Liberaal Vlaams Studentenverbond
Establishment December 8, 1930
Ideology Liberalism/Libertarianism
President Kathy Galloy
Political Officer Laurenz van Ginneken
European organisations ESFL

The LVSV (Liberaal Vlaams StudentenVerbond (Dutch) or Liberal Flemish Students' Association) unites all Dutch speaking classical-liberal and libertarian students in Belgium. The values they uphold are individual freedom, freedom of speech, free trade and human rights, with focus on the non-aggression principle. The LVSV opposes big government in any meaning (both right-wing and left-wing). They are an independent organisation, not affiliated to any political party. The LVSV organises political activities (debates, discussions,…) and typical student activities (visiting pubs, organising a cantus,…) in five cities: Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent, Hasselt and Leuven. The current national president is Kathy Galloy. Famous former members are Guy Verhofstadt, Bart De Wever, Willy De Clercq and Karel De Gucht.


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