Index set (recursion theory)

In the field of recursion theory, index sets describe classes of partial recursive functions, specifically they give all indices of functions in that class according to a fixed enumeration of partial recursive functions (a Gödel numbering).


Fix an enumeration of all partial recursive functions, or equivalently of recursively enumerable sets whereby the eth such set is W_{e} and the eth such function (whose domain is W_{e}) is \phi_{e}.

Let \mathcal{A} be a class of partial recursive functions. If A = \{x : \phi_{x} \in \mathcal{A} \} then A is the index set of \mathcal{A}. In general A is an index set if for every x,y \in \mathbb{N} with \phi_x \simeq \phi_y (i.e. they index the same function), we have x \in A \leftrightarrow y \in A. Intuitively, these are the sets of natural numbers that we describe only with reference to the functions they index.

Index sets and Rice's theorem

Most index sets are incomputable (non-recursive) aside from two trivial exceptions. This is stated in Rice's theorem:

Let \mathcal{C} be a class of partial recursive functions with index set C. Then C is recursive if and only if C is empty, or C is all of \omega.

where \omega is the set of natural numbers, including zero.

Rice's theorem says "any nontrivial property of partial recursive functions is undecidable"[1]


  1. Odifreddi, P. G. Classical Recursion Theory, Volume 1.; page 151


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