List of Fables characters

This article is a list of fictional characters in the Vertigo comic book series Fables, Jack of Fables, Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love, Cinderella: Fables Are Forever and Fairest, published by DC Comics.

These are the characters who live at The Farm.

Rose Red

Snow White’s sister, ex-girlfriend of Jack Horner, brief fiancée of Bluebeard, and brief wife of Sinbad. For centuries, Rose's relationship with her sister was defined by wild carousing and partying, serving as an embarrassment to her sister. Snow's then husband Prince Charming got tangled with Rose Red in an adulterous relationship when she had stayed with the couple as Snow White's companion, thus putting an end to the already troubled marriage. In the first Fables story arc, she is believed to be murdered, until Bigby Wolf solves the mystery: She and Jack had faked her death as part of a complex plan to avoid her impending marriage to Bluebeard after using a great deal of his money to finance one of Jack's ill-fated get-rich-quick schemes.

In the second story arc, she and Snow White go up to the Farm for Rose to do as punishment for her faked death, where they are caught up in a revolution. At the end of that story, Rose finally finds her niche, managing the Farm, which allowed her to stand equal to her sister, the then-deputy mayor. At the end of the arc Rose is shown to have matured greatly and has fixed her relationship with her sister and broke off her bad relationship with Jack for good. She continues to run the Farm, doting on her nieces and nephews, and has occasionally provided assistance to covert operations. Though her life as the original party girl is well behind her, she still maintains a cheerful attitude and independent spirit, evident in how she runs the Farm, regardless of how the current administration would like her to manage things.

She was briefly involved with Weyland Smith before his death in the battle of Fabletown. Rose was also the one who persuaded her sister to trust Frau Totenkinder and take her with them to the mundane world while they were escaping from the Homelands and the invading armies of the Adversary. Rose seems to have stopped smoking as well. She had shown interest in Boy Blue while overseeing his labor sentence, but rejected his advances on the eve of Fabletown's strike against the Emperor in order to preserve their friendship. Boy Blue did not take the rejection well.[1] Following the war story-arc, Rose married Sinbad, but immediately divorced him on account of her despair over Boy Blue's post-war condition. She attempted to revive her romantic relationship with Boy Blue in his last moments, but was denied by Blue himself, with him stating that she goes out with whoever seems to add the most excitement to her life, and that he deserves better than that, but he hopes someone else can "fix her".[2]

Emotionally destroyed by Blue's rejection and immediate death, Rose descended heavily into self-loathing and depression, refusing to leave her bed for any reason. She reunited briefly with Jack on her descent toward rock-bottom, believing that she somehow deserved someone as terrible as Jack. After reconciling her past Rose eventually decided to take charge of the Farm again, stopping Ozma, Brock, and Geppetto's bids to take control of the farm and appointing them as her advisers. She also makes it clear to Cole, Beast, and Beauty that she'll accept their advice but wants them to respect the fact that they're on the Farm and not at Fabletown. To show no hard feelings with Brock, she took a blue scarf to show her support that Boy Blue could come back, but maintains that while she wants as much as anyone for Blue to come back, it's the job of everyone to fix their own problems instead of waiting for Blue to return and fix everything. While it's not been said, Rose does feel guilty for divorcing her husband, as Colin pointed out to her in a dream, by asking what she felt guilty about.

Eventually, through Hope's intervention, she realizes her past errors and mistakes with her sister. Realizing she had placed all the blame on Snow, when in reality, none of it was her fault. After Hope reveals herself to Rose, she finally takes charge back of the Farm and prepares with Hope for apparent destiny. During which she realizes that she has been chosen as the new King Arthur and as such picks her own knights of the round table. During which she had chosen Lancelot as one of them, near the end it is hinted both have developed an instant attraction to one another. Though while many see Rose as Arthur, both Morgan Le Fay and Lady of the Lake immediately see Snow as Morgan or a possible Mordred.

This only happened after Rose denied her sister revenge on Prince Brandish. This sets into motion a big wedge between the once reconciled sisters. Though while the rest are preoccupied with this apparent roles the sisters have been placed in and their own dispute; the rest of the Fables have apparently forgotten the bigger threats and evil that's among them. Geppetto planning revenge against Fabletown and the former Mrs. Sprat who holds the key to a possible resurrection for Bigby.

Rose Red usually dresses in red and almost always has some sort of rose motif in her clothing, even if it is just a scarf tied in the shape of a blossom.

