Linda A. Malcor

Linda A. Malcor Ph.D (born February 3, 1962) is an American scholar of Arthurian legend. She is one of the proponents of the theory that the historical basis for King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table were a 2nd-century Roman officer named Lucius Artorius Castus and Sarmatian auxiliary horsemen, which Artorius supposedly commanded in Britain.[1]

Personal life

She was born Linda Ann Peterson in Pasadena, California. She is the daughter of Victor and Gloria Peterson.

She married Daniel Roy Malcor on 19 December 1987. Together they have three children and are now divorced.

Malcor is president of Queen's Own, the Mercedes Lackey fanclub, where she maintains the persona of Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn.[2] She also maintains the fan club's website.[3]

Malcor is a member of Phi Alpha Theta, the Western States Folklore Society, the American Folklore Society, UCLA Friends and Alumni of Indo-European Studies, and the International Arthurian Society.


Malcor earned her Bachelor of Arts degree with cum laude honors in English (minoring in history and comparative literature) from Occidental College in June 1984. She then went to the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where she earned her Master of Arts degree in Folklore and Mythology (Celtic Studies and Narrative) in 1986 and her doctorate in Folklore and Mythology (Medieval Studies and Indo-European Comparative Mythology) in 1991. Her areas of expertise include: Folklore; Mythology; King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table; American Literature; Ancient History; Ancient Literature; Arthurian Studies; Canon Law; Celtic Studies; Comparative Mythology; English Literature; Fiction and Nonfiction Writing; Folklore; Indo European Studies; Late Antiquity; Medieval Art; Medieval Culture; Medieval History; Medieval Languages; Medieval Literature; Medieval Liturgical and Cycle Dramas; Medieval Spirituality; Narrative; Renaissance History; Roman Religions; and Screenwriting.[4]


Dr. Malcor is a Freelance Researcher, and Writer.[5] She is an international lecturer, and long-time researcher on a variety of film projects, including the 2004 movie, "King Arthur." She has written numerous scripts and articles and contributed to books.[6][7]



◦1991 The Chalice at the Cross: A Study of the Holy Grail Motif in Medieval Europe. Ph.D. dissertation, UCLA (University Microfilms), No. 9126908. ◦Scythia Cover2000 From Scythia to Camelot: A Radical Reassessment of the Legends of King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table and the Holy Grail. New York: Garland. Revised and expanded. Hardcover original 1994. (Read the review of the original by Victor H. Mair in Religion 28/3 [July 1998], pp. 294–300; Victor Mair's review of the paperback is online at The Japanese translation of Scythia is The Origin of the Arthur Legend [The Origin of the Arthur Legend] (Tokyo: Seidosha, 1998). The Hungarian translation is Szkítiától Camelotig: Az Arthur királyról, a Kerekasztal lovagjairól és a Szent Grálról szóló legendák eredetének radikális felülvizsgálata (Debrecen, Hungary: Kinizsi nyomda, 2005).

•Fiction: ◦2015 (In press.) Dragon Heart.

•Short Fiction: ◦1998 "The Seven Year Hitch", Millennium Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine 1/5 (November 1998). Also featured in The Best of Millennium Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine, 1/3 (1998):53-58. ◦1998/1999 "Dragonprophet", Eternity Magazine, Issue 13 (1998); Reprint in Issue 16 (1999). Award: Honorable Mention, Best of the Web 1998.

•Articles in professional journals and other periodicals:

◦1985 "The Alan of Lot: A New Interpretation of the Legends of Lancelot" Folklore and Mythology Studies (University of California, Los Angeles) 9:31-49. ◦1986 "The Alans and the Grail, or The Theft, the Swindle, and the Legend" Folklore and Mythology Studies (University of California, Los Angeles) 10:27-41. ◦1995 "Some Notes on Merlin" (with C. Scott Littleton) Arthuriana 5/3:87- 95. ◦1999 "Lucius Artorius Castus, Part 1: An Officer and an Equestrian" Heroic Age 1. ◦1999 "Celtic Elements in the Works of Mercedes Lackey." Brigit's Feast 3/2:14-15. ◦1999 "Lucius Artorius Castus, Part 2: The Battles in Britain" Heroic Age 2. ◦2000. "Merlin and the Pendragon: King Arthur's Draconarius" Arthuriana 10/1: 1-11. ◦2008. "The Germanic Sword In The Tree: Parallel Development Or Diffusion?" (with C. Scott Littleton) Heroic Age 11.

