List of Horrid Henry characters

The following is a list of characters that appear in the British series of children's books, Horrid Henry, written by Francesca Simon. It also includes names from the CITV TV series of the same name.



Aerobic Al

Aerobic Al is an extremely athletic boy, who is often displayed engaging in various athletic endavours. He has blonde hair and is shown to be one of Henry's close friends. He is often seen with Ralph and Bert. He wears a white shirt with blue collars and shorts, and teal keds. In the TV series, he speaks with a Birmingham accent and is voiced by Wayne Forester.

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry's Sports Day
Nickname(s) Aerobic Al
Gender Male

Aerobic Al's dad

Aerobic Al's dad comes to some school events, mostly to see his son end up winning. In the TV Series, he mainly appeared in "Horrid Henry's Fun Run", where he had brown hair and was a referee.

Anxious Andrew

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry's Injection
Last appearance Ongoing
Voiced by Aidan Cook
Nickname(s) Anxious Andrew
Gender Male
Family Tidy Ted

Anxious Andrew is one of Henry's classmates; a nervous and meek boy, who always worries about unnecessary subjects. He is best friends with Weepy William and attends Ashton Primary School. He has orange-red hair and wears a dark green, sleeveless sweater with a green shirt and blue-grey trousers and is voiced by Aidan Cook.


Babbling Bob

Babbling Bob is a boy that would never stop talking. He is only mentioned in Horrid Henry's Birthday Party as a guest at the party.

Beefy Bert

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry's New Teacher
Last appearance Ongoing
Nickname(s) Beefy Bert
Gender Male

Beefy Bert is usually seen in the crowds of children at Henry and Peter's school, and sometimes with Ralph and Al. Whenever anyone asks him a question, his immediate answer is "I dunno", which is actually the only line Bert ever says throughout the entire book series (in the TV episode "Horrid Henry Gets Rich Quick", he says "Have you got any food?"). His voice changes in the second series of the TV show, from a low-pitched sounding voice to a higher-pitched, squeakier one. He is also the biggest boy in the class. He is voiced by Wayne Forester.

Beefy Bert's dad

Beefy Bert's dad is a bus driver who appears in "Horrid Henry Takes a Shortcut" "Horrid Henry And The Purple Pass" and "Horrid Henry Alone at Home".

Brainy Brian

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry's Stinkbomb
Nickname(s) Brainy Brian
Gender Male
Family Goody Goody Gordon

The smartest boy in Horrid Henry's class. He appears to be of black descent. He has brown skin and black hair and wears a pink shirt with pens tucked into his pocket and green floral shorts along with baby-blue shoes. He is voiced by Aidan Cook.


Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry Goes to Work
Nickname(s) Bob Sir, Big Boss
Species Human
Gender Male
Children Bossy Bill

Bob (also known as Big Boss or "Bob Sir") is Dad's work boss and has appeared twice in the books and three times in the TV Series. His book appearance was in "Horrid Henry Goes to Work" and he is mentioned in "Horrid Henry's Arch Enemy". He also appeared in the episode "Horrid Henry's Heist" as the school inspector at the fancy dress party, he presented Horrid Henry with the prize for the best poster and in "Horrid Henry's Skipping Lesson" when he was in the park on his way to an appointment with Bill's headmaster.

Bossy Bill

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry Goes to Work
Last appearance Horrid Henry's Skipping Lesson
Portrayed by Joanna Ruiz
Nickname(s) Bossy Bill
Species Human
Gender Male
Family Bob (father)

Bossy Bill is the horrible, stuck-up son of Dad's boss. He has appeared in "Horrid Henry Goes to Work", "Perfect Peter Pumps Up", "Horrid Henry Says Goodbye" and "Horrid Henry's Skipping Lesson". He looks very similar to his father, apart from the fact he is smaller. They wear the same clothes and have the same hairstyle. In the books he appeared in "Horrid Henry Goes to Work", "Horrid Henry's Arch Enemy" and "Horrid Henry's Horrid Weekend". His father thought he was perfect until Henry tricked him into photocopying his bottom at the office but he still is a mischievous boy. He, for a short time, went to Horrid Henry's school. During this time, in the episode "Perfect Peter Pumps Up", Bill is beaten up by Perfect Peter because he makes fun of Peter's bunny, which caused Peter to turn into a giant. Bill is voiced by Joanna Ruiz.

In the audiobook editions read by Miranda Richardson, Bill and his father have American accents.


Bunny is Peter's adorable toy rabbit. It is Peter's version of Mr. Kill. His most major roles in the TV series are in "Horrid Henry and the Time Capsule", in which Henry gives Bunny to the capsule and rescues him, "Horrid Henry Trapped", in which Henry has Bunny in the hospital after he was injured whilst saving Peter from a falling shelf in the cellar and "Perfect Peter Pumps Up", in which Henry realises that the only way to turn Peter aggressive is to steal Bunny and make fun of him.


Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry and the Lost Dog
Last appearance Horrid Henry and the Lost Dog
Nickname(s) Basher the Dog
Species Dog
Family Henry (part-time owner), Unknown actual owner

Basher is a dog that features in Horrid Henry and The Lost Dog. He is a lost dog that Henry part-time owns. He then has an advert through his house door saying Basher was missing. Basher liked biscuits.


Caring Chris

Caring Chris works at the old people's home. She has a good friendship with Miss Oddbod. She only appears in "Horrid Henry and the Purple Walking Stick Gang". She is voiced by Sue Eliott Nichols in the TV Series.

Clever Clare

Clever Clare is the smartest girl in Horrid Henry's class in the books but appears in 1 episode in the TV series as A member of Peter's class.

