List of Turkish railways

The following railways operate or operated in Anatolia, Turkey and in former lands of the Ottoman Empire.

Operating Railways

Common Carriers

Railway Mark Start Year End Year Successor Notes
Turkish State Railways TCDD 1927 Only common carrier in Turkey.
İZBAN İZBAN 2010 Commuter railway, owned 50% by TCDD.

Urban Railways


Defunct Railways

Common Carriers

Railway Mark Start Year End Year Successor Notes
Ottoman Railway Company ORC 1856 1935 Turkish State Railways First railway in Anatolia
Smyrne Cassaba et Prolongements SCP 1863 1935 Turkish State Railways
Chemins de fer Orientaux CO 1868 1927 TCDD, CFFH, BDZ and others This major railway operated in the European part of the Ottoman Empire.
Ottoman Government 1872 1873 Chemins de Fer Ottomans d'Anatolie Operated a railway line from Istanbul to Izmit.
Transcaucasus Railway 1872 1927 Turkish State Railways and Soviet Railways Russian railway, operated a rail line into Kars.
Chemins de Fer Ottomans d'Anatolie CFOA 1880 1927 Chemins de fer d'Anatolie Baghdad
Mersin-Tarsus-Adana Railway MTA 1886 1906 Chemins du Fer Impérial Ottomans de Bagdad
Chemin de Fer Moudania Brousse CFMB 1892 1931 Turkish State Railways Not connected to the national system.
Chemins du Fer Impérial Ottomans de Bagdad CFIO 1899 1927 Chemins de fer d'Anatolie Baghdad Baghdad Railway
Chemins de fer de Cilicie Nord Syrie CNS 1918 1927 Chemins de Fer Bozanti Alep Nissibine et Prolongements
Chemins de fer d'Anatolie Baghdad 1924 1927 Turkish State Railways
Samsun-Çarşamba railway 1924 1929 Turkish State Railways 750mm narrow gauge line. Not connected to the national network.
Chemins de Fer Bozanti Alep Nissibine et Prolongements BANP 1927 1933 Turkish State Railways
Cenup Demiryolları CD 1933 1948 Turkish State Railways

Defunct Urban Railways

Name Start Year End Year Successor
Société des Tramways de Constantinople 1871 1939 IETT
Üsküdar Kadıköy Halk Tramwayları 1928 1939 IETT
İzmir Tramways 1890 1960s

External links

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