List of DC Comics characters: R
- R.J. Brande (Rene Jacques Brande, Ren Daggle and the Durlan)
- R.J. Brande (Warner Bros. Animation)
- R.J. Desmond
- R. Lowell Stern
- R'amey Holl (aka Green Lantern of Space Sector 700)
- R'ell
- R'es Eda
- R'Xalim, Leushk
- Ra
- Rabbi Sinnowitz (Milestone Media)
- Racer
- Rachel
- Rachel (Vertigo)
- Rachel Ang (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rachel Daniels (WildStorm)
- Rachel Dawes (Warner Bros.)
- Rachel Ginty
- Rader, Tom
- Radiant, the Spirit of Mercy
- Radiation Roy (aka Roy Travich)
- Radio Ghost
- Radioactive Manta Ray Monster
- Radion
- Radion
- Radion
- Radium
- Radu Stancu
- Rad-Zee
- Rae Hall
- Rafael di Rienzi
- Rafael Sierra
- Rafe
- Raffir
- Rag Doll
- Ragman
- Ragnar
- Ragnorok
- Ra-Ho
- Railgun
- Rainbow Archer
- Rainbow Girl
- Rainbow Man
- Rainbow Raider
- Raines, Philip
- Rainmaker (aka Sarah Rainmaker) (WildStorm)
- Rajak Astar (aka Darkraven)
- Rak Arranya (aka Green Lantern (space sector unknown))
- Raker Qarrigat
- Ral Benem (aka Chlorophyll Kid)
- Ralph
- Ralph
- Ralph
- Ralph Cowan
- Ralph Dibney (aka Elongated Man)
- Ralph Edwards
- Ralph Farnum (aka the Ruthless)
- Ralph Jarrett
- Ralston Thomas
- Ram (aka Takeo Yakata)
- Rama
- Rama Khan
- Rama Kushna
- Ramban
- Rambeau
- Ramia (aka Princess Ramia)
- Ramirez, Anna (Warner Bros.)
- Ramirez, Hector (aka Wildcat)
- Ramjam (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Ramon
- Ramon Corvalho
- Ramona
- Ramone
- Ramos, Armando (20th Century-Fox Television)
- Ramos, Enrique
- Rampage (aka Kitty Faulkner)
- Rampart (aka Jaffar Ibn Haroun Al Raschid)
- Ramrod (aka Raymond) (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Ramsey Murdoch (aka Savior)
- Ramsey, David
- Ramulus (aka Nightshade) (Earth-2)
- Rance Rideout
- Rancid, Johnny (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Ranck, Karl
- Rand Sterling
- Randa Duane (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Randa Duane android (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Randall Stagg
- Randall, Coach
- Randall, Judson
- Randell, Jackson (aka Destroyer)
- Randor
- Randor, King (aka King Miro) (Mattel)
- Randu Singh
- Randy Klein (Warner Bros. Television)
- Ranger (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Ran-Kor (aka Plant Girl)
- Ransak (I) (DC Elseworlds)
- Ransak (II) (aka Amanda Mason) (DC Elseworlds)
- Ranx the Sentient City
- Ranzz, Ayla (aka Light Lass, Lightning Lass and Spark)
- Ranzz, Garth (aka Lightning Lad, Lightning Boy, Lightning Man and Livewire)
- Ranzz, Imra Ardeen (aka Saturn Girl and Imra Ardeen)
- Ranzz, Mekt (aka Lightning Lord)
- Raoul
- Raoul D'Armand
- Rapier
- Raptor
- Rapture
- Ra's al Ghul (aka the Demon's Head)
- Ra's al Ghul (Earth-22)
- Ra's al Ghul (Earth-3898) (DC Elseworlds)
- R'as al Ghul (aka Henri Ducard) (Warner Bros.)
- R'as al Ghul decoy (Warner Bros.)