Boy Blue

Main article: Boy Blue (Fables)

Weyland Smith

Based on Wayland the Smith, a figure in Germanic mythology, Weyland Smith served as the administrator of the Farm facility and thus bore the brunt of much of the resentment of those Fables confined there. He was imprisoned during the revolution there and was magically compelled to turn his mechanical prowess to the task of adapting mundane weapons so that they could be used easily by non-human Fables. Once the rebellion was foiled, he was replaced as administrator by Rose Red. Originally intending to leave the Farm, Snow White asked him to stay on and continue the task of adapting weapons, in preparation for the inevitable conflict with the Adversary. He agreed and stayed at the Farm, and became close with Rose, shortly before they were called into action to defend Fabletown against the incursion of the wooden soldiers. He fought bravely, smashing the enemy close up with his massive mallet, but ultimately fell in battle alongside many of his compatriots, his body ultimately committed to the witching well. He was eventually resurrected by Flycatcher and was tasked with building farms and other medieval era infrastructure for Fly's kingdom of Haven.[1] He now holds a position of distinction as Haven's Chief Builder in service to King Ambrose.

The Three (or Four) Little Pigs

The "original" Three Little Pigs, Dun, Posey and Colin were heavily involved in the revolt at the Farm. Colin, who appeared to be considerably less enthusiastic about the idea of rebellion than his cousins, was sent down to Fabletown to attempt to steal or duplicate a key to the main business office in the Woodlands building, and also to determine which of the city Fables might be sympathetic to their cause. Colin failed in these missions, largely because Bigby Wolf kept a close eye on him before sending him back to the Farm. For this failure, he was killed by the ringleaders of the rebellion (the implication is that Goldilocks did the actual deed) and his head put on a pole in the centre of the Farm as a message that it was time for the rebellion to begin. When it ultimately failed, Dun and Posey were tried as ringleaders and were beheaded for their crimes.

This posed something of a problem, as the Three Little Pigs is a popular myth and thus they were needed to fulfill their roles, but it also presented a solution to another problem. As part of Snow White's plan to stem the revolution, three Giant Fables, Lonny, Donny and Johnny, who had been kept sedated for centuries due to the impossibility in hiding their huge forms, had been awakened. Rose Red, in her new position as Farm administrator, persuaded her sister to authorize the expensive spells required to transform the three giants into pig forms, allowing the three to take up their new roles as the new Three Little Pigs.

The late Colin appeared to Snow White on four occasions after his murder, still appearing as a head on a pole (Possibly in reference to the famous scene of Lord of the Flies). The first occasion was when she lay in a coma after being shot by Goldilocks, where they discussed death briefly and Colin pointed out that, while he was dead, she probably wasn't. The second was shortly before the assault on Fabletown by the wooden soldiers, giving her warning that bad things were coming that would require all of them to defeat. The third occasion was in a dream after her return to the Farm with her children, to warn her that things weren't going to improve any time soon. His final appearance was apparently while Snow was awake, to tell her that things were finally going to get better for her (unbeknownst to Snow, Bigby was on the way back) and to say goodbye, that she didn't need him any more and that he should move on to whatever came next. Whether this was simply a function of Snow's unconscious mind or whether Colin's spirit survived his murder in some manner is unclear. The guiding spirit of Colin appeared again behind Santa Claus when Santa prophesized a coming battle to Flycatcher, and to Rose Red, warning her that she would have to lead Fabletown during the crisis of Mister Dark.

Posey and Dun were among the Fables that were dumped down the Witching Well and were met by Flycatcher during his quest there.

Recently in Jack of Fables, it was revealed that there was a fourth Little Pig, Carl, who made a house out of cloth. He was Snow White's "favourite of The Four Little Pigs", prior to being eliminated from the story by Mr. Revise before he could find out what happened to his brothers - temporarily making Colin Snow White's "favourite of The Three Little Pigs".

Recently since Fables: Rose Red, that the spiritual guide they thought was Colin Pig may not be after all. It is during Colin's final attempt to help Rose Red from her depression. He soon transforms into Boy Blue, but immediately decides to change again, believing it would be too cruel for her. Instead, takes the form of her and Snow White's mother, it is also noted that the spirit knew things about her and Snow that they never told others. Such as calling her by her child pet names and explains that their mother and the king (from Snow White and Rose Red) the father of Prince Brandish, were the ones behind Snow's separation from her family. When Rose realizes that Snow was not to blame for all her grief and for that matter she needed to move on, she looks to her "mother's" spirit and tells her to stop trying to fool her. She now could see that this being was neither Boy Blue, Colin, or her mother and asks to show her its real form. To which it replies to her request, and shows Rose her true form. Although its form is never seen, it is seen that Rose is bathed in a golden light, and that this form impresses and shocks her.