Crabby Chris

Crabby Chris once babysat Horrid Henry but never came back after Henry hid her homework and spilt grapefruit juice on her jeans. She is only seen on a flashback in "Horrid Henry and the Bogey Babysitter". She was voiced by Lizzie Waterworth.

Captain Push-Me Button

Captain Push-Me Button is a robot that appeared in "Horrid Henry and the Aquarium". He gives tickets to the Dingy Dungeon. It is thought that he wasn't put together properly as he has some technical malfunctions.

Colin the Clown

Colin the Clown appears in "Happy Birthday Peter!", where he appears as the clown and entertainer of Peter's birthday party and is scared of lions, whom he had a bad circus experience with. He is able to blow handkerchiefs out of his nose, make milk disappear and make a banana disappear. He has a 'Box of Bewilderment'

Cross Colin

Cross Colin appears in "Horrid Henry's Wedding" as the best man and one of Pimply Paul's friends.

Cherry Berry

Cherry Berry is a famous pastry chef based on The Great British Bake Off judge, Mary Berry. Cherry was a judge in the street party in 'Horrid Henry's Bake-off'



Dad (Simon)
Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry
Portrayed by Chris Cuomo
Nickname(s) Silly Simon
Gender Male
Occupation Works for Tingly Toothbrushes
Title Mr
Family Mum, Henry, Peter, Francis
Spouse(s) Mum
Children Henry, Peter
Relatives Fussy Francis

Dad is the father of Henry and Peter. He is always yelling at Henry, but very rarely at Peter. He often shouts "Go to your room, now!" Like Mum, he has never trusted Henry to be well behaved. He agrees with Henry's Mum almost all the time. He is also extremely healthy, making Henry and Peter very healthy packed lunches and cooking healthy dinners, much to Henry's disgust. Peter often shows off to Mum and Dad by being well behaved while Henry misbehaves. He punishes Henry by banning the TV and/or the computer, but mostly resorts to cancellation or reduction of pocket money, for example when Henry refuses not to come on a hike he starts deducting pocket money. He shows favoritism when it comes to Henry and Peter. He tends to believe the best of Peter and the worst of Henry as even if Henry was telling the truth, he will still dismiss it as 'rubbish'. When Peter was horrid, he will find excuses for him. A good example was that Peter sprayed Henry with a hose deliberately, even chasing him around the garden, but he ended up telling Henry that he should have got out of the way when Peter was 'watering the flowers'. Although strict he appears to be more tolerant of Henry by giving him second chances. Also, he is often shown to be capable of distracting Henry enough that he behaves. He has curly brown hair and wears an orange sweater and a blue jacket. It is revealed that Gross Class Zero was his favourite show when he was a boy. At the end of "Horrid Henry and the Silly Siblings" it is revealed that Dad's nickname is Silly Simon. At the end of this episode it is also implied that Henry gets his horrid streak from him, while Peter gets his goody-goody streak from Fussy Uncle Francis. He is always on Mum's side and rarely lets Henry get his own way, however he sometimes agrees with Henry's point of view. He is voiced by Wayne Forester.

Dirty Dirk

He is the Judge of Hog House.

Dizzy Dave

Horrid Henry character
Nickname(s) Dizzy Dave
Species Human

Dizzy Dave is a boy in Henry's class who is always spinning round like a top and knocking things over.

Dr. Dettol

Dr. Dettol is a doctor who gives injections. She only appears at the end of "Horrid Henry's Injection".

Doddery Donald

Great Aunt Greta's Brother. He Mostly Says 'Donald'. He Only Appears In "Horrid Henry Plays Air Guitar"


Ed Banger

Ed Banger is a magician, dancer, ringmaster, musician and the lead singer in the Killer Boy Rats.

Evil Eddy Edwards

Evil Eddy Edwards is a milkman who has a rivalry with Pimply Paul.


Fang The Hamster

Horrid Henry character

Fang is Henry's loyal, vicious hamster. He often feuds with Fluffy the Cat, and has a helpful ear when Henry needs someone to talk to. He is also useful to Henry for when he plots revenge against an enemy. Fang acts like a dog and sniffs out missing Fluffy on one episode. In another episode, Fang had a major role, when he went missing. The family presumed him as dead, and when Henry found him a day later, he dressed Fang up as a poodle, as a pose for the replacement pet for Peter. Due to the TV series being made for children he was renamed Fang, however his name in the book series is Mr. Kill.

Fearless Phantom

Fearless Phantom is a TV superhero who Horrid Henry loves but he is scared of spiders.

Fiery Fiona

Fiery Fiona is a girl who is angry all the time. She always yells at anyone who talks to her.

Filthy Phil

He is a contestant in Hog House.

Fluffy the Cat

Horrid Henry character
Aliases Fluffy the Cat.
Species Cat
Occupation Pet

Fluffy is the family's grey cat, who feuds with Henry's hamster, Fang. Fluffy is shown in most episodes sitting by the sitting room window sill at night and as she clicks the TV remote control button next to her, the scene changes to sunrise. Fluffy also gets dressed up as a mummy in the tale "Horrid Henry and the Mummy.". Like Peter, she seems to have a vindictive streak towards Henry as she once framed him for eating several packets of a snack that Mum likes. Despite being female she is sometimes christened as a "he".

Frosty Freeze man

He works at Frosty Freeze. He appears in 'Horrid Henry and the Abominable Snowman' and 'Horrid Henry and the Big Freeze Wheeze'.

Frosty Steve

Frosty Steve works at Frosty Freeze. He only appears in 'Horrid Henry and the Ice Cream Dream'.