- Ra's al Ghul (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Ra's Al-Pocalypse (Earth-9602) (Amalgam Comics)
- Rasa Nekroy (aka Green Lantern of Space Sector 3600)
- Rash Al Paca
- Rashid
- Rashid, President
- Rasper, Jasper
- Raspor
- Rasputin, Alexi (Amalgam Comics)
- Rasputin, Piotyr (aka Ferro Man) (Amalgam Comics)
- Rat (aka Benny Ritzo)
- Rat King
- Rat Tornado
- Ratboy (aka Patrick Poundstone) (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Ratcatcher
- Ratchet (aka Red Lantern (space sector unknown))
- Rath
- Rathaway, Hartley (aka Pied Piper)
- Rathbone, Garl
- Ratira
- Ratso (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Raul
- Raul Rojas (20th Century-Fox Television)
- Raulis, President
- Rava
- Ravager (aka Mark Ronsom)
- Ravager
- Ravager (aka Rose Wilson)
- Ravan
- Raven (aka Dave Corby)
- Raven
- Raven (aka Tros Samoth and Shadowlord)
- Raven (Tangent Comics)
- Raven (WildStorm)
- Raven (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Raven, Timothy
- Ravenne
- Rawlings, Sergeant
- Rax-Rol
- Ray (aka Lanford "Happy" Terrill) (Quality Comics)
- Ray (aka Ray Terrill and Night Boy)
- Ray Bailey (aka Undertow) (WildStorm)
- Ray Carson
- Ray Fenton
- Ray Palmer (aka Atom (II))
- Ray Palmer (Amalgam Comics)
- Ray Summers (aka Apollo) (Amalgam Comics)
- Ray, Victor (aka Rain) (Vertigo)
- Raya
- Rayak the Ravager
- Rayburn, Samuel
- Raymond Bell (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Raymond Maxwell Jensen (aka Parasite)
- Raymond Squires (DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics')
- Raymond, Edward
- Raymond, Professor
- Rayner, Kyle (aka Green Lantern and Ion)
- Rayner-West, Ali (aka Green Lightning)
- Razorburn
- Razorsharp
- Rdeena
- Re, Thulka
- Rea, Graziella
- Reactron (I-II)
- Reactron (III)
- Reagan, Nancy
- Reaper
- Reb Horton
- Rebecca Fallbrook (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rebecca Harrison
- Rebecca Mulcahey
- Rebel
- Rebis (aka Negative Spirit, Larry Trainor and Eleanor Poole)
- Red
- Red
- Red
- Red (DC Elseworlds)
- Red (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Red Bee
- Red Blue Blur (aka Clark Kent) (Warner Bros. Television)
- Red Bromine (aka Chuck Bromine; an alias of Metamorpho)
- Red Claw (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Red Dart (aka John "Midas" Mallory)
- Red Death
- Red Devil
- Red Dragon
- Red Fox (aka Crimson Fox)
- Red Hawk (aka Don Hawks)
- Red Hood (aka Joker)
- Red Hood (aka Jason Todd)
- Red Hood (aka Lian Harper) (Earth-22) (DC Elseworlds)
- Red Inferno
- Red Khan
- Red King
- Red Logan
- Red Mask
- Red O'Riley (aka Rory O'Riley (or O'Reilly)) (Fawcett Comics)
- Red Panzer (aka Helmut Steicher)
- Red Panzer (II)
- Red Panzer (III)
- Red Panzer (aka Justin)
- Red Raven
- Red Robin (I-IV) (DC Elseworlds (I))
- Red Rogers
- Red Ryan (aka Matthew Ryan)
- Red Shift
- Red Star
- Red Storm (aka Johnny Storm) (Amalgam Comics)
- Red Talon
- Red Tornado (I) (aka Abigail "Ma" Hunkel)
- Red Tornado (II) (aka John Smith)
- Red Tornado (III) (aka Cyclone) (DC Elseworlds)
- Red Torpedo
- Red Tucker
- Red Volcano
- Red X (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Redburn, Danny (WildStorm)
- Redfue (Quality Comics)
- Redemption (Jarod Dale)
- Redhorn, Delmore
- Redmond Wilde (aka Mercury (II))
- Redwing (aka Warbird and Carrie Levine)
- Reed, Gramps
- Reed, Gregory
- Reed, John
- Reed, Ken
- Reed, Mike
- Reemuz
- Reep Daggle (aka Chameleon Boy)
- Reese
- Reese Taylor (aka Yuurd the Unknown)
- Reese, Coleman (Warner Bros.)
