
Juventutem International Federation
Abbreviation F.I.J.
Formation 24 May 2006 (2006-05-24)
  • Kirchbergerstrasse 42
    Bern, Switzerland
Coordinates 46°56′17″N 7°25′22″E / 46.938193°N 7.422684°E / 46.938193; 7.422684
George Steven
Affiliations Roman Catholic Church
Website www.juventutem.org

Juventutem (Latin: Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem) is an international movement of young Roman Catholics of the ages 16 to 36 who are attached to the Tridentine Mass.[1] The aim of the society is to foster and strengthen relationships between these young people at the national and international levels, and to encourage and assist them in developing their faith.

Origin of name

The word juventutem is Latin for "youth" and is taken from Psalm 42(43):4, as used in the opening prayers of the Traditional Mass, which the priest and altar server recite at the foot of the altar: Introibo ad altare Dei. Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam. ("I will go in to the altar of God; to God, the joy of my youth.")[1] In the Catholic understanding, the term juventutem refers to the spiritual youth that comes from the grace of Jesus Christ.[1]


Juventutem was established in April 2004 with the intention of having a delegation present at the international World Youth Day in 2005 and in subsequent years. The first Juventutem meeting was in 2005 in Cologne, Germany, and was the first official delegation to any World Youth Day. More than 1000 young people from more than 20 countries attended Juventutem Cologne. Two cardinals and eight bishops participated in parts or all of the two week meeting, as well as many priests, religious and seminarians from several countries.

Juventutem groups participated at World Youth Day 2013 events in Rio de Janeiro in July 2013. Preparations are currently under way for Juventutem Participation in World Youth Day 2016 in Poland. See the "External Links" section below for more information events currently being planned.

Juventutem International Federation

An umbrella organization, the Juventutem International Federation (F.I.J.) was founded on 24 May 2006.[2] Early in its existence, the FIJ numbered more than fifteen nation-based groups, including ones in the UK, Ireland, Australia, France, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Lithuania, Scotland, England, The Netherlands, Poland, Kenya, Hong Kong, Hungary and the United States.

The Juventutem International Federation focuses on the daily sanctification of youth according to the traditions of the Catholic Church. Attending World Youth Days is one of the possible means provided in order to reach that goal. As a consequence, those who are unable to attend World Youth Days (for various reasons) can join or start a local group within the International Juventutem Federation — one such group is Young Catholic Adults (YCA), which was established in 2004 in the UK.[3]


On 17 January 2008, Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos sent Juventutem the following letter of support:[4]

Dear young members of the International Juventutem Federation,

You are young Catholics, loyal to the hierarchy of the Church and attracted by the "forma extraordinaria" of the Roman liturgy, in particular by the Missal of the Blessed John XXIII. I encourage you in your aim, that is to say your sanctification through the Roman traditions of the Church.

The presence of your little groups in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Americas and Oceania demonstrates the universal attraction of the most ancient forms of the Roman liturgy, whose particular transcendence serves to connect the most diverse cultures. From this liturgy, you will receive special help in coming better to know and love Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church, as the Holy Father (i.e., the Pope) wrote on 7th July 2007: "Immediately after the Second Vatican Council, it might have been imagined that the demand for the use of the 1962 Missal would have been limited to the older generation, which had grown up with it, but it has since become clear that young people were also discovering this liturgical form, feeling attracted to it and finding in it a type of contact with the Most Holy Eucharist which suited them particularly well" (Letter to the Bishops, accompanying the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum").

As a sign of your devotion to the Sacrament of the Eucharist, your Juventutem Federation has chosen as its emblem a monstrance. I also know that you will be present at the International Eucharistic Congress in Québec in June 2008.

I therefore wish to renew my encouragement of your progress in Christian piety and friendship via the Roman traditions of the Church. May you continue to obtain ever deeper sanctification, which will make you warm witnesses of the love of Christ in communion with His Church.

Darío Card. Castrillón Hoyos,
President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei


  1. 1 2 3 "Catholic Teens Attracted to Ancient Religious Practices: Juventutem Contingent to World Youth Day 2005 is Devoted to the Latin Mass" (Press release). PRWEB. 28 April 2005. Retrieved 10 February 2016.
  2. "Who we are". Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem. Retrieved 10 February 2016.
  3. "Index". Young Catholic Adults. 2006. Retrieved 10 February 2016.
  4. "Approvals". Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem. Retrieved 10 February 2016.

External links

Main sites:

World Youth Day Events:

Juventutem groups by location:


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