Fussy Uncle Francis

Horrid Henry character
Nickname(s) Fussy Uncle Francis
Species Human
Gender Male
Relatives Mum, Dad, Henry, Peter

Henry's uncle and Dad's younger brother. Voiced by Aidan Cook. He has curly blonde hair which is similar to Peter's, just as Dad's hair is brown, like Henry's, although Dad also has curly hair. He wears a green jacket and orange tie and he only appears so far in "Horrid Henry and the Silly Siblings". He is shown not to get on with Dad, as they argue often and this is also where a slightly childish aspect of Dad's personality is revealed. He is said to be fussy, as when he visits he inspects the staircase for dust when he comes in. At the end of "Horrid Henry and the Silly Siblings", he calls Dad "Silly Simon", which is presumably what he was called when he was a kid. At the end of this episode it is also implied that Peter gets his goody-goody streak from him, while Henry gets his horrid streak from Dad.


Goody-Goody Gordon

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry and the Fangmangler
Nickname(s) Goody-Goody Gordon.
Species Human
Gender Male
Family Brainy Brian

Gordon is one of Peter's best friends. He is a member of the Best Boys Club and is friends with Tidy Ted and Spotless Sam. He often speaks with a lisp. He is voiced by Lizzie Waterworth. Gordon has black hair and dark skin. He wears a mustard-yellow jumper, white undershirt, and blue grey pants.

Gorgeous Gurinder

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry and the Secret Club
Created by Francesca Simon
Portrayed by Joanna Ruiz
Nickname(s) Gorgeous Gurinder
Species Human
Gender Female
Title Gorgeous

Gorgeous Gurinder is a beautiful and gorgeous girl who appears to be best friends with Singing Soraya and Lazy Linda. They are both members of the Secret Club. She has brown skin, purple-black hair, and wears a white shirt with periwinkle flower prints, pink trousers and beautiful white ballet pumps. In the later episodes, she speaks with an Indian accent, which fits considering she appears to be Asian. She is voiced by Joanna Ruiz.

Greedy Graham

Horrid Henry character
Portrayed by Wayne Forester and Aidan Cook.
Nickname(s) Greedy Graham
Gender Male

Greedy Graham is a brown-haired overweight boy who is always hungry and is often seen eating carrots and junk food in the earlier episodes. He is shown to be one of Henry's close friends. Voiced by Wayne Forester and Aidan Cook. He wears an orange shirt with blue outlines, blue sweatpants and red sneakers.

Greasy Greta

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry and the Demon Dinner Lady
Last appearance Horrid Henry and the Revenge of the Demon Dinner Lady
Portrayed by Sue Elliot Nicholls
Nickname(s) Demon Dinner Lady
Aliases Greasy Greta
Species Human
Gender Female
Children Pasty Patsy

Greasy Greta is the lady from the counter in the school cafeteria who was in charge of the packed lunch room. She first appears in 'Horrid Henry and the Demon Dinner Lady'. She was sent to look after the kids in the lunch room because they were always playing with their food. She always said 'Give me your treats now!", and she ran away after Henry's hot chili biscuits. However, in the TV series, she ate far too many treats and was wheeled out of the school on a trolley, by Soggy Sid. She is voiced by Sue Elliot Nicholls. She returns in 'Horrid Henry and the Revenge of the Demon Dinner Lady' from the Book, Horrid Henry's Nightmare. This time she inspects lunch boxes to promote healthy eating. She has maroon-colored hair and crimson-pink skin. She is fired on the spot when Miss Oddbod catches her in the cupboard eating the confiscated sweets that were supposed to be donated to charity.

Great Aunt Greta

Voiced by Tamsin Heatley, Great Aunt Greta is the great aunt of Horrid Henry. She thinks that Henry is a little girl called Henrietta, and that Peter is a teenager. Although Henry's Mum and Dad have told her countless times that Henry is a boy, Greta refuses to believe this, and usually doesn't hear. She wears a light pink sweater, a gold button studded in her white blouse, dark pink skirt, lavender shoes and a walking stick.


Helpful Hari

She/he is invited to Peter's party.

Horrid Henry

Horrid Henry character
Created by Francesca Simon
Species Human
Gender Male
Family Peter, Mum, Dad
Relatives Steve, Ruby, Polly, Vera, Greta, Paul, Grandma, Grandad, Francis

Horrid Henry is the protagonist of the series; a violently aggressive, adventurous and even sometimes arrogant little boy characterized by his constant tantrums and hostile nature, particularly toward his angelic yet utterly shy younger brother Perfect Peter. Fascinated by the monstrous, beastly and grotesque, Henry's primary interests consist of violent programming and monsters, and his short temper has intimidated his parents. It is made obvious that they actually favour Peter over Henry, judging by the forms of discipline to which Henry is subjected as a result of his hostility and the complaints of his behaviour made by his mother and father. Even though his family, some classmates and most teachers think he's horrid, when actually he is not a bad person, he actually has a good heart and sometimes shows that he cares a lot about his family and even Peter in some episodes. When denied his wishes, Henry has been known to conspire against authority or any interferences when acquiring his desires, often flinging himself into violent, deafening tantrums and screaming. His Great Aunt Greta thinks that Henry is a little girl called Henrietta, despite being told countless times otherwise. This may be an unintentional source of Henry's anger. Henry wears a blue T-shirt with a yellow stripe, blue jeans and green sneakers. Leader of the Purple Hand Gang, Henry continuously exposes Peter to malicious verbal abuse, domineering him and deceiving him continuously. Among his closest playmates are similarly-arrogant children such as Rude Ralph, though he viciously contempts Moody Margaret and frequently plots against her. Henry is also known for the fact that his infamous schemes constantly backfire on him, and because of this, he has been subjected to numerous comeuppances in the past. Though Henry continuously fails in all his plights, he has succeeded many times. However, he does care about Peter's safety occasionally, showing that he isn't void of compassion. He is voiced by Elizabeth "Lizzie" Waterworth and portrayed by Theo Stevenson. He might have a crush on Gorgeous Gurinda Because he asked "And Gurinda?" When Aerobic Al says that Singing Soraya is Gorgeous in Who's Who? Henry has a habit of breaking the fourth wall by talking to the audience, to the point where Peter once asked who he was talking to.


