Jorge Cardoso
Jorge Cardoso (Posadas, Misiones, Argentina), 1949) is an a Soloist, Composer, Researcher, Medical Doctor (National University of Cordoba, Argentina) and Superior Guitar Teacher (Madrid Royal Conservatory). He has performed in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. He has frequently participated in gathering and international festivals, courses, conferences, seminaries, radio and TV.
He is the founder of the Madrid Guitar Chamber Orchestra and President of “GUIA” (International Organization for the Latin American Music Diffusion). He was the Art Director of the Posadas International Guitar Festival (Argentina), the Alsace International Guitar Festival and the Morocco International Guitar Festival organized by the Cervantes Institute in 1999. He is currently managing the International Festival Lucas B. Areco in Posadas, the Lambesc International Guitar Festival and the World’s Guitar in the French Haut Verdon region.
His amazing output joined to his truly emotional performance and virtuosity has made the specialized media unanimously acclaimed him as a guitar living legend∴
He has composed over 400 works for solo guitar, duets (two guitars, guitar and violin, claves, viola, cello and flute), three and four guitars, string quartet, guitar and stringed, guitar and wind, concerts for guitar and orchestra, for guitar orchestra and symphony orchestra, string orchestra and many songs. These are performed regularly by guitarists throughout the world and have been recorded by over 200 artists. Another related work includes their transcriptions and folkloric arrangements from several South American countries, of the Spanish Renaissance and Baroque, from other nations and periods.
He is the author of:
SCIENCE ET MHETODE DE LA TECHNIQUE GUITARISTIQUE, in French by Les Editions et Productions Austreales, Paris, 1983 - CIENCIA Y MÉTODO DE LA TÉCNICA GUITARRÍSTICA, in japaness by Guitar Music", Tokyo, 1981 - CIENCIA Y MÉTODO DE GUITARRA, in Spanish by the Editorial of the University of Costa Rica, San José, 1988 - NAUKA I METODA TECHNIKI GUITAROWEJ”, in Polish by Professional Music Press, Gdynia,Poland, 1995 - SCIENCE AND METHODS OF THE GUITAR TECHNICAL, in Spanish and English, by Acordes Concert, Madrid, Spain, 2006.
2. RHYTHMS AND MUSICAL FORMS OF ARGENTINA, PARAGUAY AND URUGUAY, edited by Editorial Universitaria de la UNAM, Posadas, Argentina, 2006.
3. COMPASS AND TORCHS FOR PLAY OLDIES MUSIC (Interpretation Notes to the Renaissance and Baroque). in Spanish by Acordes Concert, Madrid, Spain, 2008.
4. LUCAS BRAULIO ARECO, complete works for guitar”, edited by Ed. Universitaria de la UNAM, Posadas, Argentina, 2010.
5. HAPPY MUSICIAN WITHERED, How to be unfortunate and sick in a happy and healthy world (about diseases of the musicians) by Acordes Concert, Madrid, Spain, 2013.
6. THE EAR REIGN, scientific and historical notes on the art of playing by ear, unpublished. (2014)
8. OUR MUSIC, unpublished.
9. COMPILATION OF ARTICLES Nº 1, unpublished.
10. COMPILATION OF ARTICLES Nº 2, unpublished .
Jorge Cardoso is the recipient of the highest awards at various competitions and festivals, including the
- Primer Festival de la Música Litoraleña (Posadas, 1963)
- VII. Festival Nacional del Folklore (Cosquín, 1966)
- Cuarto Concurso Nacional de Compo sición (Salta, 1961) and II.
- Concurso Internacional de Guitarra Clásica (Morón, Buenos Aires, 1973)
1. SOUTH AMERICAN CLASSIC FOLK MUSIC (1977). D.P.M. P.M. 2040. Spain. Released in Germany as EL CONDOR PASA
2. SOUTH AMERICAN SUITE (1978). Dial Records S.A. N.D. 5019
3. JORGE CARDOSO - (1979). Dial Records S.A. Diapasón 5038. Spain
4. JORGE CARDOSO - LAMENTO CAINGUA (1980). Dial Records S.A. Diapasón 5054. Spain
5. JORGE CARDOSO & NIIBORI GUITAR ORCHESTRA (1980). Apassionato Records APAC 8009. Japan
6. LITTORAL SUITE (1981). Records Discos S.A. 5067. Spain
7. THE GREAT GUITARITS OF OUR TIME (1983) . (Segovia - Bream - Williams - Yepes - Behrend - Cardoso). R.C.A. RL 43454 (1983)
