Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir

This article is about the insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir. For the wider conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, see Kashmir Conflict.

Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir
Part of the Kashmir conflict

Kashmir : Shown in green is the Kashmiri region under Pakistani control. The dark-brown region represents Indian-controlled Jammu and Kashmir while the Aksai Chin is under Chinese control.
LocationJammu and Kashmir
Result Conflict ongoing, largely subsided


Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami
Hizbul Mujahideen
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front
Supported by:
Afghanistan Taliban[2]

Commanders and leaders

General Dalbir Singh Suhag
Lt Gen DS Hooda
Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha

Prakash Mishra

Hafiz Saeed
Maulana Azhar
Ilyas Kashmiri  
Sayeed Salahudeen
Fazlur Rehman Khalil
Farooq Kashmiri
Arfeen Bhai
Amanullah Khan

Bakht Zameen
30,000[3] – 600,000[4] Army
65,000 CRPF [5]

3,500 to 5,000 (2006 est.)[6]

≈150 (2014 est.)[7]
Casualties and losses
5,462 security forces killed[8]

>21,000 militants killed[9]
3,000 captured[6]

≈4,500 surrendered[6]
16,725 [10]–47,000 civilians killed[11][12][13][14]

The insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir or the Kashmiri Insurgency is a conflict between various Kashmiri separatists and nationalists[15][16][17][18][19][17][20] sometimes known as "ultras" (extremists),[21][22] and the Government of India. Some of the ultras favour Kashmiri accession to Pakistan, while others seek Kashmir's complete "independence".[23] Since 2002, skirmishes with the local insurgents have constituted the main conflict in the Kashmir region.[24] The conflict in Jammu and Kashmir has strong Islamist elements among the insurgents, with many of the "ultras" identifying with Jihadist movements and supported by such.[25]

The roots of the conflict between the Kashmiri insurgents and the Indian Government are tied to a dispute over local autonomy.[26] Democratic development was limited in Kashmir until the late 1970s and by 1988 many of the democratic reforms provided by the Indian Government had been reversed and non-violent channels for expressing discontent were limited and caused a dramatic increase in support for insurgents advocating violent secession from India.[26] In 1987, a disputed State election[27] created a catalyst for the insurgency when it resulted in some of the state's legislative assembly members forming armed insurgent groups.[28][29][30] In July 1988 a series of demonstrations, strikes and attacks on the Indian Government began the Kashmir Insurgency which during the 1990s escalated into the most important internal security issue in India.

Thousands of people have died[31] during fighting between insurgents and the government as well as thousands of civilians who have died as a result of being targeted by the various armed groups.[32]

The Inter-Services Intelligence of Pakistan has been accused by India of supporting and training mujahideen.[33][34] to fight in Jammu and Kashmir.[34][35][36] In October 2015, former President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf admitted Pakistan had supported and trained insurgent groups to fight in Kashmir during the 1990s, resulting in the ongoing insurgency.[37] According to official figures released in Jammu and Kashmir assembly, there were 3,400 disappearance cases and the conflict has left more than 47,000 people dead which also includes 7000 police personnel as of July 2009.[12] However, the number of insurgency-related deaths in the state have fallen sharply since the start of a slow-moving peace process between India and Pakistan.[38]

History of the insurgency


After independence from colonial rule India and Pakistan fought a war over the princely state of Kashmir. At the end of the war India controlled the most valuable parts of Kashmir.[39] While there were sporadic periods of violence there was no organised insurgency movement.[40]

During this period legislative elections in Jammu and Kashmir were first held in 1951 and Sheikh Abdullah’s party stood unopposed. However Sheikh Abdullah would fall in and out of favour with the central government and would often be dismissed only to be re-appointed later on.[41] This was a time of political instability in Jammu and Kashmir and it went through several periods of President's rule by the Federal Government.[42]


The trend in total yearly civilian and security forces fatalities from insurgency-related violence over 25 years from 1988 to 2013.[43]

After Sheikh Abdullah’s death, his son Farooq Abdullah took over as Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir. Farooq Abdullah eventually fell out of favour with the Central Government and the Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi had him dismissed. A year later Farooq Abdullah announced an alliance with the ruling Congress party for the elections of 1987.[42] The elections were allegedly rigged in favour of Farooq Abdullah.[42][44]

This led to the rise of an armed insurgency movement composed, in part, of those who unfairly lost elections.[45] Pakistan supplied these groups with logistical support, arms, recruits and training.[42][44][45][46][47]


Beginning in 2004 Pakistan began to end its support for insurgents in Kashmir.[48] This happened because terrorist groups linked to Kashmir twice tried to assassinate Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf.[47] His successor, Asif Ali Zardari has continued the policy, calling insurgents in Kashmir "terrorists".[49] Although it is unclear if Pakistan's intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, thought to be the agency aiding and controlling the insurgency[49][50][51] is following Pakistan's commitment to end support for the insurgency in Kashmir.[49]