Inky Ian

Inky Ian is a pupil who isn't very much in Henry's classroom who is first seen in the book version Horrid Henry and the Football Fiend.


Jolly Josh

Horrid Henry character
Nickname(s) Jolly Josh
Species Human
Gender Male

Jolly Josh is a boy in Henry's class who is always playing jokes on people. He is a close friend to Henry. He is voiced by Aidan Cook.

Jolly Josh's father

He only appears in "Horrid Henry's Nits" when he complains about the letter sent home.

Jumping Jeffrey

Jeffrey is a boy who loves jumping like a kangaroo at Henry's karate class.

Jazzy Jim

Jazzy Jim is a boy who goes "Be-bop-a-loo-la!"


Killer Boy Rats

Horrid Henry's favourite band. The lead singer is Ed Banger, Henry's idol.

Kind Kasim

Kind Kasim is a minor character in Henry's class. He doesn't appear in the picture of Henry's class.

Kind Kelly

Kind Kelly is a girl in Peter's class who once let Henry borrow her mobile phone and is so kind.

Kung-Fu Kate

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry's Thank You Letter
Portrayed by Stephanie Anne Mills
Nickname(s) Kung-Fu Kate

Kung-Fu Kate is a girl in Henry's class who is always doing Kung-Fu. She is also friends with Margaret. She is voiced by Stephanie Anne Mills in the TV Series.


Lazy Linda

Horrid Henry character
Portrayed by Sue Elliot Nichols.
Nickname(s) Lazy Linda
Species Human
Gender Female

The laziest girl in Henry's class. She is often seen sleeping. She doesn't talk very often, but when she does, she uses the word "like" quite a lot and has a cockney accent. She is a member of the Secret Club, which she initially joined as a replacement for Susan. At some point, Margaret fired her and Susan returned, however at some point Linda returned as well. She and Susan are foes and sometimes friends. Linda wears a light green shirt, red overall dress and green sneakers. She is voiced by Sue Elliot Nichols.

Lisping Lily

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry's Sleepover
Portrayed by Emma Tate
Nickname(s) Lisping Lily
Species Human
Gender Female
Family Nick (brother), Parents, Mike (brother)

Lisping Lily is New Nick's younger sister; a toddler, who is largely infatuated with Henry (pronouncing his name "Henwy") and is known for his noticeable lisp. Her common catchphrases in the book are "I love you, Henwy." and "Will you marry with me, Henwy?". She wears a blue tunic with a ribbon, and dark blue overalls.


Milksop Miles

The author of Peter's favourite book, "The Happy Nappy". He is Henry's least favourite writer and only appears in "Horrid Henry's Author Visit".


The presenter of one of Peter's favourite TV programmes, "Manners with Maggie" which was one of Henry's least favourite programmes. The show stopped airing after Maggie was dragged off the set screaming following her reaction to Henry's terrible manners.

Magic Rabbit

The rabbit appears in 'Happy Birthday Peter' and likes eating cake.

Magic Martha

Martha is a girl who does magic tricks In Henry's class.

Mini Minnie

She is invited to Peter's party and is in Peter's class.

Mischievous Mike

He is one of Horrid Henry's friends who loves planes and he is the brother of New Nick. He is voiced by Aidan Cook.

Miss Impatience Tutu

Miss Impatience Tutu is a dance teacher who first appeared in Horrid Henry's Dance Class. In the TV series, she is referred to as Madame Tutu and speaks with a French accent when talking to her class, but speaks with an English accent when talking to Henry individually. She seems to be a lot nicer in the TV series than in the books. She has blonde hair in a bun and wears a black leotard over a pale pink jumpsuit.

Miss Battle-Axe

Boudicca Battle-Axe
Horrid Henry character
Portrayed by Joanna Ruiz
Anjelica Huston
Nickname(s) Miss Battle-Axe
Species Human
Gender Female
Occupation Teacher
Title Miss Battle-Axe, Henry's teacher
Family Mrs. Battle-Axe (mother)

Miss Boudicca Battle-Axe is a strict schoolteacher from Scotland. She teaches Horrid Henry, and many of his classmates such as Rude Ralph, Moody Margaret and Sour Susan. She seems to have a particular disliking towards Henry, which would be because it is usually his horrid behaviour in which disrupts her class. She once said that Henry's class was the worst she ever taught. In very few episodes, her mother, Mrs Battle-Axe, has appeared, who appears to discipline her daughter greatly. She wears pointy glasses and has gray hair. She also wears a green cardigan, pale chartreuse top, brown skirt, and brownish stockings. In 'Horrid Henry Delivers a Message', it is shown that Miss Battle-Axe secretly has a crush on Soggy Sid. Miss Battle-Axe is voiced by Joanna Ruiz and portrayed by Anjelica Huston.

Despite hating Henry's class it is apparent that Miss Battle-Axe is tough enough to survive teaching it, as it has been mentioned that all of Henry's teachers prior to her had quit because of him.

