List of DC Comics characters: W
- Wacky, Mitch
- Wacklaw Josek (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wade (Warner Bros.)
- Wade Bartox
- Wade Eiling (aka General Wade Eiling and the General)
- Wade Walker (WildStorm)
- Waites, Ruth (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wakati, Doctor (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wakely, Professor
- Wakko Warner (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Walchanski, Milton
- Waldo Simpson (aka Waldo the Clown)
- Wales, Hunk
- Walker Calhoun (aka Sundown) (Hasbro)
- Walker, Battling Billy
- Walker, Clarice (aka Clarice)
- Walker, Coltrane "Trane" (aka Xero)
- Walker, Debbie (aka Antimony) (Amalgam Comics)
- Walker, Grant (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Walker, Jed
- Walker, Joshua (aka All-American Boy)
- Walker, June (aka June Robbins)
- Walker, Melanie (aka Ten (III) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Walker, Miranda
- Walker, Neil (Vertigo)
- Walker, Rose
- Walker, Stan
- Wallace
- Wallace (Tribune Media Services)
- Wallace Dodd
- Wallace, Bill (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wallace, Doctor
- Wallace, Don (an alias of Charlie Collins) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wallace, J. Vander
- Wallace, Jackie (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wallace, Trent (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Waller, Amanda (aka Queen (I), White Queen (II), Black King (II) and Mockingbird (IV))
- Wallman (Vertigo)
- Wally Slavin
- Wally West (aka Wallace West, Kid Flash (I), Flash (III) and Kid Lantern)
- Wally West (aka Kid Demon and Night Spectre) (Amalgam Comics)
- Walsh, Hiram
- Walt
- Walt Karns
- Walter Brattain
- Walter Crain
- Walter Cronkite
- Walter Grimes
- Walter Haley (aka Prof Haley)
- Walter Johnson, Junior (aka Flipper Dipper and Flip)
- Walter Johnson, Senior
- Walter Shreeve (aka Shriek) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Walter Sutcliffe
- Walter West (aka Dark Flash)
- Walter, Carla (an alias of Ayla Ranzz)
- Walters, Brock
- Walters, Carl (aka Gravedigger) (Tangent Comics)
- Wam-Wam
- Wanda
- Wanda (aka Alvin Mann)
- Wanda (It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman)
- Wanda Durst (aka Gorgeous) (WildStorm)
- Wanda Wayland (aka Ten of Spades)
- Wanda Zatara, the White Witch (Amalgam Comics)
- Wandjina
- Wang, Yen (aka Jess (Jeff) Bright and Koschei the Deathless)
- Wanpar
- Warbird (aka Redwing and Carrie Levine)
- Warbow, Nathan
- Warbox
- Warden
- Warden
- Warden Bailey
- Warden Barnes
- Warden Daniel
- Warden Fantin
- Warden Marwell
- Warden Miles
- Warden Phelps
- Warden Willis
- Ware, Jane
- Warhammer
- Warhawk (aka Rex Stewart) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Warjack
- Warlock of YS
- Warlock, Johnny
- Warlock's Daughter (aka Darla Aquista and Laura Fell)
- Warlord
- Warmaker One (aka Scott Sawyer)
- Warner, Dot (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Warner, Liza (see Lady Cop)
- Warner, Sakko
- Warner, Yakko (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Warp (aka Emil LaSalle)
- Warren (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Warren Garfield (Warner Bros. Television)
- Warren Griffith
- Warren Lawford (aka Fox)
- Warren McGinnis (Warner Bros. Animation DCAU))
- Warren Powers (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Warren the Ventriloquist
- Warren, Janice
- Warrior (aka Guy Gardner)
- Washington, Gary
- Washington, George
- Wasserman, Leah (aka Ifrit and Mindboggler)
- Wasserman, Stefan (Vertigo)
- Wastely, Seymour
- Watchdog
- Water King
- Water Sprite (aka Kenneth Darby)
- Waterbearer
- Waters, Soapy
- Watkins (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Watkins, John
- Watkins, Missus
- Watson, John (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Watson, K.P.
