show size 40
snaparea shape-number [x y] [xsize ysize]
Copies the graphics in the defined area and pastes it in a turtle shape. [x y] is the top, left starting point, and [xsize ysize] determines the size of the rectangle that is copied into the shape. See snapshape.
pd rt 11 fd 5000
snaparea 1 [20 20] [60 60]
setsh 1
Copies the background behind the turtle into the current shape of the turtle. You cannot use snapshape if the turtle has its original turtle shape. The turtle must be completely visible on the page. Snapshape resets the turtle's size to 40 (its original size). If you want to copy the shape into an empty number in the Shapes Center, set the turtle to this number before using snapshape. Example: Place the turtle on the background that you want to copy.
setsh 16 snapshape
Now move the turtle.
Takes a snapshot of the background. The next time a restore command is used, the background will be restored to what it was at the moment the snapshot was taken. Note that there is only one snapshot per project, and it isn't saved with it.
fd 50 rt 90
Stands for start of line. Brings the cursor (insertion point), in the current text box, to the beginning of the current logical line. Try using this command in a button so that you can see the effect on the cursor. See eol.
repeat 5 [print "hello]
repeat 5 [sol cd pr "there!]
Reports the amount of free Logo space in bytes. See recycle.
show space recycle show space
251036 Your results will differ.
sqrt number
Stands for square root. Reports the square root of its input.
show sqrt 9
Stands for show turtle. Shows the current turtle. See ht. Example:
repeat 10 [ht wait 5 st wait 5]
Stamps a copy of the turtle on the background. The pen does not have to be down to stamp. You can also use the stamper tool in the Tool Palette to stamp the turtle's shape. Example:
setsh "tree pu repeat 10 [stamp fd 40]
stamptext text-box-name
Leaves a copy of the designated transparent text box on the background. This is equivalent to clicking with the stamper on a transparent text box. See transparent.
stamptext "text1
Drag the text box elsewhere.
Stops the procedure that is running. Stop can only be used in a procedure. See stopall and stopme.
The second line of this procedure is called a stop rule.
to countup :number
if :number > 100 [stop]
print :number
countup :number + 5
countup 0
Other examples of stop rules.
if colorunder = 15 [stop]
t1, if (distance "t2) > 100 [stop]
if slider1 < 1 [stop]
if empty? answer [stop]
if empty? text1 [stop]
Stops all running procedures and processes including turtles and buttons. Stopall can be used as a button, from the Command Center, or in a stop rule in a procedure. See stop and stopme.
forever [fd 1]
As a stop rule, stopall stops not only the procedure that contains it, but also all running procedures.
Stops the process in which this command was run. Stopme cannot be used to stop a turtle inside a color instruction. In this case, use clickoff instead. See stop and stopall.
The action will stop when turtle 1 will be more than 100 steps away from turtle 2.
t1, forever [fd 1 if (distance "t2) > 100
sum number1 number2
(sum number1 number2 number3...)
Reports the sum of its inputs. If more than two inputs are used, sum and its inputs must be enclosed in parentheses. See +.
show sum 3 3
show (sum 3 3 3)
talkto (tto) turtle-or-list-of-turtles
talkto (tto) text-box
Makes the turtle(s) or text box current. This command has the same effect as typing the name of a turtle or text box followed by a comma. This is the only way of making many turtles do the same thing at the same time. See ask, listen, and Local and Global Who in MicroWorlds Help Topics.
talkto "t1
fd 50
talkto [t1 t2]
bk 50 Makes both turtles go back. talkto "text1 print "hello
tan number
Stands for tangent. Reports the tangent of its input. See sin and cos.
show tan 45
Stands for text color. Reports the number of the text color used in the current text box, at the insertion point. If text that has more than one color is selected, tc reports an empty list. See settc. Example:
ct settc "red print "Eureka! show tc 15
textcount text-box-name
Reports the number of lines in the current text box. Lines are delimited by carriage returns and line feed sequences (they are logical lines, not physical lines). Empty lines are taken into account. The number that textcount reports is the maximum number that can be used with textitem.
If you have this text box on the page:
Seymour The Queen of England President Lincoln
show textcount "text1
3 Text1 contains 3 lines.
The following example takes a column of numbers in Text1 and prints the square of each number in Text2.
to square
text2, 1
to :n
local "number
if :n > textcount "text1 [stop]
make "number textitem :n "text1
print :number * :number :n + 1
textitem line-number text-box-name
Reports the designated "line" of the named text box. Lines are delimited by carriage returns and line feed sequences (they are logical lines, not physical lines). Empty lines are taken into account. The first input must be between 1 and the number of lines in the text box. The line reported by textitem is a long word (a sequence of characters including spaces). Use parse to turn a long word into a list. See textcount and Long Words in MicroWorlds Help Topics.
If you have this text box on the page:
Lucy Kim Jean Pierre Plato's cat
show textitem 2 "text1
show textitem 4 "text1
Plato's cat
Reports a list containing the names of text files in the current directory. Only TEXT type files (created by savetext or other applications) are shown.
show textlist
mytext.txt listoffriends.rtf
A file name made up of more than one word will look like two or more files in the list. Use item to find the actual name. In this example, telephone numbers is the name of one file.
show textlist
mytext.txt telephone numbers.txt
show item 2 textlist
telephone numbers.txt
textpick text-box-name
Reports the text in a randomly chosen line from the named text box. Lines are delimited by carriage returns and line feed sequences (they are logical lines, not physical lines). Textpick can pick empty lines. The line reported by textpick is a long word (a character string including spaces). Use parse to turn a long word into a list. See Long Words in MicroWorlds Help Topics.