Miss Lovely

Miss Lydia Lovely is Peter's teacher. As her name suggests, she has a gentle nature. She is very proud of Peter's progress and behaviour and is always saying nice things about him to his parents. However, on odd occasions (such as when Peter hands in a 'Why I Hate My Teacher' essay, which was actually written by Henry) she had lost her temper. She is often seen in the library, on library duty when she's in the reading area. She speaks with an Indian accent, which fits considering she appears to be Asian. She is voiced by Joanna Ruiz.

Miss Thumper

Miss Thumper only appears in "Horrid Henry's Dance Class", where she works.

Moody Margaret

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry and Moody Margaret
Created by Francesca Simon
Nickname(s) Moody Margaret
Gender Female
Family Parents

Moody Margaret is a moody girl who is always fussing and wanting to get her own way. She is portrayed as the secondary main antagonist in the series and serves as Horrid Henry's archenemy. Her best friend is Sour Susan and Margaret also lives next door to Horrid Henry. She has magenta hair in a spiky ponytail. Henry and Margaret are enemies; Margaret has a secret club and Henry has a purple hand gang fort. She has an ability of screaming and always competes with Henry. She might have a crush on Henry, because in "Perfect Peter's Revenge", she was happy when Peter send her a forged letter that said Henry loves and wants to marry Margaret. This is also seen in other episodes. She wears a violet tank top with white stripes, green cardigan and a bottle-green skirt. Margaret, however, occasionally assists Henry in his plans, as seen in "Horrid Henry's Horrid Revenge" and "Horrid Henry and the Big Dig", though under the word of being the leader of the Purple Hand Gang for a day or a month. She is voiced by Sue Elliot Nichols.

Moody Margaret's parents

Moody Margaret's parents give her everything her heart desires. Margaret's mum is voiced by Joanna Ruiz and has dark magenta hair while her dad is voiced by Wayne Forester and has grey hair.

Mouldy Myra

She is a contestant in Hog House.

Mr and Mrs Mossy

Mr and Mrs Mossy are characters who first appeared in Horrid Henry and the Dinner Guests. Mr Mossy is Mum's boss, although sometimes Mrs Mossy is shown to be Mum's boss. Mr Mossy also appears in TV series Horrid Henry Changes a Nappy. At the start of Horrid Henry and the Dinner Guests Mr Mossy sabotages all of the tricks of Henry. The Mossys appear to be of black descent and it is revealed at the end of Horrid Henry and the Dinner Guests that Mr Mossy's first name is Timothy in the TV series, although it is given as Reginald in the book. When Mr Mossy was a child he was called Terrible Timothy. Mr. Mossy is voiced by Aidan Cook and Mrs. Mossy is voiced by Joanna Ruiz.

Mrs Battle-Axe

Mrs Battle-Axe is Miss Battle Axe's mother. She disciplines her daughter greatly and is a nice, old woman who likes Henry, in a sharp contrast to her daughter's meanness and dislike of Henry.

Mrs Crunch

Mrs Crunch is the guide at Our Town Museum, runs Camp Sunshine and the Happiest Family competition.

Mrs Oddbod

Cynthia Oddbod
Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry's School Fair
Created by Francesca Simon
Portrayed by Tamsin Heatley
Nickname(s) Mrs Oddbod
Species Human
Gender Female
Occupation Head Teacher
Title Miss

The headmistress of the school. Despite this title, she is somewhat kinder to Henry than Miss Battle-Axe. She is generally good-natured but can act strange at times, for example, she was the 'time capsule thief' who dug up time capsules from the school grounds at night. Her name is revealed in the episode "Horrid Henry, Horrid Headmaster". She and Chris, the woman who works at the old people's home, have a good friendship, as seen in "Horrid Henry and the Purple Walking Stick Gang". She is voiced by Tamsin Heatley in the series. She has ginger hair in a ponytail and wears round glasses, a lavender dress, with a beige collar and button, and a violet hairband in the TV series.


Mum (Sally)
Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry's Perfect Day
Last appearance Ongoing
Created by Francesca Simon
Portrayed by Siobhan Hayes (2011)
Tara Strong (2015-present)
Nickname(s) Suspicious Sally
Species Human
Gender Female
Occupation Bookshop worker
Family Henry, Peter, Dad
Spouse(s) Silly Simon (aka Dad) (husbend)
Children Henry, Peter
Relatives Greta, Ruby (sister), Steve

Mum is Henry and Peter's mother. She always ends up believing Peter.She has never trusted Henry to be well behaved, is extremely healthy, and always makes something with vegetables for dinner, much to Henry's disgust. She makes healthy snacks for parties too. She often punishes Henry by banning him from watching TV or using the computer. According to Henry, she has told him millions of times that he can never have another birthday party because he is always naughty, and then she always lets him have one more chance every year.She has First Name is Sally. She is quite prejudiced about Henry and Peter, believing Peter even when he told a lie, and not believing Henry even when he's telling the truth. She believes that Peter is perfect, and will always be perfect, and that Henry is horrid, and will always be horrid, so she will still accuse Henry even if he was trying to be good, and find excuses and turn a blind eye when Peter is horrid. She is one of few characters whose first name has not been revealed. She wears a purple cardigan with a pinkish shirt under. She has blonde hair and wears glasses. Mum also wears blue jeans and pink ballet shoes. She is voiced by Tamsin Heatley and played by Siobhan Hayes.


Nasty Nicola

Nasty Nicola joins Henry's class in 'Horrid Henry and the New Best Friend' and appears nice to begin with but turns out to be nasty and vicious. She has light red hair in braided pigtails and wears a teal sweatshirt.

Needy Neil

Needy Neil is Weepy William's younger brother. He is in Miss Lovely's class.