The final issue of the Super Team story arc reveals that the mysterious being is Hope, from the story of Pandora and Pandora's box. She was previously seen in her true form in an illustration for the Rose Red story arc, where she is described as one of the great powers and belonging to the same group as Mr. Dark and The North Wind.

The Three Bears

Residents at the Farm due to their non-human appearance, the Three Bears got involved with the rebellion there, largely manipulated by Goldilocks, who was sleeping with Boo, the now-grown Baby Bear. After the revolt failed, the three were sentenced to one hundred years of hard labor. Some time later, when it became apparent that Fabletown would soon fall under attack, the three volunteered to join the defense, hoping to demonstrate their new loyalty. They fought bravely, but Papa Bear was badly injured and Boo was slain by enemy fire in the closing stages of the battle. Boo's body was committed to the depths of the Witching Well along with his fallen comrades, watched by his grieving parents. With the popular story requiring three bears, Mama Bear fell pregnant not long after her son's death and a new Baby Bear now completes the family once more. Boo Bear was among the ghosts who accompanied Flycatcher to Haven.

Reynard the Fox

Reynard the Fox is a resident of the farm who stayed loyal during Goldilocks's revolution. He is a trickster, and a rogue, but also very cunning and brave, a characteristic that makes him very similar to Charming and Jack Horner as the three are depicted as a stereotype of lovable rogue. He often puts himself at risk for just causes, when he isn't driving his fellow animals crazy with his tricks. He helped Snow White escape the clutches of The Three Pigs and helped her defeat Shere Khan and free Weyland Smith from his bonds. He flirts with Snow White shamelessly, who is in turn is playfully appalled by the fox's advances. During preparations for Bigby and Snow's home, Reynard tells Prince Charming that he blames him. When he asks why, Reynard explains if Prince Charming had kept his promise for glamour spells, he could have become a human and swept Snow off her feet. Charming, not wanting to be reminded of his broken promises, tells him to leave him alone. In the Homelands, he was the one who led King Noble the Lion's subjects (a large number of anthropomorphic animals) into the Mundy world, enabling them to escape the slavery of the Adversary's army. He did this despite the fact that, as a trickster, he was disliked by most of his neighbors. In a display of power, Ozma bestowed the ability to shapeshift between fox and human forms, and his human form is apparently very attractive. Currently, he is amusing himself by transforming back and forth, and is very excited to be off the farm.

Brock Blueheart ("Stinky")

A badger who may or may not be the same character as Mr. Badger from The Wind in the Willows (who appears in the Fables graphic novel 1001 Nights of Snowfall). Though he is usually referred to as "Stinky" (even in the "Who's Who In Fabletown" section of every volume), he specifically stated on several occasions that it is not his real name (while "Brock Blueheart" was invented in memory of Little Boy Blue; Brock is an old word for European badger). The others agree to use the new name. After Blue's death, Brock starts a religion based on pure delusion. A belief the returning Jack of Fables is Blue is found false and Brock turns on Jack and Rose. She is hidden away from and Jack is ejected from farm territory. During the Rose Red story arc, Brock meets clandestinely with Ozma and Gepetto to discuss the future of the leadership of the Farm in Rose Red's absence. However, when Rose clarifies her leadership, Brock backs her. Due to Brock's belief in Blue, he is able to manifest a more powerful form at times - however, magic based on beliefs and religion is extremely weak and easily destroyed by proper magic, as revealed during a skirmish. He very briefly went by the code-name or hero-name of "Captain Blueheart." During a small portion of the volume "Snow White", his eyes unexplainably stop being blue.

Peter Piper

From the famous tongue twister Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Pepper, the nursery rhyme Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater, and the tale of Peter and the Wolf. Peter was first mentioned in part 2 of The Ballad of Rodney and June, and went on to become one of the titular characters in Peter & Max: A Fables Novel. He is the younger brother to Max, The Pied Piper of Hamelin. When the adversary invaded Peter's Fable Homeland of Hesse, he was forced to make a living as a thief in the homelands version of Hamelin. He and his wife, Bo Peep, eventually managed to escape to Fabletown and the mundane world, where they settled in on the Farm. Peter is a flutist, and the holder to the magic flute Frost, and he is also in Boy Blue's band. In addition to his main appearance in Peter and Max, he also appears in several issues of the Fables comic: In Fables 91 (chapter five of the Witches story arc), Peter and his wife can be seen among the Fables standing in the background when the dryads are enjoying the falling snow. He can be seen playing his flute alongside another member of the band while the Fables are partying in Fables #100. He appears with his wife and his band in the Fables Christmas story "All in a Single Night".