- Watson, Mary Jane (aka Insect Queen) (Amalgam Comics)
- Watson, Police Commissioner
- Watson, Terry
- Watt, Frank (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Waverider
- Waverly Sayre
- Waxey Kruger
- Waxman
- Waxman, Mort
- Wayland Bannan
- Wayne Grant
- Wayne Irig (Warner Bros. Television)
- Wayne, Alan
- Wayne, Bill
- Wayne, Bruce (aka Batman)
- Wayne, Bruce (aka Superman and Kal-El)
- Wayne, Bruce (Earth-5)
- Wayne, Bruce (aka Batman and Bruce Wayne) (DC Elseworlds)
- Wayne, Bruce, Junior (aka Robin II)
- Wayne, Bruce, Junior (aka Batman, Junior)
- Wayne, Bruce "B.J.", Junior (aka Batman III) (DC Elseworlds)
- Wayne, Bruce (Amalgam Comics)
- Wayne, Clark (aka Knightwing) (DC Elseworlds')
- Wayne, Damian
- Wayne, Helena (aka Huntress)
- Wayne, Lara (aka Supergirl Blue) (DC Elseworlds)
- Wayne, Logan (aka Dark Claw) (Amalgam Comics)
- Wayne, Lois (DC Elseworlds)
- Wayne, Martha
- Wayne, Martha (Earth-5)
- Wayne, Phillip
- Wayne, Solomon
- Wayne, Susan (aka Susan Maguire) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wayne, Thomas
- Wayne, Thomas (Earth-5)
- Wayne, Thomas Taylor (DC Elseworlds)
- Wazzo, Gmya
- Wazzo, Tinya (aka Phantom Girl)
- Weaponer
- Weapon-master
- Weapons Master (aka Xotar)
- Weasel
- Weasel (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Weather Weasel
- Weather Witch
- Weather Wizard
- Web (MLJ Comics)
- Webb, Connie
- Webb, Missus
- Weber, Chuck (Lippert Pictures, Inc.)
- Weeks, Edward T.
- Weeks, Harvey
- Weeks, Harvey, Junior
- Weeks, Mister
- Weeper (I) & (II)
- Weeping Gorilla (America's Best Comics)
- Weezak
- Wei, Hu (aka Yet)
- Weight Wizard
- Weird
- Weisinger, Mort
- Welder
- Wellbach, Miss (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wellington, J. Hubert
- Wellins, Bart
- Wells, Devon
- Wells, Kristin (aka Superwoman)
- Wells, Kristin (aka Karsta Wor-Ul)
- Wells, Maureen
- Well-Spoken Sonic Lightning Flash (aka Keigo)
- Wellwood, Stan
- Wendell (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Weston, Thomas
- Windfall (aka Wendy Jones)
- Wendy Foster (Quality Comics)
- Wendy Harris
- Weng Chen (aka Chop-Chop)
- Wentim, Dag (aka Stone Boy)
- Were-Demon
- Werner Springer
- Wes Cutter (Vertigo)
- Wesker, Arnold (aka Ventriloquist)
- Wesley Dodds (aka Sandman)
- Wesley Thomas
- West, Agent (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- West, Barry (DC Elseworlds)
- West, Iris (I) (aka Iris West Allen)
- West, Iris (II) (aka Kid Flash (DC Elseworlds) and Impulse (I))
- West, Jai
- West, Jay (aka Flash (DC Elseworlds))
- West, Mary
- West, Robert Rudolph (aka Rudy West and Bob West)
- Westfield, Paul
- Westing, Jennifer (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Weston, Christina (Vertigo)
- Weston, Jack (aka Minute-Man) (Fawcett Comics)
- Wether, John (aka Pulse 8 and Master (II))
- Wetjen, Helger
- Whale
- Whaler, Liz
- Wharton, Glenn
- Wheeler, Dan
- Wheeler, David (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wheeler, Dealer
- Wheeler, Hack
- Wheels Talbot
- Wheelwright, Doctor
- Whin, Tarkus
- Whip (aka El Castigo and Fernando Suarez)
- Whip (aka Rodrigo "Rodney" Gaynor)
- Whip (aka Shelly Gaynor)
- Whip
- Whip (aka Johnny Lash) (Quality Comics)
- Whip Whirlwind
- Whirlicane
- Whisper A'Daire
- Whistler
- Whistler Will (aka Will Saunders)
- Whit
- White (DC Elseworlds)
- White Cat
- White Dwarf
- White Feather
- White Knight (aka Stuart Campbell) (Warner Bros. Television)
- White Lightning
- White Lotus (aka Nona Lin-Baker)
- White Magician
- White Martian
- White Queen (aka Oksana Verchenko, Valentina Vostok and Amanda Waller)
- White Rabbit
- White Rajah
- White Toshi (see Sensei)
- White Willow
- White Wind (Fawcett Comics)
- White Witch (aka Mysa Nal, Xola Aq, Hag, Jewel and Black Witch)
- White, Alice (aka Alice Spencer)
- White, Cornelia (Milestone Media)
- White, Edmund (Milestone Media)
- White, Jerry
- White, Keith (aka Keith Parks)
- White, Marvin (Hanna-Barbera)
- White, Mister (WildStorm)
- White, Packy
- White, Penny
- White, Perry (The Adventures of Superman (radio))
- White, Perry, Junior (DC Elseworlds)
- Whitey Kendall
- Whitey Murphy (Republic Pictures)
- Whitfleet, George
- Whitlock, Mister
- Whitmore, Don
- Whitney Ellsworth
- Whitney, G.I.