- Reese, Jesse (Warner Bros. Television)
- Rees-Van
- Reeves, Arthur
- Reever of Xanshi (aka Green Lantern of Space Sector 3014)
- Reflecto
- Reflecto (Filmation)
- Reflex (aka Walter Thorsson)
- Regan, Bart
- Regan, Detective
- Reggie
- Reggie
- Regina Paige
- Reginald Hood
- Register, Samuel (aka Zookeeper)
- Rego (Vertigo)
- Regulator (aka Barnabas Boulton)
- Regulus, Zaxton (aka Doctor Regulus)
- Reid, Doctor
- Reilly, Detective Captain
- Reilly, Lorraine (aka Firehawk)
- Relazzo, Jolene
- Relnic, Anton
- Relok Hag
- Rembrandt Regan
- Rembrandt, Kayo
- Remi Rome (aka Saint) (Vertigo)
- Remiel (Vertigo)
- Remington, Cal
- Remnant
- Remnant Nod
- Rena
- Renaldi, Odds
- Renaldo
- Reneé
- Renee Frederique
- Renee Montoya
- Rene Rockwell
- Reno
- Reno Rosetti
- Renoire, Pierre
- Repeller (aka Doctor Suzuki) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Replicant
- Replikon
- Repp, Henderson
- Repulse
- Requiem (aka Artemis of Bana-Mighdall)
- Reston, Derek (aka Ace of Spades)
- Resurrection Man
- Reuben Rice
- Revenant
- Reverb (aka Hardline and Armando Ramone)
- Revere, Paul (WildStorm)
- Reverse-Flash (I-IV)
- Rex
- Rex
- Rex Cosmos
- Rex Darrell (aka Flying Fox)
- Rex Leech
- Rex Leech (Amalgam Comics)
- Rex Mason (aka Metamorpho)
- Rex Pointer (aka Bowser) (Hasbro)
- Rex Stewart (aka Warhawk) (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rex the Wonder Dog
- Rex Tyler (aka Hourman)
- Rexford, Amos
- Rey Quinones (aka Lobo; Tangent Comics)
- Rey, Cosmo
- Reynard (aka Scarecrow)
- Reynard, Jacques
- Reynolds
- Reynolds, Carl
- Reynolds, Lieutenant
- Reynolds, Lisa
- Reynolds, Private
- Rhavenj
- Rhea
- Rhea Jones (aka Lodestone)
- Rheinhold Hauptmann
- Rhiannon (aka Misty Kilgore)
- Rhinehart (aka Great Rhinehart)
- Rhino (aka Frederick Daly and Charles Daly)
- Rhoda Rooter (Hanna-Barbera)
- Rhodes, Myrna (Myrra) (aka Medusa)
- Rhomann Sur (Amalgam Comics)
- Rhondous
- Rhone, Sigmar (Vertigo)
- Rh'Thulla of the Wind
- Ricci
- Rice O'Rooney
- Rich, Jordan
- Rice, Todd James (see Obsidian)
- Rich Jaggard (Hostess)
- Rich, Priscilla (aka Cheetah)
- Richard (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Richard Amacost (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Richard Byrne
- Richard Dare (aka Captain X)
- Richard Dragon
- Richard Drew
- Richard Grey, Junior (aka Black Condor) (Quality Comics)
- Richard Harding Davis (Quality Comics)
- Richard Madoc (Vertigo)
- Richard Malverne (aka Dick Malverne and Dick Wilson)
- Richard Mission
- Richard M. Nixon
- Richard Occult (aka Doctor Occult)
- Richard Rigel (aka Star-Tsar)
- Richard Swift (aka Shade)
- Richard Tedge (aka Tubbie Tedge) (Warner Bros.)