8. GUITARS CHAMBER ORCHESTRA OF MADRID (1984). Conductor: Jorge Cardoso SAGA SED 5008. Spain
9. JORGE CARDOSO (1985). Zweitausendeins, Blue Angel BA 29005 (Germany)
10. CONFIDENCES (1985) JC 585 France
11. TWANGS (1988) MSD 4004 Tecnosaga. Spain
12. CARDOSO PLAYS CARDOSO (1988) Stereo 9311 2123 Opus. Czechoslovakia
13. TALKING HANDS (1990) Aliso Records 1021 (Live record) R.F.A.
14. TWANGS Vol. II (1990) MSD 4009 Tecnosaga. Spain. AWARDED by The Ministry Of Culture Price (June 1991)
15. TWANGS (Spanish Baroque Music), 1992), SCD 801/2 SEVERAL RECORDS. Spain. Double Compact Disc, TWANGS Vols. 1 AND 2
16. JORGE CARDOSO (Festiwal Muzyki Gitarowej, 1992). ZAIKS BIEM S 496 Kraków (Poland)
18. MISIONERITA, JORGE CARDOSO (1994). PL-CD 0041. Spain
19. HORIZONS, with Liliana Rodríguez, voice (1997). PL-CD 014. Spain.
20. FRIENDS (with Francisco Ortiz) (1998). PL-CD 023. Spain
22. SOUTH WIND, with Liliana Rodríguez, voice (1998). PL-CD- 013. Spain
23. HOMAGE, with Liliana Rodríguez, voice (2000). PL-CD 035. Spain
24. CONCERT OF WINE - INDIANA SUITE (with Juan Falú). Jorge Cardoso and Soloists of Buenos Aires (2005) - Altaïs Music AM 0402. France
25. JORGE CARDOSO, DUOS with Eric Sobczyk(2005). Altaïs Music AM 0502 . France
26. QUEEN OF THE NIGHT, with Liliana Rodríguez, voice, and Raphaêlla Smits. Songs from Argentina and Brazil - Accent ACC24178 (2007)
27. GUARANI CONCERT - HORIZONS AND DREAMS, with Liliana Rodríguez, voice. Jorge Cardoso and Soloists of Buenos Aires (2003) Argentina
28. HANDS ON FREEDOM, with Juan Falú. Altaïs Music AM 0701(France)
29. THE GUITAR OF JORGE CARDOSO. Didactic DVD (Spain, 1998)
30. MUSIC OF LOINTAINS COUNTRY, with Sylvie Dagnac. France (2014)
31. MISA CRIOLLA AND SONGS OF LATIN AMERICA, with Toldería Group. (MOVIEPLAY, C 3413, 1975) Spain
32. THE AMERICAN PEOPLES, with Toldería Group.(MOVIEPLAY, 17.0895/7, 1976) Spain
33. CANTO GENERAL, Neruda & Teodorakis, with Toldería Group. (MOVIEPLAY, 17.1242/3, 1977) Spain
34. DON'T CALL ME FOREIGNER, with Rafael Amor. (MOVIEPLAY,17.0894/5, 1976) Spain
35. PERSONAGES, with Rafael Amor. (MOVIEPLAY, 17.1286/3, 1978) Spain
36. SONG TO CHILE, with Iquique Group. (NEVADA, NDE 0004, 1977) Spain
37. MOMENTS AND WAVES, with Indio Juan. (DIAL DISCOS, 549164, 1983) Spain
38. ON THE DISTAFF TIME, with Indio Juan. (DEPS, SPD 10018, 1989) Spain
39 - 40.INTERNATIONAL GUITAR FESTIVAL OF ALSACE . LOCO et. Lev 9110 and 9111, France (1993)
41. GUITARS OF THE WORLD FESTIVAL ‘95. EPSA 17058, Argentina (1996)
42. RAPHAËLLA SMITS - JORGE CARDOSO. ACCENT 2 96121 D, Belgium (1996)
44. DOMINIKA BIALOSTOCKA, Suite of the Mita’i. Professional Music Press PMPCD 405-505. Poland (1998)
45. LILIANA RODRIGUEZ. Waltzes, tangos and milongas - DIAL DISCOS Spain (2005)
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