Jin Jun Mei tea

Jin jun mei (Golden Beautiful Eyebrow)

Other names:金骏眉
Origin:Mount Wuyi, Fujian Province, China

Quick description:Mellow and sweet

Temperature:90 degrees
Time:1 minute
Quantity:3 grams

Jin Jun Mei (金骏眉) (Golden Beautiful Eyebrow) is a Lapsang Souchong black tea from Wuyishan City, Fujian Province, China. It is made from two small shoots plucked in early spring from the plant's stem which are subsequently fully oxidised to giving a tea that has a sweet, fruity and flowery flavour with a long lasting sweet after-taste. The brew is bright reddish in colour.

In China, this variety of tea is viewed as one of the most prestigious of all teas. Its price varies depending on the quality, ranging from US$60 to US$700 per ounce.

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