If you have the following text box:
textpick text-box-name
Reports the text in a randomly chosen line from the named text box. Lines are delimited by carriage returns and line feed sequences (they are logical lines, not physical lines). Textpick can pick empty lines. The line reported by textpick is a long word (a character string including spaces). Use parse to turn a long word into a list. See Long Words in MicroWorlds Help Topics.
If you have the following text box:
My best friend Plaot's cat is very friendly. Lucy
show textpick "text1
Plato's cat is very friendly.
Textpick reports one of the "lines." show textpick "text1
Plato's cat is very friendly.
Textpick reports one of the "lines."
Reports the name of the current text box.
show textwho
if textwho = "text1 [ct]
thing name
Reports the value of the named variable. Corresponds to the use of a colon ( : ) preceding a word. See make and name.
make "age 10
show thing "age
show :age
Reports a number representing the time elapsed since the program started, or since the last resett command was run. The number is in tenths of a second.
Wait a little.
show timer
The next procedure displays a question just after resetting the timer. If you got the right answer, it tells you how fast you were at typing it. The value of the timer is divided by ten in order to get the value in seconds.
to reflex
question [What is 12 times 12?]
ifelse answer = 144
[announce se timer / 10 "sec]
[announce [Wrong answer]]
Moves the cursor (insertion point) to the beginning of the text in the current text box. Try using this command in a button so that you can see the effect on the cursor. See bottom. Example:
pr "hello top pr "there
touching? turtle-name turtle-name
Reports true if the two turtles are touching each other. Reports false if they are not touching; always reports false if one of them is invisible.
show touching? "t1 "t2
waituntil [touching? "t1 "t2]
when [touching? "t1 "t2] [do-this]
towards turtle-name
Sets the heading of the current turtle to aim towards the one whose name is given as input. See distance.
towards "t2 T1 faces t2. fd distance "t2 T1 meets t2.
transparent text-box-name
Makes the designated text box transparent. This is equivalent to checking Transparent in the text box's dialog box. See opaque and stamptext.
transparent "text1
opaque "text1
turtlesown word
Assigns a variable to all the turtles in the current project. This variable can then be set to a specific value for each turtle. This command also creates a new primitive made of the word set followed by the name of the variable (e.g., turtlesown "speed creates a setspeed command as in t1, setspeed 12).
There are two ways to get the value of a given turtle variable: you can talk to a turtle and use the variable name to report the value (e.g., t1, show speed displays 12 in this example) or you can use the turtle name followed by 's (e.g., show t1's "speed displays 12).
Use remove to remove a turtle variable. This removes the named variable for all the turtles in the project.
After a turtlesown instruction, the value of the variable is set to the empty list (see the first three lines in the example below).
turtlesown "speed
t1, show speed
(empty list)
t1, setspeed 10 t2, setspeed 20 t3, setspeed 5 t1, show speed 10 show t2's "speed 20 everyone [fd speed] everyone [forever [fd speed]]
Choose Stop All from the Edit menu.
remove "speed
unfreeze word-or-list
unfreeze page-name
Unfreezes the button, text box, turtle, slider, or any object on a page, so they can be changed using the mouse. A page name can also be used as input to unfreeze all the elements contained in that page.
Use the eye tool to find out the name of the element. See freeze.
unfreeze "button1
unfreeze "page1
Stands for unfreeze background. Unfreezes the background that was frozen by freezebg. Example:
rt 11 fd 500 freezebg lt 22 fd 500 cg unfreezebg cg
Undoes the highlighting effect of select or search.
text1, print "hello
cf cf
cf cf
wait number
Causes a pause in the execution of a program or instruction. The time is measured in 10ths of a second. Example:
repeat 5 [ht wait 10 st wait 10]
waituntil true-or-false-list-to-run
Tells MicroWorlds to wait until true-or-false-list-to-run is true before running another instruction. The input must be an instruction list that reports either true or false when it is run. See done?.
In the following procedure, t1 makes a circle at the same time t2 makes a square. It takes longer to draw a circle, but MicroWorlds will wait for both shapes to be finished before telling the turtles to go elsewhere on the page to draw more circles and squares.
to sq-circ
t1, launch [repeat 36 [fd 10 rt 10]]
t2, launch [repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 90]]
waituntil [done? [repeat 36 [fd 10 rt 10]]]
t1, rt random 360 fd random 50
t2, rt random 360 fd random 50
when true-or-false-instruction-list instruction-list
Starts a parallel process that repeatedly tests whether the first instruction list reports true or false . If it reports true, the second instruction list is run. To stop a when, use cancel (only on the true-or-false-instruction-list), the Cancel menu item, the Stop All menu item, or press Ctrl+Break.
when [ycor > 50][bk 20]
repeat 1000 [fd 1]
Draw a red spot in front of the turtle
forever [fd 1]
when [colorunder = 15][cancel [fd 1]]
Reports the name of the current turtle. Examples:
t1, show who t1 if who = "t1 [remove "t2]
word word-or-list1 word-or-list2
(word word-or-list1 word-or-list2 word-or-list3...)
Combines its inputs into one word and reports the word. Word can be used to make a list into a word. Word can take more than 2 inputs when word and the inputs are enclosed in parentheses.
show word "hello "there
make "name "paul
show (word "hello char 32 "there char 32 :name)
hello there paul
word? word-or-list
Reports true if the input is a word.
show word? "hello
show word? 3.5
Stands for x coordinate. Reports the x coordinate of the current turtle. Examples:
show xcor 50 setx xcor + 10
Stands for y coordinate. Reports the y coordinate of the current turtle. Examples:
show ycor 50 sety ycor + 10
See also