Despite the change in the nature of the insurgency from a phenomenon supported by external forces to a primarily domestic driven movement[39][49][52][53][54] the Indian government has continued to send large numbers of troops to the Indian border and to crack down on civil liberties.[52][54][55]

There have been widespread protests against Indian rule.[52]

Once the most formidable face of Kashmir militancy, Hizbul Mujahideen is slowly fading away as its remaining commanders and cadres are being taken out on a regular interval by security forces.[56] Some minor incidents of grenade throwing and sniper firing at security forces notwithstanding, the situation is under control and more or less peaceful. A record number of tourists including Amarnath pilgrims visited Kashmir during 2012. On 3 August 2012, a top Lashkar-e-Taiba militant commander, Abu Hanzulah involved in various attacks on civilians and security forces was killed in an encounter with security forces in a village in Kupwara district of north Kashmir.[57]


According to an Indian Army data – quoted by Reuters – at least 70 young Kashmiris joined the insurgency in the 2014, army records showed, with most joining the banned group Lashkar-e-Taiba, which was accused of carrying out attacks on the Indian city of Mumbai in 2008. Two of the new recruits have doctorates and eight were post graduates, the army data showed.[58] According to BBC, that despite a Pakistani ban on militant activity in Kashmir in 2006, its fighters continue to attempt infiltration into Indian-administered Kashmir. These attempts were curtailed however when people living along the Line of Control which divides Indian and Pakistani Kashmir started to hold public protests against their activities.[59]

Reasons for the insurgency

Rigging of 1987 Assembly elections

The insurgency was sparked by the rigging of state elections in 1987.[42][44] This has contributed to anti-government sentiment.

A government report found that almost half of all Kashmiri Panchayat Raj positions were vacant and suggested that the reason for this was the destabilising effect of the conflict. The Panchayat Raj is a system of elected village level governance created by the 73rd amendment to the Indian constitution. The report also noted that their ability to effectively govern was "crippled."[60]

However, 2014 Assembly elections saw highest voters turnout in last 25 years since insurgency has erupted. It recorded more than 65% of voters turnout which is more than usual voters turnout in other states of India. It considered as increase in faith of Kashmiri people in democratic process of India.[61][62][63]

ISI's role

The Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence has allegedly encouraged and aided the Kashmir independence movement through an insurgency[49][50][51][64] due to its dispute on the legitimacy of Indian rule in Kashmir, with the insurgency as an easy way to keep Indian troops distracted and cause international condemnation of India.[39]
Former Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf in Oct 2014 said during TV interview, “We have source (in Kashmir) besides the (Pakistan) army…People in Kashmir are fighting against (India). We just need to incite them.”[65][66]

Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI), an American government intelligence agency, in their first ever open acknowledgement in 2011 in US Court said that Inter-Services Intelligence(ISI) sponsors terrorism in Kashmir and it oversees terrorist separatist groups in Kashmir.[16][17][17][20][67][68]

Mujahideen influence

After the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union, Mujahideen fighters, with the aid of Pakistan, slowly infiltrated Kashmir with the goal of spreading a radical Islamist ideology.[44]


Jammu and Kashmir is the only Muslim majority state in Hindu-majority India. Indian-American journalist Asra Nomani states that while India itself is a secular state, Muslims are politically, culturally and economically marginalised when compared to Hindus in India as a whole.[69] The Government's decision to transfer 99 acres of forest land to a Hindu organisation (for setting up temporary shelters and facilities for Hindu pilgrims) solidified this feeling and led to one of the largest protest rallies in Jammu and Kashmir.[70]

Humanitarian abuses

After insurgency started in Kashmir valley because of above reasons in late 1980s, Indian troops entered in Kashmir valley to control the insurgency.[71] Some analysts have suggested that the number of Indian troops in Jammu and Kashmir is close to 600,000 although estimates vary and the Indian government refuses to release official figures.[72] These troops have engaged in widespread humanitarian abuses[54] and have engaged in extrajudicial killings.[55] In October 2010, Army Chief Gen VK Singh stated in an interview that over 95% of the allegations of human rights violations proved to be false and had apparently been levelled with the "ulterior motive of maligning the armed forces".[73] Giving details, he said 988 allegations against the Army personnel in Jammu and Kashmir were received since 1994. Out of these 965 cases were investigated and 940 were found false, accounting for 95.2 percent.[73]

Military forces in Jammu and Kashmir operate under emergency powers granted to them by the central government. These powers allow the military to curtail civil liberties, creating further support for the insurgency.[74]

The insurgents have also abused human rights, engaging in what some have called an ethnic cleansing by exterminating Kashmiri Pandits from the valley of Kashmir.[75] The government's inability to protect the people from both its own troops and the insurgency has further eroded support for the government.[76]

Six Indian soldiers, including two officers, were due to face a court martial over extrajudicial killings.[77]

Other reasons

The Indian National Census shows that Kashmir lags behind other states in most socio-development indicators such as literacy rates and has unusually high levels of unemployment. This contributes to anti-government sentiment.[78]