- Richards
- Richards, Lieutenant
- Richards, Lyle
- Richards, Prof (aka Reed Richards) (Amalgam Comics)
- Richards, Todd (an alias of Tim Drake)
- Richmond, Lucius (aka Cobalt) (Amalgam Comics)
- Rick Carter (aka Mysto)
- Rick (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rick Flagg
- Rick Gale (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rick Lawrence
- Rick Purvis
- Rick Rawlins
- Rickard, Prez
- Rickles, Don
- Ricky (Warner Bros.)
- Ricky Candell
- Ricky Nelson
- Riddler (aka Edward Nigma)
- Rider
- Ridge Ferrick
- Ridings, Joanne
- Rift (Milestone Media)
- Rigger, Joe (aka Firebug)
- Rigger, Missus
- Rigger, Mister
- Rigoro Mortis
- Rikane, Jed (aka Powerboy)
- Riki Kimura (aka Junior Waveman and Senior Waveman Kimura)
- Riley, Dan (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rima
- Rimshot, Smiling Shecky (an alias of the Joker) (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rinaldi, Alex (WildStorm)
- Rinaldi, Mickey (WildStorm)
- Rindaz, Garr
- Ringmaster (aka Beau Baer)
- Riot
- Rip Carter
- Rip Hunter
- Rip Roar
- Rip Van Ranger (aka Rip Van Bibber)
- Riptide (20th Century-Fox Television)
- Rising Sun (aka Izumi Yasunari)
- Risk (alias Cody Driscoll)
- Rita Farr (aka Elasti-Girl)
- Rita Lopez (aka Monstergirl)
- Rita Morgansen
- Ritter, Harry (Embassy Pictures)
- Rival (see Reverse-Flash)
- Rivers, Morty
- Rivers, Stan
- Rizzo
- Rizzo
- Ro Rowen (aka Rosalie Rowen) (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Roadmaster (aka Barry LeSabre)
- Rob (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rob Fletcher
- Rob Geller
- Robb, Dan
- Robber Baron (Hanna-Barbera)
- Robbins
- Robbins, June (aka June Walker)
- Robbins, Mister
- Robbins, Trina
- Robby
- Robby Reed (aka Robby the Super-Robot)
- Robert (aka Bobby)
- Robert
- Robert Barton (aka Mister Socrates and Horatio Socrates)
- Robert F. Kennedy
- Robert Kills (WildStorm)
- Robert Long (aka Darkstar)
- Robert Robo
- Robert Vance (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Robert Rudolph West (aka Rudy West and Bob West)
- Robert Sanderson (Vertigo)
- Robert, Linda
- Roberta (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Roberta Bernstein
- Roberta "Rob" Chaplik (Milestone Media)
- Roberta Troupe
- Roberts, Dane (an alias of Chameleon Boy)
- Roberts, Martha (aka Doll Girl)
- Roberts, Nola
- Robespierre, Maximilien (Vertigo)
- Robin (aka Dick Grayson, Nightwing and Batman)
- Robin (aka Jason Todd)
- Robin (aka Tim Drake)
- Robin (aka Stephanie Brown and Spoiler)
- Robin (aka Damian Wayne)
- Robin (aka Bruce Wayne and Batman)
- Robin
- Robin (aka Carrie Kelly and Catgirl) (DC Elseworlds)
- Robin (aka Richart Graustark and Dick Grayson) (DC Elseworlds)
- Robin (aka Batgirl) and Barbara Gordon) (DC Elseworlds)
- Robin II
- Robin, the Toy Wonder)
- Robin Goodfellow (aka Puck and Mister Robbins)
- Robin Hood
- Robinson, Holly
- Robot
- Robotgirl (aka Adele Baird)
- Robotman (aka Robert Crane and Paul Dennis)
- Robotman (aka Cliff Steele)
- Robotman (aka Cyborg (DC Elseworlds)
- Rocco (Fawcett Comics)
- Rocco (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rocco di Bota (Fawcett Comics)
- Rochev, Isabel (aka The Queen), first appearance Green Arrow (vol. 4) #1[1]
- Rock (I)
- Rock (II)
- Rock Hutsut
- Rock Krusher (Hasbro)
