International Conference on Conceptual Modeling

The ER - International Conference on Conceptual Modeling is an annual research conference computer science dedicated to information and conceptual modeling. Since the first event in 1979 in Los Angeles, California, USA, the conference has evolved into one of the major forums for research on conceptual modeling and information retrieval.

Conceptual modeling is about describing the semantics of software applications at a high level of abstraction. Specifically, conceptual modelers (1) describe structure models in terms of entities, relationships, and constraints; (2) describe behavior or functional models in terms of states, transitions among states, and actions performed in states and transitions; and (3) describe interactions and user interfaces in terms of messages sent and received and information exchanged. In their typical usage, conceptual-model diagrams are high-level abstractions that enable clients and analysts to understand one another, enable analysts to communicate successfully with application programmers, and in some cases automatically generate (parts of) the software application.


Peter Chen Award

Peter P. Chen Award Initiated by Elsevier in 2008 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the journal, Data and Knowledge Engineering, the Peter P. Chen Award honors one person each year for his or her outstanding contributions to the field of conceptual modeling. From 2009 to 2012, the winner received a plaque and check for $1000 by the ER Institute. Starting in 2013, the winner receives a check for $2500 donated by Elsevier. The award will be announced and presented at the ER Conference. The selection process is done according to the following four criteria: Criteria for the Award:

The previous winners of the Peter P. Chen Award are

Locations DBLP

External links


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