Kunan Poshpora incident

In 1991 the 4th Rajputana Rifles Unit are alleged to have entered the village of Kunan Poshpora and raped between 30 and 100 women aged between 13 and 70.[6][79] The Indian government carried out three inquiry's into the allegations and concluded that it had been a hoax. The International Commission of Jurists have stated that though the attacks had not been proven beyond a doubt, but there were credible evidence that it had happened.[80] In 2011 the State Human Rights Commission(SHRC) has asked for the case to be reopened.[81]

Human rights violations by militants

Islamic separatist militants are accused of violence against the Kashmir populace.[82][83][84] They continue serious human rights violations: summary executions, rape, and torture. In the effort to curb support for pro-independence militants, Indian security forces have resorted to arbitrary arrest and collective punishments of entire neighborhoods, tactics which have only led to further disaffection from India. The militants have kidnapped and killed civil servants and suspected informers.[85] Human Rights Watch alleged that thousands of civilian Kashmiri Hindus have been killed over the past 10 years by Islamic militants organisations or Muslim mobs.[6] War rape has occurred by the militants during the 1980s.[86] Tens of thousands of Kashmiri Pandits have emigrated as a result of the violence. Estimates of the displaced varies from 170,000 to 700,000. Thousands of Pandits have to move to Jammu because of militancy.[87]

Militant acts in J&K



Over time the Indian government has increasingly relied on military presence and a curtailment of civil liberties to achieve its aims in Kashmir.[54] The military has committed human rights violations.[99]

For most of the history of the insurgency the government paid little attention to the political views of the Kashmiri people. The government would often dissolve assemblies, arrest elected politicians and impose president's rule. The government also rigged elections in 1987.[42] In recent times there have been signs that the government is taking local elections more seriously.[100]

The government has also funnelled development aid to Kashmir and Kashmir has now become the biggest per capita receiver of Federal aid.[101]


The Pakistani central government originally supported, trained and armed the insurgency in Kashmir,[16][17][17][18][19][20][102] sometimes known as "ultras" (extremists),[21][22] however after groups linked to the Kashmiri insurgency twice attempted to assassinate president Pervez Musharraf, Musharraf decided to end support for such groups.[47] His successor, Asif Ali Zardari has continued the policy, calling insurgents in Kashmir "terrorists".[49]

But the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence hasn't followed the lead of the government and has continued its support for insurgent groups in Kashmir[49][50][51] although Pakistani support for the insurgency has certainly waned.[54]


Since around 2000 the 'insurgency' has become far less violent and has instead taken on the form of protests and marches.[70] Certain groups have also chosen to lay down their arms and look for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.[103]


The different insurgent groups have different aims in Kashmir. Some want complete independence from both India and Pakistan, others want unification with Pakistan and still others just want greater autonomy from the Indian government.[104]

A 2010 survey found that 43% in J&K and 44% in AJK would favour complete independence from both India and Pakistan, with support for the independence movement unevenly distributed across the region.[105][106]


Over the last two years, the militant group, Lashkar-e-Toiba has split into two factions: Al Mansurin and Al Nasirin. Another new group reported to have emerged is the "Save Kashmir Movement". Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (formerly known as Harkat-ul-Ansar) and Lashkar-e-Toiba are believed to be operating from Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir and Muridke, Pakistan respectively.

Other less well known groups are the Freedom Force and Farzandan-e-Milat. A smaller group, Al-Badr, has been active in Kashmir for many years and is still believed to be functioning. All Parties Hurriyat Conference, an organisation that uses moderate means to press for the rights of the Kashmiris, is often considered as the mediator between New Delhi and insurgent groups.


It is unclear if Al Qaeda has a presence in Jammu and Kashmir. Donald Rumsfeld suggested that they were active[107] and in 2002 the SAS hunted for Osama bin Laden in Jammu and Kashmir.[108] Al Qaeda claims that it has established a base in Jammu and Kashmir.[109] However, there has been no evidence for any of these assertions.[107][108][109] The Indian army also claims that there is no evidence of Al Qaeda presence in Jammu and Kashmir.[110] Al Qaeda has established bases in Pakistani administered Kashmir and some, including Robert Gates have suggested that they have helped to plan attacks in India.[110][111][112]


According to Sumantra Bose in his book, Kashmir: Roots of Conflict, Paths to Peace, around 40000 (Indian estimates) to 80000(Hurriyat estimates) civilians, separatist guerilla fighters and Indian security personnel died from the time period of 1989 to 2002 in both Kashmir Valley and Jammu . More than 4600 security personnel, 13500 civilians and 15937 militants including 3000 from outside Jammu and Kashmir (mostly Pakistanis and some Afghans) were killed in this fourteen-year period. Also in this period, 55,538 incidents of violence were recorded. Indian forces engaged in counter insurgency operations captured around 40,000 firearms, 150,000 explosive devices, and over 6 million rounds of assorted ammunition.[113]

See also


  1. Ganguly, Sumit; Paul Kapur (7 August 2012). India, Pakistan, and the Bomb: Debating Nuclear Stability in South Asia. Columbia University Press. pp. 27–28. ISBN 978-0-231-14375-2.
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