- Rock, James
- Rock, Larry (aka Fighting Devil-Dog)
- Rock, Sergeant (aka Frank Rock)
- Rocket (Milestone Media)
- Rocket Red (aka Dmitri Pushkin)
- Rocks
- Rockwell, Diana (aka Diana Trevor)
- Rockwell, Newton
- Rocky
- Rocky Ballantine (aka Batwoman and Roxanne Ballantine) (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rocky Davis
- Rocky Grimm (aka Benn Grimm) (Amalgam Comics)
- Rod Reilly (aka Firebrand (I))
- Rod Serling (Vertigo)
- Rod Stromer
- Roderick
- Roderick Burgess
- Roderick Doyle
- Rodney
- Rodney Elwood Gaynor (aka The Whip)
- Rodney James
- Rodney Random
- Rodor, Aristotle (aka Tot) (Charlton Comics)
- Rodor, Matvei (aka Zuggernaut)
- Rodriguez
- Rodriguez, Anthony (aka Big Words (I))
- Rodriguez, Anthony (aka Big Words (II))
- Rodru
- Rodunn
- Rog
- Rog
- Roga
- Rogan
- Rogarth
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger Bliss
- Roger Corben (aka Metallo)
- Roger Dayton
- Roger DeCarlo
- Roger Hayden (aka Psycho-Pirate)
- Roger Parsons (see Golden Arrow) (Fawcett Comics)
- Roger Rodney Rabbit (aka Captain Carrot)
- Roger Romaine (aka Spirit King)
- Roger Scott
- Roger Tate (aka Hercules)
- Roger Vicker
- Roger, J.
- Rogers, Brian (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rogers, Harry
- Rogers, Jane
- Rogers, Joan (aka Ginger)
- Rogers, John R.
- Rogers, Mary
- Rogers, Mike
- Rogers, Paul
- Rogers, Tim
- Roggra
- Roh Kar
- Roh'Kar
- Rohtul (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Rokan (Hanna-Barbera)
- Rokk
- Rokk Krinn (aka Cosmic Boy)
- Rol Purtha (aka Dream Boy)
- Roland Cranshaw
- Roland Daggett (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation) (DCAU)
- Roland Dietrich (Vertigo)
- Roland Randall
- Rolando Texador (aka Tech-9) (Milestone Media)
- Rolf Heimlich
- Rolf Von Holtz
- Rollins, Jeb
- Rollo
- Rol-Nac
- Romaj
- Roman Cavallo
- Romat-Ru (aka Sinestro Corpsman of Space Sector 2813)
- Romax
- Rome, Johanna
- Rom-Lok (Hanna-Barbera)
- Rom-Nex (Filmation)
- Romulus, Anthony (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Romy Chandler
- Ron Noble
- Ron Scheer
- Ron Troupe
- Ronal
- Ronald Kramer
- Ronald Morris
- Ronald Probson
- Ronald Raymond (aka Firestorm)
- Ronald Reagan
- Rond Vidar
- Rondo (aka Ronald D. Harris)
- Ron-Karr
- Ronnie
- Ronnie (aka Amazing Ronnie)
- Ronnie Barr
- Ronnie Boxer (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Ronnie Rome (Vertigo)
- Roo
- Roon Dvron
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- Ropus
- Roque, William (Vertigo)
- Rorek (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Rori Dag (aka Green Lantern of Jirenn)
- Rori Stroh
- Rorschach (see also Watchmen DC Elseworlds)
- Rory, Mick (aka Heat Wave)
- Rosa
- Rosabelle Mendez (aka Pantha and X-24)
- Rosalie (It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman)
- Roscoe Dillon (aka Top)
- Roscoe Remington
- Roscoe Rinser
- Rose (Milestone Media)
- Rose Cafe chef (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rose Canton (aka Thorn)
- Rose Forrest (aka Thorn and Rhosyn Forrest)
- Rose Madrid (Vertigo)
- Rose Psychic
- Rose Tattoo (WildStorm)
- Rose Walker
- Rose, Barney
- Rose, Cleveland
- Rose, Dalila (Milestone Media)
- Rosemary Hayes
- Rosenzweig, Garrett (aka Garry Rosenzweig)
- Rosie
- Ross Webster (Warner Bros.)