•Several Encyclopedia articles

•Chapters in Books:

◦2004. "The Campanians of the Round Table: the Artorii, Flora and the Holy Grail" in King Arthur: Tra storia e leggenda: Da Cimitile a Camelot. Edited by Mario de Matteise e Antonio Trinchese, Oberhausen: Athena. ◦1995. "The Alan of Lot: A New Interpretation of the Legends of Lancelot." In Nancy van Deusen, ed., Claremont Cultural Studies: The Medieval West Meets the Rest of the World. Ottawa, Canada: Institute of Mediaeval Music, pp. 130–138. ◦1996. (with C. Scott Littleton) "Legends of Arthur." In The Mystic Dawn: Celtic Europe. Edited by Peter Bently. Time-Life Books: Myth and the Imagination of Mankind. London: Duncan Baird Publishers. ◦1997. "First Bath: A Study of the Medieval Iconography of the First Bath of Christ." In John Greppin and Edgar C. Polomé, eds., Homage to Jaan Puhvel. The Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph Series, pp. 183–201. ◦1997. (with C. Scott Littleton) "Did the Alans Reach Ireland? A Reassessment of the 'Scythia-to-Spain' References in the Lebor Gabála Érenn." (A preliminary version was presented on October 20, 1985, at the Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Society in Cincinnati, OH.) In John Greppin and Edgar C. Polomé, eds., Homage to Jaan Puhvel. The Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph Series, pp. 161–182.

•Numerous feature film and video scripts.

•Many fanfiction stories for Sunfall Weyr, Sorran Weyr, and Capri Weyr in their former incarnations (Most of the characters no longer fit Anne McCaffrey's new fanclub rules, so I doubt the stories are available any longer. Several have been retold for Dragonlords, though, and you can read them if you join Dragonlords.) •Many fanfiction stories for Dragonlords of Dumnonia fanizines. •Mercedes Lackey fan fiction: ◦1998 "Danya Winterborn" in The Collegium Chronicles 8/3 (1998):5-9; The Vales 3 (1998):24-31. ◦1998/1999 "Havenbound" in The Vales 3 (1998):32-40; The Collegium Chronicles 8/4 (1998/1999):2-8. ◦1998/1999 "Bonds" in The Vales 3 (1998):41-47; The Collegium Chronicles 8/4 (1998/1999):9-13. ◦1998/1999 "Midsummer Night's Dance" in The Vales 3 (1998):48-55; The Collegium Chronicles 8/5 (1999):4-10. ◦1998/1999 "Darkling Hour" in The Vales 3 (1998):56-65; The Collegium Chronicles 9/1 (1999): 2-8. ◦1999. "Triptych" in The Vales 4:3-11; 1999/2000 in The Collegium Chronicles 9/3:3-8. ◦2000. "The Father's Sun" in Golden Grove 2/5-9:18-21. ◦2001-2002. "Reflections" serialized in The Herald's Companion (August 2001): 3-5, (October 2002): 3-6, (November 2001): 5-6, (January 2002): 3-4, remainder in press; Austral'a'in 52 (June 2002): 1-10. ◦The Danya Winterborn Saga Nevada: Green Dragon Press, 2001.

•"Grail" argumentation in "Knight hood, Chivalry and Tournaments Glossary of Terms," by Chronique, the Journal of Chivalry, Brian R. Price, editor.

•And many poems, beginning with "Black Velvet" in 1979 (America Sings. Agoura, CA: National Poetry Press) and continuing through the present.

She has participated in scholarly symposia and numerous conferences.


  1. Malcor, Linda. "Dr. Linda A. Malcor's Biography". Worldwide Who's Who. Worldwide Who's Who. Retrieved 2015-05-27.
  2. Malcor, Linda. "Queen's Own". Queen's Own. Dragonlords of Dumnonia/Linda A. Malcor. Retrieved 2015-05-27.
  3. Dragonlords of Dumnonia's Home Page
  4. Malcor, Linda. "Dr. Linda A. Malcor's Biography". Worldwide Who's Who. Worldwide Who's Who. Retrieved 2015-05-27.
  5. Malcor, Linda. "Dr. Linda A. Malcor's Biography". Worldwide Who's Who. Worldwide Who's Who. Retrieved 2015-05-27.
  6. Malcor, Linda. "Dr. Linda A. Malcor's Biography". Worldwide Who's Who. Worldwide Who's Who. Retrieved 2015-05-27.
  7. Malcor, Linda. "Linda A. Malcor"., Inc. Retrieved 2015-05-27.

External links

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