New Nick

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Horrid Henry's Sleepover
Nickname(s) New Nick
Species Human
Gender Male
Family Parents, Lily (sister), Mike (brother)

Nick is a boy who joined Henry's class as a "new" boy. He makes friends with Henry soon after he joins Henry's class and invites him to stay all night at his house. When Henry arrives, he has a thoroughly miserable evening.

New Nick's parents

They have three dogs and run a karaoke club. They're very loud and only appear in "Horrid Henry's Sleepover" and "Horrid Henry's Skipping Lesson."

Ninius Nerdon

Mr Nerdon was a teacher first featured in the story "Horrid Henry's New Teacher". After a prank pulled by Henry involving Peter, he collapsed and Miss Battle-Axe took over the class.

Norwegian Norris

Norris is a Norwegian boy in Henry's class making his first appearance in 'Horrid Henry and the Revenge of the Demon Dinner Lady' from the book Horrid Henry's Nightmare. When there is a practice in the school he does not like, such as the lunchbox inspections and taking names out of the hat to see who should look after the class chicken, he wails that it wouldn't happen in Norway.

Nurse Needle

Nurse Needle is a nurse who appears in 'Horrid Henry's Injection'. She tried to give Henry an injection, but Henry pretended to be sick and was sent home.


Old Olive

Old Olive is one of the people who lives at the old people's home. She only appears in "Horrid Henry and the Purple Walking Stick Gang".


Park keeper

He works in the park and employs Henry in 'Horrid Henry Gets A Job'.

Pasty Patsy

Pasty Patsy is the daughter of Greasy Greta and appears in 'Horrid Henry and the Revenge of the Demon Dinner Lady' from the book Horrid Henry's Nightmare. When Henry asked her why she didn't get inspected, she replied that she is Greta's daughter, much to Henry's surprise. She then opened her lunchbox and ate a handful of sweets and treats, while Henry's mouth watered.

Perfect Peter

Horrid Henry character
Created by Francesca Simon
Nickname(s) Perfect Peter
Gender Male
Family Henry, Mum, Dad

Perfect Peter is Henry's perfect younger brother. He is the deutagonist and the main antagonist in many of the stories, but is often referred to as a "worm" by Henry. Peter has a very comic attitude, liking flowers much like Walter the Softy in the Dennis the Menace comic strips and cartoon series and is known to always do as he is told and treat others with respect. Despite this, on several occasions he has revealed that he does have a more shy side (which is the side he never uses on purpose). It is obvious that Peter is getting back at Henry with the help of his parents, and he always emotionally bribes them (e.g.: "You're the best mum in the world, so Henry won't be getting any biscuits will he?"), resulting in his parents favouring him, which he uses to his advantage. Aside from being spoiled, he shows aspects of being sort of like Moody Margaret, except that instead of using a bossy tone, he adopts a crying and sorrowful look to get what he wants. He is shown to tell on Henry, often Henry gets into trouble as a result of him telling Mum or Dad when Henry's done something bad, usually with the phrases: "Mum/Dad! Henry's being horrid/mean!" or "Mum/Dad! Henry called me smelly/a worm/a toad/told me to shut up!" and even blames Henry for the most minor offences. He has been known to blame Henry for things Henry doesn't do. He also blames Henry for Fluffy running away, even though Fluffy did it on her own accord. He is also similar to his friends as he hates dirt, is always tidy and also does as he is told, unlike Henry. He also expects praise for basic things, such as "being normal", using his fork and knife, and also shows off how good he is, especially when Henry is scolded. This, and the fact that he always asks them politely. Peter seems desperate for praise when he mentions he gets his toys out just to tidy them again which may seem pointless in the episode "Horrid Henry And The Best Boys Club". In the same episode, it is hinted he sees the other members of "The Best Boys Club" as subordinates rather than actual friends as he immediately refuses Gordon's suggestion of taking turns to decide things. This suggests that he is only perfect because he gets praised. This is proven in "Perfect Peter's Horrid Day", when Peter decided to be horrid when Mum and Dad stopped praising him. Despite his nickname, he is deemed spoiled and self-centered, especially rubbing in and showing off his good deeds, because of this he may be suggested as pathetic/pampered/praise loving Peter. He is also the one with a cunning plan to get what he wants or praised, taking credit for his good deeds and sometimes taking credit for Henry's rare good deeds, as shown in "Horrid Henry's Perfect Day", and in "Horrid Henry Horrid Headmaster", he recorded what Henry said when Henry discovered he had to fill end of term reports ("No holiday for me, then."), then modified it into "No holiday!", causing the students to rebel. He seems to know that Mum and Dad won't punish him as he always walks around showing his perfectness, although without his parents believing him he may seem worthless and unable to get his own ways. He is going to get his own TV show in the future called Perfect Peter and Friends. He is voiced by Emma Tate in the TV series and portrayed by Ross Marron.

Perky Parveen

She is in Peter's class and is invited to Peter's birthday party. She is mentioned in "Perfect Peter's Birthday Party".

Pimply Paul

Paul Peregrin
Horrid Henry character
Nickname(s) Pimply Paul
Species Human
Gender Male
Family Polly, Vera
Spouse(s) Polly
Children Vomiting Vera
Relatives Mum, Dad, Henry, Peter

The husband of Prissy Polly, they have one child: Vomiting Vera. He always refers to Henry as a "brat". He has an instinctive hatred of children despite having a daughter of his own. He is a fan of Rugby, as revealed in Horrid Henry Cooks a Meal. He is a Milkman.