- Ross, Betsy
- Ross, Jonathan (aka Jon Ross)
- Ross, Pete
- Ross, Pete (pocket universe)
- Ross, Pete (aka Spider-Boy) (Amalgam Comics)
- Ross, Thunderbolt (Amalgam Comics)
- Rossum, Karl (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rossum, Karl, android (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rostov (aka Mikola Rostov)
- Rot Lop Fan
- Rothstein, Abe (Vertigo)
- Rothstein, Albert (aka Nuklon and Atom Smasher)
- Rott
- Rouge (aka Paxton Dern) (Hasbro)
- Rough House
- Roulette
- Rova Barkitt (aka Yankee Poodle)
- Roval, Irik
- Rover
- Roving Ranger
- Rovos
- Rowan, Elizabeth (aka Black Betty) (WildStorm)
- Rowe, Officer
- Rowland, Charles
- Roxanne Spaulding (aka Firefall) (WildStorm)
- Roxmore, Betty
- Roxxas
- Roxy Leech
- Roxy Leech (Amalgam Comics)
- Roxy Rocket (aka Roxanne Sutton) (DCAU)
- Roy Harper (aka Arsenal; see also Speedy and Red Arrow) (DC Elseworlds)
- Roy Raymond
- Roy Reynolds (aka Getaway Genius)
- Royko, Maya (aka Nautika) (WildStorm)
- Rozakis, Bob (aka Answer Man)
- Rrab, Arista
- RRU-9-2
- Rubberduck (aka Byrd Rentals)
- Rubberneck (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Rube (Fawcett Comics)
- Ruben Diaz
- Rubens, Howard (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Ruby
- Ruby (Vertigo)
- Ruby Ryder
- Ruch Ehr
- Ruck
- Rudolph
- Rudy
- Rudy Gaffer
- Rudy Jones (aka Parasite)
- Rudy Lovell (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Rufe, Tiny
- Ruff, Captain
- Rufus Caesar (aka Super-Caesar)
- Rufus Toone
- Ruggles, Ace
- Ruin
- Ruiz, Miss
- Rumaan Harjavti
- Rumpole, Horace (WildStorm)
- Runaway (Amalgam Comics)
- Rundle, Arnold (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Runk, Chester P. (aka Chunk)
- Running Deer
- Running Deer, Angus
- Running Deer, Byron
- Running Deer, Martha
- Runt (aka Guillermo Sandoval) (WildStorm)
- Ruoa
- Rupert Thorne
- Rupert Thorne (DC Elseworlds)
- Rusalka (aka Mashenka Medviedenko)
- Rush (aka Diego Zhao)
- Rush (aka Suzette Ledbetter) (Earth-50) (WildStorm)
- Rush, Milton
- Rushmore, Colonel (aka Ace of Spades)
- Rushmore, Colonel
- Russell, Officer
- Rustam (I) (aka Raza Kattuah)
- Rustam (II)
- Rustichello da Pisa
- Rusty
- Rusty
- Rusty James
- Rusty Ryan (Quality Comics)
- Ruth Clay
- Ruth Cutter (Vertigo)
- Ruth Keating
- Ruth Knight (Vertigo)
- Ruth Monroe
- Ruth Spencer (aka Shellshock)
- Ruth Waites (Earth-12) (Warner Bros. Animation (DCAU))
- Ruth, Babe
- Rutherford B. Small
- Ruthie Riddles
- Ruthven, Baron
- Ruthven (Vertigo)
- Ruthven Sykes (Vertigo)
- Rutland, Elaine
- Rutledge Mann (Condé Nast Publications)
- Ruttman, Leonard (aka Douglas, Robot Hunter)
- Ryan Lowell
- Ryan, Abraham
- Ryan, Abraham (aka HW-17)
- Ryand'r (aka Darkfire)
- Ryder, Jack (aka Creeper)
- Ryder, Jack (aka Nightcreeper and Kurt Ryder) (Amalgam Comics)
- Ryder, Matthew (aka Waverider)
- Rye, Timph
- Rygel
- Rynoc
- ↑ Green Arrow (vol. 4) #1 (August 2010)
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