Peter and his wife have their first speaking parts (in the comics) in Fables 127 (chapter three of the Snow White story arc), where they partake in the plans to rescue Snow White from Prince Brandish. They also appear as supporting characters in the Fairest story Aldered States, where Peter and his wife have become friends with Princess Alder the dryad. When Reynard the Fox - in human form - asks the dryad out, Peter gives the fox advice on the customs of dating and courtship.

In the Camelot story arc, Peter is one of the candidates for a seat at Rose Red's new Round Table, but Peter says no, because he's already had more than his share of adventures.

In the Fairest graphic novel Fairest In All the Land, Peter is almost killed by Goldilocks. The latter is out to murder the beautiful women of Fabletown, and goes after Peter's wife in their home. Fortunately, Bo catches her by surprise, and Goldilocks flees the scene of the crime.

Peter is a supporting character in The Boys in the Band story arc.

Bo Peep

From the nursery rhyme Little Bo Peep, and wife to Peter Piper. She is also the wife from the nursery rhyme Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater. She was crippled by a magic song from Max Piper's flute, Fire. After the death of Max, Peter used Fire to heal her, and then he turned Fire over to the authorities of Fabletown. In her youth, she was a member of the Assassin's Guild of the Homelands version of Hamlin. She keeps lambs, and Mary’s lamb used to be one of them. Bo is one of the supporting characters of Peter and Max: A Fables Novel, and is mentioned in the Super Team story arc. She and her husband make a brief appearance in Fables 91 (chapter five of the Witches story arc), where they can be seen among the Fables standing in the background when the dryads are enjoying the falling snow. They also appear briefly in the Fables story "All in a Single Night", celebrating Christmas with their fellow Fables. They have their first speaking parts (in the comics) in Fables 127 (chapter three of the Snow White story arc), where they partake in the plans to rescue Snow White from Prince Brandish. Bo and Peter both appear as supporting characters in the Fairest story Aldered States, where they have become friends with Princess Alder the dryad. Bo advises the dryad on the customs and mores of modern courtship.

In the Camelot story arc, Bo and her husband are among the candidates for Rose Red's new Round Table. Even though Peter says no, Bo decides to attempt to win a seat, and is ultimately chosen as one of Rose Red's Knights, who will take their place at the New Camelot.

In the Fairest graphic novel Fairest In All the Land, Bo is one of many Fables killed by Goldilocks, although Cinderella is able bring her back to life. Bo's husband, Peter, is also one of the intended victims, but Goldilocks is interrupted by Bo before she can go through with her plans. Because Goldilocks took Cinderella's form, Bo attacks the real Cinderella when the latter shows up at their house a moment later. She almost kills her in a knife fight, but fortunately, Cinderella survives the deadly wounds, and is able to explain.

Other Farm characters


  1. 1 2 Irvine, Alex (2008). "Fables". In Dougall, Alastair. The Vertigo Encyclopedia. New York: Dorling Kindersley. pp. 72–81. ISBN 0-7566-4122-5. OCLC 213309015
  2. Fables 81: The Dark Ages, Chapter Five
  3. Fables 112: "All in a Single Night"
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Nevins, Jess, Willingham, Bill, Buckingham, Mark (2013). Fables Encyclopedia. New York. DC Comics. ISBN 978-1-4012-4395-1
  5. "Questions, questions, questions". Fabletown: The Bill Willingham Forum. June 5, 2005.
  6. "Project Gutenberg's Nights With Uncle Remus, by Joel Chandler Harris". Project Gutenberg. August 25, 2008.
  7. Fables 84: The Great Fables Crossover, part 4 of 9
  8. Fables 48: Wolves, Part 1 of 2
  9. "Winnie The Pooh and All, All, All Alan Alexander Milne". The Linguist.
  10. "The New Fables Questions for Willingham thread". Fabletown: The Bill Willingham Forum. Apr 8, 2007.
  11. "Cock Robin Got Up Early". Mama Lisa's World.
  12. "Little Jenny Wren Fell Sick". Mama Lisa's World.
  13. "The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Magic Fishbone, by Charles Dickens, Illustrated by S. Beatrice Pearse". Project Gutenberg. November 5, 2007.
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