Prissy Polly

Polly Penelope
Horrid Henry character
Nickname(s) Prissy Polly
Species Human
Gender Female
Children Vera
Relatives Henry, Peter, Mum, Dad, Ruby, Steve, Greta, Francis

Henry's cousin who is usually seen smiling. Marries Pimply Paul in Horrid Henry's Wedding and together, they had one daughter together, Vera. She is voiced by Joanna Ruiz. She mostly wears a pink top, blue jeans, with a cyan blue sash-belt has curly blonde hair and wears beautiful pink high heel pumps. But in the film, she had her in a side braid with a yellow ribbon on the top of her head and she wore a cream dress with yellow and gold roses on it and a gold bracelet.


Rabid Rebecca

Rebecca Rancid
Horrid Henry character
Nickname(s) Rabid Rebecca
Species Human
Gender Female
Occupation Babysitter

Rabid Rebecca is the toughest teenager in town, and is very strict. She once babysat Henry and Peter. Henry had a tough job getting rid of her. She has very large teeth and these are always visible even when her mouth is shut. She only appears in "Horrid Henry and the Bogey Babysitter" in the books, but in episodes she appears in "Horrid Henry and the Bogey Babysitter", "Horrid Henry's Smelly Stuff", "Horrid Henry's Haircut", "Horrid Henry and the Terrible Teacher", and "Horrid Henry and the Football Fiend" in the audience at the match. She makes a cameo appearance in "Horrid Henry and the Killer Boy Rats", when she is shocked and is seen when Henry sings, "Slimy, slimy, slimy!" and Dad says, " Don't be horrid, Henry!" in the audience. Voiced by Sue Elliott Nichols. She appears as the substitute teacher in "Horrid Henry and the Terrible Teacher" and she is fired when Miss Oddbod sees her chasing Peter.

Razor Ron

Razor Ron is a barber who hates children. He cuts Henry's hair in "Horrid Henry's Haircut".

Rich Aunt Ruby

Horrid Henry character
Created by Francesca Simon
Nickname(s) Rich Aunt Ruby
Species Human
Gender Female
Children Steve
Relatives Mum, Dad, Henry, Peter, Paul, Polly, Vera, Greta, Grandma, Grandpa

Henry's wealthy aunt, Mum's sister and Stuck-up Polly & Steve's mum. She is shown to be a very posh lady and she's dressed very fashionable, and she speaks with a posh-sounding accent and she was first seen in Horrid Henry's Christmas, where she buys Steve loads of great presents and Henry "somehow" managed to help himself to a few of them, she was next seen in the episode Horrid Henry's Haunted House, where Henry scares her and Steve away from their house and gets to play with all Steve's toys. She has previously been seen in Horrid Henry dines at Restaurant Le posh, where she took Steve and Henry's family to a fancy French restaurant, and orders Mum, Dad and Peter the things they don't want. She also spoils Steve greatly and buys him anything and everything he wants and she and Steve live in a very large house. She has burgundy-purple hair, like Steve.

Rude Ralph

Horrid Henry character
First appearance TV Series
Horrid Henry's Tricks and Treats
Portrayed by Aidan Cook
Nickname(s) Rude Ralph
Species Human
Gender Male

Rude Ralph is Horrid Henry's best friend, he seems to have a similar personality to Henry, and is well known to be rude. Ralph assists Henry is many of his plans, including plots to raid Moody Margaret's Secret Club, with him being a member of Henry's "Purple Hand Gang", or to torment Henry's younger brother, Perfect Peter. Ralph also attends Henry's school. He wears a red hoodie and white capri pants. He is often seen with Al and Bert. He is voiced by Aidan Cook.

Rude Ralph's dad

Rude Ralph's dad cheers Ralph on in "Horrid Henry's Sports Day" an also appears in "Horrid Henry and the go kart."

Rude Ralph's mum

Rude Ralph's mum picks Ralph up from Henry's in "Horrid Henry's Fairy Dance".


Security guards

In some stories and episodes of Horrid Henry, there are some security guards that appear. Their names are not revealed. They are voiced by Wayne Forester and Aidan Cook.

Singing Soraya

Nickname(s) Singing Soraya
Species Human
Gender Female

A girl in Henry's class who loves singing. She even sounds like she's singing when she's talking normally. Soraya wears a yellow blouse with blue pants and orange keds. Voiced by Emma Tate.

Slimy Sammy

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Perfect Peter's Pen Pal
Nickname(s) Slimy Sammy,Super Sammy
Species Human

Sammy first appeared in the episode Perfect Peter's Pen Pal. He stays at Peter's house and attempts to steal his stamp collection, as well as getting Henry into trouble. Despite the fact he appears to be French and speaks French, he talks with a German-sounding accent. Peter first calls him Super Sammy. He is voiced by Aidan Cook.

Snappy Croc

Snappy Croc is a toy crocodile who was first seen in Horrid Henry's Bathtime.

Stuck-up Steve

Horrid Henry character
Portrayed by Aidan Cook
Nickname(s) Stuck-up Steve
Species Human
Gender Male
Family Ruby
Relatives Henry, Peter, Dad, Mum, Grandma, Grandpa, Paul, Polly, Vera, Greta

Steve is Henry's Stuck up Cousin. Henry calls him "Stuck-Up" because of how rich, greedy and spoiled he is compared to him . Once Steve got a taste of his own medicine in Horrid Henry and The Perfect Plane when the park keeper caught him flying his toy plane in the park and the he takes it away from Steve and gives it to Mike. In "Horrid Henry Eats Out", Henry wins by eating all his snails. He appears in "Horrid Henry 's Haunted House." Steve has not been seen since Horrid Henry and the Mega Mean Time Machine, although he has gained occasional mention. Steve is the only character in the series who is hated by Henry for a particular reason - because he is spoiled and refuses to share with his cousin, Henry. In the television series, he speaks with what is seemingly an upper class London accent and has reddish-purple hair. The turtleneck jumper he wears also appears to change color between episodes - it is light green in most episodes, but is purple in "Horrid Henry's Haunted House". He is voiced by Aidan Cook in the TV series.