- Whitney, G.I. (Manhunter android)
- Whitney, Missus
- Whiz (DC Elseworlds)
- Whizzy
- Whomer Boz
- Whoon
- Wi Kan Muur (aka Neutrax)
- Wieder, Lance (aka Hardbody) (WildStorm)
- Wietzschmertz, Mister
- Wilbur, Daryl
- Wilcox, Colonel (Hanna-Barbera)
- Wild Bill Hickok
- Wild Card (aka Amos Fortune)
- Wild Dog
- Wild Eddie Meeks
- Wild Huntsman (aka Albrecht von Manheim)
- Wild Man
- Wildcard (aka Royal Flush Gang)
- Wildcat I-V (see also Yolanda Montez)
- Wilde, Jay
- Wilde, Redmond (aka Mercury)
- Wildebeest
- Wilder, Beth (aka Fusion)
- Wilder, Ed (aka Fusion)
- Wildfire (aka Dean Burroughs)
- Wildman
- Wiley Dalbert
- Wiley, Bob
- Wilfred Pennyworth
- Wilkes, Officer (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wilkins, J.
- Wilkins, Missus
- Wilkins, Mister
- Wilkinson
- Will Magnus (aka Veridium)
- Will Magnus (Amalgam Comics)
- Will Payton (aka Starman)
- Will Slaughter (Vertigo)
- Willard Ferris (aka Carl Ferris)
- Willard Neptune (WildStorm)
- William (It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman)
- William Asmodeus (aka Wizard)
- William Batson (Fawcett Comics)
- William Borg (Warner Bros.)
- William Butler Yeats (Vertigo)
- William Earle (Warner Bros.)
- William Fly (Quality Comics)
- William Henderson (aka Inspector Henderson and Bill Henderson) (The Adventures of Superman (radio))
- William McElroy (aka King Tut) (20th Century-Fox Television)
- William Roque (Vertigo)
- William Shakespeare (Vertigo)
- William Shockley
- William Storm (aka Captain Storm)
- William Tyler
- Williams, Jakeem Johnny
- Williams, Joan (aka Joan Garrick)
- Williams, Major
- Williams, Maxwell (aka Maximum)
- Williams, Montel (Vertigo)
- Williams, Nick
- Williams, Pack Rat (aka Byron Williams)
- Willie
- Willie (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Willie the Dip Morgan
- Willie Walker (aka Black Racer)
- Willie Watt (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Willis Darrow (aka Doctor Dorrow)
- Willis, Dexter
- Willow
- Willpower (aka William Twotrees and Wlll Power)
- Willy Mason
- Wilma Smith
- Wilson
- Wilson Forbes
- Wilson Klass
- Wilson Yee (WildStorm)
- Wilson, Adeline (aka H.I.V.E. Mistress (II) and Adeline Kane)
- Wilson, Alma (aka Alma Barnes)
- Wilson, Barbara (aka Batgirl) (Warner Bros.)
- Wilson, Carter (aka Terminal) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wilson, Chuck (Quality Comics)
- Wilson, Dick (aka Richard "Dick" Malverne)
- Wilson, Grant (aka Ravager)
- Wilson, Jim
- Wilson, Joseph (aka Jericho)
- Wilson, Margaret
- Wilson, Margaret (Warner Bros.)
