Khaled El Emam

Dr. Khaled El Emam is the founder and CEO of Privacy Analytics. Dr El Emam is also a senior scientist at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Institute and Director of the multi-disciplinary Electronic Health Information Laboratory (EHIL), conducting academic research on de-identification and re-identification risk. He is a world-renowned expert in statistical de-identification and re-identification risk. He is one of only a handful of individual experts in North America qualified to certify the anonymization of Protected Health Information under the HIPAA privacy law.

Dr. El Emam was one of the first Privacy by Design Ambassadors recognized by the Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner. He previously held the Canada Research Chair in Electronic Health Information at the University of Ottawa and was an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University. He has a PhD from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, King’s College, at the University of London, England.

Selected Works

Books authored:

  1. K. El Emam and L. Arbuckle: Anonymizing Health Data. O’Reilly, 2013 (new edition published in 2014).
  2. K. El Emam: Guide to the De-Identification of Personal Health Information. Auerbach Publications (CRC Press), 2013.
  3. K. El Emam: The ROI from Software Quality. Auerbach Publications (CRC Press), 2005.

Books edited:

  1. K. El Emam (ed.): Risky Business: Sharing Health Data while Protecting Privacy. Trafford, 2013.
  2. K. El Emam and N. H. Madhavji (eds.): Elements of Software Process Assessment and Improvement. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1999.
  3. K. El Emam, J-N Drouin, and W. Melo (eds.): SPICE: The Theory and Practice of Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998.

Peer Reviewed Journal articles:

  1. K. El Emam: “Anonymizing and Sharing Individual Patient Level Data”, BMJ 2015, 350:h1139.
  2. K. El Emam, C. Álvarez: “A Critical Appraisal of the Article 29 Working Party Opinion 05/2014 on Data Anonymization Techniques”, International Data Privacy Law 2015, 5 (1): 73-87.
  3. H-W. Jung, K. El Emam: “A Linear Programming Model for Preserving Privacy when Disclosing Patient Spatial Information for Secondary Purposes”, International Journal of Health Geographics, 2014, 13:16.
  4. K. El Emam, L. Arbuckle, A. Essex, S. Samet, B. Eze, G. Middleton, D. Buckeridge, E. Jonker, E. Moher, C. Earle: “Secure Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistant Organism Colonization in Ontario Long Term Care Homes”, PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(4): e93285.
  5. K. El Emam, F. Dankar, A. Neisa, E. Jonker: “Evaluating the risk of patient re-identification from adverse drug event reports”, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2013, 13:114.
  6. V. Bobicev, M. Sokolova, K. El Emam, Y. Jafer, B. Dewar, E. Jonker, S. Matwin: “Can Anonymous Posters on Medical Forums be Reidentified?”, Journal of Medical Internet Research 2013 (Oct 03); 15(10):e215.
  7. K. El Emam, E. Moher: “Privacy challenges when collecting data for public health purposes”, Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 2013, 41(Suppl 1): 37-41.
  8. B.A. Malin, K. El Emam, C.M. O'Keefe: “Biomedical data privacy: Problems, perspectives, and recent advances” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2013, 20(1):2-4.
  9. K. El Emam, E. Jonker, E. Moher, L. Arbuckle: “A review of evidence on consent bias in research”, Am J Bioeth 2013; 13(4):42-44.
  10. F.K. Dankar, K. El Emam: “Practicing Differential Privacy in Healthcare: A Review”, Transactions on Data Privacy 2013, 6(1): 35-67.


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