Stone-age Steven

Stone-age Steven isn't in Henry's class much. He likes pretending to be a caveman.

Soggy Sid

Sidmouth Soggington
Horrid Henry character
Portrayed by Aidan Cook
Nickname(s) Soggy Sid, Mr. Soggington, Sidmouth
Gender Male

Soggy Sid is Horrid Henry's swimming teacher and the school's sport coach. He also appears in some episodes as the caretaker of the school.In one episode, his name is revealed to be Sidmouth Soggington (Mr Matthew Hunt). He is voiced by Aidan Cook.

Sour Susan

Horrid Henry character
Last appearance Ongoing
Portrayed by Lizzie Waterworth
Helena Barlow
Nickname(s) Sour Susan
Species Human
Gender Female
Family Vicious Vicky

Sour Susan is a friend of Moody Margaret. She always has a sour look on her face and often says "Yeah, Henry." when Margaret offends or annoys him. She acts as a parrot and sidekick to Moody Margaret, but often has fallouts with her. She has a baby sister called Vicious Vicky. In TV Series, she has orange hair and wears a lime dress with dark green effects. In "Horrid Henry's Stinkbomb", she joins the Purple Hand Gang, and warns Henry about Margaret's stinkbomb. She is voiced by Lizzie Waterworth and portrayed by Helena Barlow.

Spotless Sam

Spotless Sam is one of Peter's friends and a member of the Best Boys Club. He is voiced by Emma Tate. He has black hair and wears a white shirt with blue stripes, and blue capri pants.

Sneaky Colin

Sneaky Colin appears in every single Horrid Henry book hiding behind the curtains and in cubicles in a sneaky manner except for "Perfect Peter's Horrid Day", during which he starred as himself (Colin Galloway) in Anthony Horowitz's Eagle Strike.


T.J. Fizz

She is Henry's favourite author and Peter's least favourite, because he says 'her books are too scary'. She has only been seen in "Horrid Henry's Author Visit". Miss Battle-axe sent him off from his to Peter's class because of his horridness and was stuck with Peter's favourite author. In the TV Series, she is known as "B.B. Silver".

Tell-Tale Tim

He is one of Peter's friends.

Tetchy Tess

Tetchy Tina (aka Tetchy Tress) is one of Horrid Henry's babysitters. She appears in "Horrid Henry and the Bogey Babysitter" and "Horrid Henry Goes to the Park". She is voiced by Joanna Ruiz.

Tidy Ted

Tidy Ted is one of Peter's friends and is a member of the Best Boys Club. He is always tidy, hence his name. He is voiced by Tamsin Heatley. He has ginger-colored hair, wears a periwinkle sweater, cyan neck-tie, white shirt, with blue trousers, and brown shoes.

Toddler Tom

He is a toddler and is mentioned in Horrid Henry Wakes The Dead.

Tornado Tariq

He is mentioned in Horrid Henry's household chores and is a contestant in hog house.

Tough Toby

Tough Toby is a boy in Henry's class who is tough. He invited Henry to his party at Lazer Zap.


Vain Violet

She appears in several of the books and is friends with Margaret. She never appeared in the TV Series.

Vicious Vicky

Vicious Vicky appears in Horrid Henry The Movie and Horrid Henry Bogus Babysitter. She is Sour Susan's younger violent sister. Vicious Vicky is played by Kia Pegg.

Vic Van Wrinkle

Vicent Van Wrinkle
First appearance Horrid Henry The Movie
Nickname(s) Vic Van Wrinkle
Species Human
Gender Male

Vic Van Wrinkle is the strict headmaster of 'Brickhouse School' and the main antagonist in Horrid Henry The Movie. He tries to shut down Ashton Primary school and send all the students to Brickhouse School so he can make lots of Money.

Vomiting Vera

Horrid Henry character
Portrayed by Voice
Tamsin Heatley
Nickname(s) Vomiting Vera
Species Human
Gender Female
Family Paul, Polly
Relatives Mum, Peter, Henry

Henry and Peter's baby niece who is always vomiting, much to the annoyance of others. Henry will refuse to see her unless she is older and behind bars. She has blonde hair, wears a pink long-sleeved undershirt, light pink tank top with vertical magenta stripes, pink skirt, an orange hair ribbon, and dark pink stockings.


Weepy William

Horrid Henry character
First appearance Unknown
Last appearance Ongoing
Nickname(s) Weepy William
Species Human
Gender Male
Family Dad, Mum, Needy Neil (brother)

A boy in Henry's class who is often seen crying at the slightest things. His best friend is Anxious Andrew. He is voiced by Aidan Cook. William has a younger brother called Needy Neil. Needy Neil is in Miss Lovely's class. He wears a purple sweatshirt, pale green undershirt with beige-trousers and brown shoes. He is voiced by Aidan Cook.

Weepy William's dad

Weepy William's dad is a newspaper reporter and appears in "Horrid Henry Ace Reporter" and "Horrid Henry on TV".

Weepy William's mum

Weepy William's mum only appears in "Horrid Henry on TV" when her and her husband have Margaret round.

Wrinkly Ron

Wrinkly Ron is one of the people at the old people's home and the leader of the Purple Walking Stick Gang. He only appears in "Horrid Henry and the Purple Walking Stick Gang".


Zippy Zoe

Zippy Zoe is a girl who is very fast and only appears in the books. She is in Henry's class.

See also

External links

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