- Wilson, Missus (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wilson, Rose
- Wilson, Slade (aka Deathstroke and Terminator)
- Wilton Fredericks
- Wimple, Oswald
- Winchell, Mister (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wind In Your Face, Jeannie
- Windfall (aka Wendy Jones)
- Windrow, Buzz
- Windshear (aka Deanna Barr)
- Windsprint (aka Shaqira Johnson) (WildStorm)
- Wing
- Wing (aka Wing How)
- Wing Brady
- Wing, John (Milestone Media)
- Wing, Mister
- Winged Victory (aka Kristen) (WildStorm)
- Wingfoot
- Wingman
- Wings Wendell (Quality Comics)
- Winky Moylan
- Winslow Harrison (Columbia Pictures)
- Winslow P. Schott (aka Toyman)
- Winslow, Nate
- Winston Churchill
- Winston Churchill O'Donnel
- Winston, Clarice
- Winston, Miss (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Winter
- Winter (WildStorm)
- Winter, Donna
- Wintergreen
- Winters, Delores (aka Dolores Winters)
- Winthrop, June (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wipeout (20th Century-Fox Television)
- Wise Owl
- Wise Son (aka Hannibal White) (Milestone Media)
- Wise, Marcus
- Wissen
- Witch (aka Mister Wright)
- Witch (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Witch Queen of Ancient Sumeria
- Witchboy
- Witchfire
- Witchie
- Witty Willy
- Wizard
- Wizard
- Wizard (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wizard (aka Carter) (Columbia Pictures)
- Wizard of the Cosmos (aka Yarrok of Zultan)
- Wizardo the Great (aka Howard Crane)
- Wladon, Bito (aka Sonar)
- Wolf
- Wolf (aka Cole Burns) (Vertigo)
- Wolfe, Gregory
- Wolfen
- Wolfingham, J. Wilbur
- Wolf-Man Olsen (aka Jimmy Olsen)
- Wolfpack (aka Warren Griffith)
- Wolfson, Lieutenant
- Wolfspider (aka Bill Bailey) (America's Best Comics)
- Wolfwood
- Wonder Boy
- Wonder Girl (aka Donna Troy)
- Wonder Girl (aka Cassandra Sandsmark)
- Wonder Girl (aka Stephanie "Stevie" Trevor and Wonder Woman II) (DC Elseworlds)
- Wonder Girl (aka Dial H.U.S.K., Paige Guthrie, Polaris, Mary Marvel Girl and Artemisty Knight) (Amalgam Comics)
- Wonder Wabbit
- Wonder Warrior
- Wonder Woman (aka Diana Prince, Wonder Girl, Wonder Tot, Princess Diana and Diana of Themyscira)
- Wonder Woman (aka Artemis of Bana-Mighdall)
- Wonder Woman (aka Hippolyta)
- Wonder Woman (Earth-2)
- Wonder Woman (853rd century)
- Wonder Woman (aka Ororo Munroe and Princess Ororo of Themyscira) (Amalgam Comics)
- Wonderdog (Hanna-Barbera)
- Wondezarro (aka Bizarra)
- Wong, Paul
- Wood, Brent
- Wood, Eric
- Woodhouse, Evelyn
- Woodley Allen
- Woodley Allen's secretary
- Woodman, Mister (aka Michael Woodman) (Warner Bros. Television)
- Woodman,Sasha (Warner Bros. Television)
- Woodrow Prescott
- Woodrue, Jason (aka Plant Master, Floronic Man and Floro)
- Woodrue, Thomas
- Woody Allen
- Woof (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Woozy Winks (Quality Comics)
- Word
- Worldsmith
- Wormwood, Josiah (aka Interrigator) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Worry Wart
- Worth, Port Commander
- Worth, Mayor
- Worthington, Doctor
- Wor-Ul, Karsta (aka Kristin Wells (II))
- Wot, Barreer
- Wotan
- Wotsis
- Wraithor
- Wrath
- Wrecker (aka Howard Parker)
- Wreeth
- Wren Kole
- Wren Kole's Daughter
- Wren, Cary (aka Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814)
- Wrestling Star (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Wrex (aka Wrexzila) (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Wright, Ezra
- Wright, Thomas (Quality Comics)
- Wright, Tom (aka Black Condor) (Quality Comics)
- Wringer
- Writer
- Wrynn (aka Mordru)
- Wu Fang
- Wu Ti
- Wu, Doctor (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Wuertz, Michael (Warner Bros.)
- Wunda
- Wuz-Wolf
- Wylde (aka Charlie Wylde)
- Wyldeheart
- Wylie Times (aka Point Man) (Vertigo)
- Wylxa (aka Green Lantern of Space Sector 6)
- Wyman, Superintendent
- Wyoming Kid
- Wyrdbeast
- Wyynde
- Wyznowski, Jack
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